227 research outputs found

    Film, Dreams, and MMORPGs: Cultural Leakage and Digital Gaming Literacy in Inception

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    The confluence of art, technology, and texts is unavoidable and yet remains under-addressed in scholarship. Technological artifacts, while prevalent in digital gaming, are seldom examined in terms of their contribution to other artistic artifacts. Specifically, MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games) as texts are rarely considered in terms of their relevance to digital and artistic literacy. Residing within are rich cultural discourses that address the entertainment of escapism and their affiliated connection to addiction, loss of identity, and violence resulting from prolonged immersion. Not surprisingly these tensions are reflected in other texts such as film. In the current examination, a rhetorical analysis uses a close reading of Inception to examine cultural leakages of digital gaming issues entering into and shaping film discourse. Implications and societal impact of issues such as dream worlds, fantasy attractions, and counter strategies are discussed both as recommendation and social commentary

    A systematic review and investigation of avatar- and self-related processes and problematic gaming

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    This item is only available electronically.Many games feature avatars that enable adoption of, and experimentation with, roles and identities. How avatar- and self-related processes develop and maintain gaming disorder (GD) is unclear. This review examined 18 quantitative studies of avatar- and self-related concepts and problematic gaming, including 13 survey-based and 5 neuroimaging studies. Survey-based studies consistently reported that negative self-concept, avatar identification, and large self-avatar discrepancies were associated with problematic gaming. Poor selfconcept appears to be a GD risk factor. Further research should explain how avatars relate to GD’s addictive mechanisms (e.g., cognitive distortions, reward-seeking), amid calls for GDrelated interventions to focus on avatar identification.Thesis (M.Psych(Clinical)) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 202

    Opportunities and Risks in Online Gaming Environments

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    Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) have evolved from traditional video games in that they embrace both the technology of the Internet and video games. The massive “exodus” from the physical offline world to online gaming communities brings with it not only a number of unique and exciting opportunities, but also a number of emerging and serious risks. This research set out to examine the unique opportunities and risks to vulnerable individuals, namely, young adults, teenagers and young children; all of whom are considered by many to be priority groups in the protection from harm. The purpose was to examine the reality of vulnerable individuals encountering these opportunities and risks. This research combined a number of methodologies supported by underpinning qualitative and quantitative theories. Questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and focus groups gathered information from teenagers, adults and children in order to critically examine the unique opportunities and risks encountered in Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. The findings from these interactions identified specific examples of opportunities and risk posed to vulnerable individuals. The findings demonstrated that there was a need for a support and protection mechanism that promoted the identification and awareness of the potential risk among vulnerable individuals. Emerging from these findings was a set of concepts that provided the evidence base for a Novel Taxonomy of Opportunities and Risks in Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game environments that was designed to assist in the assessment of risk. Validation of the proposed taxonomy was achieved by means of an ethnographic study of (World of Warcraft) online gamers’ behaviour and social interactions through unobtrusive video capture of gaming sessions. The Novel Taxonomy of Opportunities and Risks provided a basis for the development of a proof-of-concept Decision Support System; the purpose of which was to assist both social work practitioners and individuals to identify and reduce risks. Representatives from both user groups were consulted for evaluation of the acceptability of such an approach. Favourable responses from participants demonstrated acceptability of the aforementioned approach. The evaluation process also demonstrated how the prototype would serve as a useful tool to make individual users aware of potential dangers. This research presents three novel facets: (1) it advances understanding of the unique opportunities and risks within MMORPG environments; (2) provides a framework for the assessment of risks in MMORPGs through the Novel Taxonomy and (3) demonstrates a novel Decision Support System to assist in the identification and reduction of risk through a proof-of-concept prototype

    Understanding massively multiplayer online role-playing game addiction : a hedonic management perspective.

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    Massively multiplayer online role‐playing game (MMORPG) addiction presents a serious issue worldwide and has attracted increasing attention from academic and other public communities. This article addresses this critical issue and fills research gaps by proposing and testing a research model of MMORPG addiction. Building on the conceptual foundation of the hedonic management model of addiction and the technology affordance perspective, we develop a research model explaining how MMORPG affordances (ie, achievement, social and immersion affordances) are associated with the duality of hedonic effects (ie, perceived positive mood enhancement and perceived negative mood reduction) and the extent of MMORPG addiction. Using structural equation modelling, we empirically test our research model with 406 MMORPG players. The results show that both perceived positive mood enhancement and perceived negative mood reduction positively correlate with the extent of MMORPG addiction. Furthermore, achievement and immersion affordances are positively associated with the duality of hedonic effects, whereas social affordance is not. Our study contributes to the growing body of technology addiction literature by revealing the relationships between the two hedonic effects and the extent of MMORPG addiction, and by offering a contextualised explanation of the role of MMORPG affordances in these relationships. We offer an alternative perspective on the far‐reaching, unintended relationships between technological affordances and addictive technology use. Our study provides game developers and policymakers with insights into preventing MMORPG addiction to create an entertaining, healthy virtual playground

    Asking the players: a mental models approach to how long-term players of a massively multiplayer online game perceive the risks associated with gaming

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    Video games represent a fast-growing medium and researchers are exploring their social influence, especially regarding the risks associated with gaming. Most studies have focused on an expert\u27s view, rather than exploring how users themselves perceive and mitigate such risks. This qualitative study fills this gap by conducting in-depth interviews with 18 players of the browser based Massively Multi-player Online (MMO) strategy game, Lord of Ultima, in order to generate a mental model of how gamers see the risks associated with playing a MMO game. Results suggest that the primary risks in the minds of the gamers are loss of opportunity and time due to pathological gaming, cyber bullying and sexual harassment, and risks due to sharing financial information or due to malicious software. The study explores the motivations and perceived benefits derived by long-term players of the game, and explores the role of trust, group effects and player perceptions of risk in players\u27 risk mitigation strategies. Some behaviors and consequences that experts would consider a risk are considered a benefit by gamers; this has implications for risk communication strategies around gaming. It also points to the importance of considering the user model of risks. Additionally, much of the literature conflates two genres of video game that likely exhibit unique effects. Many of the risks identified in MMO Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) were not considered relevant by long-term players of this game, since participants attributed those risks as being associated with the use and manipulation of a three-dimensional avatar in MMORPGs. Thus, this study extends the focus of inquiry away from the usual MMOPRG genre to explore the overlooked browser MMO genre of video games

    Διεργασίες Διαμόρφωσης Ταυτότητας στην Εφηβεία και Ταύτιση με το Άβαταρ στα Διαδικτυακά Παιχνίδια

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    H ανάπτυξη της ταυτότητας στην εφηβική ηλικία αποτελεί ένα δημοφιλές αντικείμενο μελέτης στο χώρο της αναπτυξιακής ψυχολογίας που έχει απασχολήσει αρκετά τη διεθνή βιβλιογραφία. Τα διαδικτυακά παιχνίδια είναι ένα φαινόμενο με ολοένα αυξανόμενη δημοτικότητα ανάμεσα στους εφήβους, γεγονός που καθιστά χρήσιμη τη μελέτη του στα πλαίσια της σχολικής ψυχολογίας. Η παρούσα έρευνα εστιάζει σε μία πτυχή των διαδικτυακών παιχνιδιών, την ταύτιση του παίκτη με το διαδικτυακό του άβαταρ. Σκοπός της έρευνας είναι η διερεύνηση της σχέσης των διεργασιών διαμόρφωσης ταυτότητας στους εφήβους με την ταύτισή τους με το άβαταρ στα διαδικτυακά παιχνίδια. Το δείγμα της έρευνας αποτελούν 200 έφηβοι μαθητές λυκείου, ηλικίας 15-18 ετών. Η συλλογή δεδομένων έγινε με κλίμακες αυτο-αναφοράς, που χορηγήθηκαν στους μαθητές στο σχολικό τους πλαίσιο. Οι διαστάσεις της ταυτότητας μετρήθηκαν με την κλίμακα Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS· Luyckx et al., 2008) και η ταύτιση με το άβατα μετρήθηκε με την κλίμακα Avatar Identification Scale (Van Looy et al. 2012). Από τις στατιστικές αναλύσεις προέκυψε πως η διερεύνηση σε βάθος σχετίζεται θετικά με όλες τις διαστάσεις της ταύτισης με το άβαταρ, εκτός από την ενσαρκωμένη παρουσία. Ο καθημερινός χρόνος χρήσης διαδικτυακών παιχνιδιών σχετίζεται θετικά με τη μηρυκαστική διερεύνηση και την ενσαρκωμένη παρουσία, αλλά μόνο για τα αγόρια του δείγματος. Συγκρίνοντας τα δύο φύλα, τα αγόρια έχουν υψηλότερα σκορ στην ταύτιση με τις δεσμεύσεις, ενώ τα κορίτσια έχουν υψηλότερα σκορ διερεύνησης σε βάθος και επιθυμητής ταύτισης με το άβαταρ. Ως προς το είδος των διαδικτυακών παιχνιδιών, οι παίκτες ΜΜΟRPG έχουν περισσότερη ταύτιση με το άβαταρ τους και υψηλότερα επίπεδα διερεύνησης σε βάθος. Οι παίκτες παιχνιδιών τύπου FPS έχουν χαμηλότερα επίπεδα διερεύνησης σε βάθος και οι παίκτες παιχνιδιών τύπου MOBA έχουν υψηλότερα επίπεδα μηρυκαστικής διερεύνησης.Identity development in adolescence is a popular topic in developmental psychology and it has been widely researched internationally. Video games are gaining increasing popularity among teenagers, therefore relevant studies are especially useful in school psychology. The present thesis focuses on an aspect if online gaming, avatar-player identification. This research aims at exploring the relationship between identity development processes and avatar identification in adolescents. This study sample consists of 200 teenage high school students, aged from 15 to 18 years old. Data were collected using self-report scales. Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS· Luyckx et al., 2008) was used to assess the identity dimensions and Avatar Identification Scale (Van Looy et al. 2012) was used to assess player-avatar identification. The results of the data analysis indicate that in depth exploration is positively related to all dimensions of avatar identification, except from embodied presence. Average daily time of video game use was positively related to ruminative exploration and embodied presence for males in the sample. Boys have higher scores in identification with commitment, while girls have higher scores of in depth exploration and wishful identification with their avatar. Comparing the video game genres, MMORPG players score higher in avatar identification and in depth exploration. FPS players have lower in depth exploration scores and MOBA players have higher ruminative exploration scores

    A phenomenological study of problematic internet use with massively multiplayer online games

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    Massively multiplayer online games (MMOG’s) are a specific form of online computer games that allow for millions of people to simultaneously play online at any time. This form of online gaming has become a huge phenomenon worldwide both as a popular past time and a business endeavour for many individuals. There are more than 16 million people worldwide who subscribe to fantasy role-playing online games. Although such games can provide entertainment for many people, they can also lead to problematic Internet use (PIU). PIU has also been referred to as Internet addiction, and can cause significant problems in an individual’s functioning. The study aimed to enhance a greater understanding of the phenomenon of male adults’ experiences PIU with MMOG’s. More specifically the study aims to identify if PIU with MMOG’s can be considered a form of Internet addiction within South Africa. Furthermore, assisting in the further development of online addiction diagnosis and treatment strategies. The study utilised an interpretive phenomenological approach (IPA) and participants were purposively sampled. The data was collected using semi-structured individual interviews. Furthermore, Braun and Clarks thematic analysis was used during data analysis while incorporating the four major processes in phenomenological research, namely 1) epoche, 2) phenomenological reduction, 3) imaginative variation and, 4) synthesis. Themes that emerged from the analysis of the participants’ experiences included, initial description of use, motives for continued use of MMOG’s, consequences of PIU with MMOG’s, perceptions of PIU with MMOG’s, and treatment considerations. This study provided a thick description of South African and international literature and combines the literature with the themes that emerged from the participants experiences in order to produce discussions based on the findings of this qualitative study. Conclusions, recommendations, and limitations of this study informed future research on cyber citizenship by providing a detailed understanding of the context of South African male adults’ experiences of PIU with MMOG’s

    What World of Warcraft is Teaching Us About Learning.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    Influencia de las Motivaciones y los Estilos de Juego en Jugadores de MMORPG

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    En els darrers 30 anys els videojocs han esdevingut un dels productes d’oci més prevalent i transversals en les societats desenvolupades. Degut a la seva naturalesa, els jocs digitals permeten un ampli ventall d’interaccions complexes i els jocs multi-jugadors massius en línia (MMORPG, per les seves sigles en anglès) són els que ofereixen oportunitats més complexes d’acció e interacció entre jugadors. Per això és necessari l’estudi d’aquest fenomen i els aspectes psicològics associats al mateix. Així, la present tesis explora l¡àmbit de les motivacions per a l’ús de videojocs, així com la identificació de l’ús problemàtic i no problemàtic associat a aquestes motivacions. El primer estudio en el que participaren 253 jugadors hispanoparlants de World of Warcraft va tenir com a objectiu la identificació de les motivacions associades al joc en MMORPG. Un anàlisis factorial va mostrar la presència de quatre motius pel joc: socialització, exploració, assoliment i dissociació. El segon estudi l’integraren 430 jugadors de MMORPG i el seu objectiu era la caracterització de la població de jugadors en quant a motivacions i estils de joc. En el tercer estudi participaren 410 jugadors de MMORPG i es definir un model que aglutinava les motivacions per al joc en MMORPG així com el model dual de la passió, amb l’objectiu d’identificar les motivacions que s’associaven al joc no problemàtic (passió harmoniosa) i aquelles que s’associaven al joc problemàtic (passió obsessiva). Finalment, es realitzar una traducció i validació de l’instrument IGD-20 que avalua el Trastorn per joc a internet (IGD, per les seves sigles en anglès), amb una mostra de 1074 jugadors espanyols. Així mateix, aquest estudi va permetre trobar diferents patrons d’ús de videojocs que poden facilitar la identificació de l’ús problemàtic així com la seva associació a les motivacions per al joc.En los últimos 30 años los videojuegos han devenido uno de los productos de ocio más prevalentes y transversales en las sociedades desarrolladas. Debido a su naturaleza, los juegos digitales permiten un amplio abanico de interacciones complejas y los juegos multijugador masivos en línea (MMORPG, por sus siglas en inglés) son tal vez los que ofrecen oportunidades más complejas de acción e interacción entre jugadores. Por ello, es necesario el estudio de este fenómeno y los aspectos psicológicos asociados al mismo. Así, la presente tesis explora el ámbito de las motivaciones para el uso de videojuegos, así como la identificación del uso problemático y no problemático asociado a dichas motivaciones. El primer estudio en el que participaron 253 jugadores hispanoparlantes de World of Warcraft tuvo como objetivo la identificación de las motivaciones asociadas al juego en MMORPG. Un análisis factorial mostró la presencia de cuatro motivos de juego: socialización, exploración, logro y disociación. El segundo estudio lo integraron 430 jugadores de MMORPG y su objetivo era la caracterización de la población de jugadores en cuanto a motivaciones y estilos de juego. En el tercer estudio participaron 410 jugadores de MMORPG y se definió un modelo que aglutinaba las motivaciones para el juego en MMORPG así como el modelo dual de la pasión, con el objetivo de identificar las motivaciones que se asocian al juego no problemático (pasión armoniosa), y aquellas que promueven el juego problemático (pasión obsesiva). Finalmente, se realizó una traducción y validación del instrumento IGD-20 que evalúa el Trastorno por juego en internet (IGD, por sus siglas en inglés), con una muestra de 1074 jugadores españoles. Asimismo, este estudio permitió encontrar diferentes patrones de uso de videojuegos que pueden facilitar la identificación del uso problemático y su asociación a las motivaciones para el juego.In the last 30 years, video games have become one of the most prevalent and transversal leisure products in developed societies. Due to their nature, digital games allow for a wide range of complex interactions, and massively multiplayer online games (MMORPGs) are perhaps the ones that offer more intricate possibility space for action and interaction between players. Therefore, it is necessary to study this phenomenon and the psychological aspects associated with it. Thus, this thesis by compendium of publications explores the scope of motivations for the use of video games, as well as the identification of problematic and non-problematic use of video games associated with such motivations. The first study involving 253 Spanish-speaking World of Warcraft players aimed to identify the motivations associated with MMORPG play. A factorial analysis showed the presence of four motivations: socialization, exploration, achievement and dissociation. In the second study participated 430 players of MMORPG and the objective was the characterization of the population of players related tomotivations and styles of play. In the third study participated 410 players of MMORPG and a model was defined that agglutinated the motivations for play in MMORPG as well as the dualisticmodel of passion, with the objective of identifying the motivations that are associated to non-problematic play (harmonious passion), and those that promote problematic play (obsessive passion). Finally, a translation and validation of the IGD-20 instrument evaluating the Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) was carried out with a sample of 1074 Spanish players. In addition, this study allowed us to find different patterns of video game play that can facilitate the identification of problematic use, and their association with the motivations