20,447 research outputs found

    Neural Models of Seeing and Thinking

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    Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    The science of color and color vision

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    A survey of color science and color vision

    The Complementary Brain: From Brain Dynamics To Conscious Experiences

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    How do our brains so effectively achieve adaptive behavior in a changing world? Evidence is reviewed that brains are organized into parallel processing streams with complementary properties. Hierarchical interactions within each stream and parallel interactions between streams create coherent behavioral representations that overcome the complementary deficiencies of each stream and support unitary conscious experiences. This perspective suggests how brain design reflects the organization of the physical world with which brains interact, and suggests an alternative to the computer metaphor suggesting that brains are organized into independent modules. Examples from perception, learning, cognition, and action are described, and theoretical concepts and mechanisms by which complementarity is accomplished are summarized.Defense Advanced Research Projects and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409); National Science Foundation (ITI-97-20333); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0657

    How Does the Cerebral Cortex Work? Developement, Learning, Attention, and 3D Vision by Laminar Circuits of Visual Cortex

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    A key goal of behavioral and cognitive neuroscience is to link brain mechanisms to behavioral functions. The present article describes recent progress towards explaining how the visual cortex sees. Visual cortex, like many parts of perceptual and cognitive neocortex, is organized into six main layers of cells, as well as characteristic sub-lamina. Here it is proposed how these layered circuits help to realize the processes of developement, learning, perceptual grouping, attention, and 3D vision through a combination of bottom-up, horizontal, and top-down interactions. A key theme is that the mechanisms which enable developement and learning to occur in a stable way imply properties of adult behavior. These results thus begin to unify three fields: infant cortical developement, adult cortical neurophysiology and anatomy, and adult visual perception. The identified cortical mechanisms promise to generalize to explain how other perceptual and cognitive processes work.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    From Stereogram to Surface: How the Brain Sees the World in Depth

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    When we look at a scene, how do we consciously see surfaces infused with lightness and color at the correct depths? Random Dot Stereograms (RDS) probe how binocular disparity between the two eyes can generate such conscious surface percepts. Dense RDS do so despite the fact that they include multiple false binocular matches. Sparse stereograms do so even across large contrast-free regions with no binocular matches. Stereograms that define occluding and occluded surfaces lead to surface percepts wherein partially occluded textured surfaces are completed behind occluding textured surfaces at a spatial scale much larger than that of the texture elements themselves. Earlier models suggest how the brain detects binocular disparity, but not how RDS generate conscious percepts of 3D surfaces. A neural model predicts how the layered circuits of visual cortex generate these 3D surface percepts using interactions between visual boundary and surface representations that obey complementary computational rules.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397); National Science Foundation (EIA-01-30851, SBE-0354378); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    Filling-in the Forms: Surface and Boundary Interactions in Visual Cortex

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    Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (NOOOI4-95-l-0409); Office of Naval Research (NOOO14-95-1-0657)

    Texture Segregation By Visual Cortex: Perceptual Grouping, Attention, and Learning

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    A neural model is proposed of how laminar interactions in the visual cortex may learn and recognize object texture and form boundaries. The model brings together five interacting processes: region-based texture classification, contour-based boundary grouping, surface filling-in, spatial attention, and object attention. The model shows how form boundaries can determine regions in which surface filling-in occurs; how surface filling-in interacts with spatial attention to generate a form-fitting distribution of spatial attention, or attentional shroud; how the strongest shroud can inhibit weaker shrouds; and how the winning shroud regulates learning of texture categories, and thus the allocation of object attention. The model can discriminate abutted textures with blurred boundaries and is sensitive to texture boundary attributes like discontinuities in orientation and texture flow curvature as well as to relative orientations of texture elements. The model quantitatively fits a large set of human psychophysical data on orientation-based textures. Object boundar output of the model is compared to computer vision algorithms using a set of human segmented photographic images. The model classifies textures and suppresses noise using a multiple scale oriented filterbank and a distributed Adaptive Resonance Theory (dART) classifier. The matched signal between the bottom-up texture inputs and top-down learned texture categories is utilized by oriented competitive and cooperative grouping processes to generate texture boundaries that control surface filling-in and spatial attention. Topdown modulatory attentional feedback from boundary and surface representations to early filtering stages results in enhanced texture boundaries and more efficient learning of texture within attended surface regions. Surface-based attention also provides a self-supervising training signal for learning new textures. Importance of the surface-based attentional feedback in texture learning and classification is tested using a set of textured images from the Brodatz micro-texture album. Benchmark studies vary from 95.1% to 98.6% with attention, and from 90.6% to 93.2% without attention.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397, F49620-01-1-0423); National Science Foundation (SBE-0354378); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    The Complementary Brain: A Unifying View of Brain Specialization and Modularity

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    Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-I-0409); National Science Foundation (ITI-97-20333); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-I-0657

    Temporal Dynamics of Binocular Display Processing with Corticogeniculate Interactions

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    A neural model of binocular vision is developed to simulate psychophysical and neurobiological data concerning the dynamics of binocular disparity processing. The model shows how feedforward and feedback interactions among LGN ON and OFF cells and cortical simple, complex, and hypercomplex cells can simulate binocular summation, the Pulfrich effect, and the fusion of delayed anticorrelated stereograms. Model retinal ON and OFF cells are linked by an opponent process capable of generating antagonistic rebounds from OFF cells after offset of an ON cell input. Spatially displaced ON and OFF cells excite simple cells. Opposite polarity simple cells compete before their half-wave rectified outputs excite complex cells. Complex cells binocularly match like-polarity simple cell outputs before pooling half-wave rectified signals frorn opposite polarities. Competitive feedback among complex cells leads to sharpening of disparity selectivity and normalizes cell activity. Slow inhibitory interneurons help to reset complex cells after input offset. The Pulfrich effect occurs because the delayed input from the one eye fuses with the present input from the other eye to create a disparity. Binocular summation occurs for stimuli of brief duration or of low contrast because competitive normalization takes time, and cannot occur for very brief or weak stimuli. At brief SOAs, anticorrelatecd stereograms can be fused because the rebound mechanism ensures that the present image to one eye can fuse with the afterimage from a previous image to the other eye. Corticogeniculate feedback embodies a matching process that enhances the speed and temporal accuracy of complex cell disparity tuning. Model mechanisms interact to control the stable development of sharp disparity tuning.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F19620-92-J-0499, F49620-92-J-0334, F49620-92-J-0225); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-95-l-0657, N00014-92-J-1015, N00014-91-J-4100
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