768 research outputs found

    Wind Energy Forecast in Complex Sites with a Hybrid Neural Network and CFD based Method

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    Abstract The wind is an intermittent renewable energy source and the energy production forecast is a fundamental activity for many reasons (grid regulation, maintenance, etc.). In this work a hybrid method (based on weather forecast data, neural networks and computational fluid dynamics) and a pure neural network approach are compared in a complex terrain site. The post processing of real production data has been discovered to be a key activity. Treatment and filtering of data spreading out from the supervisory control and data acquisition system are fundamental both for training and testing methods reliability

    Utilization Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML) in the Field of Energy Research

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    Many governments have committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050. The main argument is that renewable resources are more eco-friendly than fossil fuels. However, the unpredictable nature of solar and wind power results in either excess or lack of energy generation. This article will evaluate the current machine-learning-based solutions for forecasting renewable energy demand and capacity. Many researchers have used machine learning (ML) to anticipate the amount of generated wind or solar energy. SVM, RNN, NN, and ELM are the most utilized algorithms. Prediction accuracy is improved through optimization (metaheuristics and evolution). These methods can forecast renewable energy for periods ranging from seconds to months. This article compares several ML methodologies and metaheuristic strategies and reviews the current state of research. The hybrid MLS outperforms the standalone optimizers. A more extensive data set for ANN, the introduction of NWP, and a shorter prediction timeframe are suggested as alternatives to Bayesian and random grid tuning. Further research on probabilistic predictions and mathematical relationships between inputs and outputs is needed to close the research gap

    A hybridwind speed forecasting system based on a 'decomposition and ensemble' strategy and fuzzy time series

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    © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Accurate and stable wind speed forecasting is of critical importance in the wind power industry and has measurable influence on power-system management and the stability of market economics. However, most traditional wind speed forecasting models require a large amount of historical data and face restrictions due to assumptions, such as normality postulates. Additionally, any data volatility leads to increased forecasting instability. Therefore, in this paper, a hybrid forecasting system, which combines the 'decomposition and ensemble' strategy and fuzzy time series forecasting algorithm, is proposed that comprises two modules-data pre-processing and forecasting. Moreover, the statistical model, artificial neural network, and Support Vector Regression model are employed to compare with the proposed hybrid system, which is proven to be very effective in forecasting wind speed data affected by noise and instability. The results of these comparisons demonstrate that the hybrid forecasting system can improve the forecasting accuracy and stability significantly, and supervised discretization methods outperform the unsupervised methods for fuzzy time series in most cases

    Big Data Analysis application in the renewable energy market: wind power

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    Entre as enerxías renovables, a enerxía eólica e unha das tecnoloxías mundiais de rápido crecemento. Non obstante, esta incerteza debería minimizarse para programar e xestionar mellor os activos de xeración tradicionais para compensar a falta de electricidade nas redes electricas. A aparición de técnicas baseadas en datos ou aprendizaxe automática deu a capacidade de proporcionar predicións espaciais e temporais de alta resolución da velocidade e potencia do vento. Neste traballo desenvólvense tres modelos diferentes de ANN, abordando tres grandes problemas na predición de series de datos con esta técnica: garantía de calidade de datos e imputación de datos non válidos, asignación de hiperparámetros e selección de funcións. Os modelos desenvolvidos baséanse en técnicas de agrupación, optimización e procesamento de sinais para proporcionar predicións de velocidade e potencia do vento a curto e medio prazo (de minutos a horas)

    Non-Gaussian Hybrid Transfer Functions: Memorizing Mine Survivability Calculations

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    Hybrid algorithms and models have received significant interest in recent years and are increasingly used to solve real-world problems. Different from existing methods in radial basis transfer function construction, this study proposes a novel nonlinear-weight hybrid algorithm involving the non-Gaussian type radial basis transfer functions. The speed and simplicity of the non-Gaussian type with the accuracy and simplicity of radial basis function are used to produce fast and accurate on-the-fly model for survivability of emergency mine rescue operations, that is, the survivability under all conditions is precalculated and used to train the neural network. The proposed hybrid uses genetic algorithm as a learning method which performs parameter optimization within an integrated analytic framework, to improve network efficiency. Finally, the network parameters including mean iteration, standard variation, standard deviation, convergent time, and optimized error are evaluated using the mean squared error. The results demonstrate that the hybrid model is able to reduce the computation complexity, increase the robustness and optimize its parameters. This novel hybrid model shows outstanding performance and is competitive over other existing models

    An efficient framework for short-term electricity price forecasting in deregulated power market

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    It is widely acknowledged that electricity price forecasting become an essential factor in operational activities, planning, and scheduling for the participant in the price-setting market, nowadays. Nevertheless, electricity price became a complex signal due to its non-stationary, non-linearity, and time-variant behavior. Consequently, a variety of artificial intelligence techniques are proposed to provide an efficient method for short-term electricity price forecasting. BSA as the recent augmentation of optimization technique, yield the potential of searching a closed-form solution in mathematical modeling with a higher probability, obviating the necessity to comprehend the correlations between variables. Concurrently, this study also developed a feature selection technique, to select the input variables subsets that have a substantial implication on forecasting of electricity price, based on a combination of mutual information (MI) and SVM. For the verification of simulation results, actual data sets from the Ontario energy market in the year 2020 covering various weather seasons are acquired. Finally, the obtained results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed strategy through improved preciseness in comparison with the distinctive methods.©2021 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/This research has been supported by University of Vaasa under Profi4/WP2 project with the financial support provided by the Academy of Finland.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Applications of Machine Learning to Optimizing Polyolefin Manufacturing

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    This chapter is a preprint from our book by , focusing on leveraging machine learning (ML) in chemical and polyolefin manufacturing optimization. It's crafted for both novices and seasoned professionals keen on the latest ML applications in chemical processes. We trace the evolution of AI and ML in chemical industries, delineate core ML components, and provide resources for ML beginners. A detailed discussion on various ML methods is presented, covering regression, classification, and unsupervised learning techniques, with performance metrics and examples. Ensemble methods, deep learning networks, including MLP, DNNs, RNNs, CNNs, and transformers, are explored for their growing role in chemical applications. Practical workshops guide readers through predictive modeling using advanced ML algorithms. The chapter culminates with insights into science-guided ML, advocating for a hybrid approach that enhances model accuracy. The extensive bibliography offers resources for further research and practical implementation. This chapter aims to be a thorough primer on ML's practical application in chemical engineering, particularly for polyolefin production, and sets the stage for continued learning in subsequent chapters. Please cite the original work [169,170] when referencing

    Developing dynamic machine learning surrogate models of physics-based industrial process simulation models

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    Abstract. Dynamic physics-based models of industrial processes can be computationally heavy which prevents using them in some applications, e.g. in process operator training. Suitability of machine learning in creating surrogate models of a physics-based unit operation models was studied in this research. The main motivation for this was to find out if machine learning model can be accurate enough to replace the corresponding physics-based components in dynamic modelling and simulation software Apros® which is developed by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd and Fortum. This study is part of COCOP project, which receive funding from EU, and INTENS project that is Business Finland funded. The research work was divided into a literature study and an experimental part. In the literature study, the steps of modelling with data-driven methods were studied and artificial neural network architectures suitable for dynamic modelling were investigated. Based on that, four neural network architectures were chosen for the case studies. In the first case study, linear and nonlinear autoregressive models with exogenous inputs (ARX and NARX respectively) were used in modelling dynamic behaviour of a water tank process build in Apros®. In the second case study, also Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) were considered and compared with the previously mentioned ARX and NARX models. The workflow from selecting the input and output variables for the machine learning model and generating the datasets in Apros® to implement the machine learning models back to Apros® was defined. Keras is an open source neural network library running on Python that was utilised in the model generation framework which was developed as a part of this study. Keras library is a very popular library that allow fast experimenting. The framework make use of random hyperparameter search and each model is tested on a validation dataset in dynamic manner, i.e. in multi-step-ahead configuration, during the optimisation. The best models based in terms of average normalised root mean squared error (NRMSE) is selected for further testing. The results of the case studies show that accurate multi-step-ahead models can be built using recurrent artificial neural networks. In the first case study, the linear ARX model achieved slightly better NRMSE value than the nonlinear one, but the accuracy of both models was on a very good level with the average NRMSE being lower than 0.1 %. The generalisation ability of the models was tested using multiple datasets and the models proved to generalise well. In the second case study, there were more difference between the models’ accuracies. This was an expected result as the studied process contains nonlinearities and thus the linear ARX model performed worse in predicting some output variables than the nonlinear ones. On the other hand, ARX model performed better with some other output variables. However, also in the second case study the model NRMSE values were on good level, being 1.94–3.60 % on testing dataset. Although the workflow to implement machine learning models in Apros® using its Python binding was defined, the actual implementation need more work. Experimenting with Keras neural network models in Apros® was noticed to slow down the simulation even though the model was fast when testing it outside of Apros®. The Python binding in Apros® do not seem to cause overhead to the calculation process which is why further investigating is needed. It is obvious that the machine learning model must be very accurate if it is to be implemented in Apros® because it needs to be able interact with the physics-based model. The actual accuracy requirement that Apros® sets should be also studied to know if and in which direction the framework made for this study needs to be developed.Dynaamisten surrogaattimallien kehittäminen koneoppimismenetelmillä teollisuusprosessien fysiikkapohjaisista simulaatiomalleista. Tiivistelmä. Teollisuusprosessien toimintaa jäljittelevät dynaamiset fysiikkapohjaiset simulaatiomallit voivat laajuudesta tai yksityiskohtien määrästä johtuen olla laskennallisesti raskaita. Tämä voi rajoittaa simulaatiomallin käyttöä esimerkiksi prosessioperaattorien koulutuksessa ja hidastaa simulaattorin avulla tehtävää prosessien optimointia. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin koneoppimismenetelmillä luotujen mallien soveltuvuutta fysiikkapohjaisten yksikköoperaatiomallien surrogaattimallinnukseen. Fysiikkapohjaiset mallit on luotu teollisuusprosessien dynaamiseen mallinnukseen ja simulointiin kehitetyllä Apros®-ohjelmistolla, jota kehittää Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy ja Fortum. Työ on osa COCOP-projektia, joka saa rahoitusta EU:lta, ja INTENS-projektia, jota rahoittaa Business Finland. Työ on jaettu kirjallisuusselvitykseen ja kahteen kokeelliseen case-tutkimukseen. Kirjallisuusosiossa selvitettiin datapohjaisen mallinnuksen eri vaiheet ja tutkittiin dynaamiseen mallinnukseen soveltuvia neuroverkkorakenteita. Tämän perusteella valittiin neljä neuroverkkoarkkitehtuuria case-tutkimuksiin. Ensimmäisessä case-tutkimuksessa selvitettiin lineaarisen ja epälineaarisen autoregressive model with exogenous inputs (ARX ja NARX) -mallin soveltuvuutta pinnankorkeuden säädöllä varustetun vesisäiliömallin dynaamisen käyttäytymisen mallintamiseen. Toisessa case-tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin edellä mainittujen mallityyppien lisäksi Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) ja Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) -verkkojen soveltuvuutta power-to-gas prosessin metanointireaktorin dynaamiseen mallinnukseen. Työssä selvitettiin surrogaattimallinnuksen vaiheet korvattavien yksikköoperaatiomallien ja siihen liittyvien muuttujien valinnasta datan generointiin ja koneoppimismallien implementointiin Aprosiin. Koneoppimismallien rakentamiseen tehtiin osana työtä Python-sovellus, joka hyödyntää Keras Python-kirjastoa neuroverkkomallien rakennuksessa. Keras on suosittu kirjasto, joka mahdollistaa nopean neuroverkkomallien kehitysprosessin. Työssä tehty sovellus hyödyntää neuroverkkomallien hyperparametrien optimoinnissa satunnaista hakua. Jokaisen optimoinnin aikana luodun mallin tarkkuutta dynaamisessa simuloinnissa mitataan erillistä aineistoa käyttäen. Jokaisen mallityypin paras malli valitaan NRMSE-arvon perusteella seuraaviin testeihin. Case-tutkimuksen tuloksien perusteella neuroverkoilla voidaan saavuttaa korkea tarkkuus dynaamisessa simuloinnissa. Ensimmäisessä case-tutkimuksessa lineaarinen ARX-malli oli hieman epälineaarista tarkempi, mutta molempien mallityyppien tarkkuus oli hyvä (NRMSE alle 0.1 %). Mallien yleistyskykyä mitattiin simuloimalla usealla aineistolla, joiden perusteella yleistyskyky oli hyvällä tasolla. Toisessa case-tutkimuksessa vastemuuttujien tarkkuuden välillä oli eroja lineaarisen ja epälineaaristen mallityyppien välillä. Tämä oli odotettu tulos, sillä joidenkin mallinnettujen vastemuuttujien käyttäytyminen on epälineaarista ja näin ollen lineaarinen ARX-malli suoriutui niiden mallintamisesta epälineaarisia malleja huonommin. Toisaalta lineaarinen ARX-malli oli tarkempi joidenkin vastemuuttujien mallinnuksessa. Kaiken kaikkiaan mallinnus onnistui hyvin myös toisessa case-tutkimuksessa, koska käytetyillä mallityypeillä saavutettiin 1.94–3.60 % NRMSE-arvo testidatalla simuloitaessa. Koneoppimismallit saatiin sisällytettyä Apros-malliin käyttäen Python-ominaisuutta, mutta prosessi vaatii lisäselvitystä, jotta mallit saadaan toimimaan yhdessä. Testien perusteella Keras-neuroverkkojen käyttäminen näytti hidastavan simulaatiota, vaikka neuroverkkomalli oli nopea Aprosin ulkopuolella. Aprosin Python-ominaisuus ei myöskään näytä itsessään aiheuttavan hitautta, jonka takia asiaa tulisi selvittää mallien implementoinnin mahdollistamiseksi. Koneoppimismallin tulee olla hyvin tarkka toimiakseen vuorovaikutuksessa fysiikkapohjaisen mallin kanssa. Jatkotutkimuksen ja Python-sovelluksen kehittämisen kannalta on tärkeää selvittää mikä on Aprosin koneoppimismalleille asettama tarkkuusvaatimus