4,015 research outputs found

    Heading in the right direction : guiding cellular alignment by substrate anisotropy

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    Energie en entropie sturen cellen in de zelfde richtin

    New Hampshire Thinks U.S. is on the Right Track After Obama\u27s First 100 Days 4/27/2009

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    After his first 100 days in office, New Hampshire adults give President Barack Obama high job approval ratings. And for the first time since 2005, a majority of New Hampshire adults think the United States is heading in the right direction

    Assessing Interlimb Asymmetries: Are We Heading in the Right Direction?

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    The investigation of interlimb asymmetries has increased in recent years, with practitioners and researchers typically exploring the impact of interlimb asymmetry on athletic performance, screening interlimb asymmetry in relation to injury risk, and monitoring of interlimb asymmetry during injury rehabilitation. A contentious issue regarding the profiling of interlimb asymmetry is the use of thresholds to determine whether an athlete displays a “meaningful” or potentially “problematic” asymmetry and how to interpret such data. This article aims to outline the potential options available for practitioners and researchers regarding the quantification, monitoring, and interpretation of interlimb asymmetries. A video abstract is available for this article (http://links.lww.com/SCJ/A296)

    2018 Tangipahoa Parish Casino Project Survey

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    A survey of 530 randomly selected Tangipahoa Parish registered voters was conducted Monday February 19, 2018 by the University of New Orleans Survey Research Center. Survey respondents were asked if they approved or disapproved of the casino resort project and if they thought Tangipahoa Parish was heading in the right direction or the wrong direction in an interactive voice response telephone survey (IVR)

    Is the OECD/G20 BEPS Initiative Heading in the Right Direction? Some Forgotten (and Uncomfortable) Questions

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    Some of the views presented in this article were first covered in depth in the author’s thesis. This research was conducted during a stay at the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance and is integrated within the Research and Development (R&D) Project DER2013-47912-P (“Rethinking the Structure and Concepts of International Tax Law”) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The author wishes to thank Prof. J. Zornoza for his valuable comments

    Louisiana Survey 2005

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    Prior to the hurricanes in the second half of 2005, the 2005 Louisiana Survey revealed a slight uptick in residents who expressed the opinion that the state was heading in the right direction. In addition to this finding, the Survey also examined: a rise in economic confidence among residents grades for various areas of state government services property taxes, homestead exemption, and the Stelly Plan perceptions of waste in state government economic development and Louisiana\u27s image healthcare and economic development incentives perceptions of corruptio

    The implications of a newly developed oral test in Business English: Are we heading in the right direction?

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    The paper presents an overview of the testing and assessment standardization process at the Language Centre of Masaryk University. It exemplifies the process by analysing a two-year development of the C1 Business English oral test administered to students at the Faculty of Economics and Administration (FEA), which resulted in the formation of a completely new testing procedure. The transition from the original teacher–student interview format to a monological discourse and a peer-to-peer discussion, with the roles of the interlocutor and rater split between two teachers using analytic rating scales to evaluate performance, is described, along with its implications on the validity and reliability of assessment. Students’ perception of the test importance is also examined. The second part deals with the analysis of a questionnaire on feedback collected from students taking the test in Spring 2014. The preliminary look into the merit of the efforts exerted indicates a noticeable enhancement in quality, reliability, validity and prestige of the oral test.
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