1,226 research outputs found

    Porous Ceramic Sensors: Hydrocarbon Gas Leaks Detection

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    According to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), a sensor is a device which provides a usable output in response to a specified measurement of a physical quantity converted into a signal suitable for processing (e.g., optical, electrical, or mechanical signals). On the other hand, porous ceramic materials play an important role as sensor materials, because by selecting a suitable base ceramic material for the intended use and then adjusting their overall porosity, pore size distribution, and pore shape, they can cover different applications such as liquid-gas filters, insulators, catalytic supports, mixed of gases separators and sensors, among others. In addition, they have controlled permeability, high melting point, high superficial area, high corrosion and wear resistance, low expansion coefficient, tailored electronic properties, etc. Currently, a few niche areas demand sensors for compact electronic device design, e.g., leak inspections for oil and gas dispositive, flammable and/or toxic gas detection in waste storage areas and confined spaces, hydrocarbons and their associated gas detection at low temperatures and high humidity conditions, among others. In this chapter, the advances in porous ceramic production for hydrocarbons and associated gas detection will be presented and discussed

    Mesoporous Metal Oxide Films

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    This book, entitled “Mesoporous Metal Oxide Films”, contains an editorial and a collection of ten research articles covering fundamental studies and applications of different metal oxide films. Mesoporous materials have been widely investigated and applied in many technological applications owing to their outstanding structural and physical properties. In this book, important developments in this fast-moving field are presented from various research groups around the world. Different preparation methods and applications of these novel and interesting materials have been reported, and it was demonstrated that mesoporosity has a direct impact on the properties and potential applications of such materials. The potential use of mesoporous metal oxide films and coatings with different morphology and structures is demonstrated in many technological applications, particularly chemical and electrochemical sensors, supercapacitors, solar cells, photoelectrodes, bioceramics, photonic switches, and anticorrosion agents

    Review—Non-Invasive Monitoring of Human Health by Exhaled Breath Analysis: A Comprehensive Review

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    Exhaled human breath analysis is a very promisingfield of research work having great potential for diagnosis of diseases in non-invasive way. Breath analysis has attracted huge attention in thefield of medical diagnosis and disease monitoring in the last twodecades. VOCs/gases (Volatile Organic Compounds) in exhaled breath bear thefinger-prints of metabolic and biophysicalprocesses going on in human body. It’s a non-invasive, fast, non-hazardous, cost effective, and point of care process for diseasestate monitoring and environmental exposure assessment in human beings. Some VOCs/gases in exhaled breath are bio-markers ofdifferent diseases and their presence in excess amount is indicative of un-healthiness. Breath analysis has the potential for earlydetection of diseases. However, it is still underused and commercial device is yet not available owing to multiferrious challenges.This review is intended to provide an overview of major biomarkers (VOCs/gases) present in exhaled breath, importance of theiranalysis towards disease monitoring, analytical techniques involved, promising materials for breath analysis etc. Finally, relatedchallenges and limitations along with future scope will be touched upon.will be touched upon

    Metal Oxide Gas Sensors: Sensitivity and Influencing Factors

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    Conductometric semiconducting metal oxide gas sensors have been widely used and investigated in the detection of gases. Investigations have indicated that the gas sensing process is strongly related to surface reactions, so one of the important parameters of gas sensors, the sensitivity of the metal oxide based materials, will change with the factors influencing the surface reactions, such as chemical components, surface-modification and microstructures of sensing layers, temperature and humidity. In this brief review, attention will be focused on changes of sensitivity of conductometric semiconducting metal oxide gas sensors due to the five factors mentioned above

    Gas Sensors Based on Conducting Polymers

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    Since the discovery of conducting polymers (CPs), their unique properties and tailor-made structures on-demand have shown in the last decade a renaissance and have been widely used in fields of chemistry and materials science. The chemical and thermal stability of CPs under ambient conditions greatly enhances their utilizations as active sensitive layers deposited either by in situ chemical or by electrochemical methodologies over electrodes and electrode arrays for fabricating gas sensor devices, to respond and/or detect particular toxic gases, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and ions trapping at ambient temperature for environmental remediation and industrial quality control of production. Due to the extent of the literature on CPs, this chapter, after a concise introduction about the development of methods and techniques in fabricating CP nanomaterials, is focused exclusively on the recent advancements in gas sensor devices employing CPs and their nanocomposites. The key issues on nanostructured CPs in the development of state-of-the-art miniaturized sensor devices are carefully discussed. A perspective on next-generation sensor technology from a material point of view is demonstrated, as well. This chapter is expected to be comprehensive and useful to the chemical community interested in CPs-based gas sensor applications

    Exploitation of Unique Properties of Zeolites in the Development of Gas Sensors

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    The unique properties of microporous zeolites, including ion-exchange properties, adsorption, molecular sieving, catalysis, conductivity have been exploited in improving the performance of gas sensors. Zeolites have been employed as physical and chemical filters to improve the sensitivity and selectivity of gas sensors. In addition, direct interaction of gas molecules with the extraframework cations in the nanoconfined space of zeolites has been explored as a basis for developing new impedance-type gas/vapor sensors. In this review, we summarize how these properties of zeolites have been used to develop new sensing paradigms. There is a considerable breadth of transduction processes that have been used for zeolite incorporated sensors, including frequency measurements, optical and the entire gamut of electrochemical measurements. It is clear from the published literature that zeolites provide a route to enhance sensor performance, and it is expected that commercial manifestation of some of the approaches discussed here will take place. The future of zeolite-based sensors will continue to exploit its unique properties and use of other microporous frameworks, including metal organic frameworks. Zeolite composites with electronic materials, including metals will lead to new paradigms in sensing. Use of nano-sized zeolite crystals and zeolite membranes will enhance sensor properties and make possible new routes of miniaturized sensors

    Advances in Materials and Technologies for Gas Sensing from Environmental and Food Monitoring to Breath Analysis

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    Gas sensing research experiences a worldwide revival in the last years. From one side, the emergence of novel sensing materials enables unprecedented capacities for improving the device performances. From the other, the increasing opportunities for applications impacting current societal priorities highly motivate further studies. Here, this field is reviewed with special attention to the emerging approaches and the most recent breakthroughs, challenges, and perspectives. In particular, this study focuses on: 1) the sensing layers analyzing recent trends toward nanostructured, low-dimensional and composite materials; and 2) the latest achievements and targets in terms of applications, from environmental monitoring to food aroma identification and quality control up to the healthcare sector with breath analysis and diseases diagnosis

    Multilayer Thin Films

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    This book, "Multilayer Thin Films-Versatile Applications for Materials Engineering", includes thirteen chapters related to the preparations, characterizations, and applications in the modern research of materials engineering. The evaluation of nanomaterials in the form of different shapes, sizes, and volumes needed for utilization in different kinds of gadgets and devices. Since the recently developed two-dimensional carbon materials are proving to be immensely important for new configurations in the miniature scale in the modern technology, it is imperative to innovate various atomic and molecular arrangements for the modifications of structural properties. Of late, graphene and graphene-related derivatives have been proven as the most versatile two-dimensional nanomaterials with superb mechanical, electrical, electronic, optical, and magnetic properties. To understand the in-depth technology, an effort has been made to explain the basics of nano dimensional materials. The importance of nano particles in various aspects of nano technology is clearly indicated. There is more than one chapter describing the use of nanomaterials as sensors. In this volume, an effort has been made to clarify the use of such materials from non-conductor to highly conducting species. It is expected that this book will be useful to the postgraduate and research students as this is a multidisciplinary subject

    Gas sensing technologies -- status, trends, perspectives and novel applications

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    The strong, continuous progresses in gas sensors and electronic noses resulted in improved performance and enabled an increasing range of applications with large impact on modern societies, such as environmental monitoring, food quality control and diagnostics by breath analysis. Here we review this field with special attention to established and emerging approaches as well as the most recent breakthroughs, challenges and perspectives. In particular, we focus on (1) the transduction principles employed in different architectures of gas sensors, analysing their advantages and limitations; (2) the sensing layers including recent trends toward nanostructured, low-dimensional and composite materials; (3) advances in signal processing methodologies, including the recent advent of artificial neural networks. Finally, we conclude with a summary on the latest achievements and trends in terms of applications.Comment: arXiv admin comment: This version has been removed by arXiv administrators as the submitter did not have the rights to agree to the license at the time of submissio
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