42 research outputs found


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    Improvement of Decision on Coding Unit Split Mode and Intra-Picture Prediction by Machine Learning

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    High efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) has been deemed as the newest video coding standard of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group. The reference software (i.e., HM) have included the implementations of the guidelines in appliance with the new standard. The software includes both encoder and decoder functionality. Machine learning (ML) works with data and processes it to discover patterns that can be later used to analyze new trends. ML can play a key role in a wide range of critical applications, such as data mining, natural language processing, image recognition, and expert systems. In this research project, in compliance with H.265 standard, we are focused on improvement of the performance of encode/decode by optimizing the partition of prediction block in coding unit with the help of supervised machine learning. We used Keras library as the main tool to implement the experiments. Key parameters were tuned for the model in our convolution neuron network. The coding tree unit mode decision time produced in the model was compared with that produced in HM software, and it was proved to have improved significantly. The intra-picture prediction mode decision was also investigated with modified model and yielded satisfactory results

    ECSIC: Epipolar Cross Attention for Stereo Image Compression

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    In this paper, we present ECSIC, a novel learned method for stereo image compression. Our proposed method compresses the left and right images in a joint manner by exploiting the mutual information between the images of the stereo image pair using a novel stereo cross attention (SCA) module and two stereo context modules. The SCA module performs cross-attention restricted to the corresponding epipolar lines of the two images and processes them in parallel. The stereo context modules improve the entropy estimation of the second encoded image by using the first image as a context. We conduct an extensive ablation study demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed modules and a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative comparison with existing methods. ECSIC achieves state-of-the-art performance among stereo image compression models on the two popular stereo image datasets Cityscapes and InStereo2k while allowing for fast encoding and decoding, making it highly practical for real-time applications

    Remote Sensing Data Compression

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    A huge amount of data is acquired nowadays by different remote sensing systems installed on satellites, aircrafts, and UAV. The acquired data then have to be transferred to image processing centres, stored and/or delivered to customers. In restricted scenarios, data compression is strongly desired or necessary. A wide diversity of coding methods can be used, depending on the requirements and their priority. In addition, the types and properties of images differ a lot, thus, practical implementation aspects have to be taken into account. The Special Issue paper collection taken as basis of this book touches on all of the aforementioned items to some degree, giving the reader an opportunity to learn about recent developments and research directions in the field of image compression. In particular, lossless and near-lossless compression of multi- and hyperspectral images still remains current, since such images constitute data arrays that are of extremely large size with rich information that can be retrieved from them for various applications. Another important aspect is the impact of lossless compression on image classification and segmentation, where a reasonable compromise between the characteristics of compression and the final tasks of data processing has to be achieved. The problems of data transition from UAV-based acquisition platforms, as well as the use of FPGA and neural networks, have become very important. Finally, attempts to apply compressive sensing approaches in remote sensing image processing with positive outcomes are observed. We hope that readers will find our book useful and interestin

    Low-complexity scalable and multiview video coding

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    Resource-Constrained Low-Complexity Video Coding for Wireless Transmission

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    An Energy-efficient Live Video Coding and Communication over Unreliable Channels

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    In the field of multimedia communications there exist many important applications where live or real-time video data is captured by a camera, compressed and transmitted over the channel which can be very unreliable and, at the same time, computational resources or battery capacity of the transmission device are very limited. For example, such scenario holds for video transmission for space missions, vehicle-to-infrastructure video delivery, multimedia wireless sensor networks, wireless endoscopy, video coding on mobile phones, high definition wireless video surveillance and so on. Taking into account such restrictions, a development of efficient video coding techniques for these applications is a challenging problem. The most popular video compression standards, such as H.264/AVC, are based on the hybrid video coding concept, which is very efficient when video encoding is performed off-line or non real-time and the pre-encoded video is played back. However, the high computational complexity of the encoding and the high sensitivity of the hybrid video bit stream to losses in the communication channel constitute a significant barrier of using these standards for the applications mentioned above. In this thesis, as an alternative to the standards, a video coding based on three-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (3-D DWT) is considered as a candidate to provide a good trade-off between encoding efficiency, computational complexity and robustness to channel losses. Efficient tools are proposed to reduce the computational complexity of the 3-D DWT codec. These tools cover all levels of the codec’s development such as adaptive binary arithmetic coding, bit-plane entropy coding, wavelet transform, packet loss protection based on error-correction codes and bit rate control. These tools can be implemented as end-to-end solution and directly used in real-life scenarios. The thesis provides theoretical, simulation and real-world results which show that the proposed 3-D DWT codec can be more preferable than the standards for live video coding and communication over highly unreliable channels and or in systems where the video encoding computational complexity or power consumption plays a critical role

    Optimisation énergétique de processus de traitement du signal et ses applications au décodage vidéo

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    Consumer electronics offer today more and more features (video, audio, GPS, Internet) and connectivity means (multi-radio systems with WiFi, Bluetooth, UMTS, HSPA, LTE-advanced ... ). The power demand of these devices is growing for the digital part especially for the processing chip. To support this ever increasing computing demand, processor architectures have evolved with multicore processors, graphics processors (GPU) and ether dedicated hardware accelerators. However, the evolution of battery technology is itself slower. Therefore, the autonomy of embedded systems is now under a great pressure. Among the new functionalities supported by mobile devices, video services take a prominent place. lndeed, recent analyzes show that they will represent 70% of mobile Internet traffic by 2016. Accompanying this growth, new technologies are emerging for new services and applications. Among them HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) can double the data compression while maintaining a subjective quality equivalent to its predecessor, the H.264 standard. ln a digital circuit, the total power consumption is made of static power and dynamic power. Most of modern hardware architectures implement means to control the power consumption of the system. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) mainly reduces the dynamic power of the circuit. This technique aims to adapt the power of the processor (and therefore its consumption) to the actual load needed by the application. To control the static power, Dynamic Power Management (DPM or sleep modes) aims to stop the voltage supplies associated with specific areas of the chip. ln this thesis, we first present a model of the energy consumed by the circuit integrating DPM and DVFS modes. This model is generalized to multi-core integrated circuits and to a rapid prototyping tool. Thus, the optimal operating point of a circuit, i.e. the operating frequency and the number of active cores, is identified. Secondly, the HEVC application is integrated to a multicore architecture coupled with a sophisticated DVFS mechanism. We show that this application can be implemented efficiently on general purpose processors (GPP) while minimizing the power consumption. Finally, and to get further energy gain, we propose a modified HEVC decoder that is capable to tune its energy gains together with a decoding quality trade-off.Aujourd'hui, les appareils électroniques offrent de plus en plus de fonctionnalités (vidéo, audio, GPS, internet) et des connectivités variées (multi-systèmes de radio avec WiFi, Bluetooth, UMTS, HSPA, LTE-advanced ... ). La demande en puissance de ces appareils est donc grandissante pour la partie numérique et notamment le processeur de calcul. Pour répondre à ce besoin sans cesse croissant de nouvelles fonctionnalités et donc de puissance de calcul, les architectures des processeurs ont beaucoup évolué : processeurs multi-coeurs, processeurs graphiques (GPU) et autres accélérateurs matériels dédiés. Cependant, alors que de nouvelles architectures matérielles peinent à répondre aux exigences de performance, l'évolution de la technologie des batteries est quant à elle encore plus lente. En conséquence, l'autonomie des systèmes embarqués est aujourd'hui sous pression. Parmi les nouveaux services supportés par les terminaux mobiles, la vidéo prend une place prépondérante. En effet, des analyses récentes de tendance montrent qu'elle représentera 70 % du trafic internet mobile dès 2016. Accompagnant cette croissance, de nouvelles technologies émergent permettant de nouveaux services et applications. Parmi elles, HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) permet de doubler la compression de données tout en garantissant une qualité subjective équivalente à son prédécesseur, la norme H.264. Dans un circuit numérique, la consommation provient de deux éléments: la puissance statique et la puissance dynamique. La plupart des architectures matérielles récentes mettent en oeuvre des procédés permettant de contrôler la puissance du système. Le changement dynamique du couple tension/fréquence appelé Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) agit principalement sur la puissance dynamique du circuit. Cette technique permet d'adapter la puissance du processeur (et donc sa consommation) à la charge réelle nécessaire pour une application. Pour contrôler la puissance statique, le Dynamic Power Management (DPM, ou modes de veille) consistant à arrêter les alimentations associées à des zones spécifiques de la puce. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons d'abord une modélisation de l'énergie consommée par le circuit intégrant les modes DVFS et DPM. Cette modélisation est généralisée au circuit multi-coeurs et intégrée à un outil de prototypage rapide. Ainsi le point de fonctionnement optimal d'un circuit, la fréquence de fonctionnement et le nombre de coeurs actifs, est identifié. Dans un second temps, l'application HEVC est intégrée à une architecture multi-coeurs avec une adaptation dynamique de la fréquence de développement. Nous montrons que cette application peut être implémentée efficacement sur des processeurs généralistes (GPP) tout en minimisant la puissance consommée. Enfin, et pour aller plus loin dans les gains en énergie, nous proposons une modification du décodeur HEVC qui permet à un décodeur de baisser encore plus sa consommation en fonction du budget énergétique disponible localement

    Deep learning-based artifacts removal in video compression

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed December 15, 2021Dissertation advisor: Zhu LiVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 112-129)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2021The block-based coding structure in the hybrid video coding framework inevitably introduces compression artifacts such as blocking, ringing, etc. To compensate for those artifacts, extensive filtering techniques were proposed in the loop of video codecs, which are capable of boosting the subjective and objective qualities of reconstructed videos. Recently, neural network-based filters were presented with the power of deep learning from a large magnitude of data. Though the coding efficiency has been improved from traditional methods in High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), the rich features and in- formation generated by the compression pipeline has not been fully utilized in the design of neural networks. Therefore, we propose a learning-based method to further improve the coding efficiency to its full extent. In addition, the point cloud is an essential format for three-dimensional (3-D) ob- jects capture and communication for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) applications. In the current state of the art video-based point cloud compression (V-PCC),a dynamic point cloud is projected onto geometry and attribute videos patch by patch, each represented by its texture, depth, and occupancy map for reconstruction. To deal with oc- clusion, each patch is projected onto near and far depth fields in the geometry video. Once there are artifacts on the compressed two-dimensional (2-D) geometry video, they would be propagated to the 3-D point cloud frames. In addition, in the lossy compression, there always exists a tradeoff between the rate of bitstream and distortion (RD). Although some methods were proposed to attenuate these artifacts and improve the coding efficiency, the non-linear representation ability of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has not been fully considered. Therefore, we propose a learning-based approach to remove the geom- etry artifacts and improve the compressing efficiency. Besides, we propose using a CNN to improve the accuracy of the occupancy map video in V-PCC. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first learning-based solutions of the geometry artifacts removal in HEVC and occupancy map enhancement in V-PCC. The extensive experimental results show that the proposed approaches achieve significant gains in HEVC and V-PCC compared to the state-of-the-art schemes.Residual-Guided In-Loop Filter Using Convolution Neural Network -- Deep learning geometry compression artifacts removal for video-based point cloud compression -- Convolutional Neural Network-Based Occupancy Map Accuracy Improvement for Video-based Point Cloud Compressio