10 research outputs found

    The tractability index of memristive circuits: branch-oriented and tree-based models

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    The memory-resistor or memristor is a new electrical element characterized by a nonlinear charge-flux relation. This device poses many challenging problems, in particular from the circuit modeling point of view. In this paper we address the index analysis of certain differential-algebraic models of memristive circuits; specifically, our attention is focused on so-called branch-oriented models, which include in particular tree-based formulations of the circuit equations. Our approach combines results coming from DAE theory, matrix analysis and the theory of digraphs. This framework should be useful in future studies of dynamical aspects of memristive circuits

    First order devices, hybrid memristors, and the frontiers of nonlinear circuit theory

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    Several devices exhibiting memory effects have shown up in nonlinear circuit theory in recent years. Among others, these circuit elements include Chua's memristors, as well as memcapacitors and meminductors. These and other related devices seem to be beyond the, say, classical scope of circuit theory, which is formulated in terms of resistors, capacitors, inductors, and voltage and current sources. We explore in this paper the potential extent of nonlinear circuit theory by classifying such mem-devices in terms of the variables involved in their constitutive relations and the notions of the differential- and the state-order of a device. Within this framework, the frontier of first order circuit theory is defined by so-called hybrid memristors, which are proposed here to accommodate a characteristic relating all four fundamental circuit variables. Devices with differential order two and mem-systems are discussed in less detail. We allow for fully nonlinear characteristics in all circuit elements, arriving at a rather exhaustive taxonomy of C^1-devices. Additionally, we extend the notion of a topologically degenerate configuration to circuits with memcapacitors, meminductors and all types of memristors, and characterize the differential-algebraic index of nodal models of such circuits.Comment: Published in 2013. Journal reference included as a footnote in the first pag

    Hybrid analysis of nonlinear time-varying circuits providing DAEs with index at most one.

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    Abstract Commercial packages for transient circuit simulation are often based on the modified nodal analysis (MNA) which allows an automatic setup of model equations and requires a nearly minimal number of variables. However, it may lead to differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) with higher index. Here, we present a hybrid analysis for nonlinear time-varying circuits leading to DAEs with index at most one. This hybrid analysis is based merely on the network topology, which possibly leads to an automatic setup of the hybrid equations from netlists. Moreover, we prove that the minimum index of the DAE arising from the hybrid analysis never exceeds the index from MNA. As a positive side effect, the number of equations from the hybrid analysis is always no greater than that one from MNA. This suggests that the hybrid analysis is superior to MNA in numerical accuracy and computational effort

    Cyclic matrices of weighted digraphs

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    We address in this paper several properties of so-called augmented cyclic matrices of weighted digraphs. These matrices arise in different applications of digraph theory to electrical circuit analysis, and can be seen as an enlargement of basic cyclic matrices of the form B W \rsp B^T, where BB is a cycle matrix and WW is a diagonal matrix of weights. By using certain matrix factorizations and some properties of cycle bases, we characterize the determinant of augmented cyclic matrices in terms of Cauchy-Binet expansions and, eventually, in terms of so-called proper cotrees. In the simpler context defined by basic cyclic matrices, we obtain a dual result of Maxwell's determinantal expansion for weighted Laplacian (nodal) matrices. Additional relations with nodal matrices are also discussed. Finally, we apply this framework to the characterization of the differential-algebraic circuit models arising from loop analysis, and also to the analysis of branch-oriented models of circuits including charge-controlled memristors

    Structural characterization of classical and memristive circuits with purely imaginary eigenvalues

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    The hyperbolicity problem in circuit theory concerns the existence of purely imaginary eigenvalues (PIEs) in the linearization of the time-domain description of the circuit dynamics. In this paper we characterize the circuit configurations which, in a strictly passive setting, yield purely imaginary eigenvalues for all values of the capacitances and inductances. Our framework is based on branch-oriented, semistate (differential-algebraic) circuit models which capture explicitly the circuit topology, and uses several notions and results from digraph theory. So-called P-structures arising in the analysis turn out to be the key element supporting our results. The analysis is shown to hold not only for classical (RLC) circuits but also for nonlinear circuits including memristors and other mem-devices

    MONA — A magnetic oriented nodal analysis for electric circuits

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    The modified nodal analysis (MNA) is probably the most widely used formulation for the modeling and simulation of electric circuits. Its conventional form uses electric node potentials and currents across inductors and voltage sources as unknowns, thus taking an electric viewpoint. In this paper, we propose an alternative magnetic oriented nodal analysis (MONA) for electric circuits, which is based on magnetic node potentials and charges across capacitors and voltage sources as the primary degrees of freedom, thus giving direct access to these quantities. The resulting system has the structure of a generalized gradient system which immediately ensures passivity in the absence of sources. A complete index analysis is presented showing regularity of the magnetic oriented formulation under standard topological conditions on the network interconnection. In comparison to conventional MNA, the differential‐algebraic index of MONA is smaller by one in most cases which facilitates the numerical solution. Some preliminary numerical experiments are presented for illustration of the feasibility and stability of the new approach

    Hybrid analysis of nonlinear circuits: DAE models with indices zero and one

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    We extend in this paper some previous results concerning the differential-algebraic index of hybrid models of electrical and electronic circuits. Specifically, we present a comprehensive index characterization which holds without passivity requirements, in contrast to previous approaches, and which applies to nonlinear circuits composed of uncoupled, one-port devices. The index conditions, which are stated in terms of the forest structure of certain digraph minors, do not depend on the specific tree chosen in the formulation of the hybrid equations. Additionally, we show how to include memristors in hybrid circuit models; in this direction, we extend the index analysis to circuits including active memristors, which have been recently used in the design of nonlinear oscillators and chaotic circuits. We also discuss the extension of these results to circuits with controlled sources, making our framework of interest in the analysis of circuits with transistors, amplifiers, and other multiterminal devices

    Robustness of stability of time-varying index-1 DAEs

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    We study exponential stability and its robustness for time-varying linear index-1 differential-algebraic equations. The effect of perturbations in the leading coefficient matrix is investigated. An appropriate class of allowable perturbations is introduced. Robustness of exponential stability with respect to a certain class of perturbations is proved in terms of the Bohl exponent and perturbation operator. Finally, a stability radius involving these perturbations is introduced and investigated. In particular, a lower bound for the stability radius is derived. The results are presented by means of illustrative examples