488 research outputs found

    Generating walking behaviours in legged robots

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    Many legged robots have boon built with a variety of different abilities, from running to liopping to climbing stairs. Despite this however, there has been no consistency of approach to the problem of getting them to walk. Approaches have included breaking down the walking step into discrete parts and then controlling them separately, using springs and linkages to achieve a passive walking cycle, and even working out the necessary movements in simulation and then imposing them on the real robot. All of these have limitations, although most were successful at the task for which they were designed. However, all of them fall into one of two categories: either they alter the dynamics of the robots physically so that the robot, whilst very good at walking, is not as general purpose as it once was (as with the passive robots), or they control the physical mechanism of the robot directly to achieve their goals, and this is a difficult task.In this thesis a design methodology is described for building controllers for 3D dynam¬ ically stable walking, inspired by the best walkers and runners around — ourselves — so the controllers produced are based 011 the vertebrate Central Nervous System. This means that there is a low-level controller which adapts itself to the robot so that, when switched on, it can be considered to simulate the springs and linkages of the passive robots to produce a walking robot, and this now active mechanism is then controlled by a relatively simple higher level controller. This is the best of both worlds — we have a robot which is inherently capable of walking, and thus is easy to control like the passive walkers, but also retains the general purpose abilities which makes it so potentially useful.This design methodology uses an evolutionary algorithm to generate low-level control¬ lers for a selection of simulated legged robots. The thesis also looks in detail at previous walking robots and their controllers and shows that some approaches, including staged evolution and hand-coding designs, may be unnecessary, and indeed inappropriate, at least for a general purpose controller. The specific algorithm used is evolutionary, using a simple genetic algorithm to allow adaptation to different robot configurations, and the controllers evolved are continuous time neural networks. These are chosen because of their ability to entrain to the movement of the robot, allowing the whole robot and network to be considered as a single dynamical system, which can then be controlled by a higher level system.An extensive program of experiments investigates the types of neural models and net¬ work structures which are best suited to this task, and it is shown that stateless and simple dynamic neural models are significantly outperformed as controllers by more complex, biologically plausible ones but that other ideas taken from biological systems, including network connectivities, are not generally as useful and reasons for this are examined.The thesis then shows that this system, although only developed 011 a single robot, is capable of automatically generating controllers for a wide selection of different test designs. Finally it shows that high level controllers, at least to control steering and speed, can be easily built 011 top of this now active walking mechanism

    Emerging Trends in Mechatronics

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    Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary branch of engineering combining mechanical, electrical and electronics, control and automation, and computer engineering fields. The main research task of mechatronics is design, control, and optimization of advanced devices, products, and hybrid systems utilizing the concepts found in all these fields. The purpose of this special issue is to help better understand how mechatronics will impact on the practice and research of developing advanced techniques to model, control, and optimize complex systems. The special issue presents recent advances in mechatronics and related technologies. The selected topics give an overview of the state of the art and present new research results and prospects for the future development of the interdisciplinary field of mechatronic systems

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 19. Number 1.

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    Uncertain Multi-Criteria Optimization Problems

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    Most real-world search and optimization problems naturally involve multiple criteria as objectives. Generally, symmetry, asymmetry, and anti-symmetry are basic characteristics of binary relationships used when modeling optimization problems. Moreover, the notion of symmetry has appeared in many articles about uncertainty theories that are employed in multi-criteria problems. Different solutions may produce trade-offs (conflicting scenarios) among different objectives. A better solution with respect to one objective may compromise other objectives. There are various factors that need to be considered to address the problems in multidisciplinary research, which is critical for the overall sustainability of human development and activity. In this regard, in recent decades, decision-making theory has been the subject of intense research activities due to its wide applications in different areas. The decision-making theory approach has become an important means to provide real-time solutions to uncertainty problems. Theories such as probability theory, fuzzy set theory, type-2 fuzzy set theory, rough set, and uncertainty theory, available in the existing literature, deal with such uncertainties. Nevertheless, the uncertain multi-criteria characteristics in such problems have not yet been explored in depth, and there is much left to be achieved in this direction. Hence, different mathematical models of real-life multi-criteria optimization problems can be developed in various uncertain frameworks with special emphasis on optimization problems

    A Study of the Static Bicycle Reposition Problem with a Single Vehicle

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    The Bicycle Sharing System (BSS), a public service system operated by the government or a private company, provides the convenient use of a bicycle as a temporary method of transportation. More specifically, this system allows people to rent a bike from one location, use it for a short time period and then return it to either to the same or a different location for an inexpensive fee. With the development of IT technology in the 1990s, it became possible to balance the bicycle inventory among the various destinations. In fact, a critical aspect to maintaining a satisfactory BSS is effectively rebalancing bicycle inventory across the various stations. In this research, we focus on the static bicycle repositioning problem with a single vehicle which is abstracted from the operation issue in the bicycle sharing system. The mathematical model for the static bicycle reposition problem had been created and several variations had been analyzed. This research starts to solve the problem from a very restrictive and constrained model and relaxes the constraints step by step to approach the real world case scenario. Several realistic assumptions have been considered in our research, such as a limited working time horizon, multiple visit limitation for the same station, multiple trips used for the vehicle, etc. In this research, we use the variable neighborhood search heuristic algorithm as the basic structure to find the solution for the static bicycle reposition problem. The numeric results indicate that our algorithms can provide good quality result within short solving time. By solving such a problem well, in comparison to benchmark algorithms, this research provides a starting place for dynamic bicycle repositioning and multiple vehicle repositioning

    ESSE 2017. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy

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    Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical-, biological-, and information sciences to study and solve environmental problems. ESSE - The International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy provides a platform for experts, professionals, and researchers to share updated information and stimulate the communication with each other. In 2017 it was held in Suzhou, China June 23-25, 2017

    Utilizing sedimentology and geochronology to resolve the architecture of paralic strata in low-accommodation systems, McMurray Formation, Canada

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    A combined sedimentological-geochronological approach is employed to unravel the importance of paleoenvironments landward of the shoreline in understanding the stratigraphic architecture, and chronostratigraphy of the McMurray Formation in the Alberta Foreland Basin (referred to herein as the McMurray Depocenter; MDC), Canada. Presently, the McMurray Fm is subdivided based on the presence of regionally mappable mudstones, the bases of which are interpreted as flooding surfaces. However, the McMurray Fm comprises a wide range of paleoenvironments, and the Firebag Tributary in the northeastern MDC hosts a large volume of delta and coastal plain strata, including channels, mires, and interfluves. Facies characteristics, stratigraphic architecture, and geochronology of these deposits are explored and 3 main conclusions are derived. First, petrographic trends in coals sitting at the top of the Lower McMurray formed following increasing rates (0.5-3 mmyr-1) of sea-level rise during the Early Cretaceous. These coals outline the paleo-shoreline in the Firebag Tributary during Lower McMurray times. An ash-bed situated in this coal is dated at 121.39 ± 0.20 Ma, providing the first absolute age in the McMurray Fm. Second, the absolute age at the top of the Lower McMurray is used as a reference point to subdivide the McMurray Fm chronostratigraphically using detrital zircon (DZ). In a new stratigraphic approach to DZ geochronology, DZ samples from 5 stratigraphic intervals are combined to created novel grouped DZ samples. Grouped DZ samples showcase geographical provenance variability within depositional systems of the same stratigraphic interval, and are used calculate novel grouped maximum depositional ages. Third, detailed facies analysis and stratigraphic correlation of paralic strata in the Firebag Tributary allows for the identification of 2 progradational and 2 retrogradational phases of deposition. During Lower McMurray times the paleo-shoreline resided near the western edge of the Firebag Tributary, and mature paleosols underlying coals at its top indicate a potential maximum regressive surface. During the C2-B2 depositional units (DU), regression lead to paleo-shorelines close to the Alberta-Saskatchewan border. This is followed by a phase of progradation during the B1 DU, where paralic strata capping the unit lack evidence of base-level fall and demarcate major flooding. Progressive transgression ensued during deposition of the A2-A1 DUs. An ash-bed at the top of the B1 DU (115.07 ± 0.16 Ma) reveals that Lower McMurray to B1 DUs were deposited over ~1.6 Ma each, followed by ~0.8 Ma and ~0.4 Ma for the A2 and A1 DUs, respectively

    A source modelling system and its use for uncertainty management

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    Human agents have to deal with a considerable amount of information from their environment and are also continuously faced with the need to take actions. As that information is largely of an uncertain nature, human agents have to decide whether, or how much, to believe individual pieces of information. To enable a reasoning system to deal in general with the demands of a real environment, and with information from human sources in particular, requires tools for uncertainty management and belief formation. This thesis presents a model for the management of uncertain information from human sources. Dealing, more specifically, with information which has been pre-processed by a natural language processor and transformed into an event-based representation, the model assesses information, forms beliefs and resolves conflicts between them in order to maintain a consistent world model. The approach is built on the fundamental principle that the uncertainty of information from people can, in the majority of situations, successfully be assessed through source models which record factors concerning the source's abilities and trustworthiness. These models are adjusted to reflect changes in the behaviour of the source. A mechanism is presented together with the underlying principles to reproduce such a behaviour. A high-level design is also given to make the proposed model reconstructible, and the successful operation of the model is demonstrated on two detailed examples

    Forecasting of uv-vis spectrometry time series for online water quality monitoring in operating urban sewer systems

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    El monitoreo de contaminantes en sistemas de saneamiento urbano es generalmente realizado por medio de campañas de muestreo, las muestras deben ser transportadas, almacenadas y analizadas en laboratorio. Sin embargo, los desarrollos en óptica y electrónica han permitido su fusión y aplicación en la espectrometría UV-Vis. Los sensores UV-Vis tienen como propósito determinar la dinámica de las cargas de materia orgánica (Demanda Química de Oxigeno DQO y Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigeno DBO5), nitratos, nitritos y Sólidos Suspendidos Totales (SST). Adicionalmente a los métodos aplicados para la calibración de los sensores y el análisis las series de tiempo de los espectros de absorbancias UV-Vis, es necesario desarrollar métodos de pronóstico con el fin de ser utilizada en control de monitoreo en línea en tiempo real. La información proveniente de los datos recolectados puede ser utilizada para la toma de decisiones y en aplicaciones de control de tiempo real. Realizar pronósticos es importante en procesos de toma de decisiones. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue desarrollar uno o varios métodos de pronóstico que puedan ser aplicados a series de tiempo de espectrometría UV-Vis para el monitoreo en línea de la calidad de agua en sistemas urbanos de saneamiento en operación. Cinco series de tiempo de absorbancia UV-Vis obtenidas en línea en diferentes sitios fueron utilizadas, con un total de 5705 espectros de absorbancia UV-Vis: cuatro sitios experimentales en Colombia (Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales (PTAR) El-Salitre, PTAR San Fernando, Estación Elevadora de Gibraltar y un Humedal Construido/Tanque de Almacenamiento) y un sitio en Austria (Graz-West R05 Catchment outlet). El proceso propuesto completo consta de etapas a ser aplicadas a las series de tiempo de absorbancia UV-Vis y son: (i) entradas, series de tiempo de absorbancia UV-Vis,(ii) pre-procesamiento de las series de tiempo, análisis de outliers, completar los valores ausentes y reducción de la dimensionalidad,y (iii) procedimientos de pronóstico y evaluación de los resultados. La metodología propuesta fue aplicada a la series de tiempo con diferentes características (absorbancia), esta consiste del enventaneo Winsorising como paso para la remoción de outliers y la aplicación de la transformada discreta de Fourier (DFT) para reemplazar valores ausentes. Los nuevos valores reemplazando o los outliers o los valores ausentes presentan la misma o al menos la misma forma de la serie de tiempo original, permitiendo una visión macro en la coherencia de la serie de tiempo. La reducción de la dimensionalidad en las series de tiempo de absorbancia multivariadas permite obtener menor número de variables a ser procesadas: el análisis por componentes principales (PCA) como transformación lineal captura más del 97% de la variabilidad en cada serie de tiempo (en un rango de una a seis, dependiendo del comportamiento de la series de tiempo absorbancia) y el proceso de Clustering (k-means) combinado con cadenas de Markov. Los procedimientos de pronóstico basados en señales periódicas como la DFT, Chebyshev, Legendre y Regresión Polinomial fueron aplicados y estos pueden capturar el comportamiento dinámico de las series de tiempo. Algunas técnicas de aprendizaje de máquina fueron probadas y fue posible capturar el comportamiento de las series de tiempo en la etapa de calibración, los valores de pronóstico pueden seguir el comportamiento general comparado con los valores observados (excepto ANFIS, GA y Filtro de Kalman). Por lo tanto, ANN y SVM tiene buen rendimiento de pronóstico para la primer parte del horizonte de pronóstico (2 horas). La evaluación de cada metodología de pronóstico fue realizada utilizando cuatro indicadores estadísticos tales como porcentaje absoluto de error (APE), incertidumbre extendida (EU), conjunto de valores dentro del intervalo de confianza (CI) y suma de valores de incertidumbre extendida más el conjunto de valores dentro del intervalo de confianza. El rendimiento de los indicadores provee información acerca de los resultados de pronóstico multivariado con el fin de estimar y evaluar los tiempos de pronóstico para cierta metodología de pronóstico y determinar cuál metodología de pronóstico es mejor adaptada a diferentes rangos de longitudes de onda (espectros de absorbancia) para cada serie de tiempo de absorbancia UV-Vis en cada sitio de estudio. Los resultados en la comparación de las diferentes metodologías de pronóstico, resaltan que no es posible obtener la mejor metodología de pronóstico, porque todas las metodologías de pronóstico propuestas podrían generar un amplio número de valores que permitirán complementar cada una con las otras para diferentes pasos de tiempo de pronóstico y en diferentes rangos del espectro (UV y/o Vis). Por lo tanto, es propuesto un sistema híbrido que es basado en siete metodologías de pronóstico. Así, los valores de los espectros de absorbancia pronosticados fueron transformados a los correspondientes indicadores de calidad de agua (WQI) para utilización en la práctica. Los resultados de pronóstico multivariado presentan valores bajos de APE comparados con los resultados de pronóstico univariado utilizando directamente los valores WQI observados. Estos resultados, probablemente, son obtenidos porque el pronóstico multivariado incluye la correlación presente en todo el rango de los espectros de absorbancia (se captura de forma completa o al menos gran parte de la variabilidad de las series de tiempo),una longitud de onda interfiere con otra u otras longitudes de onda. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos para el humedal construido/tanque de almacenamiento presentan que es posible obtener apreciables resultados de pronóstico en términos de tiempos de detección para eventos de lluvia. Adicionalmente, la inclusión de variables como escorrentía (nivel de agua para este caso) mejora substancialmente los resultados de pronóstico de la calidad del agua. El monitoreo de contaminantes en sistemas de saneamiento urbano es generalmente realizado por medio de campañas de muestreo, las muestras deben ser transportadas, almacenadas y analizadas en laboratorio. Sin embargo, los desarrollos en óptica y electrónica han permitido su fusión y aplicación en la espectrometría UV-Vis. Los sensores UV-Vis tienen como propósito determinar la dinámica de las cargas de materia orgánica (Demanda Química de Oxigeno DQO y Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigeno DBO5), nitratos, nitritos y Sólidos Suspendidos Totales (SST). Adicionalmente a los métodos aplicados para la calibración de los sensores y el análisis las series de tiempo de los espectros de absorbancias UV-Vis, es necesario desarrollar métodos de pronóstico con el fin de ser utilizada en control de monitoreo en línea en tiempo real. La información proveniente de los datos recolectados puede ser utilizada para la toma de decisiones y en aplicaciones de control de tiempo real. Realizar pronósticos es importante en procesos de toma de decisiones. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue desarrollar uno o varios métodos de pronóstico que puedan ser aplicados a series de tiempo de espectrometría UV-Vis para el monitoreo en línea de la calidad de agua en sistemas urbanos de saneamiento en operación. Cinco series de tiempo de absorbancia UV-Vis obtenidas en línea en diferentes sitios fueron utilizadas, con un total de 5705 espectros de absorbancia UV-Vis: cuatro sitios experimentales en Colombia (Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales (PTAR) El-Salitre, PTAR San Fernando, Estación Elevadora de Gibraltar y un Humedal Construido/Tanque de Almacenamiento) y un sitio en Austria (Graz-West R05 Catchment outlet). El proceso propuesto completo consta de etapas a ser aplicadas a las series de tiempo de absorbancia UV-Vis y son: (i) entradas, series de tiempo de absorbancia UV-Vis,(ii) pre-procesamiento de las series de tiempo, análisis de outliers, completar los valores ausentes y reducción de la dimensionalidad,y (iii) procedimientos de pronóstico y evaluación de los resultados. La metodología propuesta fue aplicada a la series de tiempo con diferentes características (absorbancia), esta consiste del enventaneo Winsorising como paso para la remoción de outliers y la aplicación de la transformada discreta de Fourier (DFT) para reemplazar valores ausentes. Los nuevos valores reemplazando o los outliers o los valores ausentes presentan la misma o al menos la misma forma de la serie de tiempo original, permitiendo una visión macro en la coherencia de la serie de tiempo. La reducción de la dimensionalidad en las series de tiempo de absorbancia multivariadas permite obtener menor número de variables a ser procesadas: el análisis por componentes principales (PCA) como transformación lineal captura más del 97% de la variabilidad en cada serie de tiempo (en un rango de una a seis, dependiendo del comportamiento de la series de tiempo absorbancia) y el proceso de Clustering (k-means) combinado con cadenas de Markov. Los procedimientos de pronóstico basados en señales periódicas como la DFT, Chebyshev, Legendre y Regresión Polinomial fueron aplicados y estos pueden capturar el comportamiento dinámico de las series de tiempo. Algunas técnicas de aprendizaje de máquina fueron probadas y fue posible capturar el comportamiento de las series de tiempo en la etapa de calibración, los valores de pronóstico pueden seguir el comportamiento general comparado con los valores observados (excepto ANFIS, GA y Filtro de Kalman). Por lo tanto, ANN y SVM tiene buen rendimiento de pronóstico para la primer parte del horizonte de pronóstico (2 horas). La evaluación de cada metodología de pronóstico fue realizada utilizando cuatro indicadores estadísticos tales como porcentaje absoluto de error (APE), incertidumbre extendida (EU), conjunto de valores dentro del intervalo de confianza (CI) y suma de valores de incertidumbre extendida más el conjunto de valores dentro del intervalo de confianza. El rendimiento de los indicadores provee información acerca de los resultados de pronóstico multivariado con el fin de estimar y evaluar los tiempos de pronóstico para cierta metodología de pronóstico y determinar cuál metodología de pronóstico es mejor adaptada a diferentes rangos de longitudes de onda (espectros de absorbancia) para cada serie de tiempo de absorbancia UV-Vis en cada sitio de estudio. Los resultados en la comparación de las diferentes metodologías de pronóstico, resaltan que no es posible obtener la mejor metodología de pronóstico, porque todas las metodologías de pronóstico propuestas podrían generar un amplio número de valores que permitirán complementar cada una con las otras para diferentes pasos de tiempo de pronóstico y en diferentes rangos del espectro (UV y/o Vis). Por lo tanto, es propuesto un sistema híbrido que es basado en siete metodologías de pronóstico. Así, los valores de los espectros de absorbancia pronosticados fueron transformados a los correspondientes indicadores de calidad de agua (WQI) para utilización en la práctica. Los resultados de pronóstico multivariado presentan valores bajos de APE comparados con los resultados de pronóstico univariado utilizando directamente los valores WQI observados. Estos resultados, probablemente, son obtenidos porque el pronóstico multivariado incluye la correlación presente en todo el rango de los espectros de absorbancia (se captura de forma completa o al menos gran parte de la variabilidad de las series de tiempo),una longitud de onda interfiere con otra u otras longitudes de onda. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos para el humedal construido/tanque de almacenamiento presentan que es posible obtener apreciables resultados de pronóstico en términos de tiempos de detección para eventos de lluvia. Adicionalmente, la inclusión de variables como escorrentía (nivel de agua para este caso) mejora substancialmente los resultados de pronóstico de la calidad del agua.The monitoring of pollutants in urban sewer systems is generally conducted by sampling campaigns, and the resulting samples must be transported, stored and analyzed in laboratory. However, the developments in optics and electronics have enabled the merge of them into the UV-Vis Spectrometry. UV-Vis probes have the purpose of determining the dynamics of loads of organic materials (i.e. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)), nitrates, nitrites and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). In addition to the methods used for the calibration of the probes and the analysis of the time series of UV-Vis absorbance spectra, it is necessary to develop forecasting methods in order to use the online control monitoring in real time. The information from the collected data can also be used for decision making purposes and for real-time control applications. Forecasting is important for decision-making processes. Therefore, the objective of this research work was to develop either a forecasting method or forecasting methods applied to UV-Vis spectrometry time series data for online water quality monitoring in operating urban sewer systems. Five UV-Vis Absorbance time series collected at different on-line measurement sites were used, for a total of 5705 UV-Vis absorbance spectra data: four sites in Colombia (El-Salitre Wastewater Treatment Plant-WWTP, San Fernando WWTP, Pumping Station (PS) sewage called Gibraltar and constructed-wetland/reservoir-tank (CWRT)) and one site in Austria (Graz-West R05 Catchment outlet). The complete process proposed to be applied to UV-Vis absorbance time series has several stages and these are: (i) inputs, the UV-Vis absorbance time series,(ii) the time series pre-processing, outliers analysis, complete missing values and time series dimensionality reduction,and (iii) forecasting procedures and evaluation of results. The methodology proposed was applied to the time series with different characteristics (absorbance), this consists of Winsorising as a step in outlier removal and the application of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to complete the missing values. The new values replaced either outliers or missing values present the same, or almost the same, shape as the original time series, granted the macro vision of the time series coherence. Dimensionality reduction of multivariate absorbance time series allows to have less variables to be processed: PCA linear transformation captures more than 97% of variability for each time series (PC ranging from one to six, depending on absorbance time series behavior), and Clustering process (k-means) combined with Markov Chains. Forecasting procedures based on periodic signals as DFT, Chebyshev, Legendre and Polynomial Regression were applied and they can capture the dynamic behaviour of the time series. Several Machine Learning technics were tested and it was possible to capture the behaviour of the time series at calibration stage, the forecasting obtained valúes can follow the general behaviour compared with observed valúes (with exception of ANFIS, GA and Kalman Filter). Therefore, ANN and SVM have good forecasting performances for first part of forecasting horizon (2 hours). The evaluation of each forecasting methodology was done using four statistic indicators as Absolute Percentage Error (APE), Extended Uncertainty (EU), Set of observed values within Confidence Interval (CI) and sum of EU and Set of observed values within CI. The performance indicators provided valuable information about multivariate forecasting results to estimate and evaluate the forecasting time for a given forecasting methodology and determine which forecasting methodology is best suited for different wavelength ranges (absorbance spectra) at each study site s UV-Vis absorbance time series. Results from different comparison of several forecasting methodologies, highlight that there is not possibility to have a best forecasting methodology among the proposed ones, because all of them could provide a wide forecasting values that would complemented each other for different forecasting time steps and spectra range (UV and/or Vis). Therefore, it is proposed a hybrid system that is based on seven forecasting methodologies. Thus, the forecasted absorbance spectra were transformed to Water Quality Indicators (WQI) for practical uses. The multivariate forecasting results show lower APE values compared to the univariate forecasting results (APE values) using the observed WQI. These results, probably, were obtained because multivariate forecasting includes the correlation presented at whole absorbance spectra range (captures complete or at least great part of time series variability),one wavelength interferes with another and/or other wavelengths. Finally, the results obtained for a constructed-wetland/reservoir-tank system show that it is possible to obtain valuable forecasting results in terms of time detection for some rainfall events. In addition, the inclusion of runoff variables (water level in this case) improves the water quality forecasting results.Doctor en IngenieríaDoctorad