262 research outputs found

    Nouvelles mĂ©thodes de prĂ©diction inter-images pour la compression d’images et de vidĂ©os

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    Due to the large availability of video cameras and new social media practices, as well as the emergence of cloud services, images and videosconstitute today a significant amount of the total data that is transmitted over the internet. Video streaming applications account for more than 70% of the world internet bandwidth. Whereas billions of images are already stored in the cloud and millions are uploaded every day. The ever growing streaming and storage requirements of these media require the constant improvements of image and video coding tools. This thesis aims at exploring novel approaches for improving current inter-prediction methods. Such methods leverage redundancies between similar frames, and were originally developed in the context of video compression. In a first approach, novel global and local inter-prediction tools are associated to improve the efficiency of image sets compression schemes based on video codecs. By leveraging a global geometric and photometric compensation with a locally linear prediction, significant improvements can be obtained. A second approach is then proposed which introduces a region-based inter-prediction scheme. The proposed method is able to improve the coding performances compared to existing solutions by estimating and compensating geometric and photometric distortions on a semi-local level. This approach is then adapted and validated in the context of video compression. Bit-rate improvements are obtained, especially for sequences displaying complex real-world motions such as zooms and rotations. The last part of the thesis focuses on deep learning approaches for inter-prediction. Deep neural networks have shown striking results for a large number of computer vision tasks over the last years. Deep learning based methods proposed for frame interpolation applications are studied here in the context of video compression. Coding performance improvements over traditional motion estimation and compensation methods highlight the potential of these deep architectures.En raison de la grande disponibilitĂ© des dispositifs de capture vidĂ©o et des nouvelles pratiques liĂ©es aux rĂ©seaux sociaux, ainsi qu’à l’émergence desservices en ligne, les images et les vidĂ©os constituent aujourd’hui une partie importante de donnĂ©es transmises sur internet. Les applications de streaming vidĂ©o reprĂ©sentent ainsi plus de 70% de la bande passante totale de l’internet. Des milliards d’images sont dĂ©jĂ  stockĂ©es dans le cloud et des millions y sont tĂ©lĂ©chargĂ©s chaque jour. Les besoins toujours croissants en streaming et stockage nĂ©cessitent donc une amĂ©lioration constante des outils de compression d’image et de vidĂ©o. Cette thĂšse vise Ă  explorer des nouvelles approches pour amĂ©liorer les mĂ©thodes actuelles de prĂ©diction inter-images. De telles mĂ©thodes tirent parti des redondances entre images similaires, et ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es Ă  l’origine dans le contexte de la vidĂ©o compression. Dans une premiĂšre partie, de nouveaux outils de prĂ©diction inter globaux et locaux sont associĂ©s pour amĂ©liorer l’efficacitĂ© des schĂ©mas de compression de bases de donnĂ©es d’image. En associant une compensation gĂ©omĂ©trique et photomĂ©trique globale avec une prĂ©diction linĂ©aire locale, des amĂ©liorations significatives peuvent ĂȘtre obtenues. Une seconde approche est ensuite proposĂ©e qui introduit un schĂ©ma deprĂ©diction inter par rĂ©gions. La mĂ©thode proposĂ©e est en mesure d’amĂ©liorer les performances de codage par rapport aux solutions existantes en estimant et en compensant les distorsions gĂ©omĂ©triques et photomĂ©triques Ă  une Ă©chelle semi locale. Cette approche est ensuite adaptĂ©e et validĂ©e dans le cadre de la compression vidĂ©o. Des amĂ©liorations en rĂ©duction de dĂ©bit sont obtenues, en particulier pour les sĂ©quences prĂ©sentant des mouvements complexes rĂ©els tels que des zooms et des rotations. La derniĂšre partie de la thĂšse se concentre sur l’étude des mĂ©thodes d’apprentissage en profondeur dans le cadre de la prĂ©diction inter. Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, les rĂ©seaux de neurones profonds ont obtenu des rĂ©sultats impressionnants pour un grand nombre de tĂąches de vision par ordinateur. Les mĂ©thodes basĂ©es sur l’apprentissage en profondeur proposĂ©esĂ  l’origine pour de l’interpolation d’images sont Ă©tudiĂ©es ici dans le contexte de la compression vidĂ©o. Des amĂ©liorations en terme de performances de codage sont obtenues par rapport aux mĂ©thodes d’estimation et de compensation de mouvements traditionnelles. Ces rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence le fort potentiel de ces architectures profondes dans le domaine de la compression vidĂ©o

    Digital Image Access & Retrieval

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    The 33th Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in March of 1996, addressed the theme of "Digital Image Access & Retrieval." The papers from this conference cover a wide range of topics concerning digital imaging technology for visual resource collections. Papers covered three general areas: (1) systems, planning, and implementation; (2) automatic and semi-automatic indexing; and (3) preservation with the bulk of the conference focusing on indexing and retrieval.published or submitted for publicatio

    Extraction and representation of semantic information in digital media

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    Srr-lgr: local–global information-reasoned social relation recognition for human-oriented observation

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    People’s interactions with each other form the social relations in society. Understanding human social relations in the public space is of great importance for supporting the public admin-istrations. Recognizing social relations through visual data captured by remote sensing cameras is one of the most efficient ways to observe human interactions in a public space. Generally speaking, persons in the same scene tend to know each other, and the relations between person pairs are strongly correlated. The scene information in which people interact is also one of the important cues for social relation recognition (SRR). The existing works have not explored the correlations between the scene information and people’s interactions. The scene information has only been extracted on a simple level and high level semantic features to support social relation understanding are lacking. To address this issue, we propose a social relation structure-aware local–global model for SRR to exploit the high-level semantic global information of the scene where the social relation structure is explored. In our proposed model, the graph neural networks (GNNs) are employed to reason through the interactions (local information) between social relations and the global contextual information contained in the constructed scene-relation graph. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed local–global information-reasoned social relation recognition model (SRR-LGR) can reason through the local–global information. Further, the results of the final model show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. In addition, we have further discussed whether the global information contributes equally to different social relations in the same scene, by exploiting an attention mechanism in our proposed model. Further applications of SRR for human-observation are also exploited

    An Unsupervised Approach to Modelling Visual Data

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    For very large visual datasets, producing expert ground-truth data for training supervised algorithms can represent a substantial human effort. In these situations there is scope for the use of unsupervised approaches that can model collections of images and automatically summarise their content. The primary motivation for this thesis comes from the problem of labelling large visual datasets of the seafloor obtained by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) for ecological analysis. It is expensive to label this data, as taxonomical experts for the specific region are required, whereas automatically generated summaries can be used to focus the efforts of experts, and inform decisions on additional sampling. The contributions in this thesis arise from modelling this visual data in entirely unsupervised ways to obtain comprehensive visual summaries. Firstly, popular unsupervised image feature learning approaches are adapted to work with large datasets and unsupervised clustering algorithms. Next, using Bayesian models the performance of rudimentary scene clustering is boosted by sharing clusters between multiple related datasets, such as regular photo albums or AUV surveys. These Bayesian scene clustering models are extended to simultaneously cluster sub-image segments to form unsupervised notions of “objects” within scenes. The frequency distribution of these objects within scenes is used as the scene descriptor for simultaneous scene clustering. Finally, this simultaneous clustering model is extended to make use of whole image descriptors, which encode rudimentary spatial information, as well as object frequency distributions to describe scenes. This is achieved by unifying the previously presented Bayesian clustering models, and in so doing rectifies some of their weaknesses and limitations. Hence, the final contribution of this thesis is a practical unsupervised algorithm for modelling images from the super-pixel to album levels, and is applicable to large datasets

    Image Understanding by Socializing the Semantic Gap

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    Several technological developments like the Internet, mobile devices and Social Networks have spurred the sharing of images in unprecedented volumes, making tagging and commenting a common habit. Despite the recent progress in image analysis, the problem of Semantic Gap still hinders machines in fully understand the rich semantic of a shared photo. In this book, we tackle this problem by exploiting social network contributions. A comprehensive treatise of three linked problems on image annotation is presented, with a novel experimental protocol used to test eleven state-of-the-art methods. Three novel approaches to annotate, under stand the sentiment and predict the popularity of an image are presented. We conclude with the many challenges and opportunities ahead for the multimedia community

    Media aesthetics based multimedia storytelling.

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    Since the earliest of times, humans have been interested in recording their life experiences, for future reference and for storytelling purposes. This task of recording experiences --i.e., both image and video capture-- has never before in history been as easy as it is today. This is creating a digital information overload that is becoming a great concern for the people that are trying to preserve their life experiences. As high-resolution digital still and video cameras become increasingly pervasive, unprecedented amounts of multimedia, are being downloaded to personal hard drives, and also uploaded to online social networks on a daily basis. The work presented in this dissertation is a contribution in the area of multimedia organization, as well as automatic selection of media for storytelling purposes, which eases the human task of summarizing a collection of images or videos in order to be shared with other people. As opposed to some prior art in this area, we have taken an approach in which neither user generated tags nor comments --that describe the photographs, either in their local or on-line repositories-- are taken into account, and also no user interaction with the algorithms is expected. We take an image analysis approach where both the context images --e.g. images from online social networks to which the image stories are going to be uploaded--, and the collection images --i.e., the collection of images or videos that needs to be summarized into a story--, are analyzed using image processing algorithms. This allows us to extract relevant metadata that can be used in the summarization process. Multimedia-storytellers usually follow three main steps when preparing their stories: first they choose the main story characters, the main events to describe, and finally from these media sub-groups, they choose the media based on their relevance to the story as well as based on their aesthetic value. Therefore, one of the main contributions of our work has been the design of computational models --both regression based, as well as classification based-- that correlate well with human perception of the aesthetic value of images and videos. These computational aesthetics models have been integrated into automatic selection algorithms for multimedia storytelling, which are another important contribution of our work. A human centric approach has been used in all experiments where it was feasible, and also in order to assess the final summarization results, i.e., humans are always the final judges of our algorithms, either by inspecting the aesthetic quality of the media, or by inspecting the final story generated by our algorithms. We are aware that a perfect automatically generated story summary is very hard to obtain, given the many subjective factors that play a role in such a creative process; rather, the presented approach should be seen as a first step in the storytelling creative process which removes some of the ground work that would be tedious and time consuming for the user. Overall, the main contributions of this work can be capitalized in three: (1) new media aesthetics models for both images and videos that correlate with human perception, (2) new scalable multimedia collection structures that ease the process of media summarization, and finally, (3) new media selection algorithms that are optimized for multimedia storytelling purposes.Postprint (published version

    Artificial Intelligence in the Creative Industries: A Review

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    This paper reviews the current state of the art in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and applications in the context of the creative industries. A brief background of AI, and specifically Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, is provided including Convolutional Neural Network (CNNs), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). We categorise creative applications into five groups related to how AI technologies are used: i) content creation, ii) information analysis, iii) content enhancement and post production workflows, iv) information extraction and enhancement, and v) data compression. We critically examine the successes and limitations of this rapidly advancing technology in each of these areas. We further differentiate between the use of AI as a creative tool and its potential as a creator in its own right. We foresee that, in the near future, machine learning-based AI will be adopted widely as a tool or collaborative assistant for creativity. In contrast, we observe that the successes of machine learning in domains with fewer constraints, where AI is the `creator', remain modest. The potential of AI (or its developers) to win awards for its original creations in competition with human creatives is also limited, based on contemporary technologies. We therefore conclude that, in the context of creative industries, maximum benefit from AI will be derived where its focus is human centric -- where it is designed to augment, rather than replace, human creativity

    Large-scale image collection cleansing, summarization and exploration

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    A perennially interesting topic in the research field of large scale image collection organization is how to effectively and efficiently conduct the tasks of image cleansing, summarization and exploration. The primary objective of such an image organization system is to enhance user exploration experience with redundancy removal and summarization operations on large-scale image collection. An ideal system is to discover and utilize the visual correlation among the images, to reduce the redundancy in large-scale image collection, to organize and visualize the structure of large-scale image collection, and to facilitate exploration and knowledge discovery. In this dissertation, a novel system is developed for exploiting and navigating large-scale image collection. Our system consists of the following key components: (a) junk image filtering by incorporating bilingual search results; (b) near duplicate image detection by using a coarse-to-fine framework; (c) concept network generation and visualization; (d) image collection summarization via dictionary learning for sparse representation; and (e) a multimedia practice of graffiti image retrieval and exploration. For junk image filtering, bilingual image search results, which are adopted for the same keyword-based query, are integrated to automatically identify the clusters for the junk images and the clusters for the relevant images. Within relevant image clusters, the results are further refined by removing the duplications under a coarse-to-fine structure. The duplicate pairs are detected with both global feature (partition based color histogram) and local feature (CPAM and SIFT Bag-of-Word model). The duplications are detected and removed from the data collection to facilitate further exploration and visual correlation analysis. After junk image filtering and duplication removal, the visual concepts are further organized and visualized by the proposed concept network. An automatic algorithm is developed to generate such visual concept network which characterizes the visual correlation between image concept pairs. Multiple kernels are combined and a kernel canonical correlation analysis algorithm is used to characterize the diverse visual similarity contexts between the image concepts. The FishEye visualization technique is implemented to facilitate the navigation of image concepts through our image concept network. To better assist the exploration of large scale data collection, we design an efficient summarization algorithm to extract representative examplars. For this collection summarization task, a sparse dictionary (a small set of the most representative images) is learned to represent all the images in the given set, e.g., such sparse dictionary is treated as the summary for the given image set. The simulated annealing algorithm is adopted to learn such sparse dictionary (image summary) by minimizing an explicit optimization function. In order to handle large scale image collection, we have evaluated both the accuracy performance of the proposed algorithms and their computation efficiency. For each of the above tasks, we have conducted experiments on multiple public available image collections, such as ImageNet, NUS-WIDE, LabelMe, etc. We have observed very promising results compared to existing frameworks. The computation performance is also satisfiable for large-scale image collection applications. The original intention to design such a large-scale image collection exploration and organization system is to better service the tasks of information retrieval and knowledge discovery. For this purpose, we utilize the proposed system to a graffiti retrieval and exploration application and receive positive feedback

    Proceedings of the ECIR2010 workshop on information access for personal media archives (IAPMA2010), Milton Keynes, UK, 28 March 2010

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    Towards e-Memories: challenges of capturing, summarising, presenting, understanding, using, and retrieving relevant information from heterogeneous data contained in personal media archives. This is the proceedings of the inaugural workshop on “Information Access for Personal Media Archives”. It is now possible to archive much of our life experiences in digital form using a variety of sources, e.g. blogs written, tweets made, social network status updates, photographs taken, videos seen, music heard, physiological monitoring, locations visited and environmentally sensed data of those places, details of people met, etc. Information can be captured from a myriad of personal information devices including desktop computers, PDAs, digital cameras, video and audio recorders, and various sensors, including GPS, Bluetooth, and biometric devices. In this workshop research from diverse disciplines was presented on how we can advance towards the goal of effective capture, retrieval and exploration of e-memories
