1,862 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation and optimisation of organic light emitting diodes and photovoltaic cells

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    A numerical model and results for the quantitative simulation of multilayer organic light emitting diode (OLED) and organic solar cell (OSC) are presented. In the model, effects like bipolar charge carrier drift and diffusion with field-dependent mobilities, trapping, dopants, indirect and direct bimolecular recombination, singlet Frenkel exciton diffusion, normal decay and quenching effects are taken into account. For an adequate description of multilayer devices with energetic barriers at interfaces between two adjacent organic layers, thermally assisted charge carrier hopping through the interface, interface recombination, and formation of interface charge transfer (CT) states have been introduced in the model. For the simulation of OSC, the generation of carrier pairs in the mixed layer or at the interface is additionally implemented. The light absorption profile is calculated from optical simulations and used as an input for the electrical simulation. The model is based on three elements: the Poisson equation, the rate equations for charge carriers and the rate equations for singlet Frenkel excitons. These equations are simultaeously solved by spatial and temporal discretisation using the appropriate boundary conditions and electrical parameters. The solution is found when a steady state is reached, as indicated by a constant value of current density. The simulation provides a detailed look into the distribution of electric field and concentration of free and trapped carriers at a particular applied voltage. For organic light emitting diodes, the numerical model helps to analyze the problems of different structures and provides deeper insight into the relevant physical mechanisms involved in device operation. Moreover, it is possible to identify technological problems for certain sets of devices. For instance, we could show that ? in contrast to literature reports - the contact between Alq3 and LiF/Al did not show ohmic behaviour for the series of devices. The role of an additional organic blocking layer between HTL and EML was presented. The explanation for the higher creation efficiency for singlet excitons in the three-layer structure is found in the separation of free holes and electrons accumulating close to the internal interface 1-Naphdata/Alq3. The numerical calculation has demonstrated the importance of controlled doping of the organic materials, which is a way to obtain efficient light emitting diodes with low operating voltage. The experimental results has been reproduced by numerical simulation for a series of OLEDs with different thicknesses of the hole transport layer and emitting layer and for doped emitting layers. The advantages and drawbacks of solar cells based on flat heterojunctions and bulk heterojunctions are analyzed. From the simulations, it can be understood why bulk-heterojunctions typically yield higher photocurrents while flat heterojunctions typically feature higher fill factors. In p-i-n ?structures, p and n are doped wide gap materials and i is a photoactive donor-acceptor blend layer using, e.g,. zinc phthalocyanine as a donor and C60 as an acceptor component. It is found that by introducing trap states, the simulation is able to reproduce the linear dependence of short circuit currents on the light intensity. The apparent light-induced shunt resistance often observed in organic solar cells can also be explained by losses due to trapping and indirect recombination of photogenerated carriers, which we consider a crucial point of our work. However, these two effects, the linear scaling of the photocurrent with light intensity and the apparent photoshunt, could also be reproduced when field-dependent geminate recombination is assumed to play a dominant role. First results that show a temperature independent short circuit photocurrent favour the model based on trap-mediated indirect recombination

    Investigating the Operating Mechanisms of Polymer Light Emitting Diodes

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    This work uses a broad range of optoelectronic characterisation techniques to understand – at a fundamental level – the operating mechanisms of PLEDs. The electromodulation (EM) technique particularly provides a straightforward means of determining the electric field strength inside operational devices, and is used here to investigate the improved device performance due to the insertion of an interlayer between the anode and the emissive layer. The effects of different interlayer materials (hole-transporting polymeric materials and one crosslinkable material) are studied in red, green and blue PLEDs. Interlayer devices yield better efficiencies and longer lifetimes, which can be attributed to charge accumulation near the anode/interlayer and (or) interlayer/emissive layer interfaces indicated by EM measurements. A promising alternative anode material – vapour phase polymerised poly(3,4- ethylenedioxy thiophene)] (VPP-PEDOT) is another major focus of this thesis. Together with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene-styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS), VPP-PEDOT is a viable alternative anode to indium tin oxide (ITO), capable of yielding superior efficiencies in otherwise identical PLEDs. Finally, a simulation code is developed for organic semiconductor devices to systematically study the charge and electric field distributions in model devices. This code, based on drift-diffusion model, can be used to study light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs). The simulation results indicate that there are high electric fields at both electrodes due to ionic charge distribution, which in turn facilitates electronic charge injection and thus leads to high recombination rates and luminous efficiencies

    Performance Enhancement of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with an Inorganically Doped Hole Transport Layer

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    Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are generally considered as the next generation display and lighting sources owing to their many attractive properties, including low power consumption, wide viewing angle, vibrant color, high contrast ratios and compatibility with flexible substrates. The research and development of OLEDs has attracted considerable interest and has led to significant progress during the last two decades. The use of OLEDs in small-area displays such as cell phone screens, digital cameras, and wearable devices has become a reality. However, the OLED technology is still far from mature, posing a challenge for their widespread acceptance for applications in large-area displays and solid-state lighting. In particular, the lifetime of OLEDs is too short for many commercial applications, and the degradation mechanisms are still under debate. This work aims to improve the OLED device lifetime by doping of organic hole transport materials with inorganic transition metal oxides (TMOs), and to reduce the cost by simplifying the device layer structure and manufacturing procedure.;First, stress tests under continuous wave and pulsed currents were conducted to gain a better understanding of the key factors governing the degradation process of phosphorescent OLEDs. Through comparative studies of the aging behaviors of OLEDs with different hole transport layers (HTLs) under different stressing conditions, we have found that joule heating plays an important role in device degradation when a large energy level misalignment exists at the indium-tin-oxide (ITO) anode/HTL interface. The heating was effectively suppressed by reducing the interfacial energy barrier, leading to a prolonged lifetime of the OLEDs.;P-type doping of hole transport materials with TMOs was then developed as an effective way to reduce the interfacial energy barrier and the operational voltage of OLED devices. A systematical study was carried out on the effects of doping 4,4\u27-Bis(N-carbazolyl)-1,1\u27-biphenyl (CBP), a wide bandgap organic hole transport material, with WO3 and MoO3. The optimal doping conditions including the doping level and doping thickness have been determined by fabricating and characterizing a series of hole-only devices. Integrating the doped HTL into green phosphorescent OLEDs has resulted in a simplified structure, better optoelectronic characteristics, and improved device reliability.;Finally, selective doping of organic materials with the TMOs was developed and the concept of delta doping was applied to OLEDs for the first time. Selective doping was achieved by simple sequential deposition of the organic host and TMO dopant. Hole-only devices with a HTL comprising alternative 0.5 nm TMO-doped/3-10 nm undoped CBP layers exhibited greatly enhanced hole transport and had a turn-on voltage as low as 1.1 V. Simple fluorescent tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3)-based green OLEDs with a selectively doped CBP HTL showed a lower voltage and longer lifetime under constant-current stressing compared to similar OLEDs with an undoped HTL. Furthermore. delta doping was realized in more thermally stable organic materials, resulting in a marked conductivity increase along the plane of the doped layers by several orders of magnitude. The delta doping effects were explained by hole accumulation in potential wells formed in nanometer-thick doped regions, as revealed by high-resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements

    Microbial Quality and Pathogen Decontamination Strategies for Locally-Grown, Fresh Produce from West Virginia and Kentucky

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    This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality/safety of fresh produce from farmers\u27 markets (FM) and assess the post-harvest washing practice with antimicrobials to inactivate Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes on fresh produce. In study I, 212 produce samples were tested for the presence of Salmonella and Listeria spp. using modified FDA-BAM methods. Aerobic plate counts (APCs), total coliforms (TCCs), and yeast/molds were analyzed on petri-films. Among the 212 samples, the APCs, TCCs, and yeast/molds were 3.72-5.63, 3.67-5.47, and 3.07-4.13 log CFU/g, respectively, with spinach containing the highest (P\u3c0.05) populations. Among all tested samples, Salmonella enterica spp. enterica was detected on 18.6% of spinach, 10.9% of tomatoes, 18.5% of peppers, and 56.3% of cantaloupes, which is much higher than previous reported. Only 3.78% of the samples were confirmed for Listeria spp., and 50% of them were identified as L. monocytogenes, based on multiplex PCR results. Due to the high percentage of pathogens detected on the farmers\u27 marker produce, an evaluation of post-harvest produce washing with various antimicrobials was conducted in study II. Specifically, spinach, tomatoes, green peppers and cucumbers were inoculated with S. Typhimurium and Tennessee or L. monocytogenes and washed in tap water, vinegar water (10%), lactic acid (5%), a lactic and citric acid blend (2.5%), and sodium hypochlorite (200 ppm) for 30 sec or unwashed. Vinegar water (10%) showed better (P\u3c0.05) reduction of S. Typhimurium and Tennessee on tomatoes and cucumbers, and L. monocytogenes on tomatoes and peppers than tap water. The three antimicrobials reached an additional reduction level of 0.9 to 2.7 (S. Typhimurium and Tennessee) and 0.2 to 1.4 log CFU/g ( L. monocytogenes) compared to tap water. Lactic acid caused the greatest (P\u3c0.05) reduction of S. Typhimurium and Tennessee on spinach and green peppers, and sodium hypochlorite showed the great (P\u3c0.05) reduction of L. monocytogenes on cucumbers. The results supplied important information for FM vendors to develop post-harvest protocols to control foodborne pathogens

    Millisecond radiative recombination in poly(phenylene vinylene)-based light-emitting diodes from transient electroluminescence

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    The current and electroluminescence transient responses of standard poly(phenylene vinylene)-based light-emitting devices have been investigated. The electroluminescence time response is longer (milliseconds scale) than the current switch-off time by more than one order of magnitude, in the case of small area devices (<0.1 cm2). For large area devices ( ∼ 6 cm2) the electroluminescence decay time decreases from 1.45 ms to  ∼ 100 μs with increasing bias voltage. The fast current decay limits the electroluminescence decay at higher voltages. Several approaches are discussed to interpret the observed slow decrease of electroluminescence after turning off the bias. One relies upon the Langevin-type bimolecular recombination kinetics which is governed by the minority carriers (electrons), and another focuses on the slow release of trapped electrons as possible explanations. Additionally, we show that the device current density is mainly determined by the transport of the fastest carriers (holes)[email protected]
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