26 research outputs found

    Software tools for the rapid development of signal processing and communications systems on configurable platforms

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    Programmers and engineers in the domains of high performance computing (HPC) and electronic system design have a shared goal: to define a structure for coordination and communication between nodes in a highly parallel network of processing tasks. Practitioners in both of these fields have recently encountered additional constraints that motivate the use of multiple types of processing device in a hybrid or heterogeneous platform, but constructing a working "program" to be executed on such an architecture is very time-consuming with current domain-specific design methodologies. In the field of HPC, research has proposed solutions involving the use of alternative computational devices such as FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays), since these devices can exhibit much greater performance per unit of power consumption. The appeal of integrating these devices into traditional microprocessor-based systems is mitigated, however, by the greater difficulty in constructing a system for the resulting hybrid platform. In the field of electronic system design, a similar problem of integration exists. Many of the highly parallel FPGA-based systems that Xilinx and its customers produce for applications such as telecommunications and video processing require the additional use of one or more microprocessors, but coordinating the interactions between existing FPGA cores and software running on the microprocessors is difficult. The aim of my project is to improve the design flow for hybrid systems by proposing, firstly, an abstract representation of these systems and their components which captures in metadata their different models of computation and communication; secondly, novel design checking, exploration and optimisation techniques based around this metadata; and finally, a novel design methodology in which component and system metadata is used to generate software simulation models. The effectiveness of this approach will be evaluated through the implementation of two physical-layer telecommunications system models that meet the requirements of the 3GPP "LTE" standard, which is commercially relevant to Xilinx and many other organisations

    A Typing Discipline for Hardware Interfaces

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    Modern Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC) are constructed by composition of IP (Intellectual Property) Cores with the communication between these IP Cores being governed by well described interaction protocols. However, there is a disconnect between the machine readable specification of these protocols and the verification of their implementation in known hardware description languages. Although tools can be written to address such separation of concerns, the tooling is often hand written and used to check hardware designs a posteriori. We have developed a dependent type-system and proof-of-concept modelling language to reason about the physical structure of hardware interfaces using user provided descriptions. Our type-system provides correct-by-construction guarantees that the interfaces on an IP Core will be well-typed if they adhere to a specified standard

    Modeling and Simulation Methodologies for Digital Twin in Industry 4.0

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    The concept of Industry 4.0 represents an innovative vision of what will be the factory of the future. The principles of this new paradigm are based on interoperability and data exchange between dierent industrial equipment. In this context, Cyber- Physical Systems (CPSs) cover one of the main roles in this revolution. The combination of models and the integration of real data coming from the field allows to obtain the virtual copy of the real plant, also called Digital Twin. The entire factory can be seen as a set of CPSs and the resulting system is also called Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS). This CPPS represents the Digital Twin of the factory with which it would be possible analyze the real factory. The interoperability between the real industrial equipment and the Digital Twin allows to make predictions concerning the quality of the products. More in details, these analyses are related to the variability of production quality, prediction of the maintenance cycle, the accurate estimation of energy consumption and other extra-functional properties of the system. Several tools [2] allow to model a production line, considering dierent aspects of the factory (i.e. geometrical properties, the information flows etc.) However, these simulators do not provide natively any solution for the design integration of CPSs, making impossible to have precise analysis concerning the real factory. Furthermore, for the best of our knowledge, there are no solution regarding a clear integration of data coming from real equipment into CPS models that composes the entire production line. In this context, the goal of this thesis aims to define an unified methodology to design and simulate the Digital Twin of a plant, integrating data coming from real equipment. In detail, the presented methodologies focus mainly on: integration of heterogeneous models in production line simulators; Integration of heterogeneous models with ad-hoc simulation strategies; Multi-level simulation approach of CPS and integration of real data coming from sensors into models. All the presented contributions produce an environment that allows to perform simulation of the plant based not only on synthetic data, but also on real data coming from equipments

    A framework for assertion-based timing verification and PC-based restbus simulation of automotive systems

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    Innovation in der Automobilindustrie wird durch Elektronik und vor allem durch Software ermöglicht. In der Regel wird eine Vielzahl von verteilten Funktionen realisiert. Typischerweise, wird diese Software ĂŒber mehrere SteuergerĂ€te verteilt. Durch die Verteilung und die Vielzahl an Funktionen ensteht eine immer wachsende KomplexitĂ€t, die den Verifikations- und Validierungsprozess anspruchsvoller und schwieriger gestaltet. Daher ist fĂŒr Ingenieure in der Automobilindustrie die Entwicklung von effizienten und effektiven Design-Methoden von großem Interesse.Ein zentrales Element in der Entwicklung automobiler Software ist der komponentebasierten Ansatz. Derzeit ist AUTOSAR der wichtigste Standard, der dieses Paradigma unterstĂŒtzt. Die Systembeschreibungssprache SystemC ist ebenfalls ein Mittel, um AUTOSAR-Komponenten simulieren zu können. Desweiteren stellt SystemC einen Satz von Bibliotheken zur VerfĂŒgung wie zum Beispiel die „SystemC Verification Library“ (SCV), und einen diskreten Event-Simulationskern. Inzwischen ist das Interesse an der Verwendung von SystemC in der automobile Softwareentwicklung stark gestiegen.In dieser Arbeit stellen wir eine SystemC-basierte Entwurfsmethodik fĂŒr eine frĂŒhe Validierung zeitkritischer automobile Systeme vor. Die Methodik reicht von einer reinen SystemC-Simulation bis zu einer PC-basierten Restbussimulation. Um die Synchronisation bezĂŒglich Überabtastung und Unterabtastung zwischen dem SystemC-Simulationsmodell und dem Restbus wĂ€hrend der Restbussimulation zu gewĂ€hrleisten, prĂ€sentieren wir ein Synchronisationsverfahren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde fĂŒr die Integration von SystemC-Komponenten IP-XACT als Modelierungsstandard verwendet. Um eine Zeitanalyse ermöglichen zu können, stellen wir Erweiterungen fĂŒr den IP-XACT-Standard vor, mit deren Hilfe Zeitanforderungen anAutomotive system innovation is mainly driven by software which can be distributed over a large number of functions typically deployed over several ECUs. This growing design complexity makes the verification and validation process challenging and difficult. Therefore, the development of efficient and effective design methodologies is of great interest for automotive engineers.A central concept in the development of automotive software is the component-based approach. Currently, the most prominent approach that supports this design paradigm is the AUTOSAR. The SLDL SystemC provides means to simulate the behavior of AUTOSAR software components by means of a discrete-event simulation kernel. Additionally, SystemC comes with a set of libraries such as the SCV. Meanwhile, the interest of using SystemC has grown in the automotive software development community. In this thesis we present a SystemC-based design methodology for early validation of time-critical automotive systems. The methodology spans from pure SystemC simulation to PC-based Restbus simulation. To deal with synchronization issues (oversampling and undersampling) that arise during Restbus simulation between the SystemC simulation model and the remaining bus network, we also present a new synchronization approach. Finally, we make use IP-XACT for SystemC component integration. To capture timing constraints on the simulation model, we propose timing extensions for the IP-XACT standard. These timing constraints can then be used to verify the SystemC simulation model.Tag der Verteidigung: 11.09.2015Paderborn, Univ., Diss., 201

    Timing verification in transaction modeling

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    Les systĂšmes MatĂ©riels/Logiciels deviennent indispensables dans tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne. La prĂ©sence croissante de ces systĂšmes dans les diffĂ©rents produits et services incite Ă  trouver des mĂ©thodes pour les dĂ©velopper efficacement. Mais une conception efficace de ces systĂšmes est limitĂ©e par plusieurs facteurs, certains d'entre eux sont: la complexitĂ© croissante des applications, une augmentation de la densitĂ© d'intĂ©gration, la nature hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne des produits et services, la diminution de temps d’accĂšs au marchĂ©. Une modĂ©lisation transactionnelle (TLM) est considĂ©rĂ©e comme un paradigme prometteur permettant de gĂ©rer la complexitĂ© de conception et fournissant des moyens d’exploration et de validation d'alternatives de conception Ă  des niveaux d’abstraction Ă©levĂ©s. Cette recherche propose une mĂ©thodologie d’expression de temps dans TLM basĂ©e sur une analyse de contraintes temporelles. Nous proposons d'utiliser une combinaison de deux paradigmes de dĂ©veloppement pour accĂ©lĂ©rer la conception: le TLM d'une part et une mĂ©thodologie d’expression de temps entre diffĂ©rentes transactions d’autre part. Cette synergie nous permet de combiner dans un seul environnement des mĂ©thodes de simulation performantes et des mĂ©thodes analytiques formelles. Nous avons proposĂ© un nouvel algorithme de vĂ©rification temporelle basĂ© sur la procĂ©dure de linĂ©arisation des contraintes de type min/max et une technique d'optimisation afin d'amĂ©liorer l'efficacitĂ© de l'algorithme. Nous avons complĂ©tĂ© la description mathĂ©matique de tous les types de contraintes prĂ©sentĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© des mĂ©thodes d'exploration et raffinement de systĂšme de communication qui nous a permis d'utiliser les algorithmes de vĂ©rification temporelle Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux TLM. Comme il existe plusieurs dĂ©finitions du TLM, dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous avons dĂ©fini une mĂ©thodologie de spĂ©cification et simulation pour des systĂšmes MatĂ©riel/Logiciel basĂ©e sur le paradigme de TLM. Dans cette mĂ©thodologie plusieurs concepts de modĂ©lisation peuvent ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s sĂ©parĂ©ment. BasĂ©e sur l'utilisation des technologies modernes de gĂ©nie logiciel telles que XML, XSLT, XSD, la programmation orientĂ©e objet et plusieurs autres fournies par l’environnement .Net, la mĂ©thodologie proposĂ©e prĂ©sente une approche qui rend possible une rĂ©utilisation des modĂšles intermĂ©diaires afin de faire face Ă  la contrainte de temps d’accĂšs au marchĂ©. Elle fournit une approche gĂ©nĂ©rale dans la modĂ©lisation du systĂšme qui sĂ©pare les diffĂ©rents aspects de conception tels que des modĂšles de calculs utilisĂ©s pour dĂ©crire le systĂšme Ă  des niveaux d’abstraction multiples. En consĂ©quence, dans le modĂšle du systĂšme nous pouvons clairement identifier la fonctionnalitĂ© du systĂšme sans les dĂ©tails reliĂ©s aux plateformes de dĂ©veloppement et ceci mĂšnera Ă  amĂ©liorer la "portabilitĂ©" du modĂšle d'application.Hardware/Software (Hw/Sw) systems are likely to become essential in all aspects of everyday life. The increasing penetration of Hw/Sw systems in products and services creates a necessity of their efficient development. However, the productive design of these systems is limited by several factors, some of them being the increasing complexity of applications, the increasing degree of integration, the heterogeneous nature of products and services as well as the shrinking of the time-to-market delay. Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) paradigm is considered as one of the most promising simulation paradigms to break down the design complexity by allowing the exploration and validation of design alternatives at high levels of abstraction. This research proposes a timing expression methodology in TLM based on temporal constraints analysis. We propose to use a combination of two paradigms to accelerate the design process: TLM on one hand and a methodology to express timing between different transactions on the other hand. Using a timing specification model and underlining timing constraints verification algorithms can decrease the time needed for verification by simulation. Combining in one framework the simulation and analytical design exploration methods can improve the analytical power of design verification and validation. We have proposed a new timing verification algorithm based on the linearization procedure and an optimization technique to improve its efficiency. We have completed the mathematical representation of all constraint types discussed in the literature creating in this way a unified timing specification methodology that can be used in the expression of a wider class of applications than previously presented ones. We have developed the methods for communication structure exploration and refinement that permitted us to apply the timing verification algorithms in system exploration at different TLM levels. As there are many definitions of TLM and many development environments proposing TLM in their design cycle with several pro and contra, in the context of our research we define a hardware/software (Hw/Sw) specification and simulation methodology which supports TLM in such a way that several modeling concepts can be seen separately. Relying on the use of modern software engineering technologies such as XML, XSLT, XSD, object oriented programming and others supported by the .Net Framework, an approach that makes an intermediate design model reuse possible in order to cope with time-to-market constraint is presented. The proposed TLM design methodology provides a general approach in system modeling that separates various application modeling aspects from system specification: computational models, used in application modeling, supported by the language used for the functional specification and provided by simulator. As a result, in the system model we can clearly identify system functionality without details related to the development platform thereby leading to a better “portability” of the application model

    Nouvelles approches pour la conception d'outils CAO pour le domaine des systÚmes embarqués

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    ThÚse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Contract Testing for Reliable Embedded Systems

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    Embedded systems comprise diverse technologies complicating their design. By creating virtual prototypes of the target system, Electronic System Level Design, the early analysis of a system composed by electronics and software is possible. However, the concrete interaction between hardware modules and between hardware and software is left for late development stages and real prototype making. Generally, interaction between components is assumed to be correct. However, it has to be assumed on development implicitly because interaction between components is not considered in the functionality design. While single components are mostly thoroughly tested and guarantee certain reliability levels, their interaction is based on often underspecified interfaces. Although component usage is mostly specified, operational constraints are often left out. Finally, not only the interaction between components but also with the environment and the user are not ensured. Generally, only functional integration tests are executed and corner-cases are left out, leaving uncovered faults that only manifest as failures later when their cost is higher. Therefore, this work aims at component interaction through specification of interfaces, test generation and real-time test execution. The specification is based on the design-by-contract approach of software that specifies semantics of component interaction in addition to the syntactical definition through functions. In the first part of this work, a specification for the interaction between hardware modules is given. With the automatic real-time test execution, fulfillment of specified preconditions for correct component operation can be checked. In component-based design, the component is trusted and thus, its functionality is assumed to be correct when certain postconditions are specified. In a correct component assembly, component postconditions fulfill preconditions of other components resulting in an operational system. The specification of preconditions follows the definition of environmental properties, acceptable input sequences for interfacing pins, as well as acceptable signal parameters, such as voltage levels, slope times, delays and glitches. Postconditions are defined by the description of a functionality accompanying constraints, such as timing. These parameters are automatically determined on operation by a testing circuit. Parameters that violate the specification are signaled by the testing circuit and failure is detected. The chosen parameters can give hint of the reason for the failure being an evidence of a circuit fault. In the example of an Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) communication system, we define contracts and show comparisons between contract violation, fault categorization and failure occurrence under signal fault injection. To complete this work, support for fault analysis on the electronic system level design is given. For this, the data transfers between the high-level models used in the design are augmented with the defined contract parameters. With a specific interface, digital faults are generated for transactions with violating signal parameters that can be tracked by the system. This way, recovery mechanisms for synchronous communication are proposed and tested. In the second part, the interaction between hardware and software is tackled providing special methods for developing device drivers. For this, we do not only specify the interface between hardware and software but also map the hardware control elements to software, partially generating the software interface for a device. This is necessary because drivers handle devices with internal control elements like registers, data streams and interrupts that cannot be represented on software. This systematic composition of drivers facilitates the development of a device interface called the device mechanism. It is the lowest layer of a two-layer architecture for driver development. The device mechanism carries out the access to the device exporting a pure software interface. This interface is based on the device implementation being, thus, fully specified. Further data processing required for compliance with the operating system or application is carried out in the driver policy, the layer on top of it. With the definition of a software layer for device control, contracts specifying constraints of this interface are proposed. These contracts are based on implementation constraints of the device and on its dynamic behavior. Therefore, an extended finite state machine models the dynamic behavior of the device. Based on it, functions of the device mechanism can be augmented with preconditions on the state or on state machine variables. These conditions are then checked on runtime. After execution of a function, its postconditions are ensured, such as timing. This guarantees that different driver policies, operating systems or firmwares, use this same device mechanism fulfilling its constraints. On the example of a Philips webcam, we develop the complete driver for Linux based on our architecture, creating contracts for its device mechanism. Following the systematic composition and the contract approach, driver bugs are avoided that otherwise violate allowed values for device data and execution orders of device protocols

    A Modular Approach to Adaptive Reactive Streaming Systems

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    The latest generations of FPGA devices offer large resource counts that provide the headroom to implement large-scale and complex systems. However, there are increasing challenges for the designer, not just because of pure size and complexity, but also in harnessing effectively the flexibility and programmability of the FPGA. A central issue is the need to integrate modules from diverse sources to promote modular design and reuse. Further, the capability to perform dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) of FPGA devices means that implemented systems can be made reconfigurable, allowing components to be changed during operation. However, use of DPR typically requires low-level planning of the system implementation, adding to the design challenge. This dissertation presents ReShape: a high-level approach for designing systems by interconnecting modules, which gives a ‘plug and play’ look and feel to the designer, is supported by tools that carry out implementation and verification functions, and is carried through to support system reconfiguration during operation. The emphasis is on the inter-module connections and abstracting the communication patterns that are typical between modules – for example, the streaming of data that is common in many FPGA-based systems, or the reading and writing of data to and from memory modules. ShapeUp is also presented as the static precursor to ReShape. In both, the details of wiring and signaling are hidden from view, via metadata associated with individual modules. ReShape allows system reconfiguration at the module level, by supporting type checking of replacement modules and by managing the overall system implementation, via metadata associated with its FPGA floorplan. The methodology and tools have been implemented in a prototype for a broad domain-specific setting – networking systems – and have been validated on real telecommunications design projects

    A Survey on Design Methodologies for Accelerating Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Architectures

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    In recent years, the field of Deep Learning has seen many disruptive and impactful advancements. Given the increasing complexity of deep neural networks, the need for efficient hardware accelerators has become more and more pressing to design heterogeneous HPC platforms. The design of Deep Learning accelerators requires a multidisciplinary approach, combining expertise from several areas, spanning from computer architecture to approximate computing, computational models, and machine learning algorithms. Several methodologies and tools have been proposed to design accelerators for Deep Learning, including hardware-software co-design approaches, high-level synthesis methods, specific customized compilers, and methodologies for design space exploration, modeling, and simulation. These methodologies aim to maximize the exploitable parallelism and minimize data movement to achieve high performance and energy efficiency. This survey provides a holistic review of the most influential design methodologies and EDA tools proposed in recent years to implement Deep Learning accelerators, offering the reader a wide perspective in this rapidly evolving field. In particular, this work complements the previous survey proposed by the same authors in [203], which focuses on Deep Learning hardware accelerators for heterogeneous HPC platforms

    Reconfigurable Computing Systems for Robotics using a Component-Oriented Approach

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    Robotic platforms are becoming more complex due to the wide range of modern applications, including multiple heterogeneous sensors and actuators. In order to comply with real-time and power-consumption constraints, these systems need to process a large amount of heterogeneous data from multiple sensors and take action (via actuators), which represents a problem as the resources of these systems have limitations in memory storage, bandwidth, and computational power. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are programmable logic devices that offer high-speed parallel processing. FPGAs are particularly well-suited for applications that require real-time processing, high bandwidth, and low latency. One of the fundamental advantages of FPGAs is their flexibility in designing hardware tailored to specific needs, making them adaptable to a wide range of applications. They can be programmed to pre-process data close to sensors, which reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred to other computing resources, improving overall system efficiency. Additionally, the reprogrammability of FPGAs enables them to be repurposed for different applications, providing a cost-effective solution that needs to adapt quickly to changing demands. FPGAs' performance per watt is close to that of Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), with the added advantage of being reprogrammable. Despite all the advantages of FPGAs (e.g., energy efficiency, computing capabilities), the robotics community has not fully included them so far as part of their systems for several reasons. First, designing FPGA-based solutions requires hardware knowledge and longer development times as their programmability is more challenging than Central Processing Units (CPUs) or Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Second, porting a robotics application (or parts of it) from software to an accelerator requires adequate interfaces between software and FPGAs. Third, the robotics workflow is already complex on its own, combining several fields such as mechanics, electronics, and software. There have been partial contributions in the state-of-the-art for FPGAs as part of robotics systems. However, a study of FPGAs as a whole for robotics systems is missing in the literature, which is the primary goal of this dissertation. Three main objectives have been established to accomplish this. (1) Define all components required for an FPGAs-based system for robotics applications as a whole. (2) Establish how all the defined components are related. (3) With the help of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) techniques, generate these components, deploy them, and integrate them into existing solutions. The component-oriented approach proposed in this dissertation provides a proper solution for designing and implementing FPGA-based designs for robotics applications. The modular architecture, the tool 'FPGA Interfaces for Robotics Middlewares' (FIRM), and the toolchain 'FPGA Architectures for Robotics' (FAR) provide a set of tools and a comprehensive design process that enables the development of complex FPGA-based designs more straightforwardly and efficiently. The component-oriented approach contributed to the state-of-the-art in FPGA-based designs significantly for robotics applications and helps to promote their wider adoption and use by specialists with little FPGA knowledge