9,847 research outputs found

    The "TEU-FEL" project

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    The free-electron laser of the TEU-FEL project will be based on a 6 MeV photo-cathode linac as injector, a 25 MeV race-track microtron as main accelerator and a hybrid, 25 mm period undulator. The project will be carried out in two phases. In phase one only the 6 MeV linac will be used, The FEL will then produce tunable radiation around 200 µm. In phase two the linac will be used as an injector for the microtron. The FEL will then produce tunable radiation around 10 µm. Technical information will be presented on the different subsystems

    NA61/SHINE facility at the CERN SPS: beams and detector system

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    NA61/SHINE (SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment) is a multi-purpose experimental facility to study hadron production in hadron-proton, hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. It recorded the first physics data with hadron beams in 2009 and with ion beams (secondary 7Be beams) in 2011. NA61/SHINE has greatly profited from the long development of the CERN proton and ion sources and the accelerator chain as well as the H2 beamline of the CERN North Area. The latter has recently been modified to also serve as a fragment separator as needed to produce the Be beams for NA61/SHINE. Numerous components of the NA61/SHINE set-up were inherited from its predecessors, in particular, the last one, the NA49 experiment. Important new detectors and upgrades of the legacy equipment were introduced by the NA61/SHINE Collaboration. This paper describes the state of the NA61/SHINE facility - the beams and the detector system - before the CERN Long Shutdown I, which started in March 2013

    Linear Accelerator Test Facility at LNF Conceptual Design Report

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    Test beam and irradiation facilities are the key enabling infrastructures for research in high energy physics (HEP) and astro-particles. In the last 11 years the Beam-Test Facility (BTF) of the DA{\Phi}NE accelerator complex in the Frascati laboratory has gained an important role in the European infrastructures devoted to the development and testing of particle detectors. At the same time the BTF operation has been largely shadowed, in terms of resources, by the running of the DA{\Phi}NE electron-positron collider. The present proposal is aimed at improving the present performance of the facility from two different points of view: extending the range of application for the LINAC beam extracted to the BTF lines, in particular in the (in some sense opposite) directions of hosting fundamental physics and providing electron irradiation also for industrial users; extending the life of the LINAC beyond or independently from its use as injector of the DA{\Phi}NE collider, as it is also a key element of the electron/positron beam facility. The main lines of these two developments can be identified as: consolidation of the LINAC infrastructure, in order to guarantee a stable operation in the longer term; upgrade of the LINAC energy, in order to increase the facility capability (especially for the almost unique extracted positron beam); doubling of the BTF beam-lines, in order to cope with the signicant increase of users due to the much wider range of applications.Comment: 71 page

    TRIGA-SPEC: A setup for mass spectrometry and laser spectroscopy at the research reactor TRIGA Mainz

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    The research reactor TRIGA Mainz is an ideal facility to provide neutron-rich nuclides with production rates sufficiently large for mass spectrometric and laser spectroscopic studies. Within the TRIGA-SPEC project, a Penning trap as well as a beam line for collinear laser spectroscopy are being installed. Several new developments will ensure high sensitivity of the trap setup enabling mass measurements even on a single ion. Besides neutron-rich fission products produced in the reactor, also heavy nuclides such as 235-U or 252-Cf can be investigated for the first time with an off-line ion source. The data provided by the mass measurements will be of interest for astrophysical calculations on the rapid neutron-capture process as well as for tests of mass models in the heavy-mass region. The laser spectroscopic measurements will yield model-independent information on nuclear ground-state properties such as nuclear moments and charge radii of neutron-rich nuclei of refractory elements far from stability. This publication describes the experimental setup as well as its present status.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figure

    On the Use of Gallic Acid as a Potential Natural Antioxidant and Ultraviolet Light Stabilizer in Cast-Extruded Bio-Based High-Density Polyethylene Films

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    This study originally explores the use of gallic acid (GA) as a natural additive in bio-based high-density polyethylene (bio-HDPE) formulations. Thus, bio-HDPE was first melt-compounded with two different loadings of GA, namely 0.3 and 0.8 parts per hundred resin (phr) of biopolymer, by twin-screw extrusion and thereafter shaped into films using a cast-roll machine. The resultant bio-HDPE films containing GA were characterized in terms of their mechanical, morphological, and thermal performance as well as ultraviolet (UV) light stability to evaluate their potential application in food packaging. The incorporation of 0.3 and 0.8 phr of GA reduced the mechanical ductility and crystallinity of bio-HDPE, but it positively contributed to delaying the onset oxidation temperature (OOT) by 36.5 °C and nearly 44 °C, respectively. Moreover, the oxidation induction time (OIT) of bio-HDPE, measured at 210 °C, was delayed for up to approximately 56 and 240 min, respectively. Furthermore, the UV light stability of the bio-HDPE films was remarkably improved, remaining stable for an exposure time of 10 h even at the lowest GA content. The addition of the natural antioxidant slightly induced a yellow color in the bio-HDPE films and it also reduced their transparency, although a high contact transparency level was maintained. This property can be desirable in some packaging materials for light protection, especially UV radiation, which causes lipid oxidation in food products. Therefore, GA can successfully improve the thermal resistance and UV light stability of green polyolefins and will potentially promote the use of natural additives for sustainable food packaging applications

    Spatially controlled electrostatic doping in graphene p-i-n junction for hybrid silicon photodiode

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    Sufficiently large depletion region for photocarrier generation and separation is a key factor for two-dimensional material optoelectronic devices, but few device configurations has been explored for a deterministic control of a space charge region area in graphene with convincing scalability. Here we investigate a graphene-silicon p-i-n photodiode defined in a foundry processed planar photonic crystal waveguide structure, achieving visible - near-infrared, zero-bias and ultrafast photodetection. Graphene is electrically contacting to the wide intrinsic region of silicon and extended to the p an n doped region, functioning as the primary photocarrier conducting channel for electronic gain. Graphene significantly improves the device speed through ultrafast out-of-plane interfacial carrier transfer and the following in-plane built-in electric field assisted carrier collection. More than 50 dB converted signal-to-noise ratio at 40 GHz has been demonstrated under zero bias voltage, with quantum efficiency could be further amplified by hot carrier gain on graphene-i Si interface and avalanche process on graphene-doped Si interface. With the device architecture fully defined by nanomanufactured substrate, this study is the first demonstration of post-fabrication-free two-dimensional material active silicon photonic devices.Comment: NPJ 2D materials and applications (2018

    A battery-operated, stabilized, high-energy pulsed electron gun for the production of rare gas excimers

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    We report on the design of a new type of electron gun to be used for experiments of infrared emission spectroscopy of rare gas excimers. It is based on a filament heated by means of a pack of rechargeable batteries floated atop the high-voltage power supply. The filament current is controlled by a feedback circuit including a superluminescent diode decoupled from the high voltage by means of an optical fiber. Our experiment requires that the charge injection is pulsed and constant and stable in time. This electron gun can deliver several tens of nC per pulse of electrons of energy up to 100100\,keV into the sample cell. This new design eliminates ripples in the emission current and ensures up to 12 hrs of stable performance.Comment: 1o pages, 8 figures, to be submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument