1,009 research outputs found

    Evaluating the stability of numerical schemes for fluid solvers in game technology

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    A variety of numerical techniques have been explored to solve the shallow water equations in real-time water simulations for computer graphics applications. However, determining the stability of a numerical algorithm is a complex and involved task when a coupled set of nonlinear partial differential equations need to be solved. This paper proposes a novel and simple technique to compare the relative empirical stability of finite difference (or any grid-based scheme) algorithms by solving the inviscid Burgers’ equation to analyse their respective breaking times. To exemplify the method to evaluate numerical stability, a range of finite difference schemes is considered. The technique is effective at evaluating the relative stability of the considered schemes and demonstrates that the conservative schemes have superior stability

    The characteristic‐based‐split procedure: an efficient and accurate algorithm for fluid problems

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    In 1995 the two senior authors of the present paper introduced a new algorithm designed to replace the Taylor–Galerkin (or Lax–Wendroff) methods, used by them so far in the solution of compressible flow problems. The new algorithm was applicable to a wide variety of situations, including fully incompressible flows and shallow water equations, as well as supersonic and hypersonic situations, and has proved to be always at least as accurate as other algorithms currently used. The algorithm is based on the solution of conservation equations of fluid mechanics to avoid any possibility of spurious solutions that may otherwise result. The main aspect of the procedure is to split the equations into two parts, (1) a part that is a set of simple scalar equations of convective–diffusion type for which it is well known that the characteristic Galerkin procedure yields an optimal solution; and (2) the part where the equations are self‐adjoint and therefore discretized optimally by the Galerkin procedure. It is possible to solve both the first and second parts of the system explicitly, retaining there the time step limitations of the Taylor–Galerkin procedure. But it is also possible to use semi‐implicit processes where in the first part we use a much bigger time step generally governed by the Peclet number of the system while the second part is solved implicitly and is unconditionally stable. It turns out that the characteristic‐based‐split (CBS) process allows equal interpolation to be used for all system variables without difficulties when the incompressible or nearly incompressible stage is reached. It is hoped that the paper will help to make the algorithm more widely available and understood by the profession and that its advantages can be widely realised

    SWEET - User manual (version 2.0)

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    SWEET (Shallow Water Equations Evolving in Time) is a code for the solution of the 2D de Saint Venant equations, written in their conservative form. The code adopts a Finite Differences scheme to advance in time, with a fractional step procedure. The space discretization is realized through Finite Elements, with a linear representation of the water elevation and a quadratic representation of the unit- width discharge. In this document, the physical model and the numerical schemes used for solving the resulting equations are extensively described. The accuracy of the scheme is verified in different test cases. The sequential algorithm has been ported in the parallel computing framework by using the domain decomposition approach. The Schwarz algorithm has been added to the scheme for preconditioning the iterative solution of the elliptic equation modeling the dynamics of the elevation of the water level. The performance of the parallel code are evaluated on a large size computational test case. The structure of the code is explained by a description of the role of each sub- routine and by a flowchart of the program. The input and output files are described in detail, as they constitute the user interface of the code. Both input and output files have a simple structure, and any effort has been made to simplify the procedure of the input setup for the parallel code, and to manage the output results. The PVM message passing library has been used to perform the communications in the parallel version of SWEET. A short introduction to PVM is added at the end of the present report. The SWEET package is the results of a joint work between CRS4 and Enel - Polo Idraulico e Strutturale. The authors of this document kindly acknowledge the valuable contributions of Vincenzo Pennati, from Enel - Polo Idraulico e Strutturale, and of Luca Formaggia, Alfio Quarteroni and Alan Scheinine, from CRS4. This manual is an extension and revision of the SWEET User Manual Version 1.0, 1996. The author of the former document, as well as of the largest part of the SWEET code, is Davide Ambrosi, currently at Politecnico di Torino. To him, not only our sincere thank is due, but mainly the recognizance that SWEET is and will remain a work of his

    Simulating model uncertainty of subgrid-scale processes by sampling model errors at convective scales

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    Ideally, perturbation schemes in ensemble forecasts should be based on the statistical properties of the model errors. Often, however, the statistical properties of these model errors are unknown. In practice, the perturbations are pragmatically modelled and tuned to maximize the skill of the ensemble forecast. In this paper a general methodology is developed to diagnose the model error, linked to a specific physical process, based on a comparison between a target and a reference model. Here, the reference model is a configuration of the ALADIN (Aire LimitĂ©e Adaptation Dynamique DĂ©veloppement International) model with a parameterization of deep convection. This configuration is also run with the deep-convection parameterization scheme switched off, degrading the forecast skill. The model error is then defined as the difference of the energy and mass fluxes between the reference model with scale-aware deep-convection parameterization and the target model without deep-convection parameterization. In the second part of the paper, the diagnosed model-error characteristics are used to stochastically perturb the fluxes of the target model by sampling the model errors from a training period in such a way that the distribution and the vertical and multivariate correlation within a grid column are preserved. By perturbing the fluxes it is guaranteed that the total mass, heat and momentum are conserved. The tests, performed over the period 11–20 April 2009, show that the ensemble system with the stochastic flux perturbations combined with the initial condition perturbations not only outperforms the target ensemble, where deep convection is not parameterized, but for many variables it even performs better than the reference ensemble (with scale-aware deep-convection scheme). The introduction of the stochastic flux perturbations reduces the small-scale erroneous spread while increasing the overall spread, leading to a more skillful ensemble. The impact is largest in the upper troposphere with substantial improvements compared to other state-of-the-art stochastic perturbation schemes. At lower levels the improvements are smaller or neutral, except for temperature where the forecast skill is degraded

    Lattice Boltzmann simulations of environmental flow problems in shallow water flows

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    The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) proposed about decades ago has been developed and applied to simulate various complex fluids. It has become an alternative powerful method for computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Although most research on the LBM focuses on the Navier-Stokes equations, the method has also been developed to solve other flow equations such as the shallow water equations. In this thesis, the lattice Boltzmann models for the shallow water equations and solute transport equation have been improved and applied to different flows and environmental problems, including solute transport and morphological evolution. In this work, both the single-relaxation-time and multiple-relaxation-time models are used for shallow water equations (named LABSWE and LABSWEMRT, respectively), and the large eddy simulation is incorporated into the LABSWE (named LABSWETM) for turbulent flow. The capability of the LABSWETM was firstly tested by applying it to simulate free surface flows in rectangular basins with different length -width ratios, in which the characteristics of the asymmetrical flows were studied in details. The LABSWEMRT was then used to simulate the one- and two-dimensional shallow water flows over discontinuous beds. The weighted centred scheme for force term, together with the bed height for a bed slope, was incorporated into the model to improve the simulation of water flows over a discontinuous bed. The resistance stress was also included to investigate the effect of the local head loss caused by flows over a step. Thirdly, the LABSWEMRT was extended to simulate a moving body in shallow water. In order to deal with the moving boundaries, three different schemes with second-order accuracy were tested and compared for treating curved boundaries. An additional momentum term was added to reflect the interaction between the following fluid and the solid, and a refilled method was proposed to treat the wetted nodes moving out from the solid nodes. Fourthly, both LABSWE and LABSWEMRT were used to investigate solute transport in shallow water. The flows are solved using LABSWE and LABSWEMRT, and the advection-diffusion equation for solute transport was solved with a LBM-BGK model based on the D2Q5 lattice. Three cases: open channel flow with a side discharge, shallow recirculation flow and flow in a harbour, were simulated to verify the methods. In addition, the performance of LABSWEMRT and LABSWE were compared, and the results showed that the LABSWMRT has better stability and can be used for flow with high Reynolds number. Finally, the lattice Boltzmann method was used with the Euler-WENO scheme to simulate morphological evolution in shallow water. The flow fields were solved by the LABSWEMRT with the improved scheme for the force term, and the fifth order Euler-WENO scheme was used to solve the morphological equation to predict the morphological evolution caused by the bed-load transport

    Development and Optimization of Non-Hydrostatic Models for Water Waves and Fluid-Vegetation Interaction

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    The primary objective of this study is twofold: 1) to develop an efficient and accurate non-hydrostatic wave model for fully dispersive highly nonlinear waves, and 2) to investigate the interaction between waves and submerged flexible vegetation using a fully coupled wave-vegetation model. This research consists of three parts. Firstly, an analytical dispersion relationship is derived for waves simulated by models utilizing Keller-box scheme and central differencing for vertical discretization. The phase speed can be expressed as a rational polynomial function of the dimensionless water depth, khkh, and the layer distribution in water column becomes an optimizable parameter in this function. For a given tolerance dispersion error, the range of khkh is extended and the layer thicknesses are optimally selected. The derived theoretical dispersion relationship is tested with linear and nonlinear standing waves generated by an Euler model. The optimization method is applicable to other non-hydrostatic models for water waves. Secondly, an efficient and accurate approach is developed to solve Euler equations for fully dispersive and highly nonlinear water waves. Discontinuous Galerkin, finite difference, and spectral element formulations are used for horizontal discretization, vertical discretization, and the Poisson equation, respectively. The Keller-box scheme is adopted for its capability of resolving frequency dispersion accurately with low vertical resolution (two or three layers). A three-stage optimal Strong Stability-Preserving Runge-Kutta (SSP-RK) scheme is employed for time integration. Thirdly, a fully coupled wave-vegetation model for simulating the interaction between water waves and submerged flexible plants is presented. The complete governing equation for vegetation motion is solved with a high-order finite element method and an implicit time differencing scheme. The vegetation model is fully coupled with a wave model to explore the relationship between displacement of water particle and plant stem, as well as the effect of vegetation flexibility on wave attenuation. This vegetation deformation model can be coupled with other wave models to simulate wave-vegetation interactions

    Algebraically constrained finite element methods for hyperbolic problems with applications in geophysics and gas dynamics

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    The research conducted in this thesis is focused on property-preserving discretizations of hyperbolic partial differential equations. Computational methods for solving such problems need to be carefully designed to produce physically meaningful numerical solutions. In particular, approximations to some quantities of interest should satisfy local and global discrete maximum principles. Moreover, numerical methods need to obey certain conservation relations, and convergence of approximations to the physically relevant exact solution should be ensured if multiple solutions may exist. Many algorithms based on the aforementioned design principles fall into the category of algebraic flux correction (AFC) schemes. Modern AFC discretizations of nonlinear hyperbolic systems express approximate solutions as convex combinations of intermediate states and constrain these states to be admissible. The main focus of our work is on monolithic convex limiting (MCL) strategies that modify spatial semi-discretizations in this way. Contrary to limiting approaches of predictor-corrector type, their monolithic counterparts are well suited for transient and steady problems alike. Further benefits of the MCL framework presented in this thesis include the possibility of enforcing entropy stability conditions in addition to discrete maximum principles. Using the AFC methodology, we transform finite element discretizations into property-preserving low order methods and perform flux correction to recover higher orders of accuracy without losing any desirable properties. The presented methods produce physics-compatible approximations, which exhibit excellent shock capturing capabilities. One novelty of this work is the tailor-made extension of monolithic convex limiting to the shallow water equations with a nonconservative topography term. Our generalized MCL schemes are entropy stable, positivity preserving, and well balanced in the sense that lake at rest equilibria are preserved. Another desirable property of numerical methods for the shallow water equations is the capability to handle wet-dry transitions properly. We present two new approaches to dealing with this issue. To corroborate our computational results with theoretical investigations, we perform numerical analysis for property-preserving discretizations of the time-dependent linear advection equation. In this context, we prove stability and derive an a~priori error estimate in the semi-discrete setting. We also compare the monolithic convex limiting strategy to two representatives of related flux-corrected transport algorithms. Another highlight of this thesis is the chapter on MCL schemes for arbitrary order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretizations. Building on algorithms developed for continuous Lagrange and Bernstein finite elements, we extend our MCL schemes to the high order DG setting. This research effort involves the design of new AFC tools for numerical fluxes that appear in the DG weak formulation. Our limiting strategy for DG methods exploits the properties of high order Bernstein polynomials to construct sparse discrete operators leading to compact-stencil nonlinear approximations. The proposed numerical methods are applied to various hyperbolic problems. Scalar equations are considered mainly for testing purposes and to simplify numerical analysis. Besides the shallow water system, we study the Euler equations of gas dynamics

    Solution of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations by a new FE fractional step method.

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    In this work, a mathematical and numerical approach for the solution of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid flow problems is investigated. A new flux conservative technique for the solution of the elliptic part of the equations is formulated. In the new model, the non linear convective terms of the momentum equations are approximated by means of characteristics and the spatial approximations, of equal order, are obtained by polynomials of degree two. The advancing in time is afforded by a fractional step method combined with a suitable stabilization technique so that the Inf-Sup condition is respected. In order to keep down the computational cost, the algebraic systems are solved by an iterative solver (Bi-CGSTAB) preconditioned by means of Schwarz additive scalable preconditioners. The properties of the new method are verified carrying out several numerical tests. At first, some elliptic, parabolic and convective-diffusive problems are solved and discussed, then the results of some time dependent and stationary 2D Navier-Stokes problems (in particular the well known benchmark problem of the natural convection in a square cavity) are discussed and compared to those found in the literature. Another, potentially very important application of the numerical tools developed, regards the solution of 1D Shallow-Water equations. In fact the use of the fractional steps scheme for advancing in time and the finite elements (of different polynomial degrees) for the spatial approximation, makes the above mentioned approach computationally profitable and convenient for real applications. The efficiency and accuracy of the numerical model have been checked by solving a theoretical test. Finally, a brief description of the software suitably developed and used in the tests conclude the thesis

    Solution of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations by a new FE fractional step method.

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    In this work, a mathematical and numerical approach for the solution of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid flow problems is investigated. A new flux conservative technique for the solution of the elliptic part of the equations is formulated. In the new model, the non linear convective terms of the momentum equations are approximated by means of characteristics and the spatial approximations, of equal order, are obtained by polynomials of degree two. The advancing in time is afforded by a fractional step method combined with a suitable stabilization technique so that the Inf-Sup condition is respected. In order to keep down the computational cost, the algebraic systems are solved by an iterative solver (Bi-CGSTAB) preconditioned by means of Schwarz additive scalable preconditioners. The properties of the new method are verified carrying out several numerical tests. At first, some elliptic, parabolic and convective-diffusive problems are solved and discussed, then the results of some time dependent and stationary 2D Navier-Stokes problems (in particular the well known benchmark problem of the natural convection in a square cavity) are discussed and compared to those found in the literature. Another, potentially very important application of the numerical tools developed, regards the solution of 1D Shallow-Water equations. In fact the use of the fractional steps scheme for advancing in time and the finite elements (of different polynomial degrees) for the spatial approximation, makes the above mentioned approach computationally profitable and convenient for real applications. The efficiency and accuracy of the numerical model have been checked by solving a theoretical test. Finally, a brief description of the software suitably developed and used in the tests conclude the thesis
