56 research outputs found

    Degradation mechanisms of devices for optoelectronics and power electronics based on Gallium Nitride heterostructures

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    Gallium Nitride is rapidly emerging as a promising material for electronic devices in various fields. Since it is a direct bandgap semiconductor it can be used for highly efficient light emitting devices (Light Emitting Diodes and Laser Diodes) and the possibility of growing alloys containing Aluminum and Indium allow for the selection of the peak wavelength along the whole UV-green part of the radiation spectrum. Moreover, the high electron mobility, the ability of withstand high electric fields and the good thermal dissipation make GaN-based diodes and transistors devices with a good potential for high frequency and power applications. Before final products containing Gallium Nitride devices can permeate the international market, it is required to guarantee that they are reliable enough to have long lifetimes to appeal potential customers, and that their performance/cost relationship is superior compared to other competitors, at least in some specific fields of application. Aim of this thesis is to investigate the strong points of Gallium Nitrides by means of characterization and reliability tests on various different structures (LEDs, laser diodes, blocking diodes, HEMTs, GITs, MISs), in order to analyze the behavior of the material from different points of view. Within this work is reported a detailed study of the gradual degradation of InGaN-based laser diodes and Light-Emitting Diodes submitted to electro-thermal stress. The purpose is to compare the behavior of the two devices by means of electro-optical measurements, electroluminescence characterization, near field emission measurements and Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) investigation in order to give a deeper understanding of the mechanisms involved in LD degradation. Particular attention is given to the role of injection efficiency decrease and non-radiative recombination. The comparison of the degradation kinetics and an analysis of the degradation modes of the two device structures allowed a complete study of the physical mechanisms responsible for the degradation. It was found that the degradation of the devices can be ascribed to an increase of the defect density, which has a strong impact on non radiative recombination kinetics. The activation energy of the detected deep level is 0.35 - 0.45 eV. As an effect of combined electrical and thermal stress tests on commercially-available InGaN-based blue laser diodes, it has been found that sometimes there is an initial decrease of the threshold current, which is ascribed to the increase of the activation of p-type dopant, promoted by the temperature and the flow of minority carriers. In order to investigate the effects of the creation of defects, two different commercial blue InGaN-based LEDs were submitted to 3 MeV proton irradiation at various fluencies (10^11, 10^12 and 10^13 p/cm2). The degradation process was characterized by combined current-voltage (I - V), optical power-current (L - I) and capacitance-voltage (C - V) measurements, in order to investigate the changes induced by the irradiation and the recovery after annealing time at high temperature (150 °C). The experimental data suggest the creation of non-radiative recombination centers near or into the active region of the LEDs, due to atomic displacement. This hypothesis is confirmed by the results of the recovery tests: the increase of the optical power and its correlation with the recovery of the forward current is consistent with the annealing of those defects. Part of the activity on high electron mobility transistors was devoted to the realization of measurement setups in order to carry out novel characterization techniques. Were analyzed the advantages and limitations of the current-transient method used for the study of the deep levels in GaN-based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs), by evaluating how the procedures adopted for measurement and data analysis can influence the results of the investigation. The choice of the measurement parameters (such as the voltage levels used to induce the trapping phenomena and monitor the current transients and the duration of the filling pulses) and of the analysis procedure (the method used for the extrapolation of the time constants of the processes) can influence the results of the drain current transient investigation and can provide information on the location of the trap levels responsible for current collapse. Moreover, was collected a database of defects described in more than 60 papers on GaN and its compounds, which can be used to extract information on the nature and origin of the traps in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. Using this newly developed technique and other more common tests, several reliability and lifetime test were carried out on various structures, in order to gain a better understanding of their problematic aspects and possible improvements. One potential variation is the composition of the gate stack. Degradation tests were performed at Vgs = -5 V and increasing Vds levels on GaN HEMTs with different gate materials: Ni/Au/Ni, ITO and Ni/ITO. At each step of the stress experiment, the electrical and optical characteristics of the transistors were measured in order to analyze the degradation process. It was found that stress induces a permanent degradation of the gate diode, consisting in an increase in the leakage current. This change is due to the generation of parasitic conductive paths, as suggested by electroluminescence (EL) mapping, and devices based on ITO showed higher reliability. These data strongly support the hypothesis that the robustness is influenced by processing parameters and/or by the gate material, since all analyzed devices come from the same epitaxial wafer. Other than varying the gate material, it is possible to add a p-type layer under the gate in order to achieve normally-off operation. This change produces a benefit in terms of performances, but can give birth to unusual trapping phenomena. It was carried out an extensive analysis of the time and field-dependent trapping processes that occur in GaN-based gate injection transistors exposed to high drain voltage levels. Results indicate that, even if the devices do not suffer from current collapse, continuous exposure to high drain voltages can induce a remarkable increase in the on-resistance (Ron). The increase in Ron can be recovered by leaving the device in rest conditions. Temperature-dependent analysis indicates that the activation energy of the detrapping process is equal to 0.47 eV. By time-resolved electroluminescence characterization, it is shown that this effect is related to the capture of electrons in the gate - drain access region. This is further confirmed by the fact that charge emission can be significantly accelerated through the injection of holes from the gate. A first-order model was developed to explain the time dependence of the trapping process. Using other deep levels characterization techniques, such as drain current transients, gate frequency sweeps and backgating, several other trap states were identified in these devices. Their activation energies are 0.13, 0.14, 0.25, 0.47 and 0.51 eV. During the accelerated lifetime tests of these devices, it was found a variation of the relative amplitude of the transconductance peaks, well correlated with the increase of the electroluminescence. This effect can be explained by the activation of the p-type dopant, a phenomenon which was detected also in laser diodes. It is possible to develop diodes able to withstand very high reverse voltages using a similar structure, deprived of the gate region and with an additional Schottky diode (Natural superjunction). In this case, the activation energies of the detected deep levels were 0.35, 0.36, 0.44 and 0.47 eV. These values are very similar to the ones found in GITs, and this fact, along with the presence of the p-dopant activation in very different devices, confirms that it is useful to study different structures based on the same material in order to gain more knowledge on its performances, possibilities and reliability aspects

    The 2020 UV emitter roadmap

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    Solid state UV emitters have many advantages over conventional UV sources. The (Al,In,Ga)N material system is best suited to produce LEDs and laser diodes from 400 nm down to 210 nm—due to its large and tuneable direct band gap, n- and p-doping capability up to the largest bandgap material AlN and a growth and fabrication technology compatible with the current visible InGaN-based LED production. However AlGaN based UV-emitters still suffer from numerous challenges compared to their visible counterparts that become most obvious by consideration of their light output power, operation voltage and long term stability. Most of these challenges are related to the large bandgap of the materials. However, the development since the first realization of UV electroluminescence in the 1970s shows that an improvement in understanding and technology allows the performance of UV emitters to be pushed far beyond the current state. One example is the very recent realization of edge emitting laser diodes emitting in the UVC at 271.8 nm and in the UVB spectral range at 298 nm. This roadmap summarizes the current state of the art for the most important aspects of UV emitters, their challenges and provides an outlook for future developments

    Deep Level Defects in Electron-Irradiated Aluminum Gallium Nitride Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    Aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN)-based devices are attractive candidates for integration into future Air Force communication and sensor platforms, including those that must operate in harsh radiation environments. In this study, the electrical and optical properties of 1.0 MeV electron irradiated n-AlxGa1-xN are characterized for aluminum mole fraction x = 0.0 to 0.3 using deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), temperature-dependent Hall, and cathodoluminescence (CL) measurements. Following irradiation of the AlGaN, it is found that four different electron traps are created, having energy levels within 0.4 eV below the conduction band edge. Three of these traps correspond to radiation-induced traps previously reported in GaN, and they are found to deepen significantly in the energy band gap with increase in aluminum mole fraction. The room temperature carrier concentration decreases following irradiation, and the carrier removal rate is found to depend foremost on the initial carrier concentration, regardless of the aluminum mole fraction. Also, following 1.0 MeV electron irradiation at a fluence of 1x1017 cm-2, the peak CL intensities of the samples are reduced, on average, by 50%. In spite of these findings, it is concluded that n-AlxGa1-xN is intrinsically more tolerant to radiation than conventional semiconductor materials such as GaAs and Si

    Design, Growth, and Characterization of III-Sb and III-N Materials for Photovoltaic Applications

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    abstract: Photovoltaic (PV) energy has shown tremendous improvements in the past few decades showing great promises for future sustainable energy sources. Among all PV energy sources, III-V-based solar cells have demonstrated the highest efficiencies. This dissertation investigates the two different III-V solar cells with low (III-antimonide) and high (III-nitride) bandgaps. III-antimonide semiconductors, particularly aluminum (indium) gallium antimonide alloys, with relatively low bandgaps, are promising candidates for the absorption of long wavelength photons and thermophotovoltaic applications. GaSb and its alloys can be grown metamorphically on non-native substrates such as GaAs allowing for the understanding of different multijunction solar cell designs. The work in this dissertation presents the molecular beam epitaxy growth, crystal quality, and device performance of AlxGa1−xSb solar cells grown on GaAs substrates. The motivation is on the optimization of the growth of AlxGa1−xSb on GaAs (001) substrates to decrease the threading dislocation density resulting from the significant lattice mismatch between GaSb and GaAs. GaSb, Al0.15Ga0.85Sb, and Al0.5Ga0.5Sb cells grown on GaAs substrates demonstrate open-circuit voltages of 0.16, 0.17, and 0.35 V, respectively. In addition, a detailed study is presented to demonstrate the temperature dependence of (Al)GaSb PV cells. III-nitride semiconductors are promising candidates for high-efficiency solar cells due to their inherent properties and pre-existing infrastructures that can be used as a leverage to improve future nitride-based solar cells. However, to unleash the full potential of III-nitride alloys for PV and PV-thermal (PVT) applications, significant progress in growth, design, and device fabrication are required. In this dissertation, first, the performance of ii InGaN solar cells designed for high temperature application (such as PVT) are presented showing robust cell performance up to 600 ⁰C with no significant degradation. In the final section, extremely low-resistance GaN-based tunnel junctions with different structures are demonstrated showing highly efficient tunneling characteristics with negative differential resistance (NDR). To improve the efficiency of optoelectronic devices such as UV emitters the first AlGaN tunnel diode with Zener characteristic is presented. Finally, enabled by GaN tunnel junction, the first tunnel contacted InGaN solar cell with a high VOC value of 2.22 V is demonstrated.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Characterization of Charge Trapping Phenomena in GaN-based HEMTs

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    This dissertation reports on charge-trapping phenomena and related parasitic effects in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors. By means of static and pulsed I-V measurements and deep-level transient spectroscopy, the main charge-trapping mechanisms affecting the dynamic performance of GaN-based HEMTs devoted to microwave and power switching applications have been comprehensively characterized, identifying the nature and the localization of the deep-levels responsible for the electrically active trap-states. A high-voltage measurement system capable for double-pulsed ID-VD, ID-VG and drain-current transient spectroscopy has been successfully designed and implemented. A characterization methodology, including the analysis of static I-V measurements, pulsed I-V measurements, and deep-level transient spectroscopy, has been developed to investigate the impact of voltage, current, and temperature on the parasitic effects of charge-trapping (threshold voltage instabilities, dynamic on-resistance increase, and transconductance reduction), and on trapping/detrapping kinetics. Experimental results gathered on transistor structures are supported by complementary capacitance deep-level transient spectroscopy (C-DLTS) performed on 2-terminal diode (FATFET) structures. Two main case-studies have been investigated. Schottky-gated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown on silicon carbide substrate employing iron and/or carbon doped buffers devoted to microwave applications, and MIS-gated double-heterostructure AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN HEMTs grown on silicon substrate devoted to power switching applications. The devices under test have been exposed to the complete set of current-voltage regimes experienced during the real life operations, including off-state, semi-on-state, and on-state. The main novel results are reported in the following: • Identification of a charge-trapping mechanism promoted by hot-electrons. This mechanism is critical in semi-on-state, with the combination of relatively high electric-field and relatively high drain-source current. • Identification of a positive temperature-dependent charge-trapping mechanism localized in the buffer-layer, potentially promoted by the vertical drain to substrate potential. This mechanism is critical in high drain-voltage off-state bias in high temperature operations. • Identification of deep-levels and charge-trapping related to the presence of doping compensation agents (iron and carbon) within the GaN buffer layer. • Identification of charge-trapping mechanism ascribed to the SiNX and/or Al2O3 insulating layers of MIS-gated HEMTs. This mechanism is promoted in the on-state with positive gate-voltage and positive gate leakage current. • Identification of a potential charge-trapping mechanism ascribed to reverse gate leakage current in Schottky-gate HEMTs exposed to high-voltage off-state. • The characterization of surface-traps in ungated and unpassivated devices by means of drain-current transient spectroscopy reveals a non-exponential and weakly thermally-activated detrapping behaviour. • Preliminary synthesis of a degradation mechanism characterized by the generation of defect-states, the worsening of parasitic charge-trapping effects, and the degradation of rf performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs devoted to microwave operations. The evidence of this degradation mechanism is appreciable only by means of rf or pulsed I-V measurements: no apparent degradation is found by means of DC analysis

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    A Study on the Nature of Anomalous Current Conduction in Gallium Nitride

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    Current leakage in GaN thin films limits reliable device fabrication. A variety of Ga and N rich MBE GaN thin films grown by Rf, NH3, and Rf+ NH3, are examined with electrical measurements on NiIAu Schottky diodes and CAFM. Current-voltage (IV) mechanisms will identify conduction mechanisms on diodes, and CAFM measurements will investigate the microstructure of conduction in GaN thin films. With CAFM, enhanced conduction has been shown to decorate some extended defects and surface features, while CAFM spectroscopy on a MODFET structure indicates a correlation between extended defects and field conduction behavior at room temperature. A remedy for poor conduction characteristics is presented in molten KOH etching, as evidenced by CAFM measurements, Schottky diodes, and MODFET\u27s. The aim of this study is to identify anomalous conduction mechanisms, the likely cause of anomalous conduction, and a method for improving the conduction characteristics. Keywords: 111-Nitride, 111-V, Gallium Nitride, GaN, Electrical Properties, Conduction, Conductivity, Mobility, Hall Measurements, Resistivity, Schottky Diode, Modulation Doped Field Effect Transistor (MODFET), Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Defects, Molten Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) etching, Silvaco, Atlas, and Illumination

    Novel III-V Heterostructures for High Efficiency Solar Cells: Studies of Electrical and Optical Properties

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    The thesis deals with the investigation of optical, electrical and structural properties of III-V semiconductor materials and nanostructures with applications in the development of next generation solar cells. In particular, the focus is on the study of quantum well (QW) and quantum dot (QD) nanostructures, and dilute nitride materials. Nanostructures can improve solar cell performance by, e.g., extending the absorption edge, providing an intermediate band, or suppressing reflection at the solar cell surface. Dilute nitrides, on the other hand, can provide better utilization of the solar spectrum, thus increasing the conversion efficiency of multijunction solar cells. The interplay between fabrication parameters as well as post growth treatments of the investigated structures, and their optical and electrical properties, are assessed by several characterization methods, including photoluminescence and capacitance spectroscopy. The results show that small changes in these parameters can have a significant influence on the defect populations and overall properties of the heterostructure, eventually defining the solar cell performance.Starting from the outer layer of the solar cell device, the surface structure was found to play an important role in connection with thermal annealing. Short chemical treatments modifying the GaAs surface had a huge influence on optical and structural properties of the studied QWs upon annealing. Furthermore, ammonium sulfide treatment of the solar cell AlInP window layer was found to modify the surface structure and improve the solar cell performance. Optimization of the amount of deposited InAs and use of the so-called “flushing technique” was found to remove unwanted defects in QD layers. For the GaSb QD heterostructures, the influence of material fluxes during the growth, thermal annealing, and stacking of QD layers on optical and solar cell properties was studied. Dilute nitride QWs, acting as strain compensation and mediation layers for QD layers, were found to extend the absorption edge in the solar cell structure, and provide steps for charge carriers to thermally escape from the QD layer. Stacked strain free GaAs QD nanostructures, fabricated by refilling of self-assembled nanoholes, were found to emit photoluminescence related to several quantum dot states with narrow linewidths. The investigated GaAs QDs were also extremely temperature stable upon high temperature thermal annealing, indicating low defect densities. The formation of defects in bulk dilute nitride solar cells and their relation to process parameters on the one hand, and solar cell properties on the other hand, was also studied; optimal fabrication conditions were then devised. Incorporation of Sb was found to decrease the background doping density but at the same time broaden the deep level transient spectroscopy spectra. Furthermore, the As flux used during the fabrication of the dilute nitride solar cell was found to have a remarkable influence on solar cell performance