464 research outputs found

    An Efficient Design Approach of ROI Based DWT Using Vedic and Wallace Tree Multiplier on FPGA Platform

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    In digital image processing, the compression mechanism is utilized to enhance the visual perception and storage cost. By using hardware architectures, reconstruction of medical images especially Region of interest (ROI) part using Lossy image compression is a challenging task. In this paper, the ROI Based Discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) using separate Wallace- tree multiplier (WM) and modified Vedic Multiplier (VM) methods are designed. The Lifting based DWT method is used for the ROI compression and reconstruction. The 9/7 filter coefficients are multiplied in DWT using Wallace- tree multiplier (WM) and modified Vedic Multiplier (VM). The designed Wallace tree multiplier works with the parallel mechanism using pipeline architecture results with optimized hardware resources, and 8x8 Vedic multiplier designs improves the ROI reconstruction image quality and fast computation. To evaluate the performance metrics between ROI Based DWT-WM and DWT-VM on FPGA platform, The PSNR and MSE are calculated for different Brain MRI images, and also hardware constraints include Area, Delay, maximum operating frequency and power results are tabulated. The proposed model is designed using Xilinx platform using Verilog-HDL and simulated using ModelSim and Implemented on Artix-7 FPGA device

    Deep Pipeline Architecture for Fast Fractal Color Image Compression Utilizing Inter-Color Correlation

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    Fractal compression technique is a well-known technique that encodes an image by mapping the image into itself and this requires performing a massive and repetitive search. Thus, the encoding time is too long, which is the main problem of the fractal algorithm. To reduce the encoding time, several hardware implementations have been developed. However, they are generally developed for grayscale images, and using them to encode colour images leads to doubling the encoding time 3× at least. Therefore, in this paper, new high-speed hardware architecture is proposed for encoding RGB images in a short time. Unlike the conventional approach of encoding the colour components similarly and individually as a grayscale image, the proposed method encodes two of the colour components by mapping them directly to the most correlated component with a searchless encoding scheme, while the third component is encoded with a search-based scheme. This results in reducing the encoding time and also in increasing the compression rate. The parallel and deep-pipelining approaches have been utilized to improve the processing time significantly. Furthermore, to reduce the memory access to the half, the image is partitioned in such a way that half of the matching operations utilize the same data fetched for processing the other half of the matching operations. Consequently, the proposed architecture can encode a 1024×1024 RGB image within a minimal time of 12.2 ms, and a compression ratio of 46.5. Accordingly, the proposed architecture is further superior to the state-of-the-art architectures.©2022 The Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Hardware Acceleration of the Embedded Zerotree Wavelet Algorithm

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    The goal of this project was to gain experience in designing and implementing a microelectronic system to acclerate the execution of a time-consuming software algorithm, the Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EZW), which is used in multimedia applications. The algorithm was implemented using MATLAB to be certain it was fully understood and to serve as a validation reference. Then, the algorithm was mapped into a hardware description language, VHDL, and its resulting implementation verified with the golden reference. The hardware description was then targeted to a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Significant acceleration was achieved since the hardware implementation in a FPGA (Xilinx Virtex-1000E using a 8.315 MHz clock) ran 10,000 times faster than the MATLAB implementation on a SUN-220 workstation. Additional speedup exploiting the parallel capabilities of the FPGA was not achieved since the EZW algorithm utilizes only sequential operations

    Mengenal pasti tahap pengetahuan pelajar tahun akhir Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan di KUiTTHO dalam bidang keusahawanan dari aspek pengurusan modal

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    Malaysia ialah sebuah negara membangun di dunia. Dalam proses pembangunan ini, hasrat negara untuk melahirkan bakal usahawan beijaya tidak boleh dipandang ringan. Oleh itu, pengetahuan dalam bidang keusahawanan perlu diberi perhatian dengan sewajarnya; antara aspek utama dalam keusahawanan ialah modal. Pengurusan modal yang tidak cekap menjadi punca utama kegagalan usahawan. Menyedari hakikat ini, kajian berkaitan Pengurusan Modal dijalankan ke atas 100 orang pelajar Tahun Akhir Kejuruteraan di KUiTTHO. Sampel ini dipilih kerana pelajar-pelajar ini akan menempuhi alam pekeijaan di mana mereka boleh memilih keusahawanan sebagai satu keijaya. Walau pun mereka bukanlah pelajar dari jurusan perniagaan, namun mereka mempunyai kemahiran dalam mereka cipta produk yang boleh dikomersialkan. Hasil dapatan kajian membuktikan bahawa pelajar-pelajar ini berminat dalam bidang keusahawanan namun masih kurang pengetahuan tentang pengurusan modal terutamanya dalam menentukan modal permulaan, pengurusan modal keija dan caracara menentukan pembiayaan kewangan menggunakan kaedah jualan harian. Oleh itu, satu garis panduan Pengurusan Modal dibina untuk memberi pendedahan kepada mereka


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    Video compression is necessary in a wide range of applications to reduce the total data amount required for transmitting or storing video data. Among the coding systems, Motion Estimation is of priority concern in exploiting the temporal redundancy between successive frames, yet also the most time consuming aspect of coding. This paper presents an error detection and data recovery (EDDR) design, based on the residue-and quotient (RQ) code that is embed into ME for video coding testing applications. Based on the Concurrent Error Detection (CED) concept, this work develops a robust EDDR architecture based on the RQ code to detect errors and recovery data in PEs of a ME and, in doing so, further guarantee the excellent reliability for video coding applications. We synthesized this design using Xilinx tool

    Advanced photonic and electronic systems WILGA 2018

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    WILGA annual symposium on advanced photonic and electronic systems has been organized by young scientist for young scientists since two decades. It traditionally gathers around 400 young researchers and their tutors. Ph.D students and graduates present their recent achievements during well attended oral sessions. Wilga is a very good digest of Ph.D. works carried out at technical universities in electronics and photonics, as well as information sciences throughout Poland and some neighboring countries. Publishing patronage over Wilga keep Elektronika technical journal by SEP, IJET and Proceedings of SPIE. The latter world editorial series publishes annually more than 200 papers from Wilga. Wilga 2018 was the XLII edition of this meeting. The following topical tracks were distinguished: photonics, electronics, information technologies and system research. The article is a digest of some chosen works presented during Wilga 2018 symposium. WILGA 2017 works were published in Proc. SPIE vol.10445. WILGA 2018 works were published in Proc. SPIE vol.10808

    Image Compression Techniques by using Wavelet Transform

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    This paper is concerned with a certain type of compression techniques by using wavelet transforms. Wavelets are used to characterize a complex pattern as a series of simple patterns and coefficients that, when multiplied and summed, reproduce the original pattern.  The data compression schemes can be divided into lossless and lossy compression. Lossy compression generally provides much higher compression than lossless compression. Wavelets are a class of functions used to localize a given signal in both space and scaling domains. A MinImage was originally created to test one type of wavelet and the additional functionality was added to Image to support other wavelet types, and the EZW coding algorithm was implemented to achieve better compression. Keywords: Wavelet Transforms, Image Compression, Lossless Compression, Lossy Compressio

    A State Table SPHIT Approach for Modified Curvelet-based Medical Image Compression

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    Medical imaging plays a significant role in clinical practice. Storing and transferring a large volume of images can be complex and inefficient. This paper presents the development of a new compression technique that combines the fast discrete curvelet transform (FDCvT) with state table set partitioning in the hierarchical trees (STS) encoding scheme. The curvelet transform is an extension of the wavelet transform algorithm that represents data based on scale and position. Initially, the medical image was decomposed using the FDCvT algorithm. The FDCvT algorithm creates symmetrical values for the detail coefficients, and these coefficients are modified to improve the efficiency of the algorithm. The curvelet coefficients are then encoded using the STS and differential pulse-code modulation (DPCM). The greatest amount of energy is contained in the coarse coefficients, which are encoded using the DPCM method. The finest and modified detail coefficients are encoded using the STS method. A variety of medical modalities, including computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are used to verify the performance of the proposed technique. Various quality metrics, including peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), compression ratio (CR), and structural similarity index (SSIM), are used to evaluate the compression results. Additionally, the computation time for the encoding (ET) and decoding (DT) processes is measured. The experimental results showed that the PET image obtained higher values of the PSNR and CR. The CT image provides high quality for the reconstructed image, with an SSIM value of 0.96 and the fastest ET of 0.13 seconds. The MRI image has the shortest DT, which is 0.23 seconds
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