119 research outputs found

    Towards Real-Time Novel View Synthesis Using Visual Hulls

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    This thesis discusses fast novel view synthesis from multiple images taken from different viewpoints. We propose several new algorithms that take advantage of modern graphics hardware to create novel views. Although different approaches are explored, one geometry representation, the visual hull, is employed throughout our work. First the visual hull plays an auxiliary role and assists in reconstruction of depth maps that are utilized for novel view synthesis. Then we treat the visual hull as the principal geometry representation of scene objects. A hardwareaccelerated approach is presented to reconstruct and render visual hulls directly from a set of silhouette images. The reconstruction is embedded in the rendering process and accomplished with an alpha map trimming technique. We go on by combining this technique with hardware-accelerated CSG reconstruction to improve the rendering quality of visual hulls. Finally, photometric information is exploited to overcome an inherent limitation of the visual hull. All algorithms are implemented on a distributed system. Novel views are generated at interactive or real-time frame rates.In dieser Dissertation werden mehrere Verfahren vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe neue Ansichten einer Szene aus mehreren Bildströmen errechnet werden können. Die Bildströme werden hierzu aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln auf die Szene aufgezeichnet. Wir schlagen mehrere Algorithmen vor, welche die Funktionen moderner Grafikhardware ausnutzen, um die neuen Ansichten zu errechnen. Obwohl die Verfahren sich methodisch unterscheiden, basieren sie auf der gleichen Geometriedarstellung, der Visual Hull. In der ersten Methode spielt die Visual Hull eine unterstützende Rolle bei der Rekonstruktion von Tiefenbildern, die zur Erzeugung neuer Ansichten verwendet werden. In den nachfolgend vorgestellten Verfahren dient die Visual Hull primär der Repräsentation von Objekten in einer Szene. Eine hardwarebeschleunigte Methode, um Visual Hulls direkt aus mehreren Silhouettenbildern zu rekonstruieren und zu rendern, wird vorgestellt. Das Rekonstruktionsverfahren ist hierbei Bestandteil der Renderingmethode und basiert auf einer Alpha Map Trimming Technik. Ein weiterer Algorithmus verbessert die Qualitaet der gerenderten Visual Hulls, indem das Alpha-Map-basierte Verfahren mit einer hardware-beschleunigten CSG Rekonstruktiontechnik kombiniert wird. Eine vierte Methode nutzt zusaetzlich photometrische Information aus, um eine grundlegende Beschraenkung des Visual-Hull-Ansatzes zu umgehen. Alle Verfahren ermoeglichen die interaktive oder Echtzeit- Erzeugung neuer Ansichten

    Автоматизована екстракція структурованої інформації з множини веб-сторінок

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    Обґрунтовано доцільність використання методів екстракції структурованих даних з множини HTML-сторінок для здійснення інформаційного пошуку в мережі Internet. Проаналізовано основні методи екстракції структурованих даних з множини веб-сторінок, які сформовані спільним сценарієм, але різними наборами даних. Розглянуто класифікацію методів за ступенем автоматизації (фактору впливу користувача) процесу формування шаблону. Детально описано принципи роботи основних неконтрольованих методів (Roadrunner, FiVaTech, Trinity), розглянуто їхні переваги та недоліки. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання методу Trinity для екстракції даних порівняно з іншими методами. Показано проблему вибору вхідних документів методу серед множини HTML-сторінок для формування узагальненого шаблону. Проведено експериментальну перевірку методу Trinity на множині HTML-сторінок англомовних статей українських наукових журналів. Для формування тестової множини HTML-сторінок виконано автоматизований обхід веб-сайтів журналів за допомогою пошукового роботу. Реалізацію пошукового роботу здійснено за рахунок обробки об’єктної моделі HTML-документів, отриманих з веб-сайтів. Шаблони (регулярні вирази), сформовані методом Trinity, застосовано до всього набору вхідних HTML-сторінок. Результати екстракції – структуровані дані про статті (назва, автори, анотація, ключові слова) – експортовано до бази даних з можливістю їх подальшого аналізу. Здійснено порівняння отриманих результатів з даними про статті, одержаними за допомогою аналізу об’єктної моделі веб-сторінок власноруч. Обраховано похибку використання методу Trinity на експериментальній множині HTML-сторінок.Обоснована целесообразность использования методов экстракции структурированных данных из множества HTML-страниц для осуществления информационного поиска в сети Internet. Проанализированы основные методы экстракции структурированных данных из множества веб-страниц, которые сформированы общим сценарием, но разными наборами данных. Рассмотрена классификация методов по степени автоматизации (фактора влияния пользователя) процесса формирования шаблона. Подробно описаны принципы работы основных неконтролируемых методов (Roadrunner, FiVaTech, Trinity), рассмотрены их преимущества и недостатки. Обоснована целесообразность использования метода Trinity для экстракции данных по сравнению с другими методами. Показана проблема выбора входных документов метода среди множества HTML-страниц для формирования обобщенного шаблона. Осуществлена экспериментальная проверка метода Trinity на множестве HTML-страниц англоязычных статей украинских научных журналов. Для формирования тестового множества HTML-страниц выполнено автоматизированный обход веб-сайтов журналов с помощью поискового робота. Реализацию поискового робота осуществлено за счет обработки объектной модели HTML-документов, полученных с веб-сайтов. Шаблоны (регулярные выражения), сформированные методом Trinity, применены ко всему набору входных HTML-страниц. Результаты экстракции – структурированные данные о статьях (название, авторы, аннотация, ключевые слова) – экспортировано в базу данных с возможностью их последующего анализа. Осуществлено сравнение результатов экстракции с данными о статьях, полученными с помощью самостоятельного анализа объектной модели веб-страниц. Рассчитана погрешность использования метода Trinity на экспериментальном множестве HTML-страниц.The expediency of using methods of structured data extraction from a set of HTML pages for the information search in the Internet is substantiated. The main methods of structured data extraction from the set of web pages, which are formed by a common scenario with different sets of data, are analyzed. The classification of methods according to the degree of automation (the factor of user influence) of the template formation process is considered. The principles of work of the main unsupervised methods (Roadrunner, FiVaTech, Trinity) are described in detail. Advantages and disadvantages of methods are shown. The expediency of using the Trinity method for data extraction in comparison with other methods is substantiated. The problem of choosing input documents for method among a set of HTML pages for generating a common template is considered. Experimental verification of Trinity method on the set of HTML pages, which represent articles of Ukrainian scientific journals, is made. To create a test set of HTML pages, an automated crawl of web site is performed. The realization of the search bot is done by processing the object model of HTML documents obtained from web sites. Templates (regular expressions) formed by the Trinity method are applied to the entire set of input HTML pages. Extraction results (structured data about articles) are exported to the database with the possibility of further analysis. The obtained results are compared with the data about the articles obtained by the manual analysis of the object model of web pages. The error in using the Trinity method on the experimental set of HTML pages is calculated

    Fundamental Computational Geometry on the GPU

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    Mapping and Real-Time Navigation With Application to Small UAS Urgent Landing

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    Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) operating in low-altitude airspace require flight near buildings and over people. Robust urgent landing capabilities including landing site selection are needed. However, conventional fixed-wing emergency landing sites such as open fields and empty roadways are rare in cities. This motivates our work to uniquely consider unoccupied flat rooftops as possible nearby landing sites. We propose novel methods to identify flat rooftop buildings, isolate their flat surfaces, and find touchdown points that maximize distance to obstacles. We model flat rooftop surfaces as polygons that capture their boundaries and possible obstructions on them. This thesis offers five specific contributions to support urgent rooftop landing. First, the Polylidar algorithm is developed which enables efficient non-convex polygon extraction with interior holes from 2D point sets. A key insight of this work is a novel boundary following method that contrasts computationally expensive geometric unions of triangles. Results from real-world and synthetic benchmarks show comparable accuracy and more than four times speedup compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Second, we extend polygon extraction from 2D to 3D data where polygons represent flat surfaces and interior holes representing obstacles. Our Polylidar3D algorithm transforms point clouds into a triangular mesh where dominant plane normals are identified and used to parallelize and regularize planar segmentation and polygon extraction. The result is a versatile and extremely fast algorithm for non-convex polygon extraction of 3D data. Third, we propose a framework for classifying roof shape (e.g., flat) within a city. We process satellite images, airborne LiDAR point clouds, and building outlines to generate both a satellite and depth image of each building. Convolutional neural networks are trained for each modality to extract high level features and sent to a random forest classifier for roof shape prediction. This research contributes the largest multi-city annotated dataset with over 4,500 rooftops used to train and test models. Our results show flat-like rooftops are identified with > 90% precision and recall. Fourth, we integrate Polylidar3D and our roof shape prediction model to extract flat rooftop surfaces from archived data sources. We uniquely identify optimal touchdown points for all landing sites. We model risk as an innovative combination of landing site and path risk metrics and conduct a multi-objective Pareto front analysis for sUAS urgent landing in cities. Our proposed emergency planning framework guarantees a risk-optimal landing site and flight plan is selected. Fifth, we verify a chosen rooftop landing site on real-time vertical approach with on-board LiDAR and camera sensors. Our method contributes an innovative fusion of semantic segmentation using neural networks with computational geometry that is robust to individual sensor and method failure. We construct a high-fidelity simulated city in the Unreal game engine with a statistically-accurate representation of rooftop obstacles. We show our method leads to greater than 4% improvement in accuracy for landing site identification compared to using LiDAR only. This work has broad impact for the safety of sUAS in cities as well as Urban Air Mobility (UAM). Our methods identify thousands of additional rooftop landing sites in cities which can provide safe landing zones in the event of emergencies. However, the maps we create are limited by the availability, accuracy, and resolution of archived data. Methods for quantifying data uncertainty or performing real-time map updates from a fleet of sUAS are left for future work.PHDRoboticsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/170026/1/jdcasta_1.pd

    Kosmos : a virtual 3-D universe

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    Kosmos is an application enabling interactive visualization of a fictional 3D universe. It offers users the opportunity to explore and experience an aesthetically pleasing virtual environment complete with billions of high-resolution planets and stars. Kosmos integrates several novel 3D rendering techniques in terrain rendering, large-scale particle systems, etc. to make this level of graphical realism and scale possible. The efficiency of the algorithms developed for this project enables average hardware (such as almost any modern laptop) to run Kosmos smoothly. Moreover, through the use of the recent WebGL standard, Kosmos may be viewed online in any modern web browser on any major operating system, with no large downloads or additional software installation necessary. Moreover, the author has released the full source code for Kosmos online for free under the BSD Open Source License

    ShipHullGAN : a generic parametric modeller for ship hull design using deep convolutional generative model

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    In this work, we introduce ShipHullGAN, a generic parametric modeller built using deep convolutional generative adversarial networks (GANs) for the versatile representation and generation of ship hulls. At a high level, the new model intends to address the current conservatism in the parametric ship design paradigm, where parametric modellers can only handle a particular ship type. We trained ShipHullGAN on a large dataset of 52,591 physically validated designs from a wide range of existing ship types, including container ships, tankers, bulk carriers, tugboats, and crew supply vessels. We developed a new shape extraction and representation strategy to convert all training designs into a common geometric representation of the same resolution, as typically GANs can only accept vectors of fixed dimension as input. A space-filling layer is placed right after the generator component to ensure that the trained generator can cover all design classes. During training, designs are provided in the form of a shape-signature tensor (SST) which harnesses the compact geometric representation using geometric moments that further enable the inexpensive incorporation of physics-informed elements in ship design. We have shown through extensive comparative studies and optimisation cases that ShipHullGAN can generate designs with augmented features resulting in versatile design spaces that produce traditional and novel designs with geometrically valid and practically feasible shapes

    Signal and image processing methods for imaging mass spectrometry data

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    Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) has evolved as an analytical tool for many biomedical applications. This thesis focuses on algorithms for the analysis of IMS data produced by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer. IMS provides mass spectra acquired at a grid of spatial points that can be represented as hyperspectral data or a so-called datacube. Analysis of this large and complex data requires efficient computational methods for matrix factorization and for spatial segmentation. In this thesis, state of the art processing methods are reviewed, compared and improved versions are proposed. Mathematical models for peak shapes are reviewed and evaluated. A simulation model for MALDI-TOF is studied, expanded and developed into a simulator for 2D or 3D MALDI-TOF-IMS data. The simulation approach paves way to statistical evaluation of algorithms for analysis of IMS data by providing a gold standard dataset. [...

    Research on generic interactive deformable 3D models: focus on the human inguinal region

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    The goal of this project is to research for real-time approximate methods of physicallybased animation in conjunction with static polygonal meshes with the aim of deforming them and simulating an elastic behaviour for these meshes. Because of this, in this project it has been developed a software suite capable of doing a lot of tasks, each one from different computer graphics research fields, conforming a versatile capability project

    Incorporation of adaptive compression into a GPU parallel computing framework for analyzing large-scale vessel trajectories

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    Automatic Identification System (AIS) offers a wealth of vessel navigation data, which underpins research in maritime data mining, situational awareness, and knowledge discovery within the realm of intelligent transportation systems. The flourishing marine industry has prompted AIS satellites and base stations to generate massive amounts of vessel trajectory data, escalating both data storage and calculation costs. The conventional Douglas-Peucker (DP) algorithm used for trajectory compression sets a uniform threshold, which hampers effective compression. Additionally, compressing and accelerating the computation of large datasets poses a significant challenge in real-world applications. To address these limitations, this paper aims to develop a new Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) parallel computing and compression framework that enables the acceleration of the optimal threshold calculation for each trajectory automatically in maritime big data mining. It achieves this by incorporating a new Adaptive DP with Speed and Course (ADPSC) algorithm, which utilizes the dynamic navigation characteristics of different vessels. It can effectively solve the associated computational time cost concern when using the ADPSC algorithm to compress vast trajectory datasets in the real world. Additionally, this paper proposes a novel evaluation metric for assessing compression efficacy based on the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) method. Comprehensive experiments encompass vessel trajectory datasets from three representative research areas: Tianjin Port, Chengshan Jiao Promontory, and Caofeidian Port. The experimental results demonstrate that 1) the newly developed ADPSC method outperforms in terms of compression, and 2) the designed GPU parallel computing framework can significantly shorten the compression time for extensive datasets. The GPU-accelerated compression methodology not only minimizes storage and transmission costs for data from both manned and unmanned vessels but also enhances data processing speed, supporting real-time decision-making. From a theoretical perspective, it provides the key to the puzzle of realizing the real-time anti-collision of manned and unmanned ships, particularly in complex waters. It hence makes significant contributions to maritime safety in the autonomous shipping era

    Frictional Contact in Interactive Deformable Environments

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    L\u2019uso di simulazioni garantisce notevoli vantaggi in termini di economia, realismo e di flessibilit\ue0 in molte aree di ricerca e in ambito dello sviluppo tecnologico. Per questo motivo le simulazioni vengono usate spesso in ambiti quali la prototipazione di parti meccaniche, nella pianificazione e nell\u2019addestramento di procedure di assemblaggio e disassemblaggio inoltre, di recente, le simulazioni si sono dimostrate validi strumenti anche nell\u2019assistenza e nell\u2019addestramento ai chirurghi, in particolare nel caso della chirurgia laparoscopica. La chirurgia laparoscopica, infatti, \ue8 considerata lo standard per molte procedure chirurgiche. La principale differenza rispetto alla chirurgia tradizionale risiede nella notevole limitazione che ha il chirurgo nell\u2019interagire e nel percepire l\u2019ambiente in lavora, sia nella vista che nel tatto. Questo rappresenta una forte limitazione per il chirurgo a cui \ue8 richiesta una lunga fase di addestramento prima di poter ottenere la necessaria destrezza per intervenire in laparoscopia con profitto. Queste limitazioni, d\u2019altra parte, rendono la laparoscopia il candidato ideale per l\u2019introduzione della simulazione nell\u2019addestramento. Attualmente sono disponibili in commercio dei software per l\u2019addestramento alla laparoscopia, tuttavia essi sono in genere basati su modelli rigidi, o modelli che comunque mancano del necessario realismo fisico. L\u2019introduzione di modelli deformabili migliorerebbe notevolmente l\u2019accuratezza e il realismo delle simulazioni. Nel caso dell\u2019addestramento il maggior realismo permetterebbe all\u2019utente di acquisire non solo le conoscenze motorie basilari ma anche capacit\ue0 e conoscenze di pi\uf9 alto livello. I corpi rigidi, infatti, rappresentano una buona approssimazione della realt\ue0 solo in situazioni particolari ed entro intervalli di sollecitazioni molto ristretti. Quando si considerano materiali non ingegneristici, come accade nelle simulazioni chirurgiche, le deformazioni non possono essere trascurate senza compromettere irrimediabilmente il realismo dei risultati. L\u2019uso di modelli deformabili tuttavia introduce notevole complessit\ue0 computazionale per il calcolo della fisica che regola le deformazioni e limita fortemente l\u2019uso di dati precalcolati, spesso utilizzati per velocizzare la fase di identificazione delle collisioni tra i corpi. I ritardi dovuti all\u2019uso di modelli deformabili rappresentano un grosso limite soprattutto nelle applicazioni interattive che, per consentire all\u2019utente di interagire con l\u2019ambiente, richiedono il calcolo della simulazione entro intervalli di tempo molto ridotti. In questa tesi viene affrontato il tema della simulazione di ambienti interattivi composti da corpi deformabili che interagiscono con attrito. Vengono analizzati e sviluppati differenti tecniche e metodi per le diverse componenti della simulazione: dalla simulazione di modelli deformabili, agli algoritmi di identificazione e soluzione delle collisioni e alla modellazione e integrazione dell\u2019attrito nella simulazione. In particolare vengono valutati i principali metodi che rappresentano lo stato dell\u2019arte nella modellazione di materiali deformabili. L\u2019analisi considera i fondamenti fisici su cui i modelli si basano e quindi sul grado di realismo che possono garantire in termini di deformazioni modellabili e la semplicit\ue0 d\u2019uso degli stessi (ovvero la facilit\ue0 di comprensione del metodo, la calibrazione del modello e la possibilit\ue0 di adattare il modello a situazioni differenti) ma viene considerata anche la complessit\ue0 computazionale di ciascun metodo in quanto essa rappresenta un fattore estremamente importante nella scelta e nell\u2019uso dei modelli deformabili nelle simulazioni. Il confronto dei differenti modelli e le caratteristiche identificate hanno motivato lo sviluppo di un metodo innovativo per fornire un\u2019interfaccia comune ai vari metodi di simulazione dei tessuti deformabili. Tale interfaccia ha il vantaggio di fornire dei metodi omogenei per la manipolazione dei diversi modelli deformabili. Ci\uf2 garantisce la possibilit\ue0 di scambiare il modello usato per la simulazione delle deformazioni mantenendo inalterati le altre strutture dati e i metodi della simulazione. L\u2019introduzione di tale interfaccia unificata si dimostra particolarmente vantaggiosa in quanto permette l\u2019uso di un solo metodo per l\u2019identificazione delle collisioni per tutti i differenti modelli deformabili. Ci\uf2 semplifica molto l\u2019analisi e la definizione dei requisiti di tale modulo software. L\u2019identificazione delle collisioni tra modelli rigidi generalmente precalcola delle partizioni dello spazio in cui i corpi sono definiti oppure sfrutta la suddivisione del corpo analizzato in parti convesse per velocizzare la simulazione. Nel caso di modelli deformabili non \ue8 possibile applicare tali tecniche a causa dei continui cambiamenti nella configurazione dei corpi. Dopo che le collisioni tra i corpi sono state riconosciute e che i punti di contatto sono stati identificati e necessario risolvere le collisioni tenendo conto della fisica sottostante i contatti. Per garantire il realismo \ue8 necessario assicurare che i corpi non si compenetrino mai e che nella simulazione delle collisioni tutti i fenomeni fisici di interesse coinvolti nel contatto tra i corpi vengano considerati: questi includono le forze elastiche che si esercitano tra i corpi e le forze di attrito che si generano lungo le superfici di contatto. L\u2019innovativo metodo proposto per la soluzione delle collisioni garantisce il realismo della simulazione e l\u2019integrazione con l\u2019interfaccia proposta per la gestione unificata dei modelli. Una caratteristica importante dei tessuti biologici \ue8 il comportamento anisotropico, dovuto, in genere, alla loro struttura fibrosa. In questa tesi viene proposto un nuovo metodo per aggiungere l\u2019anisotropia al comportamento dei modelli massa molla. Il metodo ha il vantaggio di mantenere la velocit\ue0 computazionale e la semplicit\ue0 di implementazione dei modelli massa molla classici e riesce a differenziare efficacemente la risposta del modello alle sollecitazioni lungo le differenti direzioni. Le tecniche descritte sono state integrate in due applicazioni che forniscono la simulazione della fisica di ambienti con corpi deformabili. La prima delle due implementa tutti i metodi descritti per la simulazione dei modelli deformabili, identifica le collisioni con precisione e le risolve fornendo la possibilit\ue0 di scegliere il modello di attrito pi\uf9 adatto, dimostrando cos\uec la fattibilit\ue0 dell\u2019approccio proposto. La limitazione principale di tale simulatore risiede nell\u2019alto tempo di calcolo richiesto per la simulazione dei singoli passi di simulazione. Tale limitazione \ue8 stata superata in una seconda implementazione che sfrutta il parallelismo intrinseco delle simulazioni fisiche per ottimizzare gli algoritmi e che, quindi, riesce a sfruttare al meglio la potenza computazionale delle architetture hardware parallele. Al fine di ottenere le prestazioni richieste per la simulazione di ambienti interattivi con ritorno di forza, la simulazione \ue8 basata su un algoritmo di identificazione delle collisioni semplificato, ma implementa gli altri metodi descritti in questa tesi. L\u2019implementazione parallela sfrutta le capacit\ue0 di calcolo delle moderne schede video munite di processori altamente paralleli e ci\uf2 permette di aggiornare la scena ogni millisecondo. Questo elimina ogni discontinuit\ue0 nel ritorno di forza reso all\u2019utente e nell\u2019aggiornamento della grafica della scena, inoltre garantisce il realismo necessario alla simulazione fisica sottostante. Le applicazioni implementate provano la fattibilit\ue0 della simulazione della fisica di interazioni complesse tra corpi deformabili. Inoltre, l\u2019implementazione parallela della simulazione rappresenta un promettente punto di partenza per la realizzazione di simulazioni interattive che potr\ue0 essere utilizzato in ambiti di ricerca differenti, quali l\u2019addestramento di chirurghi o la prototipazione rapida.The use of simulations provides great advantages in term of economy, realism, and adaptability to user requirements in many research and technological fields. For this reason simulations are currently exploited, for example, in prototyping of machinery parts, in assembly-disassembly test or training and, recently, simulations have also allowed the development of many useful and promising tools for the assistance and learning of surgical procedures. This is particularly true for laparoscopic intervention. Laparoscopy, in fact, represents the gold standard for many surgical procedures. The principal difference from standard surgery is the reduction of the surgeon ability to perceive the surgical scenario, both from visual and tactile point of view. This represents a great limitation for surgeons who undergo long training before being able to perform laparoscopic intervention with proficiency. This, on the other hand, makes laparoscopy an excellent candidate for the use of simulations for training. Some commercial training softwares are already available on the market, but they are usually based on rigid body models that completely lack the physical realism. The introduction of deformable models may leads to a great increment in terms of realism and accuracy. And, in the case of laparoscopy trainer it may allow the user to learn not only basic motor skills, but also higher level capabilities and knowledge. Rigid bodies, in fact, represents a good approximation of reality only in some situations and in very restricted ranges of solicitations. In particular, when non engineering materials are involved, as happens in surgical simulations, deformations cannot be neglected without completely loosing the realism of the environment. The use of deformable models, however, is limited for the high computational costs involved in the computation of the physics undergoing the deformations and because of the reduction in pre computable data in particular for collision detection between bodies. This represents a very limiting factor in interactive environments where, to allow the user to interactively control the virtual bodies, the simulation should be performed in real time. In this thesis we address the simulation of interactive environment populated with deformable models that interact with frictional contacts. This includes the analysis and the development of different techniques which implement the various parts of the simulation: mainly the methods for the simulation of deformable models, the collision detection and collision solution techniques but also the modelling and the integration of suitable friction models in the simulation. In particular we evaluated the principal methods that represent the state of the art in soft tissue modeling. Our analysis is based on the physical background of each method and thus on its realism in terms of deformations that the method can mimic and on the ease of use (i.e. method understanding, calibration and ability to adapt to different scenarios) but we also compared the computational complexity of different models, as it represents an extremely important factor in the choice and in the use of models in simulations. The comparison of different features in analyzed methods motivated us to the development of an innovative method to wrap in a common representation framework different methodologies of soft tissue simulation. This framework has the advantage of providing a unified interface for all the deformable models and thus it provides the ability to switch between deformable model keeping unchanged all other data structures and methods of the simulation. The use of this unique interface allows us to use one single method to perform the collision detection phase for all the analyzed deformable models, this greatly helped during the identification of requirements and features of such software module. Collision detection phase, when applied to rigid bodies, usually takes advantage of pre computation to subdivide body shapes in convex elements or to construct partitions of the space in which the body is defined to speed up the computation. When handling deformable models this is not possible because of the continuous changes in bodies shape. The collision detection method used in this work takes into account this problem and regularly adapt the data structures to the body configuration. After collisions have been detected and contact points have been identified on colliding bodies, it is necessary to solve the collision in a physics based way. To this extent we have to ensure that objects never compenetrate during the simulation and that, when solving collisions, all the physical phenomena involved in the contact of real bodies are taken into account: this include the elastic response of bodies during the contact and the frictional force exerted between each pair of colliding bodies. The innovative method for solving collision that we describe in this thesis ensures the realism of the simulation and the seamless interaction with the common framework used to integrate deformable models. One important feature of biologic tissues is their anisotropic behavior that usually comes from the fibrous structure of these tissues. In this thesis we propose a new method to introduce anisotropy in mass spring model. The method has the advantages of preserving the speed and ease of implementation of the model and it effectively introduces differentiation of the model behavior along the chosen directions. The described techniques have been integrated in two applications that allows the physical simulation of environments populated with deformable models. The first application implements all the described methods to simulate deformable models, it performs precise collision detection and solution with the possibility to chose the most suitable friction model for the simulation. It demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed framework. The main limitation of this simulator, i.e. its high computation time, is tackled and solved in a second application that exploits the intrinsic parallelism of physical simulations to optimize the implementation and to exploit parallel architecture computational power. To obtain the performances required for an interactive environment the simulation is based on a simplified collision detection algorithm, but it features all the other techniques described in this thesis. The parallel implementation exploits graphic cards processor, a highly parallel architecture that update the scene every milliseconds. This allows the rendering of smooth haptic feedback to the user and ensures the realism of the physics simulation. The implemented applications prove the feasibility of the simulation of complex interactions between deformable models with physics realism. In addition, the parallel implementation of the simulator represents a promising starting point for the development of interactive simulations that can be used in different fields of research, such as surgeon training or fast prototyping