16,912 research outputs found

    Markov mezƑk a kĂ©pmodellezĂ©sben, alkalmazĂĄsuk az automatikus kĂ©pszegmentĂĄlĂĄs terĂŒletĂ©n = Markovian Image Models: Applications in Unsupervised Image Segmentation

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    1) KifejlesztettĂŒnk egy olyan szĂ­n Ă©s textĂșra alapĂș szegmentĂĄlĂł MRF algoritmust, amely alkalmas egy kĂ©p automatikus szegmentĂĄlĂĄsĂĄt elvĂ©gezni. Az eredmĂ©nyeinket az Image and Vision Computing folyĂłiratban publikĂĄltuk. 2) KifejlesztettĂŒnk egy Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo technikĂĄn alapulĂł automatikus kĂ©pszegmentĂĄlĂł eljĂĄrĂĄst, melyet sikeresen alkalmaztunk szĂ­nes kĂ©pek teljesen automatikus szegmentĂĄlĂĄsĂĄra. Az eredmĂ©nyeinket a BMVC 2004 konferenciĂĄn Ă©s az Image and Vision Computing folyĂłiratban publikĂĄltuk. 3) A modell többrĂ©tegƱ tovĂĄbbfejlesztĂ©sĂ©t alkalmaztuk video objektumok szĂ­n Ă©s mozgĂĄs alapĂș szegmentĂĄlĂĄsĂĄra, melynek eredmĂ©nyeit a HACIPPR 2005 illetve az ACCV 2006 nemzetközi konferenciĂĄkon publikĂĄltuk. SzintĂ©n ehhez az alapproblĂ©mĂĄhoz kapcsolĂłdik HorvĂĄth PĂ©ter hallgatĂłmmal az optic flow szamĂ­tĂĄsĂĄval illetve szĂ­n, textĂșra Ă©s mozgĂĄs alapĂș GVF aktĂ­v kontĂșrral kapcsoltos munkĂĄink. TDK dolgozata elsƑ helyezĂ©st Ă©rt el a 2004-es helyi versenyen, az eredmĂ©nyeinket pedig a KEPAF 2004 konferenciĂĄn publikĂĄltuk. 4) HorvĂĄth PĂ©ter PhD hallgatĂłmmal illetve az franciaorszĂĄgi INRIA Ariana csoportjĂĄval, kidolgoztunk egy olyan kĂ©pszegmentĂĄlĂł eljĂĄrĂĄst, amely a szegmentĂĄlandĂł objektum alakjĂĄt is figyelembe veszi. Az eredmĂ©nyeinket az ICPR 2006 illetve az ICCVGIP 2006 konferenciĂĄn foglaltuk össze. A modell elƑzmĂ©nyekĂ©nt kidolgoztunk tovĂĄbbĂĄ egy alakzat-momemntumokon alapulĂł aktĂ­v kontĂșr modellt, amelyet a HACIPPR 2005 konferenciĂĄn publikĂĄltunk. | 1) We have proposed a monogrid MRF model which is able to combine color and texture features in order to improve the quality of segmentation results. We have also solved the estimation of model parameters. This work has been published in the Image and Vision Computing journal. 2) We have proposed an RJMCMC sampling method which is able to identify multi-dimensional Gaussian mixtures. Using this technique, we have developed a fully automatic color image segmentation algorithm. Our results have been published at BMVC 2004 international conference and in the Image and Vision Computing journal. 3) A new multilayer MRF model has been proposed which is able to segment an image based on multiple cues (such as color, texture, or motion). This work has been published at HACIPPR 2005 and ACCV 2006 international conferences. The work on optic flow computation and color-, texture-, and motion-based GVF active contours doen with my student, Mr. Peter Horvath, won a first price at the local Student Research Competition in 2004. Results have been presented at KEPAF 2004 conference. 4) A new shape prior, called 'gas of circles' has been introduced using active contour models. This work is done in collaboration with the Ariana group of INRIA, France and my PhD student, Mr. Peter Horvath. Results are published at the ICPR 2006 and ICCVGIP 2006 conferences. A preliminary study on active contour models using shape-moments has also been done, these results are published at HACIPPR 2005

    GPU-based Image Analysis on Mobile Devices

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    With the rapid advances in mobile technology many mobile devices are capable of capturing high quality images and video with their embedded camera. This paper investigates techniques for real-time processing of the resulting images, particularly on-device utilizing a graphical processing unit. Issues and limitations of image processing on mobile devices are discussed, and the performance of graphical processing units on a range of devices measured through a programmable shader implementation of Canny edge detection.Comment: Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 201

    Fusing image representations for classification using support vector machines

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    In order to improve classification accuracy different image representations are usually combined. This can be done by using two different fusing schemes. In feature level fusion schemes, image representations are combined before the classification process. In classifier fusion, the decisions taken separately based on individual representations are fused to make a decision. In this paper the main methods derived for both strategies are evaluated. Our experimental results show that classifier fusion performs better. Specifically Bayes belief integration is the best performing strategy for image classification task.Comment: Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, 2009. IVCNZ '09. 24th International Conference, Wellington : Nouvelle-Z\'elande (2009

    Cryptanalysis of image encryption with compound chaotic sequence

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    Recently, an image encryption algorithm based on compound chaotic sequence was proposed [Tong et al., Image and Vision Computing 26 (2008) 843]. In this paper, we analyze the security weaknesses of the proposal. We give chosen-plaintext and known-plaintext attacks that yield the secret parameters of the algoritm. Our simulation results show that the computational complexity of the attacks is quite low.Publisher's VersionAuthor's Post-prin

    ROBUSfT: Robust Real-Time Shape-from-Template, a C++ Library

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    Tracking the 3D shape of a deforming object using only monocular 2D vision is a challenging problem. This is because one should (i) infer the 3D shape from a 2D image, which is a severely underconstrained problem, and (ii) implement the whole solution pipeline in real-time. The pipeline typically requires feature detection and matching, mismatch filtering, 3D shape inference and feature tracking algorithms. We propose ROBUSfT, a conventional pipeline based on a template containing the object's rest shape, texturemap and deformation law. ROBUSfT is ready-to-use, wide-baseline, capable of handling large deformations, fast up to 30 fps, free of training, and robust against partial occlusions and discontinuity in video frames. It outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in challenging datasets. ROBUSfT is implemented as a publicly available C++ library and we provide a tutorial on how to use it in https://github.com/mrshetab/ROBUSfTComment: This is the arXiv version of an article published in Image and Vision Computing. Please cite the accepted version: M. Shetab-Bushehri, M. Aranda, E. Ozgur, Y. Mezouar and Adrien Bartoli "ROBUSfT: Robust Real-Time Shape-from-Template, a C++ Library," in Image and Vision Computing, doi: 10.1016/j.imavis.2023.10486

    Learning to detect video events from zero or very few video examples

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    In this work we deal with the problem of high-level event detection in video. Specifically, we study the challenging problems of i) learning to detect video events from solely a textual description of the event, without using any positive video examples, and ii) additionally exploiting very few positive training samples together with a small number of ``related'' videos. For learning only from an event's textual description, we first identify a general learning framework and then study the impact of different design choices for various stages of this framework. For additionally learning from example videos, when true positive training samples are scarce, we employ an extension of the Support Vector Machine that allows us to exploit ``related'' event videos by automatically introducing different weights for subsets of the videos in the overall training set. Experimental evaluations performed on the large-scale TRECVID MED 2014 video dataset provide insight on the effectiveness of the proposed methods.Comment: Image and Vision Computing Journal, Elsevier, 2015, accepted for publicatio

    A Tool for Integer Homology Computation: Lambda-At Model

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    In this paper, we formalize the notion of lambda-AT-model (where λ\lambda is a non-null integer) for a given chain complex, which allows the computation of homological information in the integer domain avoiding using the Smith Normal Form of the boundary matrices. We present an algorithm for computing such a model, obtaining Betti numbers, the prime numbers p involved in the invariant factors of the torsion subgroup of homology, the amount of invariant factors that are a power of p and a set of representative cycles of generators of homology mod p, for each p. Moreover, we establish the minimum valid lambda for such a construction, what cuts down the computational costs related to the torsion subgroup. The tools described here are useful to determine topological information of nD structured objects such as simplicial, cubical or simploidal complexes and are applicable to extract such an information from digital pictures.Comment: Journal Image and Vision Computing, Volume 27 Issue 7, June, 200

    From Pixels to Sentiment: Fine-tuning CNNs for Visual Sentiment Prediction

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    Visual multimedia have become an inseparable part of our digital social lives, and they often capture moments tied with deep affections. Automated visual sentiment analysis tools can provide a means of extracting the rich feelings and latent dispositions embedded in these media. In this work, we explore how Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), a now de facto computational machine learning tool particularly in the area of Computer Vision, can be specifically applied to the task of visual sentiment prediction. We accomplish this through fine-tuning experiments using a state-of-the-art CNN and via rigorous architecture analysis, we present several modifications that lead to accuracy improvements over prior art on a dataset of images from a popular social media platform. We additionally present visualizations of local patterns that the network learned to associate with image sentiment for insight into how visual positivity (or negativity) is perceived by the model.Comment: Accepted for publication in Image and Vision Computing. Models and source code available at https://github.com/imatge-upc/sentiment-201

    Undue influence: Mitigating range-intensity coupling in AMCW ‘flash’ lidar using scene texture

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    We present a new algorithm for mitigating range-intensity coupling caused by scattered light in full-field amplitude modulated continuous wave lidar systems using scene texture. Full-field Lidar works using the time-of-flight principle to measure the range to thousands of points in a scene simultaneously. Mixed pixel are erroneous range measurements caused by pixels integrating light from more than one object at a time. Conventional optics suffer from internal reflections and light scattering which can result in every pixel being mixed with scattered light. This causes erroneous range measurements and range-intensity coupling. By measuring how range changes with intensity over local regions it is possible to determine the phase and intensity of the scattered light without the complex calibration inherent in deconvolution based restoration. The new method is shown to produce a substantial improvement in range image quality. An additional range from texture method is demonstrated which is resistant to scattered light. Variations of the algorithms are tested with and without segmentation - the variant without segmentation is faster, but causes erroneous ranges around the edges of objects which are not present in the segmented algorithm
