209 research outputs found

    Imagerie IRTF tridimensionnelle pour l'étude de l'insuffisance rénale chronique

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    CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) is one of the worst public diseases in developing countries. The stages of CKD are mainly based on measured or estimated GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate). However, this method is not sensitive enough on early stages of the pathology and thus do not offer accurate diagnostic value. Early detection and treatment can often limit or avoid the chronicity effects of the disease. This thesis focuses on the development of FTIR microscopy as a diagnostic tool for the identification by histopathology at glomerulus level of the kidney in CKD model. We developed a technique of 3D reconstruction for the FTIR imaging of biochemical components changes in glomeruli for identifying the pathological marker of CKD. The curve-fitting and spectral clustering are applied on the FTIR microscopy analysis to distinguish between healthy and pathological glomeruli of a kidney. Then, the glomerular microvasculatureis highlighted to reveal the morphological abnormalities by perfusing contrast agents into blood vessels. With advanced 3D statistical methods and 3D image visualization by microscopy, FTIR spectro-imaging can be used as a functional technique to determine the morphological and molecular changes occurring along CKD development.L’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) et l’une des pires maladies chroniques dans les pays développés. Les grades de l’IRC sont principalement basés sur la mesure ou l’estimation du taux de filtration rénale (GFR). Cependant, cette méthode est peu sensible sur les premiers stades de la pathologie et n’apporte donc pas de valeur diagnostique. La détection de la pathologie à des stades précoces et son traitement peuvent éviter ou limiter les effets délétères de la chronicité. Cette thèse se penche sur le développement de la microscopie IRTF en tant qu’outil diagnostic pour l’identification par histopathologie à l’échelle du glomérule dans un modèle d’IRC. Nous avons développé la technique de reconstruction 3D pour l’imagerie IRTF des modifications biochimiques à l’échelle du glomérule pour déterminer des marqueurs de l’IRC. La déconvolution spectrale et le clustering sont appliqués après analyses IRTF pour distinguer les modèles sains et pathologiques. Ensuite, la microvasculature glomérulaire est révélée par agent de contraste pour en déterminer les anomalies morphologiques. Grâce aux résultats obtenus en 3D et l’utilisation de méthodes statistiques avancées, la microscopie IRTF est utilisée comme une technique fonctionnelle pour déterminer les modifications morphologiques et moléculaires apparaissant au cours du développement de l’IRC

    Parametric imaging of attenuation by optical coherence tomography: review of models, methods, and clinical translation

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    SIGNIFICANCE: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides cross-sectional and volumetric images of backscattering from biological tissue that reveal the tissue morphology. The strength of the scattering, characterized by an attenuation coefficient, represents an alternative and complementary tissue optical property, which can be characterized by parametric imaging of the OCT attenuation coefficient. Over the last 15 years, a multitude of studies have been reported seeking to advance methods to determine the OCT attenuation coefficient and developing them toward clinical applications. AIM: Our review provides an overview of the main models and methods, their assumptions and applicability, together with a survey of preclinical and clinical demonstrations and their translation potential. RESULTS: The use of the attenuation coefficient, particularly when presented in the form of parametric en face images, is shown to be applicable in various medical fields. Most studies show the promise of the OCT attenuation coefficient in differentiating between tissues of clinical interest but vary widely in approach. CONCLUSIONS: As a future step, a consensus on the model and method used for the determination of the attenuation coefficient is an important precursor to large-scale studies. With our review, we hope to provide a basis for discussion toward establishing this consensus

    Characterizing Tissue Graft Angiogenesis via Multimodal Optical Imaging

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    Tissue engineered scaffolds are a powerful means of healing craniofacial bone defects arising from trauma or disease. Murine models of critical-sized bone defects are especially useful in understanding the role of microenvironmental factors such as vascularization on bone regeneration. In this thesis, we review the previously employed bone graft methods used to treat orthopedic tissue defects, the transition of therapeutic approaches to tissue engineering based regimes, and the various imaging modalities which may be used to characterize osteogenesis and angiogenesis within defect sites. Additionally, we demonstrate the capability of a novel multimodality imaging platform capable of acquiring in vivo images of microvascular architecture, microvascular blood flow and tracer/cell tracking via intrinsic optical signaling (IOS), laser speckle contrast (LSC) and fluorescence (FL) imaging, respectively in a critical-sized calvarial defect model. Defects that were 4 mm in diameter were made in the calvarial regions of mice followed by the implantation of osteoconductive scaffolds loaded with human adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) embedded in fibrin gel. Using IOS imaging, we were able to visualize microvascular angiogenesis at the graft site and extracted morphological information such as vessel radius, length, and tortuosity two weeks after scaffold implantation. FL imaging allowed us to assess functional characteristics of the angiogenic vessel bed such as time-to-peak of a fluorescent tracer, and also allowed us to track the distribution of fluorescently tagged human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Finally, we employed LSC to characterize the in vivo hemodynamic response and maturity of the remodeled microvessels in the scaffold microenvironment. In this thesis, we provide a methodical framework for imaging tissue engineered scaffolds, processing the images in order to extract key microenvironmental parameters, and visualizing this data in a manner that enables the characterization of the vascular phenotype and its effect on bone regeneration. Such multimodality imaging platforms can inform optimization and design of tissue engineered scaffolds and elucidate the factors that promote enhanced vascularization and bone formation

    Multi Modality Brain Mapping System (MBMS) Using Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition

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    A Multimodality Brain Mapping System (MBMS), comprising one or more scopes (e.g., microscopes or endoscopes) coupled to one or more processors, wherein the one or more processors obtain training data from one or more first images and/or first data, wherein one or more abnormal regions and one or more normal regions are identified; receive a second image captured by one or more of the scopes at a later time than the one or more first images and/or first data and/or captured using a different imaging technique; and generate, using machine learning trained using the training data, one or more viewable indicators identifying one or abnormalities in the second image, wherein the one or more viewable indicators are generated in real time as the second image is formed. One or more of the scopes display the one or more viewable indicators on the second image

    Imaging Sensors and Applications

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    In past decades, various sensor technologies have been used in all areas of our lives, thus improving our quality of life. In particular, imaging sensors have been widely applied in the development of various imaging approaches such as optical imaging, ultrasound imaging, X-ray imaging, and nuclear imaging, and contributed to achieve high sensitivity, miniaturization, and real-time imaging. These advanced image sensing technologies play an important role not only in the medical field but also in the industrial field. This Special Issue covers broad topics on imaging sensors and applications. The scope range of imaging sensors can be extended to novel imaging sensors and diverse imaging systems, including hardware and software advancements. Additionally, biomedical and nondestructive sensing applications are welcome

    Multimodal Optical Medical Imaging Concepts Based on Optical Coherence Tomography

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    Optical medical imaging techniques in general exhibit outstanding resolution and molecule-specific contrast. They come however with a limited penetration in depth and small field of view. Multimodal concepts help to combine complementary strengths of different imaging technologies. The present article reviews the advantages of optical multimodal imaging concepts using optical coherence tomography (OCT) as core technology. In particular we first discuss polarization sensitive OCT, Doppler OCT and OCT angiography, OCT elastography, and spectroscopic OCT as intramodal concepts. To highlight intermodal imaging concepts, we then chose the combination of OCT with photoacoustics, and with non-linear optical microscopy. The selected multimodal concepts and their particular complementary strengths and applications are discussed in detail. The article concludes with notes on standardization of OCT imaging and multimodal extensions
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