27 research outputs found

    Application of compiler-assisted multiple instruction rollback recovery to speculative execution

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    Speculative execution is a method to increase instruction level parallelism which can be exploited by both super-scalar and VLIW architectures. The key to a successful general speculation strategy is a repair mechanism to handle mispredicted branches and accurate reporting of exceptions for speculated instructions. Multiple instruction rollback is a technique developed for recovery from transient processor failure. Many of the difficulties encountered during recovery from branch misprediction or from instruction re-execution due to exception in a speculative execution architecture are similar to those encountered during multiple instruction rollback. The applicability of a recently developed compiler-assisted multiple instruction rollback scheme to aid in speculative execution repair is investigated. Extensions to the compiler-assisted scheme to support branch and exception repair are presented along with performance measurements across ten application programs

    Precise exception handling for a self-timed processor

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    Journal ArticleSelf-timed systems structured as multiple concurrent processes and communicating through self-timed queues are a convenient way to implement decoupled computer architectures. Machines of this type can exploit instruction level parallelism in a natural way, and can be easily modified and extended. However, providing a precise exception model for a self-timed micropipelined processor can be difficult, since the processor state does not change at uniformly discrete intervals. We present a precise exception method implemented for Fred, a self-timed, decoupled, pipelined computer architecture with out-of-order instruction completion

    Design of a Five Stage Pipeline CPU with Interruption System

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    A central processing unit (CPU), also referred to as a central processor unit, is the hardware within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system. The term has been in use in the computer industry at least since the early 1960s.The form, design, and implementation of CPUs have changed over the course of their history, but their fundamental operation remains much the same. A computer can have more than one CPU; this is called multiprocessing. All modern CPUs are microprocessors, meaning contained on a single chip. Some integrated circuits (ICs) can contain multiple CPUs on a single chip; those ICs are called multi-core processors. An IC containing a CPU can also contain peripheral devices, and other components of a computer system; this is called a system on a chip (SoC).Two typical components of a CPU are the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations, and the control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and executes them, calling on the ALU when necessary. Not all computational systems rely on a central processing unit. An array processor or vector processor has multiple parallel computing elements, with no one unit considered the "center". In the distributed computing model, problems are solved by a distributed interconnected set of processors

    Deterministic Cache-based Execution of On-line Self-Test Routines in Multi-core Automotive System-on-Chips

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    Traditionally, the usage of caches and deterministic execution of on-line self-test procedures have been considered two mutually exclusive concepts. At the same time, software executed in a multi-core context suffers of a limited timing predictability due to the higher system bus contention. When dealing with selftest procedures, this higher contention might lead to a fluctuating fault coverage or even the failure of some test programs. This paper presents a cache-based strategy for achieving both deterministic behaviour and stable fault coverage from the execution of self-test procedures in multi-core systems. The proposed strategy is applied to two representative modules negatively affected by a multi-core execution: synchronous imprecise interrupts logic and pipeline hazard detection unit. The experiments illustrate that it is possible to achieve a stable execution while also improving the state-of-the-art approaches for the on-line testing of embedded microprocessors. The effectiveness of the methodology was assessed on all the three cores of a multi-core industrial System- on-Chip intended for automotive ASIL D applications

    Sargantana: A 1 GHz+ in-order RISC-V processor with SIMD vector extensions in 22nm FD-SOI

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    The RISC-V open Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) has proven to be a solid alternative to licensed ISAs. In the past 5 years, a plethora of industrial and academic cores and accelerators have been developed implementing this open ISA. In this paper, we present Sargantana, a 64-bit processor based on RISC-V that implements the RV64G ISA, a subset of the vector instructions extension (RVV 0.7.1), and custom application-specific instructions. Sargantana features a highly optimized 7-stage pipeline implementing out-of-order write-back, register renaming, and a non-blocking memory pipeline. Moreover, Sar-gantana features a Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) unit that accelerates domain-specific applications. Sargantana achieves a 1.26 GHz frequency in the typical corner, and up to 1.69 GHz in the fast corner using 22nm FD-SOI commercial technology. As a result, Sargantana delivers a 1.77× higher Instructions Per Cycle (IPC) than our previous 5-stage in-order DVINO core, reaching 2.44 CoreMark/MHz. Our core design delivers comparable or even higher performance than other state-of-the-art academic cores performance under Autobench EEMBC benchmark suite. This way, Sargantana lays the foundations for future RISC-V based core designs able to meet industrial-class performance requirements for scientific, real-time, and high-performance computing applications.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (contract PID2019- 107255GB-C21), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1328), by the European Union within the framework of the ERDF of Catalonia 2014-2020 under the DRAC project [001-P-001723], and by Lenovo-BSC Contract-Framework (2020). The Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness has partially supported M. Doblas and V. Soria-Pardos through a FPU fellowship no. FPU20-04076 and FPU20-02132 respectively. G. Lopez-Paradis has been supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya through a FI fellowship 2021FI-B00994. S. Marco-Sola was supported by Juan de la Cierva fellowship grant IJC2020-045916-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”, and M. Moretó through a Ramon y Cajal fellowship no. RYC-2016-21104.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Compiler-assisted multiple instruction rollback recovery using a read buffer

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    Multiple instruction rollback (MIR) is a technique that has been implemented in mainframe computers to provide rapid recovery from transient processor failures. Hardware-based MIR designs eliminate rollback data hazards by providing data redundancy implemented in hardware. Compiler-based MIR designs have also been developed which remove rollback data hazards directly with data-flow transformations. This paper describes compiler-assisted techniques to achieve multiple instruction rollback recovery. We observe that some data hazards resulting from instruction rollback can be resolved efficiently by providing an operand read buffer while others are resolved more efficiently with compiler transformations. The compiler-assisted scheme presented consists of hardware that is less complex than shadow files, history files, history buffers, or delayed write buffers, while experimental evaluation indicates performance improvement over compiler-based schemes

    Application of Compiler-Assisted Multiple Instruction Rollback Recovery to Speculative Execution

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryNational Aeronautics and Space Administration / NASA NAG 1-613Department of the Navy managed by the Office of the Chief of Naval Research / N00014-91-J-128


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    Mower is a micro-architecture technique which targets branch misprediction penalties in superscalar processors. It speeds-up the misprediction recovery process by dynamically evicting stale instructions and fixing the RAT (Register Alias Table) using explicit branch dependency tracking. Tracking branch dependencies is accomplished by using simple bit matrices. This low-overhead technique allows overlapping of the recovery process with instruction fetching, renaming and scheduling from the correct path. Our evaluation of the mechanism indicates that it yields performance very close to ideal recovery and provides up to 5% speed-up and 2% reduction in power consumption compared to a traditional recovery mechanism using a reorder buffer and a walker. The simplicity of the mechanism should permit easy implementation of Mower in an actual processor

    Compiler-Assisted Multiple Instruction Rollback Recovery Using a Read Buffer

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryNational Aeronautics and Space Administration / NASA NAG 1-613Department of the Navy / N00014-91-J-128