412 research outputs found

    The Transportation Primitive

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    This paper presents algorithms for implementing the transportation primitive on a distributed memory parallel architecture. The transportation primitive performs many-to-many personalized communication with bounded incoming and outgoing traffic. We present a two-stage deterministic algorithm that decomposes the communication with possibly high variance in message size into two communication stages with low message size variance. If the maximum outgoing or incoming traffic at any processor is t, transportation can be done in 2t¯ time (+ lower order terms) when t O(p 2 + pø=¯) (¯ is the inverse of the data transfer rate, ø is the startup overhead). If the maximum outgoing and incoming traffic are r and c respectively, transportation can be done in (r+c)¯ time when either r O(p 2 ) or c O(p 2 ). Optimality and scalability are thus achieved when the traffic is large, a condition that is usually satisfied in practice. The algorithm was implemented on the Connection Machine CM-5. The implementation used the low latency communication primitives (active messages) available on the CM 5, but the algorithm as such is architecture independent. An alternate single-stage algorithm using distributed random scheduling was implemented on the CM-5 and the performance of the two algorithms were compared

    Optimization techniques for fine-grained communication in PGAS environments

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    Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) languages promise to deliver improved programmer productivity and good performance in large-scale parallel machines. However, adequate performance for applications that rely on fine-grained communication without compromising their programmability is difficult to achieve. Manual or compiler assistance code optimization is required to avoid fine-grained accesses. The downside of manually applying code transformations is the increased program complexity and hindering of the programmer productivity. On the other hand, compiler optimizations of fine-grained accesses require knowledge of physical data mapping and the use of parallel loop constructs. This thesis presents optimizations for solving the three main challenges of the fine-grain communication: (i) low network communication efficiency; (ii) large number of runtime calls; and (iii) network hotspot creation for the non-uniform distribution of network communication, To solve this problems, the dissertation presents three approaches. First, it presents an improved inspector-executor transformation to improve the network efficiency through runtime aggregation. Second, it presents incremental optimizations to the inspector-executor loop transformation to automatically remove the runtime calls. Finally, the thesis presents a loop scheduling loop transformation for avoiding network hotspots and the oversubscription of nodes. In contrast to previous work that use static coalescing, prefetching, limited privatization, and caching, the solutions presented in this thesis focus cover all the aspect of fine-grained communication, including reducing the number of calls generated by the compiler and minimizing the overhead of the inspector-executor optimization. A performance evaluation with various microbenchmarks and benchmarks, aiming at predicting scaling and absolute performance numbers of a Power 775 machine, indicates that applications with regular accesses can achieve up to 180% of the performance of hand-optimized versions, while in applications with irregular accesses the transformations are expected to yield from 1.12X up to 6.3X speedup. The loop scheduling shows performance gains from 3-25% for NAS FT and bucket-sort benchmarks, and up to 3.4X speedup for the microbenchmarks


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    Power and thermal constraints gained critical importance in the design of microprocessors over the past decade. Chipmakers failed to keep power at bay while sustaining the performance growth of serial computers at the rate expected by consumers. As an alternative, they turned to fitting an increasing number of simpler cores on a single die. While this is a step forward for relaxing the constraints, the issue of power is far from resolved and it is joined by new challenges which we explain next. As we move into the era of many-cores, processors consisting of 100s, even 1000s of cores, single-task parallelism is the natural path for building faster general-purpose computers. Alas, the introduction of parallelism to the mainstream general-purpose domain brings another long elusive problem to focus: ease of parallel programming. The result is the dual challenge where power efficiency and ease-of-programming are vital for the prevalence of up and coming many-core architectures. The observations above led to the lead goal of this dissertation: a first order validation of the claim that even under power/thermal constraints, ease-of-programming and competitive performance need not be conflicting objectives for a massively-parallel general-purpose processor. As our platform, we choose the eXplicit Multi-Threading (XMT) many-core architecture for fine grained parallel programs developed at the University of Maryland. We hope that our findings will be a trailblazer for future commercial products. XMT scales up to thousand or more lightweight cores and aims at improving single task execution time while making the task for the programmer as easy as possible. Performance advantages and ease-of-programming of XMT have been shown in a number of publications, including a study that we present in this dissertation. Feasibility of the hardware concept has been exhibited via FPGA and ASIC (per our partial involvement) prototypes. Our contributions target the study of power and thermal envelopes of an envisioned 1024-core XMT chip (XMT1024) under programs that exist in popular parallel benchmark suites. First, we compare XMT against an area and power equivalent commercial high-end many-core GPU. We demonstrate that XMT can provide an average speedup of 8.8x in irregular parallel programs that are common and important in general purpose computing. Even under the worst-case power estimation assumptions for XMT, average speedup is only reduced by half. We further this study by experimentally evaluating the performance advantages of Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM), when applied to XMT1024. DTM techniques are frequently used in current single and multi-core processors, however until now their effects on single-tasked many-cores have not been examined in detail. It is our purpose to explore how existing techniques can be tailored for XMT to improve performance. Performance improvements up to 46% over a generic global management technique has been demonstrated. The insights we provide can guide designers of other similar many-core architectures. A significant infrastructure contribution of this dissertation is a highly configurable cycle-accurate simulator, XMTSim. To our knowledge, XMTSim is currently the only publicly-available shared-memory many-core simulator with extensive capabilities for estimating power and temperature, as well as evaluating dynamic power and thermal management algorithms. As a major component of the XMT programming toolchain, it is not only used as the infrastructure in this work but also contributed to other publications and dissertations

    Good Intentions: Adaptive Parameter Management via Intent Signaling

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    Parameter management is essential for distributed training of large machine learning (ML) tasks. Some ML tasks are hard to distribute because common approaches to parameter management can be highly inefficient. Advanced parameter management approaches -- such as selective replication or dynamic parameter allocation -- can improve efficiency, but to do so, they typically need to be integrated manually into each task's implementation and they require expensive upfront experimentation to tune correctly. In this work, we explore whether these two problems can be avoided. We first propose a novel intent signaling mechanism that integrates naturally into existing ML stacks and provides the parameter manager with crucial information about parameter accesses. We then describe AdaPM, a fully adaptive, zero-tuning parameter manager based on this mechanism. In contrast to prior systems, this approach separates providing information (simple, done by the task) from exploiting it effectively (hard, done automatically by AdaPM). In our experimental evaluation, AdaPM matched or outperformed state-of-the-art parameter managers out of the box, suggesting that automatic parameter management is possible

    Accelerating Transactional Memory by Exploiting Platform Specificity

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    Transactional Memory (TM) is one of the most promising alternatives to lock-based concurrency, but there still remain obstacles that keep TM from being utilized in the real world. Performance, in terms of high scalability and low latency, is always one of the most important keys to general purpose usage. While most of the research in this area focuses on improving a specific single TM implementation and some default platform (a certain operating system, compiler and/or processor), little has been conducted on improving performance more generally, and across platforms.We found that by utilizing platform specificity, we could gain tremendous performance improvement and avoid unnecessary costs due to false assumptions of platform properties, on not only a single TM implementation, but many. In this dissertation, we will present our findings in four sections: 1) we discover and quantify hidden costs from inappropriate compiler instrumentations, and provide sug- gestions and solutions; 2) we boost a set of mainstream timestamp-based TM implementations with the x86-specific hardware cycle counter; 3) we explore compiler opportunities to reduce the transaction abort rate, by reordering read-modify-write operations — the whole technique can be applied to all TM implementations, and could be more effective with some help from compilers; and 4) we coordinate the state-of-the-art Intel Haswell TSX hardware TM with a software TM “Cohorts”, and develop a safe and flexible Hybrid TM, “HyCo”, to be our final performance boost in this dissertation.The impact of our research extends beyond Transactional Memory, to broad areas of concurrent programming. Some of our solutions and discussions, such as the synchronization between accesses of the hardware cycle counter and memory loads and stores, can be utilized to boost concurrent data structures and many timestamp-based systems and applications. Others, such as discussions of compiler instrumentation costs and reordering opportunities, provide additional insights to compiler designers. Our findings show that platform specificity must be taken into consideration to achieve peak performance

    On the co-design of scientific applications and long vector architectures

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    The landscape of High Performance Computing (HPC) system architectures keeps expanding with new technologies and increased complexity. To improve the efficiency of next-generation compute devices, architects are looking for solutions beyond the commodity CPU approach. In 2021, the five most powerful supercomputers in the world use either GP-GPU (General-purpose computing on graphics processing units) accelerators or a customized CPU specially designed to target HPC applications. This trend is only expected to grow in the next years motivated by the compute demands of science and industry. As architectures evolve, the ecosystem of tools and applications must follow. The choices in the number of cores in a socket, the floating point-units per core and the bandwidth through the memory hierarchy among others, have a large impact in the power consumption and compute capabilities of the devices. To balance CPU and accelerators, designers require accurate tools for analyzing and predicting the impact of new architectural features on the performance of complex scientific applications at scale. In such a large design space, capturing and modeling with simulators the complex interactions between the system software and hardware components is a defying challenge. Moreover, applications must be able to exploit those designs with aggressive compute capabilities and memory bandwidth configurations. Algorithms and data structures will need to be redesigned accordingly to expose a high degree of data-level parallelism allowing them to scale in large systems. Therefore, next-generation computing devices will be the result of a co-design effort in hardware and applications supported by advanced simulation tools. In this thesis, we focus our work on the co-design of scientific applications and long vector architectures. We significantly extend a multi-scale simulation toolchain enabling accurate performance and power estimations of large-scale HPC systems. Through simulation, we explore the large design space in current HPC trends over a wide range of applications. We extract speedup and energy consumption figures analyzing the trade-offs and optimal configurations for each of the applications. We describe in detail the optimization process of two challenging applications on real vector accelerators, achieving outstanding operation performance and full memory bandwidth utilization. Overall, we provide evidence-based architectural and programming recommendations that will serve as hardware and software co-design guidelines for the next generation of specialized compute devices.El panorama de las arquitecturas de los sistemas para la Computación de Alto Rendimiento (HPC, de sus siglas en inglés) sigue expandiéndose con nuevas tecnologías y complejidad adicional. Para mejorar la eficiencia de la próxima generación de dispositivos de computación, los arquitectos están buscando soluciones más allá de las CPUs. En 2021, los cinco supercomputadores más potentes del mundo utilizan aceleradores gráficos aplicados a propósito general (GP-GPU, de sus siglas en inglés) o CPUs diseñadas especialmente para aplicaciones HPC. En los próximos años, se espera que esta tendencia siga creciendo motivada por las demandas de más potencia de computación de la ciencia y la industria. A medida que las arquitecturas evolucionan, el ecosistema de herramientas y aplicaciones les debe seguir. Las decisiones eligiendo el número de núcleos por zócalo, las unidades de coma flotante por núcleo y el ancho de banda a través de la jerarquía de memoría entre otros, tienen un gran impacto en el consumo de energía y las capacidades de cómputo de los dispositivos. Para equilibrar las CPUs y los aceleradores, los diseñadores deben utilizar herramientas precisas para analizar y predecir el impacto de nuevas características de la arquitectura en el rendimiento de complejas aplicaciones científicas a gran escala. Dado semejante espacio de diseño, capturar y modelar con simuladores las complejas interacciones entre el software de sistema y los componentes de hardware es un reto desafiante. Además, las aplicaciones deben ser capaces de explotar tales diseños con agresivas capacidades de cómputo y ancho de banda de memoria. Los algoritmos y estructuras de datos deberán ser rediseñadas para exponer un alto grado de paralelismo de datos permitiendo así escalarlos en grandes sistemas. Por lo tanto, la siguiente generación de dispósitivos de cálculo será el resultado de un esfuerzo de codiseño tanto en hardware como en aplicaciones y soportado por avanzadas herramientas de simulación. En esta tesis, centramos nuestro trabajo en el codiseño de aplicaciones científicas y arquitecturas vectoriales largas. Extendemos significativamente una serie de herramientas para la simulación multiescala permitiendo así obtener estimaciones de rendimiento y potencia de sistemas HPC de gran escala. A través de simulaciones, exploramos el gran espacio de diseño de las tendencias actuales en HPC sobre un amplio rango de aplicaciones. Extraemos datos sobre la mejora y el consumo energético analizando las contrapartidas y las configuraciones óptimas para cada una de las aplicaciones. Describimos en detalle el proceso de optimización de dos aplicaciones en aceleradores vectoriales, obteniendo un rendimiento extraordinario a nivel de operaciones y completa utilización del ancho de memoria disponible. Con todo, ofrecemos recomendaciones empíricas a nivel de arquitectura y programación que servirán como instrucciones para diseñar mejor hardware y software para la siguiente generación de dispositivos de cálculo especializados.Postprint (published version

    Discovery of Potential Parallelism in Sequential Programs

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    In the era of multicore processors, the responsibility for performance gains has been shifted onto software developers. Once improvements of the sequential algorithm have been exhausted, software-managed parallelism is the only option left. However, writing parallel code is still difficult, especially when parallelizing sequential code written by someone else. A key task in this process is the identification of suitable parallelization targets in the source code. Parallelism discovery tools help developers to find such targets automatically. Unfortunately, tools that identify parallelism during compilation are usually conservative due to the lack of runtime information, and tools relying on runtime information primarily suffer from high overhead in terms of both time and memory. This dissertation presents a generic framework for parallelism discovery based on dynamic program analysis, supporting various types of parallelism while incurring practically affordable overhead. The framework contains two main components: an efficient data-dependence profiler and a set of parallelism discovery algorithms based on a language-independent concept called Computational Unit. The data-dependence profiler serves as the foundation of the parallelism discovery framework. Traditional dependence profiling approaches introduce a tremendous amount of time and memory overhead. To lower the overhead, current methods limit their scope to the subset of the dependence information needed for the analysis they have been created for, sacrificing generality and discouraging reuse. In contrast, the profiler shown in this thesis addresses the problem via signature-based memory management and a lock-free parallel design. It produces detailed dependences not only for sequential but also for multi-threaded code without causing prohibitive overhead, allowing it to serve as a generic base for various program analysis techniques. Computational Units (CUs) provide a language-independent foundation for parallelism discovery. CUs are computations that follow the read-compute-write pattern. Unlike other concepts, they are not restricted to predefined language constructs. A program is represented as a CU graph, in which vertexes are CUs and edges are data dependences. This allows parallelism to be detected that spreads across multiple language constructs, taking code refactoring into consideration. The parallelism discovery algorithms cover both loop and task parallelism. Results of our experiments show that 1) the efficient data-dependence profiler has a very competitive average slowdown of around 80× with accuracy higher than 99.6%; 2) the framework discovers parallelism with high accuracy, identifying 92.5% of the parallel loops in NAS benchmarks; 3) when parallelizing well-known open-source software following the outputs of the framework, reasonable speedups are obtained. Finally, use cases beyond parallelism discovery are briefly demonstrated to show the generality of the framework

    Run-time optimization of adaptive irregular applications

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    Compared to traditional compile-time optimization, run-time optimization could offer significant performance improvements when parallelizing and optimizing adaptive irregular applications, because it performs program analysis and adaptive optimizations during program execution. Run-time techniques can succeed where static techniques fail because they exploit the characteristics of input data, programs' dynamic behaviors, and the underneath execution environment. When optimizing adaptive irregular applications for parallel execution, a common observation is that the effectiveness of the optimizing transformations depends on programs' input data and their dynamic phases. This dissertation presents a set of run-time optimization techniques that match the characteristics of programs' dynamic memory access patterns and the appropriate optimization (parallelization) transformations. First, we present a general adaptive algorithm selection framework to automatically and adaptively select at run-time the best performing, functionally equivalent algorithm for each of its execution instances. The selection process is based on off-line automatically generated prediction models and characteristics (collected and analyzed dynamically) of the algorithm's input data, In this dissertation, we specialize this framework for automatic selection of reduction algorithms. In this research, we have identified a small set of machine independent high-level characterization parameters and then we deployed an off-line, systematic experiment process to generate prediction models. These models, in turn, match the parameters to the best optimization transformations for a given machine. The technique has been evaluated thoroughly in terms of applications, platforms, and programs' dynamic behaviors. Specifically, for the reduction algorithm selection, the selected performance is within 2% of optimal performance and on average is 60% better than "Replicated Buffer," the default parallel reduction algorithm specified by OpenMP standard. To reduce the overhead of speculative run-time parallelization, we have developed an adaptive run-time parallelization technique that dynamically chooses effcient shadow structures to record a program's dynamic memory access patterns for parallelization. This technique complements the original speculative run-time parallelization technique, the LRPD test, in parallelizing loops with sparse memory accesses. The techniques presented in this dissertation have been implemented in an optimizing research compiler and can be viewed as effective building blocks for comprehensive run-time optimization systems, e.g., feedback-directed optimization systems and dynamic compilation systems