91 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a wideband sigma delta ADC

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    Abstract. High-speed and wideband ADCs have become increasingly important in response to the growing demand for high-speed wireless communication services. Continuous time sigma delta modulators (CTƩ∆M), well-known for their oversampling and noise shaping properties, offer a promising solution for low-power and high-speed design in wireless applications. The objective of this thesis is to design and implement a wideband CTƩ∆M for a global navigation satellite system(GNSS) receiver. The targeted modulator architecture is a 3rdorder single-bit CTƩ∆M, specifically designed to operate within a 15 MHz signal bandwidth. With an oversampling ratio of 25, the ADC’s sampling frequency is set at 768 MHz. The design goal is to achieve a theoretical signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 55 dB. This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of the CTƩ∆M, building upon the principles of a discrete time Ʃ∆ modulator, and leveraging system-level simulation and formulations. A detailed explanation of the coefficient calculation procedure specific to CTƩ∆ modulators is provided, along with a "top-down" design approach that ensures the specified requirements are met. MATLAB scripts for coefficient calculation are also included. To overcome the challenges associated with the implementation of CTƩ∆ modulators, particularly excess loop delay and clock jitter sensitivity, this thesis explores two key strategies: the introduction of a delay compensation path and the utilization of a finite impulse response (FIR) feedback DAC. By incorporating a delay compensation path, the stability of the modulator can be ensured and its noise transfer function (NTF) can be restored. Additionally, the integration of an FIR feedback DAC addresses the issue of clock jitter sensitivity, enhancing the overall performance and robustness of the CTƩ∆M. The CTƩ∆Ms employ the cascade of integrators with feed forward (CIFF) and cascade of integrators with feedforward and feedback (CIFF-B) topologies, with a particular emphasis on the CIFF-B configuration using 22nm CMOS technology node and a supply voltage of 0.8 V. Various simulations are performed to validate the modulator’s performance. The simulation results demonstrate an achievable SNR of 55 dB with a power consumption of 1.36 mW. Furthermore, the adoption of NTF zero optimization techniques enhances the SNR to 62 dB.Laajakaistaisen jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta-AD-muuntimen suunnittelu ja toteutus. Tiivistelmä. Nopeat ja laajakaistaiset AD-muuntimet ovat tulleet entistä tärkeämmiksi nopeiden langattomien kommunikaatiopalvelujen kysynnän kasvaessa. Jatkuva-aikaiset sigma delta -modulaattorit (CTƩ∆M), joissa käytetään ylinäytteistystä ja kohinanmuokkausta, tarjoavat lupaavan ratkaisun matalan tehonkulutuksen ja nopeiden langattomien sovellusten suunnitteluun. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on suunnitella ja toteuttaa laajakaistainen jatkuva -aikainen sigma delta -modulaattori satelliittipaikannusjärjestelmien (GNSS) vastaanottimeen. Arkkitehtuuriltaan modulaattori on kolmannen asteen 1-bittinen CTƩ∆M, jolla on 15MHz:n signaalikaistanleveys. Ylinäytteistyssuhde on 25 ja AD muuntimen näytteistystaajuus 768 MHz. Tavoitteena on saavuttaa teoreettinen 55 dB signaalikohinasuhde (SNR). Tämä työ keskittyy jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen, perustuen diskreettiaikaisen Ʃ∆-modulaattorin periaatteisiin ja systeemitason simulointiin ja mallitukseen. Jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin kertoimien laskentamenetelmä esitetään yksityiskohtaisesti, ja vaatimusten täyttyminen varmistetaan “top-down” -suunnitteluperiaatteella. Liitteenä on kertoimien laskemiseen käytetty MATLAB-koodi. Jatkuva-aikaisten sigma delta -modulaattoreiden erityishaasteiden, liian pitkän silmukkaviiveen ja kellojitterin herkkyyden, voittamiseksi tutkitaan kahta strategiaa, viiveen kompensointipolkua ja FIR takaisinkytkentä -DA muunninta. Viivekompensointipolkua käyttämällä modulaattorin stabiilisuus ja kohinansuodatusfunktio saadaan varmistettua ja korjattua. Lisäksi FIR takaisinkytkentä -DA-muuntimen käyttö pienentää kellojitteriherkkyyttä, parantaen jatkuva aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin kokonaissuorituskykyä ja luotettavuutta. Toteutetuissa jatkuva-aikaisissa sigma delta -modulaattoreissa on kytketty peräkkäin integraattoreita myötäkytkentärakenteella (CIFF) ja toisessa sekä myötä- että takaisinkytkentärakenteella (CIFF-B). Päähuomio on CIFF-B rakenteessa, joka toteutetaan 22nm CMOS prosessissa käyttäen 0.8 voltin käyttöjännitettä. Suorityskyky varmistetaan erilaisilla simuloinneilla, joiden perusteella 55 dB SNR saavutetaan 1.36 mW tehonkulutuksella. Lisäksi kohinanmuokkausfunktion optimoinnilla SNR saadaan nostettua 62 desibeliin

    Low Power CMOS Interface Circuitry for Sensors and Actuators

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    An energy efficient noise-shaping SAR ADC in 28 nm FDSOI

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    In a noise-shaping SAR ADC, oversampling and noise shaping are used to increase the conversion accuracy beyond that the SAR exhibits alone. To implement the noise shaping, the residue voltage present at the SAR DAC plates after each conversion is exploited, and fed into a loop filter connected to an extra input of the SAR comparator. In this thesis, an energy efficient noise-shaping SAR ADC for medical ultrasound applications is designed in 28 nm FDSOI. The design specification is minimum 11.0 bit ENOB of accuracy, signal bandwidth of minimum 2 MHz, and sample rate of minimum 32MHz. According to post-layout Monte Carlo simulations, the designed ADC has an accuracy of 11.1 bit ENOB, and thus satisfies the accuracy requirement. The signal bandwidth and sample rate are the same as in the design specification. Specifically, the topics of this thesis are the design of the loop filter and its inter- facing towards the SAR, as well as the overall high level design. The 9-bit SAR used in the system is an already existing implementation. A cascaded FIR-IIR filter topology is used for the loop filter. In this work, the circuit implementation of this topology is improved, most importantly through the introduction of chopped buffers at the filter input. This eliminates signal attenuation due to charge sharing, and a DAC capacitance that is smaller than the sampling capacitance in the loop filter can therefore be used. Also, auto-zeroed, cascoded inverters rather than a standard OTA are used as gain elements in the switched-capacitor filter structure, and this leads to better energy efficiency. The designed ADC achieves a figure of merit (FOM) of 7.5fJ/conv-step in post-layout Monte Carlo simulations, and to the best of the author s knowledge, this is better than the current state-of-the-art of noise-shaping ADCs. When all kinds of ADCs are taken into consideration, the achieved FOM seems to be similar to the current state-of-the-art in the same specification range

    Architectural Improvements Towards an Efficient 16-18 Bit 100-200 MSPS ADC

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    As Data conversion systems continue to improve in speed and resolution, increasing demands are placed on the performance of high-speed Analog to Digital Conversion systems. This work makes a survey about all these and proposes a suitable architecture in order to achieve the desired specifications of 100-200MS/s with 16-18 bit of resolution. The main architecture is based on paralleled structures in order to achieve high sampling rate and at the same time high resolution. In order to solve problems related to Time-interleaved architectures, an advanced randomization method was introduced. It combines randomization and spectral shaping of mismatches. With a simple low-pass filter the method can, compared to conventional randomization algorithms, improve the SFDR as well as the SINAD. The main advantage of this technique over previous ones is that, because the algorithm only need that ADCs are ordered basing on their time mismatches, the absolute accuracy of the mismatch identification method does not matter and, therefore, the requirements on the timing mismatch identification are very low. In addition to that, this correction system uses very simple algorithms able to correct not only for time but also for gain and offset mismatches

    High-Bandwidth Voltage-Controlled Oscillator based architectures for Analog-to-Digital Conversion

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    The purpose of this thesis is the proposal and implementation of data conversion open-loop architectures based on voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) built with ring oscillators (RO-based ADCs), suitable for highly digital designs, scalable to the newest complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) nodes. The scaling of the design technologies into the nanometer range imposes the reduction of the supply voltage towards small and power-efficient architectures, leading to lower voltage overhead of the transistors. Additionally, phenomena like a lower intrinsic gain, inherent noise, and parasitic effects (mismatch between devices and PVT variations) make the design of classic structures for ADCs more challenging. In recent years, time-encoded A/D conversion has gained relevant popularity due to the possibility of being implemented with mostly digital structures. Within this trend, VCOs designed with ring oscillator based topologies have emerged as promising candidates for the conception of new digitization techniques. RO-based data converters show excellent scalability and sensitivity, apart from some other desirable properties, such as inherent quantization noise shaping and implicit anti-aliasing filtering. However, their nonlinearity and the limited time delay achievable in a simple NOT gate drastically limits the resolution of the converter, especially if we focus on wide-band A/D conversion. This thesis proposes new ways to alleviate these issues. Firstly, circuit-based techniques to compensate for the nonlinearity of the ring oscillator are proposed and compared to equivalent state-of-the-art solutions. The proposals are designed and simulated in a 65-nm CMOS node for open-loop RO-based ADC architectures. One of the techniques is also validated experimentally through a prototype. Secondly, new ways to artificially increase the effective oscillation frequency are introduced and validated by simulations. Finally, new approaches to shape the quantization noise and filter the output spectrum of a RO-based ADC are proposed theoretically. In particular, a quadrature RO-based band-pass ADC and a power-efficient Nyquist A/D converter are proposed and validated by simulations. All the techniques proposed in this work are especially devoted for highbandwidth applications, such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) nodes or maximally digital radio receivers. Nevertheless, their field of application is not restricted to them, and could be extended to others like biomedical instrumentation or sensing.El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es la propuesta y la implementación de arquitecturas de conversión de datos basadas en osciladores en anillos, compatibles con diseños mayoritariamente digitales, escalables en los procesos CMOS de fabricación más modernos donde las estructuras digitales se ven favorecidas. La miniaturización de las tecnologías CMOS de diseño lleva consigo la reducción de la tensión de alimentación para el desarrollo de arquitecturas pequeñas y eficientes en potencia. Esto reduce significativamente la disponibilidad de tensión para saturar transistores, lo que añadido a una ganancia cada vez menor de los mismos, ruido y efectos parásitos como el “mismatch” y las variaciones de proceso, tensión y temperatura han llevado a que sea cada vez más complejo el diseño de estructuras analógicas eficientes. Durante los últimos años la conversión A/D basada en codificación temporal ha ganado gran popularidad dado que permite la implementación de estructuras mayoritariamente digitales. Como parte de esta evolución, los osciladores controlados por tensión diseñados con topologías de oscilador en anillo han surgido como un candidato prometedor para la concepción de nuevas técnicas de digitalización. Los convertidores de datos basados en osciladores en anillo son extremadamente sensibles (variación de frecuencia con respecto a la señal de entrada) así como escalables, además de otras propiedades muy atractivas, como el conformado espectral de ruido de cuantificación y el filtrado “anti-aliasing”. Sin embargo, su respuesta no lineal y el limitado tiempo de retraso alcanzable por una compuerta NOT restringen la resolución del conversor, especialmente para conversión A/D en aplicaciones de elevado ancho de banda. Esta tesis doctoral propone nuevas técnicas para aliviar este tipo de problemas. En primer lugar, se proponen técnicas basadas en circuito para compensar el efecto de la no linealidad en los osciladores en anillo, y se comparan con soluciones equivalentes ya publicadas. Las propuestas se diseñan y simulan en tecnología CMOS de 65 nm para arquitecturas en lazo abierto. Una de estas técnicas presentadas es también validada experimentalmente a través de un prototipo. En segundo lugar, se introducen y validan por simulación varias formas de incrementar artificialmente la frecuencia de oscilación efectiva. Para finalizar, se proponen teóricamente dos enfoques para configurar nuevas formas de conformación del ruido de cuantificación y filtrado del espectro de salida de los datos digitales. En particular, son propuestos y validados por simulación un ADC pasobanda en cuadratura de fase y un ADC de Nyquist de gran eficiencia en potencia. Todas las técnicas propuestas en este trabajo están destinadas especialmente para aplicaciones de alto ancho de banda, tales como módulos para el Internet de las cosas o receptores de radiofrecuencia mayoritariamente digitales. A pesar de ello, son extrapolables también a otros campos como el de la instrumentación biomédica o el de la medición de señales mediante sensores.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Juan Pablo Alegre Pérez.- Secretario: Celia López Ongil.- Vocal: Fernando Cardes Garcí