64,729 research outputs found

    Complexity of increasing the secure connectivity in wireless ad hoc networks

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    We consider the problem of maximizing the secure connectivity in wireless ad hoc networks, and analyze complexity of the post-deployment key establishment process constrained by physical layer properties such as connectivity, energy consumption and interference. Two approaches, based on graph augmentation problems with nonlinear edge costs, are formulated. The first one is based on establishing a secret key using only the links that are already secured by shared keys. This problem is in NP-hard and does not accept polynomial time approximation scheme PTAS since minimum cutsets to be augmented do not admit constant costs. The second one extends the first problem by increasing the power level between a pair of nodes that has a secret key to enable them physically connect. This problem can be formulated as the optimal key establishment problem with interference constraints with bi-objectives: (i) maximizing the concurrent key establishment flow, (ii) minimizing the cost. We prove that both problems are NP-hard and MAX-SNP with a reduction to MAX3SAT problem

    A Quantitative Analysis of Performance in a Multi-Protocol Ad Hoc 802.11b-based Wireless Local Network

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    The popularity of the Internet and the growing demand for ubiquitous connectivity accelerate the need for viable wireless local area network (WLAN) solutions. As a consequence, increasing number of manufacturers have adopted the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 802.11a/b/g set of WLAN standards and produced inexpensive wireless products to expand capabilities of existing LANs. IEEE 802.11 b wireless products are widely accepted. Mobile ad hoc networks, a variant of the 802.11 standards, exist without the requirement for a wired infrastructure or host to provide routing, connectivity, and maintenance services. Because of the high variability of environments in which ad hoc networks operate, numerous routing protocols are proposed. Research indicates that these protocols are unsuited for efficient operation in multiple environments. In this investigation, the author examined the effect of multiple protocols on throughput and end-to-end delay in simulated ad hoc networks. The author selected the ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) and dynamic source routing (DSR) routing protocols for this research. The outcomes from the simulations conducted indicated increased end-to-end delay and reduced packet throughput as a result of the mixed populations of the AODV and DSR ad hoc routing protocols. The results also indicated that increasing node density and velocity improved packet throughput and reduced end-to-end delay

    Connectivity vs Capacity in Dense Ad Hoc Networks

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    We study the connectivity and capacity of finite area ad hoc wireless networks, with an increasing number of nodes (dense networks). We find that the properties of the network strongly depend on the shape of the attenuation function. For power law attenuation functions, connectivity scales, and the available rate per node is known to decrease like 1/sqrt(n). On the contrary, if the attenuation function does not have a singularity at the origin and is uniformly bounded, we obtain bounds on the percolation domain for large node densities, which show that either the network becomes disconnected, or the available rate per node decreases like 1/n

    Connectivity analysis of wireless ad-hoc networks

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    Connectivity is one of the most fundamental properties of wireless ad-hoc networks as most network functions are predicated upon the network being connected. Although increasing node transmission power will improve network connectivity, too large a power level is not feasible as energy is a scarce resource in wireless ad-hoc networks. Thus, it is crucial to identify the minimum node transmission power that will ensure network connectivity with high probability. It is known that there exists a critical level transmission power such that a suitably larger power will ensure network connectivity with high probability. A small variation across this threshold level will lead to a sharp transition of the probability that the network is connected. Thus, in order to precisely estimate the minimum node transmission power, not only do we need to identify this critical threshold, but also how fast this transition takes place. To characterize the sharpness of transition, we define weak, strong and very strong critical thresholds associated with increasing transition speeds. In this dissertation, we seek to estimate the minimum node transmission power for large scale one-dimensional wireless ad-hoc networks under the Geometric Random Graph (GRG) models. Unlike in previous works where nodes are taken to be uniformly distributed, we assume a more general node distribution. Using the methods of first and second moments, we theoretically prove the existence of a very strong critical threshold when the density function is everywhere positive. On the other hand, only weak thresholds are shown to exist when the density function contains vanishing densities. We also study the connectivity of two-dimensional wireless ad-hoc networks under the random connection model, which accounts for statistical channel variations. With the help of the Stein-Chen method, we derive a closed form formula for the limiting probability that there are no isolated nodes under a very general assumption of channel variations. The node transmission power to ensure the absence of isolated nodes provides a tight lower bound on the transmission power needed to ensure network connectivity

    Design and evaluation of a self-configuring wireless mesh network architecture

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    Wireless network connectivity plays an increasingly important role in supporting our everyday private and professional lives. For over three decades, self-organizing wireless multi-hop ad-hoc networks have been investigated as a decentralized replacement for the traditional forms of wireless networks that rely on a wired infrastructure. However, despite the tremendous efforts of the international wireless research community and widespread availability of devices that are able to support these networks, wireless ad-hoc networks are hardly ever used. In this work, the reasons behind this discrepancy are investigated. It is found that several basic theoretical assumptions on ad-hoc networks prove to be wrong when solutions are deployed in reality, and that several basic functionalities are still missing. It is argued that a hierarchical wireless mesh network architecture, in which specialized, multi-interfaced mesh nodes form a reliable multi-hop wireless backbone for the less capable end-user clients is an essential step in bringing the ad-hoc networking concept one step closer to reality. Therefore, in a second part of this work, algorithms increasing the reliability and supporting the deployment and management of these wireless mesh networks are developed, implemented and evaluated, while keeping the observed limitations and practical considerations in mind. Furthermore, the feasibility of the algorithms is verified by experiment. The performance analysis of these protocols and the ability to deploy the developed algorithms on current generation off-the-shelf hardware indicates the successfulness of the followed research approach, which combines theoretical considerations with practical implementations and observations. However, it was found that there are also many pitfalls to using real-life implementation as a research technique. Therefore, in the last part of this work, a methodology for wireless network research using real-life implementation is developed, allowing researchers to generate more reliable protocols and performance analysis results with less effort


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    New network architectures and communication technologies continue to emerge to meet rapidly increasing and changing user demands requiring continuous connectivity and high data rate transmissions. These ubiquitous infrastructures result in a paradigm shift in mobile communications with the advent of mobile robots equipped with sensors, unmanned aerial vehicles, and mobile small-cells, which makes the future networks highly dynamic. This dynamism poses unpredictable variations in the network density causing many run-time problems such as disrupted coverage, undesirable quality of service, and inefficient resource usage. Pre-configurations are no longer suitable because of the network topology variations, which prompts us to develop density-adaptive protocols and self-configured system designs. Therefore, the most crucial objective of this thesis is to make future wireless networks density-aware and -adaptive. We propose novel network density estimators using received signal strength and density-aware networking applications. We introduce a distance matrix-based density estimator, multi-access edge cloud-based density estimator, and interference-based density estimator for wireless networks. We also develop density-aware network outage, transmit power adaptation, and channel utilization approaches by considering the effective network density as an optimization parameter for clustered ad hoc networks, mobile cellular networks, and flying ad hoc networks. We validate the results by implementing Monte-Carlo simulations on MATLAB. Outputs of this thesis may help network operators enhance service quality, create the best deployment strategies, reduce operational expenditures, and meet increasing user expectations without wasting network resources. Density-aware and -adaptive applications make wireless networks self-organized and run-time adaptable.-Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Determination of Optimal Power for ZigBee-based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In designing WSNs, both the transmit power, network topology, and routing scheme are considered. Transmitting at lower power affect the connectivity of the network while transmitting at excessive power reduces the lifetime of nodes and increases the network interference. Thus, determining the optimal power of the nodes that will be necessary to guarantee network connectivity. In this work, a practical self-healing and self-configuring real life prototype ZigBee Wireless Mesh Sensor Networks (WMSNs) was design to evaluate the performance of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee. We showed that increasing the transmit power of nodes from -6dBm to 0dBm in WMSNs leads to improved packets delivery ratio and throughput improvement and the optimal power was -2dBm for the studied topology. The testbed will aid wireless sensor network designer to make an accurate decision on transmit power and mesh network topology using Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector algorithm (AODV) as the routing scheme
