119 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Concurrency Control Technique for Real-Time Database System

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    Real-time database must maintain the Temporal Consistency of the data which cannot be achieved with the conventional concurrency control techniques as they focus only on the consistency of the data. Different protocols exhibit good performance on different situations. But a single technique is inadequate to meet the demand of real-time database. To improve the concurrency control technique for real-time transactions, this paper will present a comprehensive technique that coordinates multi-version, OCC Sacrifice, Speculative Concurrency Control and 2PL-HP protocols. The presented technique uses best suited protocol based on the contention of transactions. Thus it can significantly improve the concurrency of transactions as well as increase the number of transactions

    Web Auction System

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    Auctions are perhaps the oldest market places in history. For centuries, people were allowed to place a price on an item for sale. The person who pledged the highest amount won. Although there were no legal contracts and laws in place, the underlying concept remained the same; both buyer and seller gained something from the transaction. This Computer Science Masters project is aimed at designing an online auction system that is scalable, robust, and flexible to meet the increasing demands of secure and efficient transactions. This project proposes the use of a three-tier architecture system to conduct online auctions in order to ensure reliability, flexibility and scalability. The system uses HTML and JSP for the front end, WebLogic server as the middle tier, and Oracle as the backend database. This online auction system is built to ensure smooth and efficient transactions between buyers and sellers. This report describes the basic concepts underlying auctions, specifically online auctions. The report goes on to explain in detail the design and logic of the system by incorporating figures and screen shots for illustration

    Optimizing recovery protocols for replicated database systems

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    En la actualidad, el uso de tecnologías de informacíon y sistemas de cómputo tienen una gran influencia en la vida diaria. Dentro de los sistemas informáticos actualmente en uso, son de gran relevancia los sistemas distribuidos por la capacidad que pueden tener para escalar, proporcionar soporte para la tolerancia a fallos y mejorar el desempeño de aplicaciones y proporcionar alta disponibilidad. Los sistemas replicados son un caso especial de los sistemas distribuidos. Esta tesis está centrada en el área de las bases de datos replicadas debido al uso extendido que en el presente se hace de ellas, requiriendo características como: bajos tiempos de respuesta, alto rendimiento en los procesos, balanceo de carga entre las replicas, consistencia e integridad de datos y tolerancia a fallos. En este contexto, el desarrollo de aplicaciones utilizando bases de datos replicadas presenta dificultades que pueden verse atenuadas mediante el uso de servicios de soporte a mas bajo nivel tales como servicios de comunicacion y pertenencia. El uso de los servicios proporcionados por los sistemas de comunicación de grupos permiten ocultar los detalles de las comunicaciones y facilitan el diseño de protocolos de replicación y recuperación. En esta tesis, se presenta un estudio de las alternativas y estrategias empleadas en los protocolos de replicación y recuperación en las bases de datos replicadas. También se revisan diferentes conceptos sobre los sistemas de comunicación de grupos y sincronia virtual. Se caracterizan y clasifican diferentes tipos de protocolos de replicación con respecto a la interacción o soporte que pudieran dar a la recuperación, sin embargo el enfoque se dirige a los protocolos basados en sistemas de comunicación de grupos. Debido a que los sistemas comerciales actuales permiten a los programadores y administradores de sistemas de bases de datos renunciar en alguna medida a la consistencia con la finalidad de aumentar el rendimiento, es importante determinar el nivel de consistencia necesario. En el caso de las bases de datos replicadas la consistencia está muy relacionada con el nivel de aislamiento establecido entre las transacciones. Una de las propuestas centrales de esta tesis es un protocolo de recuperación para un protocolo de replicación basado en certificación. Los protocolos de replicación de base de datos basados en certificación proveen buenas bases para el desarrollo de sus respectivos protocolos de recuperación cuando se utiliza el nivel de aislamiento snapshot. Para tal nivel de aislamiento no se requiere que los readsets sean transferidos entre las réplicas ni revisados en la fase de cetificación y ya que estos protocolos mantienen un histórico de la lista de writesets que es utilizada para certificar las transacciones, este histórico provee la información necesaria para transferir el estado perdido por la réplica en recuperación. Se hace un estudio del rendimiento del protocolo de recuperación básico y de la versión optimizada en la que se compacta la información a transferir. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas de la implementación del protocolo de recuperación en el middleware de soporte. La segunda propuesta esta basada en aplicar el principio de compactación de la informacion de recuperación en un protocolo de recuperación para los protocolos de replicación basados en votación débil. El objetivo es minimizar el tiempo necesario para transfeir y aplicar la información perdida por la réplica en recuperación obteniendo con esto un protocolo de recuperación mas eficiente. Se ha verificado el buen desempeño de este algoritmo a través de una simulación. Para efectuar la simulación se ha hecho uso del entorno de simulación Omnet++. En los resultados de los experimentos puede apreciarse que este protocolo de recuperación tiene buenos resultados en múltiples escenarios. Finalmente, se presenta la verificación de la corrección de ambos algoritmos de recuperación en el Capítulo 5.Nowadays, information technology and computing systems have a great relevance on our lives. Among current computer systems, distributed systems are one of the most important because of their scalability, fault tolerance, performance improvements and high availability. Replicated systems are a specific case of distributed system. This Ph.D. thesis is centered in the replicated database field due to their extended usage, requiring among other properties: low response times, high throughput, load balancing among replicas, data consistency, data integrity and fault tolerance. In this scope, the development of applications that use replicated databases raises some problems that can be reduced using other fault-tolerant building blocks, as group communication and membership services. Thus, the usage of the services provided by group communication systems (GCS) hides several communication details, simplifying the design of replication and recovery protocols. This Ph.D. thesis surveys the alternatives and strategies being used in the replication and recovery protocols for database replication systems. It also summarizes different concepts about group communication systems and virtual synchrony. As a result, the thesis provides a classification of database replication protocols according to their support to (and interaction with) recovery protocols, always assuming that both kinds of protocol rely on a GCS. Since current commercial DBMSs allow that programmers and database administrators sacrifice consistency with the aim of improving performance, it is important to select the appropriate level of consistency. Regarding (replicated) databases, consistency is strongly related to the isolation levels being assigned to transactions. One of the main proposals of this thesis is a recovery protocol for a replication protocol based on certification. Certification-based database replication protocols provide a good basis for the development of their recovery strategies when a snapshot isolation level is assumed. In that level readsets are not needed in the validation step. As a result, they do not need to be transmitted to other replicas. Additionally, these protocols hold a writeset list that is used in the certification/validation step. That list maintains the set of writesets needed by the recovery protocol. This thesis evaluates the performance of a recovery protocol based on the writeset list tranfer (basic protocol) and of an optimized version that compacts the information to be transferred. The second proposal applies the compaction principle to a recovery protocol designed for weak-voting replication protocols. Its aim is to minimize the time needed for transferring and applying the writesets lost by the recovering replica, obtaining in this way an efficient recovery. The performance of this recovery algorithm has been checked implementing a simulator. To this end, the Omnet++ simulating framework has been used. The simulation results confirm that this recovery protocol provides good results in multiple scenarios. Finally, the correction of both recovery protocols is also justified and presented in Chapter 5.García Muñoz, LH. (2013). Optimizing recovery protocols for replicated database systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31632TESI

    Conceptualização e desenvolvimento de uma framework de clustering

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    Com a proliferação de todo o tipo de serviços baseados em plataformas digitais, como por exemplo, o e-commerce o home banking ou mesmo as redes sociais, o conceito de sistemas distribuídos ganhou um novo folgo, e com ele, surgiram novas necessidades de se atingir altos níveis de disponibilidade para determinados sistemas de software. Este cenário obriga a que as infraestruturas tecnológicas atuais incluam várias réplicas desses mesmos sistemas, de forma a manter o serviço sempre disponível ainda que ocorra uma falha num ou noutro sistema. A maior parte dos sistemas atuais incluem duas camadas distintas, a camada aplicacional, onde corre a lógica de negócio, e a camada de persistência onde os dados são guardados de forma não volátil. Embora, normalmente, de forma simples se consigam replicar os aplicacionais desses sistemas, replicar as camadas de persistência revela-se a maior parte das vezes um desafio bem mais complexo. Esta dissertação apresenta um problema concreto de uma necessidade de aplicar replicação de dados num sistema distribuído que se encontra atualmente em ambiente de produção, de forma a poder garantir-se a disponibilidade do mesmo. Do estudo realizado sobre os principais conceitos de replicação de dados, assim como algumas frameworks de replicação a nível de middleware, e o problema em questão, foi possível conceptualizar e desenvolver uma nova framework de clustering ao nível do middleware que pode ser aplicada em sistemas aos quais se queira adicionar capacidade de clustering, independentemente do tipo de persistência com os quais os mesmos interagem.With the proliferation of all kinds of services based on digital platforms, as for example, the ecommerce, the home banking or even the social networks, the concept of distributed systems gained a new breadth, and with it, appeared new necessities to achieve higher levels of high availability in some specific software systems. This scenario forces the need of the actual technological infrastructures to include several replicas of those systems, in order to ensure the service availability, even in an advent of a failure in one or more systems. The majority of the actual systems include two distinct layers, the application layer, where the business logic runs, and the persistence layer, where the data is stored in a non-volatile way. Although, usually, is simple to apply replication to the application layer of those systems, applying replication on the persistence layers reveals itself most of the times a much more complex challenge. This master thesis presents a concrete problem of the necessity to apply data replication to a distributed system that is currently in a production environment, in order to ensure its availability. Through study performed both on the main concepts of data replication, as on some middleware based replication frameworks, and taking into the account the problem in hand, it was possible to conceptualize and develop a new middleware clustering framework that can be applied to systems to which is wanted to add clustering capabilities, regardless of the persistence type they interact with

    Overlapping of Communication and Computation and Early Binding: Fundamental Mechanisms for Improving Parallel Performance on Clusters of Workstations

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    This study considers software techniques for improving performance on clusters of workstations and approaches for designing message-passing middleware that facilitate scalable, parallel processing. Early binding and overlapping of communication and computation are identified as fundamental approaches for improving parallel performance and scalability on clusters. Currently, cluster computers using the Message-Passing Interface for interprocess communication are the predominant choice for building high-performance computing facilities, which makes the findings of this work relevant to a wide audience from the areas of high-performance computing and parallel processing. The performance-enhancing techniques studied in this work are presently underutilized in practice because of the lack of adequate support by existing message-passing libraries and are also rarely considered by parallel algorithm designers. Furthermore, commonly accepted methods for performance analysis and evaluation of parallel systems omit these techniques and focus primarily on more obvious communication characteristics such as latency and bandwidth. This study provides a theoretical framework for describing early binding and overlapping of communication and computation in models for parallel programming. This framework defines four new performance metrics that facilitate new approaches for performance analysis of parallel systems and algorithms. This dissertation provides experimental data that validate the correctness and accuracy of the performance analysis based on the new framework. The theoretical results of this performance analysis can be used by designers of parallel system and application software for assessing the quality of their implementations and for predicting the effective performance benefits of early binding and overlapping. This work presents MPI/Pro, a new MPI implementation that is specifically optimized for clusters of workstations interconnected with high-speed networks. This MPI implementation emphasizes features such as persistent communication, asynchronous processing, low processor overhead, and independent message progress. These features are identified as critical for delivering maximum performance to applications. The experimental section of this dissertation demonstrates the capability of MPI/Pro to facilitate software techniques that result in significant application performance improvements. Specific demonstrations with Virtual Interface Architecture and TCP/IP over Ethernet are offered

    Manufacturing equipment data collection framework

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    Estágio realizado na Qimonda Portugal, S. A. e orientado pelo Eng.º Nuno SoaresTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    CazDataProvider: a solution to the object-relational mismatch

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de InformáticaToday, most software applications require mechanisms to store information persistently. For decades, Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMSs) have been the most common technology to provide efficient and reliable persistence. Due to the object-relational paradigm mismatch, object oriented applications that store data in relational databases have to deal with Object Relational Mapping (ORM) problems. Since the emerging of new ORM frameworks, there has been an attempt to lure developers for a radical paradigm shift. However, they still often have troubles finding the best persistence mechanism for their applications, especially when they have to bear with legacy database systems. The aim of this dissertation is to discuss the persistence problem on object oriented applications and find the best solutions. The main focus lies on the ORM limitations, patterns, technologies and alternatives. The project supporting this dissertation was implemented at Cachapuz under the Project Global Weighting Solutions (GWS). Essentially, the objectives of GWS were centred on finding the optimal persistence layer for CazFramework, mostly providing database interoperability with close-to-Structured Query Language (SQL) querying. Therefore, this work provides analyses on ORM patterns, frameworks, alternatives to ORM like Object-Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMSs). It also describes the implementation of CazDataProvider, a .NET library tool providing database interoperability and dynamic query features. In the end, there is a performance comparison of all the technologies debated in this dissertation. The result of this dissertation provides guidance for adopting the best persistence technology or implement the most suitable ORM architectures.Hoje, a maioria dos aplicações requerem mecanismos para armazenar informação persistentemente. Durante décadas, as RDBMSs têm sido a tecnologia mais comum para fornecer persistência eficiente e confiável. Devido à incompatibilidade dos paradigmas objetos-relacional, as aplicações orientadas a objetos que armazenam dados em bases de dados relacionais têm de lidar com os problemas do ORM. Desde o surgimento de novas frameworks ORM, houve uma tentativa de atrair programadores para uma mudança radical de paradigmas. No entanto, eles ainda têm muitas vezes dificuldade em encontrar o melhor mecanismo de persistência para as suas aplicações, especialmente quando eles têm de lidar com bases de dados legadss. O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir o problema de persistência em aplicações orientadas a objetos e encontrar as melhores soluções. O foco principal está nas limitações, padrões e tecnologias do ORM bem como suas alternativas. O projeto de apoio a esta dissertação foi implementado na Cachapuz no âmbito do Projeto GWS. Essencialmente, os objetivos do GWS foram centrados em encontrar a camada de persistência ideal para a CazFramework, principalmente fornecendo interoperabilidade de base de dados e consultas em SQL. Portanto, este trabalho fornece análises sobre padrões, frameworks e alternativas ao ORM como OODBMS. Além disso descreve a implementação do CazDataProvider, uma biblioteca .NET que fornece interoperabilidade de bases de dados e consultas dinâmicas. No final, há uma comparação de desempenho de todas as tecnologias discutidas nesta dissertação. O resultado deste trabalho fornece orientação para adotar a melhor tecnologia de persistência ou implementar as arquiteturas ORM mais adequadas

    Adaptive Management of Multimodel Data and Heterogeneous Workloads

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    Data management systems are facing a growing demand for a tighter integration of heterogeneous data from different applications and sources for both operational and analytical purposes in real-time. However, the vast diversification of the data management landscape has led to a situation where there is a trade-off between high operational performance and a tight integration of data. The difference between the growth of data volume and the growth of computational power demands a new approach for managing multimodel data and handling heterogeneous workloads. With PolyDBMS we present a novel class of database management systems, bridging the gap between multimodel database and polystore systems. This new kind of database system combines the operational capabilities of traditional database systems with the flexibility of polystore systems. This includes support for data modifications, transactions, and schema changes at runtime. With native support for multiple data models and query languages, a PolyDBMS presents a holistic solution for the management of heterogeneous data. This does not only enable a tight integration of data across different applications, it also allows a more efficient usage of resources. By leveraging and combining highly optimized database systems as storage and execution engines, this novel class of database system takes advantage of decades of database systems research and development. In this thesis, we present the conceptual foundations and models for building a PolyDBMS. This includes a holistic model for maintaining and querying multiple data models in one logical schema that enables cross-model queries. With the PolyAlgebra, we present a solution for representing queries based on one or multiple data models while preserving their semantics. Furthermore, we introduce a concept for the adaptive planning and decomposition of queries across heterogeneous database systems with different capabilities and features. The conceptual contributions presented in this thesis materialize in Polypheny-DB, the first implementation of a PolyDBMS. Supporting the relational, document, and labeled property graph data model, Polypheny-DB is a suitable solution for structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. This is complemented by an extensive type system that includes support for binary large objects. With support for multiple query languages, industry standard query interfaces, and a rich set of domain-specific data stores and data sources, Polypheny-DB offers a flexibility unmatched by existing data management solutions