1,595 research outputs found

    Inference of RNA Polymerase II Transcription Dynamics from Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Time Course Data

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    Gene transcription mediated by RNA polymerase II (pol-II) is a key step in gene expression. The dynamics of pol-II moving along the transcribed region influence the rate and timing of gene expression. In this work, we present a probabilistic model of transcription dynamics which is fitted to pol-II occupancy time course data measured using ChIP-Seq. The model can be used to estimate transcription speed and to infer the temporal pol-II activity profile at the gene promoter. Model parameters are estimated using either maximum likelihood estimation or via Bayesian inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. The Bayesian approach provides confidence intervals for parameter estimates and allows the use of priors that capture domain knowledge, e.g. the expected range of transcription speeds, based on previous experiments. The model describes the movement of pol-II down the gene body and can be used to identify the time of induction for transcriptionally engaged genes. By clustering the inferred promoter activity time profiles, we are able to determine which genes respond quickly to stimuli and group genes that share activity profiles and may therefore be co-regulated. We apply our methodology to biological data obtained using ChIP-seq to measure pol-II occupancy genome-wide when MCF-7 human breast cancer cells are treated with estradiol (E2). The transcription speeds we obtain agree with those obtained previously for smaller numbers of genes with the advantage that our approach can be applied genome-wide. We validate the biological significance of the pol-II promoter activity clusters by investigating cluster-specific transcription factor binding patterns and determining canonical pathway enrichment. We find that rapidly induced genes are enriched for both estrogen receptor alpha (ER) and FOXA1 binding in their proximal promoter regions.Peer reviewe

    Network reconstruction by ChIP-seq in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Neurospora crassa

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityIn order to respond to environmental stimuli, cells utilize an interconnected network of molecules. This work describes the application of next-generation sequencing data to unravel these networks, with a focus on ChiP-seq for the identification of transcriptional regulatory networks. A ChiP-seq pipeline designed to analyze high coverage sequence data is described. This pipeline utilizes a simple model of background coverage, along with filtering steps and blind deconvolution to identify sites accurately and at high resolution. Comparisons to other peak calling algorithms on ChiP-seq experiments for previously characterized regulons show that this pipeline is the only method that identifies all previously identified targets for two previously characterized transcription factors in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, DosR and KstR. This pipeline has been applied to ChiP-seq data in order to identify a genome scale regulatory network of the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This network was identified using an inducible promoter system to induce the expression of over half of the transcription factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This network is highly interconnected, containing more binding sites than initially expected for each transcription factor assayed. A subnetwork involving hypoxia and lipid metabolism genes is described using molecular profiling data to support these findings. The pipeline was also applied for the identification of a regulatory subnetwork of clock-regulated light-induced genes in Neurospora crassa. This network is also highly interconnected, and shows complex regulatory feedback onto the core clock genes. Finally, the use of ChiP-seq and microarray data to predict a small RNA (sRNA) regulatory network in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is described. sRNA-gene regulations were predicted using network inference and target prediction algorithms, and the transcriptional regulatory network was used to filter predicted interactions that could be described by transcriptional regulation. Known sRNA targets of Mtb transcription factors are identified, and small RNAs that may play a role in the hypoxic response are identified. Predicted targets of these sRNAs are consistent with the known function of many of the regulators of the sRNA. Together, these studies have produced resources that can be applied to better understand not only the biology of these organisms, but also the general nature of regulatory networks

    Genome-wide kinetics of DNA excision repair in relation to chromatin state and mutagenesis

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    Nucleotide excision repair is the sole mechanism for removing bulky adducts from the human genome, including those formed by UV radiation and chemotherapeutic drugs. We used eXcision Repair-sequencing, a genomic assay for measuring DNA repair, to map the kinetics of repair after UV treatment. These genome-wide repair maps, in turn, allowed us to infer how excision repair is influenced by DNA packaging. Active and open chromatin regions were repaired more rapidly than other genomic regions. Repair in repressed and heterochromatic regions is slower and persists for up to 2 d. Furthermore, late-repaired regions are associated with a higher level of cancer-linked somatic mutations, highlighting the importance of efficient DNA repair and linking chromatin organization to cancer mutagenesis

    Linker Histone Functions of HMO1- Implications for DNA repair

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    The DNA of eukaryotic cells does not exist in free linear strands; it is tightly packaged and wrapped around nuclear proteins in order to be accommodated it inside the nucleus. The basal repeating unit of chromatin, termed the nucleosome, provides the first level of compaction of DNA into the nucleus. Nucleosomes are interconnected by linker DNA and associated linker histones to form 30 nm fibers. The highly diverse linker histones are critical for compaction and stabilization of higher order chromatin structure by binding DNA entering and exiting the nucleosome. The lysine-rich C-terminal domain (CTD) of metazoan H1 is crucial for such stabilization. This study concerns the functions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hmo1p, an high mobility group (HMGB) family protein unique in containing a terminal lysine-rich domain and functions in stabilizing genomic DNA. My study suggests that Hmo1p shares with mammalian linker histone H1 the ability to stabilize chromatin, as evidenced by the absence of Hmo1p or deletion of the Hmo1p CTD creating a more dynamic chromatin environment that is more sensitive to nuclease digestion and in which chromatin remodeling events associated with DNA double strand break repair occur faster; such chromatin stabilization requires the lysine-rich extension of Hmo1p. Further, my data indicates that Hmo1p functions in the DNA damage response by directing lesions towards the error-free pathway. My results suggest that Hmo1p controls DNA end resection and favors the classical non- homologous end joining (NHEJ) over alternate end Joining (A-EJ) that is error-prone process. In all, my study identifies a novel linker histone function of Hmo1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the ability to stabilize genomic DNA, and appears to go beyond conventional linker histone function

    Computational analysis of transcriptional responses to the Activin signal

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    Die Signalwege des transformierenden Wachstumsfaktors β (TGF-β) spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Zellproliferation, -migration und -apoptose durch die Aktivierung von Smad-Proteinen. Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass die biologischen Wirkungen des TGF-β-Signalwegs stark vom Zellkontext abhängen. In dieser Arbeit ging es darum zu verstehen, wie TGF-β-Signale Zielgene unterschiedlich regulieren können, wie unterschiedliche Dynamiken der Genexpression durch TGF-β-Signale induziert werden und auf welche Weise Smad-Proteine zu unterschiedlichen Expressionsmustern von TGF- β-Zielgenen beitragen. Der Fokus dieser Studie liegt auf den transkriptionsregulatorischen Effekten des Nodal / Activin-Liganden, der zur TGF-β-Superfamilie gehört und ein wichtiger Faktor in der frühen embryonalen Entwicklung ist. Um diese Effekte zu analysieren, habe ich kinetische Modelle entwickelt und mit den Zeitverlaufsdaten von RNA-Polymerase II (Pol II) und Smad2-Chromatin-Bindungsprofilen für die Zielgene kalibriert. Unter Verwendung des Akaike-Informationskriteriums (AIC) zur Bewertung verschiedener kinetischer Modelle stellten wir fest, dass der Nodal / Activin-Signalweg Zielgene über verschiedene Mechanismen reguliert. Im Nodal / Activin-Smad2-Signalweg spielt Smad2 für verschiedene Zielgene unterschiedliche regulatorische Rollen. Wir zeigen, wie Smad2 daran beteiligt ist, die Transkriptions- oder Abbaurate jedes Zielgens separat zu regulieren. Darüber hinaus werden eine Reihe von Merkmalen, die die Transkriptionsdynamik von Zielgenen vorhersagen können, durch logistische Regression ausgewählt. Der hier vorgestellte Ansatz liefert quantitative Beziehungen zwischen der Dynamik des Transkriptionsfaktors und den Transkriptionsantworten. Diese Arbeit bietet auch einen allgemeinen mathematischen Rahmen für die Untersuchung der Transkriptionsregulation anderer Signalwege.Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling pathways play a crucial role in cell proliferation, migration, and apoptosis through the activation of Smad proteins. Research has shown that the biological effects of TGF-β signaling pathway are highly cellular-context-dependent. In this thesis work, I aimed at understanding how TGF-β signaling can regulate target genes differently, how different dynamics of gene expressions are induced by TGF-β signal, and what is the role of Smad proteins in differing the profiles of target gene expression. In this study, I focused on the transcriptional responses to the Nodal/Activin ligand, which is a member of the TGF-β superfamily and a key regulator of early embryonic development. Kinetic models were developed and calibrated with the time course data of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and Smad2 chromatin binding profiles for the target genes. Using the Akaike information criterion (AIC) to evaluate different kinetic models, we discovered that Nodal/Activin signaling regulates target genes via different mechanisms. In the Nodal/Activin-Smad2 signaling pathway, Smad2 plays different regulatory roles on different target genes. We show how Smad2 participates in regulating the transcription or degradation rate of each target gene separately. Moreover, a series of features that can predict the transcription dynamics of target genes are selected by logistic regression. The approach we present here provides quantitative relationships between transcription factor dynamics and transcriptional responses. This work also provides a general computational framework for studying the transcription regulations of other signaling pathways

    Transcriptional regulatory logic of the diurnal cycle in the mouse liver.

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    Many organisms exhibit temporal rhythms in gene expression that propel diurnal cycles in physiology. In the liver of mammals, these rhythms are controlled by transcription-translation feedback loops of the core circadian clock and by feeding-fasting cycles. To better understand the regulatory interplay between the circadian clock and feeding rhythms, we mapped DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHSs) in the mouse liver during a diurnal cycle. The intensity of DNase I cleavages cycled at a substantial fraction of all DHSs, suggesting that DHSs harbor regulatory elements that control rhythmic transcription. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by DNA sequencing (ChIP-seq), we found that hypersensitivity cycled in phase with RNA polymerase II (Pol II) loading and H3K27ac histone marks. We then combined the DHSs with temporal Pol II profiles in wild-type (WT) and Bmal1-/- livers to computationally identify transcription factors through which the core clock and feeding-fasting cycles control diurnal rhythms in transcription. While a similar number of mRNAs accumulated rhythmically in Bmal1-/- compared to WT livers, the amplitudes in Bmal1-/- were generally lower. The residual rhythms in Bmal1-/- reflected transcriptional regulators mediating feeding-fasting responses as well as responses to rhythmic systemic signals. Finally, the analysis of DNase I cuts at nucleotide resolution showed dynamically changing footprints consistent with dynamic binding of CLOCK:BMAL1 complexes. Structural modeling suggested that these footprints are driven by a transient heterotetramer binding configuration at peak activity. Together, our temporal DNase I mappings allowed us to decipher the global regulation of diurnal transcription rhythms in the mouse liver

    Nucleosome positioning: resources and tools online

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    Nucleosome positioning is an important process required for proper genome packing and its accessibility to execute the genetic program in a cell-specific, timely manner. In the recent years hundreds of papers have been devoted to the bioinformatics, physics and biology of nucleosome positioning. The purpose of this review is to cover a practical aspect of this field, namely, to provide a guide to the multitude of nucleosome positioning resources available online. These include almost 300 experimental datasets of genome-wide nucleosome occupancy profiles determined in different cell types and more than 40 computational tools for the analysis of experimental nucleosome positioning data and prediction of intrinsic nucleosome formation probabilities from the DNA sequence. A manually curated, up to date list of these resources will be maintained at http://generegulation.info

    iRNA-seq: computational method for genome-wide assessment of acute transcriptional regulation from total RNA-seq data

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    RNA-seq is a sensitive and accurate technique to compare steady-state levels of RNA between different cellular states. However, as it does not provide an account of transcriptional activity per se, other technologies are needed to more precisely determine acute transcriptional responses. Here, we have developed an easy, sensitive and accurate novel computational method, iRNA-seq, for genome-wide assessment of transcriptional activity based on analysis of intron coverage from total RNA-seq data. Comparison of the results derived from iRNA-seq analyses with parallel results derived using current methods for genome-wide determination of transcriptional activity, i.e. global run-on (GRO)-seq and RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) ChIP-seq, demonstrate that iRNA-seq provides similar results in terms of number of regulated genes and their fold change. However, unlike the current methods that are all very labor-intensive and demanding in terms of sample material and technologies, iRNA-seq is cheap and easy and requires very little sample material. In conclusion, iRNA-seq offers an attractive novel alternative to current methods for determination of changes in transcriptional activity at a genome-wide level