67 research outputs found

    Um sistema de medição de desempenho para startups incubadas

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    Purpose – The development of a model to measure and assess the performance of start-ups in a standard incubation process, based on 99 critical success factors identified as the most relevant for the context.Design/methodology/approach – A total of three sequential steps were developed to reach the objectives proposed (Problem overview; modeling; and usage). The model was tested on four development stage incubation processes start-ups and three maturity stage incubation processes start-ups, located at the Technological Incubator of Santa Maria (ITSM).Findings – After the modeling phase, compromising results were found for only one developed stage start-up evaluated. Meanwhile, for the maturity stage, all three evaluated start-ups are competitive. To support the strategic decision-making process, the scores obtained were stratified to diagnose which perspective may compromise the performance of each start-up.Originality/value – This research proved to be adaptable to the decision context, thus being amenable to be used in different scenarios. The model presented in this work is composed of a systematic tool suitable to support the continuous improvement and learning processes for incubated start-ups, in specific to measure and assess the performance of start-ups.Proposta – O desenvolvimento de um modelo para medir e avaliar o desempenho de startups em um processo padrão de incubação, baseado em 99 fatores críticos de sucesso identificados como os mais relevantes para o contexto.Metodologia – Um total de três etapas sequenciais foram desenvolvidas para atingir os objetivos propostos (visão geral do problema; modelagem e uso). O modelo foi testado em quatro startups em estágio de desenvolvimento e três startups em estágio de maturidade, localizados na Incubadora Tecnológica de Santa Maria (ITSM).Resultados – Após a fase de modelagem, os resultados comprometedores foram encontrados para apenas uma startup em estágio de desenvolvimento. Enquanto isso, para o estágio de maturidade, todas as três startups avaliadas são competitivas. Para apoiar o processo decisório estratégico, os escores obtidos foram estratificados para diagnosticar quais perspectivas podem comprometer o desempenho de cada startup.Originalidade – Esta pesquisa mostrou-se adaptável ao contexto de decisão, sendo, portanto, passível de ser utilizada em diferentes cenários. O modelo apresentado neste trabalho é composto por uma ferramenta sistemática adequada para apoiar a melhoria contínua e os processos de aprendizagem para startups incubadas, em específico para medir e avaliar o desempenho de startups


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    Performance assessment adds value to the business and provides information for the decision-making process. However, there is no consensus on the methods or types of indicators to evaluate the performance of franchises and franchisees. Thus, based on Resource-Based View (RBV), this study aimed to identify the resources that have the potential to confer competitive advantages to forty franchisees of the largest franchise network of pharmacies in Brazil, ranking and categorizing their performance. The resources were analyzed according to the VRIO model, while the TOPSIS multicriteria method was used to establish the ranking and classification of the franchisees. As a result, reputation, area built, and location were the features that showed the greatest potential to confer competitive advantage on franchisees. In addition, the 40 units were classified into three levels: excellent (17.5%), good (62.5%) and insufficient (20%), which allows the franchisor to make differentiated strategies for each category.La evaluación del desempeño agrega valor al negocio y brinda información para el proceso de toma de decisiones. Sin embargo, no existe consenso sobre los métodos o tipos de indicadores para evaluar el desempeño de las franquicias y los franquiciados. Por lo tanto, basado en la Visión Basada en Recursos (RBV), ste estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar los recursos que tienen el potencial de conferir ventajas competitivas a cuarenta franquiciados de la red de farmacias más grande de Brasil, clasificando y categorizando su desempeño. Los recursos se analizaron según el modelo VRIO, mientras que el método de multicriterio TOPSIS se utilizó para establecer la clasificación y clasificación de los franquiciados. Como resultado, la reputación, el área construida y la ubicación fueron las características que mostraron el mayor potencial para conferir una ventaja competitiva a los franquiciados. Además, las 40 unidades se clasificaron en tres niveles: excelente (17,5%), bueno (62,5%) e insuficiente (20%), lo que permite al franquiciador hacer estrategias diferenciadas para cada categoría.A avaliação de desempenho agrega valor ao negócio e fornece informações para o processo de tomada de decisão. Contudo, não existe consenso sobre os métodos ou tipos de indicadores para avaliar o desempenho de franquias e franqueados. Assim, partindo da Resource-Based View (RBV), este estudo objetivou identificar os recursos que possuem potencial de conferir vantagens competitivas a quarenta franqueados da maior rede de franquias de farmácias de manipulação do Brasil, ranqueando e categorizando seus desempenhos. Os recursos foram analisados conforme o modelo VRIO, enquanto o método multicritério TOPSIS foi utilizado para estabelecer o ranking e a classificação dos franqueados. Como resultado, a reputação, a área construída e a localização foram os recursos que mostraram maior potencial de conferir vantagem competitiva aos franqueados. Além disso, as 40 unidades foram classificadas em 3 níveis: excelente (17,5%), bom (62,5%) e insuficiente (20%), o que permite ao franqueador viabilizar estratégias diferenciadas para cada categoria.DOI: 10.21714/2178-8030gep.v20.576

    Bringing the Firm Back in the Analysis: State-Business Relations in Latin America and their Impact on Policies

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    The political science literature is now unable to account for the differences in the business community behaviour towards Latin American governments. This thesis offers to fill this gap by answering three questions: what explains the differences between firms’ varying degrees of success and failure in communicating their policy preferences to politicians? What determines the type of policies the business community promotes through lobbying and other political influence mechanisms? What determines business' varying degrees of success and failure in influencing policy outcomes? Answering these questions is essential to understand how political systems respond to powerful private actors and is a condition to the success of political efforts to create a quality jobs led growth. This thesis’ theory answers these questions by developing a typology of the business community’s ability to communicate its preferences to politicians: cartelism, competitive-corporatism, and pluralism. This typology explains the type of interest companies promote and how efficient they are in influencing policies. Conglomerates and large firms (CLFs) lead effective collective action if the benefit of collective action seems high enough, regardless to its cost. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) organise in business associations if the cost of collective action is low enough, regardless to its benefit. The combination of these two factors shapes the business community’s mode of organisation. If CLFs and SMEs communicate their preferences clearly to politicians, they compete for influence over policies and coordinate ahead of lobbying. In this coordination process, all firms make concessions on their preferred policies to draft more collectively beneficial policy proposals (competitive-corporatism). If only CLFs organise well, they can efficiently promote their own narrow interests, unchallenged (cartelism). When the business community is widely disorganised, the best politically-connected interests prevail (pluralism). Confronted to extensive empirics, this typology better explains trade policy, regulations and fiscal policy in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia

    H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet : main drivers for internationalization and faced challenges : H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet case study

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    H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet, a notorious Portuguese burger company, known for having transformed Portuguese fast food market, started its operations in 2007 at Monumental Shopping in Lisbon city center. Consumers were delighted with the new fresh breeze in the Portuguese fast food market which they have waited for so long. H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet wanted to prove that craving for burgers didn´t have to be equal to plastic food, but rather equal to 100% genuine veal meat, 200 grams of pure quality meat for a tasty meal during a busy day. Eating burgers don´t have to be a sign of pure fast food, actually, h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet is able to offer a tasty, just-in-time meal prepared right in front of the client. The company initially aimed to target a specific market niche, although, the viral effect of h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet led this company to be a study target for many students and companies who were truly inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit and willpower of three best friends. This dissertation aims to cover real challenges and strategic decisions faced by a national company with real people who struggled with an extremely competitive and saturated fast food market. Despite the macro economic recession, a national company was able to see outside of the box, creating a concept which no one ever thought before. The amount of success was so big that by 2010 (only three years after h3´s foundation date), h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet faced an immense adherence rate among domestic saturation. With apparently no room to grow, the company has decided to internationally take a risk and started its internationalization process in Poland. Spain and Brazil were next, although, the international outcomes were not exactly what the management team had expected. This work aims to reveal the reasons and critical factors which contributed to the unexpected international outcomes experienced by h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet. Nevertheless, entrepreneurial facets and strategic marketing are also topics covered during this dissertation, focusing on the diverse modes of entry adopted by h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet, being a critical factor that determined the success or failure of international operations. In what extent does h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet really know its international costumers? How can be international culture correctly addressed at h3´s corporate strategy? Relevant topics are going to be introduced further on in the Literature Review section, and the critical aspects of brand creation and internationalization strategy are going to be discussed at the h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet´s Case Study. This dissertation aims to give a broader view to real challenges faced by a national company which is constantly innovating itself being ultimately a laboratory of new concepts and a national reference of excellence and premium quality at affordable prices.H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet, uma empresa portuguesa, notável no ramo dos hambúrgueres, conhecida pela transformação do mercado português de fast food, começou as suas operações em 2007 no centro da cidade Lisboeta, no centro comercial Monumental. Os consumidores deliciaram-se com a nova leveza no mercado português de fast food por que tanto ansiavam. H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet desejava provar que comer hambúrgueres já não tem que ser igual a comida de plástico, mas sim já pode ser igual a comer uma carne de vaca 100% genuína, 200 gramas de pura carne de qualidade que se destina a uma refeição saborosa para qualquer altura de um dia atarefado. Comer hambúrgueres já não necessita de ser um sinal de 100% de comida fast food, na verdade, h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet é capaz de oferecer uma saborosa refeição, preparada no momento, na presença do consumidor. A empresa inicialmente tinha como target um específico nicho de mercado, no entanto, o efeito viral do h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet tornou-se de tal forma avassalador, que a empresa tornou-se alvo de estudo para muitos estudantes e empresas, inspirados pelo espirito empreendedor e força de vontade levada a cabo por três melhores amigos. Esta dissertação objectiva cobrir desafios reais e decisões estratégicas encaradas por uma empresa nacional, liderada por pessoais reais que enfrentaram um mercado de fast food extremamente competitivo e saturado. Apesar da crise macro económica vivida presencialmente, uma empresa nacional foi capaz de ver mais além, criando um conceito nunca antes pensado em território português. O sucesso adquirido foi de tal ordem, que em 2010 (apenas três anos depois da sua fundação) o h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet atingiu uma taxa de aderência espantosa bem como uma saturação de mercado. Aparentemente, sem espaço adicional de crescimento nacional, a empresa decidiu arriscar internacionalmente, começando o seu processo de internacionalização na Polónia. Seguiram-se Espanha e Brasil, no entanto, os resultados obtidos não foram os mais esperados pela equipa de liderança. Este trabalho ambiciona cobrir as verdadeiras razões e factores críticos que contribuíram para o resultado inesperado da estratégia de internacionalização experienciada pelo h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet. Vertentes de empreendorismo e de marketing estratégico são igualmente exploradas no decorrer desta dissertação, focando também os diversos modos de entrada nos mercados estrangeiros adoptados pela empresa e que determinaram o resultado da estratégia de internacionalização vivida até ao momento presente. Em que medida é que o h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet conhece realmente os seus consumidores internacionais? Como é que a cultura estrangeira pode ser correctamente anexada à estratégia empresarial do h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet? Tópicos relevantes serão igualmente abordados mais à frente na secção de Literature Review e os aspectos críticos de criação de marca e estratégia de internacionalização serão abordados no h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet case study. Esta dissertação tenciona providenciar uma visão global dos desafios estratégicos que uma empresa nacional enfrenta diariamente. Conhecida pelo seu elevado grau de inovação e diversificação, que já é uma referência a nível nacional de excelência e qualidade aos preços mais competitivos de mercado destinando-se a um segmento premium

    Internationalization of Brazilian specialty food: an analysis of exports to Portugal

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    The Brazilian food industry, even if of great representativeness and economic proportion locally, has a low number of exporting firms and faces many difficulties of competitiveness in relation to international markets. Thus, the endeavor for new markets is a constant for the ones that risk compet ing in different territories. Internationalization is a challenging for those seeking to diversify. Innovation and differentiation bring to the sector different ways to introduce their products to the world. The specialty products constitute a category that refers to factors of differentiation, among them, the ethnic food. Because of the movement of Brazilians leaving their country of origin, immigrant communities are being formed in different parts of the world, giving opportunity to the "Mercado da Saudade" or market of nostalgia, as it has been happening in recent years in Portugal. This market creates entry opportunities for Brazilian specialty foods, or products with ethnic appeal. The objective of this study is to identify the opportunities and challenges of Brazilian specialty foods exports to Portugal. For this pu rpose, a survey was carried out to collect primary and secondary data, being the primar y data through the application of questionnaires to the Brazilian companies associated with the Brazilian food sector projects of APEX-Brazil, which export to Portugal. From the total of responding companies, it was possible to have access to 17 questionnaires considered valid, representing 20% of the total sample under survey. Firms adherents to the survey are of great importance and participation in the decisions of export strategy of the sector. With the data obtained, it was possible to conclude that there is a perception of exporting companies, guided by psychic distance, which orientates their strategic actions for th e Portuguese market, based on cultural proximity. There are several studies analyzing the various forms of internationalization of Brazilian companies, as well as exports of Brazilian food to different parts of the world, but not much is known about speci fic studies of specialty foods for the European market, even for the Portuguese market. Hence, this study aims to contribute to the knowledge in the area, as to suggest some practices to export managers and to highlight criteria barely observed in their daily operations, which may contribute to the consequent improvement of their results and better international performance of the firm

    Redes sindicais internacionais e interseccionalidade : cadeias globais de valor na confecção do vestuário e siderurgia na IndustriALL Global Union

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    Orientador: Angela Maria Carneiro AraújoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências HumanasResumo: Redes sindicais internacionais e o papel da IndustriALL Global Union nas indústrias de confecção do vestuário e siderúrgica são os objetos desta dissertação. A premissa ou ponto de partida é que trabalhadores são mais empoderados por poder estrutural na indústria siderúrgica - majoritariamente masculina, branca e nacional - comparada ao poder associacional na indústria têxtil - majoritariamente feminina, negra ou parda e estrangeira. Meu argumento é que dado que trabalhador@s são fragmentados devido à raça, gênero e nacionalidade em cadeias globais de confecção, a política de identidade é benéfico ao sindicalismo internacionalmente. Duas hipóteses são testadas no nível internacional: Primeiro, devido ao poder estrutural, trabalhador@s da siderurgia estabelecem arranjos do tipo "bottom-up" (de baixo pra cima) em redes sindicais internacionais e, devido ao poder associacional, trabalhador@s da confecção do vestuário estabelecem arranjos do tipo "top-down" (de cima para baixo) em redes sindicais internacionais. Os resultados demonstram que: (i) há uma correlação próxima dentre marcadores sociais de diferença (gênero, raça e nação) e o sucesso relativo de uma rede sindical internacional (que é "bottom-up"); e (ii) a política de identidade é um fator que influencia a internacionalização do movimento sindicalAbstract: International union networks and the role of IndustriALL Global Union at the garment and steel industries are the objects of this dissertation. The starting point/ premise is that workers are more empowered by structural power in the steel industry - mostly male, white, and national - compared to associational power in the garment industry - mostly female, Black or Brown, and foreign. The argument is that since workers are fragmented because of color, gender, and nation in global supply chains, identity politics in labor unions are beneficial to unionism worldwide. Two hypotheses are tested at the international level: First, due to structural power steelworkers design bottom-up international union networkers, and due to associational power garment workers design top-down international union networkers. Second, national union organizations more attentive to identity politics are more likely to internationalize. The results show that indeed: (i) there is a close correlation between social markers of difference (gender, color, and nation), labor markets in global supply chains and the international union networks; and (ii) identity politics is a factor that takes influences the internationalization of the labor movementDoutoradoCiencia PoliticaDoutora em Ciência PolíticaCAPE

    Consulting report - SIMA PERU

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    The current report is a consulting project that has been elaborated for Servicios Industriales de la Marina S.A (SIMA). The motivation behind the study is to analyze the current issues within the company in order to assess and recommend a list of possible solutions for the client. At present, the main problem plaguing SIMA is its low levels of competitiveness within the metalworking sector. The report therefore conducted a thorough analysis to remedy the issue through the recommendation of both short and long term solutions. The report also took into consideration the immediate opportunity available to SIMA through the Reconstruction Plan in the wake of the El Niño Southern Oscillation System this past summer. It is therefore pertinent that SIMA act on the recommendations given in this report so that they may enhance the competitiveness of their metalworking sector and become an industry leader. The report highlighted four root causes that have hindered the success of the metalworking line, and has therefore created four strategic implementation plans that will help SIMA to build up their heavy metal industry from 2017 until 2020. In the short-term, SIMA will focus on building up its marketing abilities through CSR initiatives, whilst simultaneously creating strategic alliances with civil practices and large-scale clients. The former refers to the utilization of the Obras por Impuestos framework, which will allow SIMA to build alliances with companies with large amounts of taxes in exchange for work, thusly being mutually beneficial to both parties. Furthermore, strategic alliances will help SIMA to create a more well-rounded portfolio when bidding for projects, that will increase their probability of winning contracts. In the long-term, SIMA must look to focus on technological modernization and strategic human resource management. The former can be broken down into three separate areas of focus, where the client must update its obsolete metalworking equipment, create the capacity for modular bridge construction, and develop an engineering division specific to new engineering software programming. The latter is composed of strategies related to employee recruitment and employee retention, and are utilized to help reduce the issue of staff turnover within SIMA. When integrated into one master plan, both the short and long term strategies will aid in improving the competitiveness of SIMA’s metalworking sector, and will help it to achieve leadership status within the Peruvian market. Both group of strategies, the short term and long term plans, compose what it is named the Industry Leadership Plan. The total cost related is estimated in US3,363,553anddisbursedinatimelapseoffouryears,whichmakestheplanfeasibleintheactualfinancialconditionsofSIMA.TheplansuggestedwouldbenefitSIMAenhancingtheirPublicImageandBrandawarenesswithanaffordableinvestmentthatrepresentspositiveNetPresentValues(NPV).Moreover,TheIndustryLeadershipPlanwouldallowSIMAtoincreasetheirMarketshareintheiractualtargetedmarketand,evenmore,suggestthemtotacklethenicheofprojectsunderthecontractmodalityofObrasporImpuestos.Finally,theplanisasharedvalueproposalbecauseitrepresentsawinwinsituationthatbenefitsthecompany,theState,theSuppliersand,theCommunity;bydevelopingthecapabilitiestogenerateverynecessaryprojectsfocusedontheNationalReconstructionoftheCountryduetotheeffectsofthelastElNin~oElpresentereporteesunProyectodeconsultorıˊaelaboradoparaServiciosIndustrialesdelaMarinaS.A.(SIMA).Lamotivacioˊndetraˊsdelestudiofueelanalizarlosproblemasactualesdentrodelacompan~ıˊaparaasıˊevaluarlosyrecomendarunalistadeposiblessoluciones.EnelPresente,elprincipalproblemaqueaquejaaSIMAsonlosbajosnivelesdecompetitividaddentrodelsectordeconstruccioˊnmetalmecaˊnico.Estereportedesarrollaunanaˊlisiscompletopararemediarelproblemaatraveˊsderecomendacionesdecortoylargoalcance.EstereportetambieˊntomaenconsideracioˊnlainmediataoportunidaddisponibleparaSIMAenelmarcodelPlanNacionaldeReconstruccioˊnaconsecuenciadelFenoˊmenodelNin~osucedidoelveranopasado.PortantoespertinentequeSIMAtomelasrecomendacionesbrindadasparaasıˊpodermejorarlacompetitividaddesulıˊneadenegociosenMetalmecaˊnicayconvertirseenellıˊderdelaindustria.Elreporteresaltacuatrocausasraıˊcesquehandificultadoeleˊxitodelalıˊneadeconstruccionesmetalmecaˊnicasy,deestemodo,sehacreadocuatroplanesestrateˊgicosdeimplementacioˊnqueayudaranaqueSIMAmejoreestalıˊneadenegociosdesdeel2017al2020.Enelcortoplazo,SIMAseenfocaraenmejorarsuscapacidadesdemarketingatraveˊsdeiniciativasdeResponsabilidadsocialalmismotiempoquecreaalianzasestrateˊgicasconempresasdeconstruccioˊncivilyclientesdegranenvergadura.LoanteriorserefierealautilizacioˊndelmarcolegaldeObrasporImpuestos,quepermitiraˊaSIMAelconstruiralianzasconcompan~ıˊascongrandessumasdeimpuestosqueintercambiaracambiodeproyectos,demodoqueseamutuamentebeneficiosoparaambaspartes.Maˊsaun,lasalianzasestrateˊgicasayudaranaSIMAacrearunelaboradoportafolioparacuandoliciteparaproyectosincrementandosuposibilidadparaobtenercontratos.Enellargoplazo,SIMAdeberaˊenfocarseenlamodernizacioˊntecnoloˊgicaylagerenciaestrateˊgicaderecursoshumanos.Loprimeropuedeserdivididoentresaˊreasdeenfoque,enlasqueelclientedeberaˊmejorarsuequipamientoobsoletodeconstruccionesmetalmecaˊnicas,crearlacapacidadparalaconstruccioˊndepuentesmodularesyfinalmentedesarrollarunadivisioˊndeingenierıˊaespecificaaldisen~oatraveˊsdesoftwaredeingenierıˊa.Losegundosecomponedeestrategiasrelacionadasalreclutamientodeempleadosyasuretencioˊn.EstasestrategiassonutilizadasparareducirelproblemaderetirosvoluntariosentrelosempleadosdeSIMA.Integradosenunplanmaestro,ambas,lasestrategiasdecortoylargoalcanceayudaranamejorarlacompetitividaddelalıˊneadenegociosdeconstruccionesmetalmecaˊnicasdeSIMAyayudaraˊnaalcanzarunstatusdeliderazgoenelmercadoperuano.Ambosgruposdeestrategias,lasdecortoylargoplazo,componeneldenominadoPlandeLiderazgodelaIndustria.ElcostototalrelacionadoesestimadoenUS 3,363,553 and disbursed in a time-lapse of four years, which makes the plan feasible in the actual financial conditions of SIMA. The plan suggested would benefit SIMA enhancing their Public Image and Brand awareness with an affordable investment that represents positive Net Present Values (NPV). Moreover, The Industry Leadership Plan would allow SIMA to increase their Market share in their actual targeted market and, even more, suggest them to tackle the niche of projects under the contract modality of Obras por Impuestos. Finally, the plan is a sharedvalue proposal because it represents a win-win situation that benefits the company, the State, the Suppliers and, the Community; by developing the capabilities to generate very necessary projects focused on the National Reconstruction of the Country due to the effects of the last El NiñoEl presente reporte es un Proyecto de consultoría elaborado para Servicios Industriales de la Marina S.A. (SIMA). La motivación detrás del estudio fue el analizar los problemas actuales dentro de la compañía para así evaluarlos y recomendar una lista de posibles soluciones. En el Presente, el principal problema que aqueja a SIMA son los bajos niveles de competitividad dentro del sector de construcción metal mecánico. Este reporte desarrolla un análisis completo para remediar el problema a través de recomendaciones de corto y largo alcance. Este reporte también toma en consideración la inmediata oportunidad disponible para SIMA en el marco del Plan Nacional de Reconstrucción a consecuencia del Fenómeno del Niño sucedido el verano pasado. Por tanto es pertinente que SIMA tome las recomendaciones brindadas para así poder mejorar la competitividad de su línea de negocios en Metal mecánica y convertirse en el líder de la industria. El reporte resalta cuatro causas raíces que han dificultado el éxito de la línea de construcciones metal mecánicas y, de este modo, se ha creado cuatro planes estratégicos de implementación que ayudaran a que SIMA mejore esta línea de negocios desde el 2017 al 2020. En el corto plazo, SIMA se enfocara en mejorar sus capacidades de marketing a través de iniciativas de Responsabilidad social al mismo tiempo que crea alianzas estratégicas con empresas de construcción civil y clientes de gran envergadura. Lo anterior se refiere a la utilización del marco legal de Obras por Impuestos, que permitirá a SIMA el construir alianzas con compañías con grandes sumas de impuestos que intercambiar a cambio de proyectos, de modo que sea mutuamente beneficioso para ambas partes. Más aun, las alianzas estratégicas ayudaran a SIMA a crear un elaborado portafolio para cuando licite para proyectos incrementando su posibilidad para obtener contratos. En el largo plazo, SIMA deberá enfocarse en la modernización tecnológica y la gerencia estratégica de recursos humanos. Lo primero puede ser dividido en tres áreas de enfoque, en las que el cliente deberá mejorar su equipamiento obsoleto de construcciones metalmecánicas, crear la capacidad para la construcción de puentes modulares y finalmente desarrollar una división de ingeniería especifica al diseño a través de software de ingeniería. Lo segundo se compone de estrategias relacionadas al reclutamiento de empleados y a su retención. Estas estrategias son utilizadas para reducir el problema de retiros voluntarios entre los empleados de SIMA. Integrados en un plan maestro, ambas, las estrategias de corto y largo alcance ayudaran a mejorar la competitividad de la línea de negocios de construcciones metalmecánicas de SIMA y ayudarán a alcanzar un status de liderazgo en el mercado peruano. Ambos grupos de estrategias, las de corto y largo plazo, componen el denominado Plan de Liderazgo de la Industria. El costo total relacionado es estimado en US 3,363,553 y desembolsado en un lapso de tiempo de cuatro años, volviendo el plan factible en las actuales condiciones financieras de SIMA. El plan sugerido beneficiaria a SIMA mejorando su imagen pública y reconocimiento de la marca, a través de una inversión viable que representa positivos Valores Actuales Netos (VAN). Más aún, el Plan de Liderazgo de la Industria permitiría a SIMA incrementar su participación de mercado en el mercado actualmente enfocado y, además, sugiere el enfocarse en el nicho de proyectos bajo la modalidad contractual de Obras por Impuestos. Finalmente, el plan es una propuesta de valor compartido dado que representa una idea beneficiosa para todas las partes involucradas tales como la compañía, el estado, los proveedores y la comunidad; al desarrollar las capacidades de generar muy necesarios proyectos enfocados en la Reconstrucción Nacional del País a consecuencia de los efectos del último fenómeno del niñoTesi

    Privatization and liberalization in the Brazilian electric power industry

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, February 2006.Includes bibliographical references.In 1996, when Brazil was well-underway to privatising and liberalising its electric power industry, few would have predicted that within five years the reforms would be a shambles. Like its neighbors Argentina and Chile, Brazil based its electricity reforms on the orthodox therapies of privatisation and liberalisation. The industry was well-positioned to benefit from the reforms: it was technically sophisticated, relatively efficient, and attractive to both domestic and foreign investors. Electricity rates had been suppressed for a long time, but they were not populist and it was the residential customer who cross-subsidised industry. As such, political backlash to increasing electricity prices was unlikely and, in fact, Brazil had successfully begun to raise electricity rates as early as 1993. Despite these fortuitous circumstances, the reforms did not induce sufficient investment and Brazil suffered a massive electricity rationing in 2001. For ten months all classes of consumers had to cut consumption by 20%. By 2002, the electricity reforms were politically dead and none of the candidates in Brazil's presidential elections that year, not even the incumbent administration's nominee, favoured continuing with them.(cont.) My dissertation explains why the reforms failed, approaching the issue from three different perspectives-the policy, the economic and the industrial. Collectively, these essays explain why sectoral neoliberal reforms had a short shelf-life.by Sunil Tankha.Ph.D

    Adopting Circular Economy Current Practices and Future Perspectives

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    The development of a closed-loop cycle is a necessary condition so as to develop a circular economy model as an alternative to the linear model, in order to maintain the value of products and materials for as long as possible. For this motive, the definition of the value must be demonstrated for both the environment and the economy. The presence of these analyses should be associated with the social dimension and the human component. A strong cooperation between social and technical profiles is a new challenge for all researchers. End of life of products attract a lot of attention, and the final output could be the production of technologies suitable for managing this waste

    Franchisee selection: factors influencing the choice of successful franchisees

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusVērtību ķēde ietver daudzus posmus un demonstrē efektīvu izmaksu pārvaldību starp efektīvām vienībām. Šis pētījums atklāj vairākus ieskatus par labvēlīgu franšīzes ņēmēju izvēli. Salīdzinātas ekspertu atsauksmes un franšīzes devēju atsauksmes. Vadītāji un franšīzes devēji var izmantot iegūtos datus kā atsauci turpmākajā atlases procesā un izveidot papildu kritērijus pašu noteiktajām procedūrām. Šis pētījums dod ieguldījumu efektīvā darbā ar partneriem un veicina franšīzes partnerību attīstības potenciālu. Ilgtermiņa pozitīvas attiecības ir pamats partnerību, attiecīgo uzņēmumu un uzņēmējdarbības veidu pozitīvu tēlu izveidei. Disertācija aptver 153 lappuses, 10 attēlus, 28 tabulas, 244 atsauces un 35 pielikumus. Dokuments sastāv no trijām nodaļām, kam seko pielikumi. Atslēgas vārdi: franšīze, franšī zes ņēmēju atlase .A value chain incorporates many steps and demonstrates efficient cost management between effective units. This is the first approach of searching for franchisee selection criteria, in a triple step approach, including literature, experts, and franchisors. No other current study examines franchisors’ categorization of their most successful and also their most unsuccessful franchisee characteristics. Managers and franchisors can use the findings as reference for future selection processes and set up addition al criteria for their established procedures. Finally the research supports effective partner management and spurs the prospering potential of franchise partnerships. The dissertation contains 153 pages, 10 images, 28 tables, 244 references, and 35 appendi ces. The document is comprised of three chapters, followed by annexes. Key words : fra nchising, franchisee selectio