1,699 research outputs found

    Efficient Architecture and Implementation of Vector Median Filter in Co-Design Context

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    This work presents an efficient fast parallel architecture of the Vector Median Filter (VMF) using combined hardware/software (HW/SW) implementation. The hardware part of the system is implemented using VHDL language, whereas the software part is developed using C/C++ language. The software part of the embedded system uses the NIOS-II softcore processor and the operating system used is μClinux. The comparison between the software and HW/SW solutions shows that adding a hardware part in the design attempts to speed up the filtering process compared to the software solution. This efficient embedded system implementation can perform well in several image processing applications


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    1998/1999Negli ultimi anni passati le applicazioni multimediali hanno visto uno sviluppo notevole, trovando applicazione in un gran numero di campi. Applicazioni come video conferenze, diagnostica medica, telefonia mobile e applicazioni militari necessitano il trattamento di una gran mole di dati ad alta velocità. Pertanto, l'elaborazione di immagini e di dati vocali è molto importante ed è stata oggetto di numerosi sforzi, nel tentativo di trovare algoritmi sempre più veloci ed efficaci. Tra gli algoritmi proposti, noi crediamo che gli operatori razionali svolgano un ruolo molto importante, grazie alla loro versatilità ed efficacia nell'elaborazione di dati. Negli ultimi anni sono stati proposti diversi algoritmi, dimostrando che questi operatori possono essere molto vantaggiosi in diverse applicazioni, producendo buoni risultati. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di realizzare alcuni di questi algoritmi e, quindi, dimostrare che i filtri razionali, in particolare, possono essere realizzati senza ricorrere a sistemi di grandi dimensioni e possono raggiungere frequenze operative molto alte. Una volta che il blocco fondamentale di un sistema basato su operatori razionali sia stato realizzato, esso pu6 essere riusato con successo in molte altre applicazioni. Dal punto di vista del progettista, è importante avere uno schema generale di studio, che lo renda capace di studiare le varie configurazioni del sistema da realizzare e di analizzare i compromessi tra le variabili di progetto. In particolare, per soddisfare l'esigenza di metodi versatili per la stima della potenza, abbiamo sviluppato una tecnica di macro modellizazione che permette al progettista di stimare velocemente ed accuratamente la potenza dissipata da un circuito. La tesi è organizzata come segue: Nel Capitolo 1 alcuni sono presentati alcuni algoritmi studiati per la realizzazione. Ne viene data solo una veloce descrizione, lasciando comunque al lettore interessato dei riferimenti bibliografici. Nel Capitolo 2 vengono discusse le architetture fondamentali usate per la realizzazione. Principalmente sono state usate architetture a pipeline, ma viene data anche una descrizione degli approcci oggigiorno disponibili per l'ottimizzazione delle temporizzazioni. Nel Capitolo 3 sono presentate le realizzazioni di due sistemi studiati per questa tesi. Gli approcci seguiti si basano su ASIC e FPGA. Richiedono tecniche e soluzioni diverse per il progetto del sistema, per cui é interessante vedere cosa pu6 essere fatto nei due casi. Infine, nel Capitolo 4, descriviamo la nostra tecnica di macro modellizazione per la stima di potenza, dando una breve visione delle tecniche finora proposte e facendo vedere quali sono i vantaggi che il nostro metodo comporta per il progetto.In the past few years, multimedia application have been growing very fast, being applied to a large variety of fields. Applications like video conference, medical diagnostic, mobile phones, military applications require to handle large amount of data at high rate. Images as well as voice data processing are therefore very important and they have been subjected to a lot of efforts in order to find always faster and effective algorithms. Among image processing algorithms, we believe that rational operators assume an important role, due to their versatility and effectiveness in data processing. In the last years, several algorithms have been proposed, demonstrating that these operators can be very suitable in different applications with very good results. The aim of this work is to implement some of these algorithm and, therefore, demonstrate that rational filters, in particular, can be implemented without requiring large sized systems and they can operate at very high frequencies. Once the basic building block of a rational based system has been implemented, it can be successfully reused in many other applications. From the designer point of view, it is important to have a general framework, which makes it able to study various configurations of the system to be implemented and analyse the trade-off among the design variables. In particular, to meet the need far versatile tools far power estimation, we developed a new macro modelling technique, which allows the designer to estimate the power dissipated by a circuit quickly and accurately. The thesis is organized as follows: In chapter 1 we present some of the algorithms which have been studied for implementation. Only a brief overview is given, leaving to the interested reader some references in literature. In chapter 2 we discuss the basic architectures used for the implementations. Pipelined structures have been mainly used for this thesis, but an overview of the nowaday available approaches for timing optimization is presented. In chapter 3 we present two of the implementation designed for this thesis. The approaches followed are ASIC driven and FPGA drive. They require different techniques and different solution for the design of the system, therefore it is interesting to see what can be done in both the cases. Finally, in chapter 4, we describe our macro modelling techniques for power estimation, giving a brief overview of the up to now proposed techniques and showing the advantages our method brings to the design.XII Ciclo1969Versione digitalizzata della tesi di dottorato cartacea

    Analysis of the Path Tracing rendering method on CPU and GPU

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    Fa molts anys que es realitza recerca al camp de la renderització realista. Tenim diversos mètodes capaços d'aconseguir imatges amb un gran grau de realisme, com pot ser Ray Tracing, Path Tracing, Photon Mapping o Metropolis Light Transport. A excepció del Ray Tracing, la resta de mètodes tracten de resoldre l'Equació de Renderitzat mitjançant aproximacions (és impossible calcular-la íntegrament, ja que necessitaríem temps i potència de càlcul infinita). Gràcies a poder aproximar aquesta equació es poden aconseguir efectes de forma natural, sense necessitat d'un postprocessat, com motion blur, depth of field, càustiques, etc. El mètode que implementarem i estudiarem és el Path Tracing. Realitzarem diverses versions d'aquest mètode amb les quals podrem explorar quina arquitectura (GPU o CPU) ens ofereix una major avantatge pel que fa al rendiment per al nostre algoritme. Per això comptarem amb diverses màquines, una amb un hardware d'última generació, una amb un hardware més econòmic i una última màquina pensada per un entorn professional. És molt usual que les aplicacions que implementen aquest mètode s'utilitzen d'estructures de dades que permeten millorar de forma molt notable el rendiment d'aquesta. Per aquesta raó, implementarem una Bounding Volume Hierarchy, un estructura de tipus arbre, per a la representació de l'escena i així augmentar el rendiment. Estudiarem com recorre-la de dues formes diferents, una recursiva molt més natural en aquest tipus d'estructures i un altre iterativa, per veure com afecta al rendiment de l'aplicació en la GPU. És ben sabut que les funcions recursives no són gens òptimes a la GPU. Per últim, implementarem un seguit de filtres d'eliminació de soroll. El mètode de Path Tracing produeix imatges molt sorolloses si s'utilitzen poques mostres per píxel, per això l'ús de filtres d'eliminació de soroll és molt comú. Això ens permetrà trobar un equilibri entre el nombre de mostres per píxel i la necessitat d'un postfiltratge de la imatge resultant.The field of realistic rendering has been investigated for many years. We have different methods capable of creating images with a high degree of realism, such as Ray Tracing, Path Tracing, Photon Mapping or Metropolis Light Transport. Except for Ray Tracing, the rest of the cited methods try to solve the Rendering Equation by approximations (it is impossible to calculate it completely because we would need time and infinite computing power). Thanks to being able to approximate this equation, effects can be achieved naturally, without needing any post-processing, such as motion blur, depth of field, caustics, etc. The method that we will implement and study is Path Tracing. We will make several versions of this method with which we will explore which architecture (GPU or CPU) gives us a greater advantage in terms of performance for our algorithm. For this, we will have different machines, one with the last generation hardware, one with cheaper hardware and the last machine with hardware thought for a professional environment. It is very usual that the applications that implement this method are assisted by accelerating structures that allow improving in a very notable way the performance of this one. For this same reason, we will implement a Bounding Volume Hierarchy, a tree-type structure, to represent our scene and thus increase performance. We will study how to go through it in two different ways, one recursive much more natural in this type of structure and another iterative, to see how it affects the performance of the application on the GPU. It's well known that the GPU is not optimal for recursive functions. Finally, we'll implement a set of denoising filters. Path tracing produces very noisy images when using a few samples per pixel, so the use of denoising filters is very common. This will also help us find a balance between the number of samples per pixel and the need for post-filtering of the output image

    Accurate depth from defocus estimation with video-rate implementation

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    The science of measuring depth from images at video rate using „defocus‟ has been investigated. The method required two differently focussed images acquired from a single view point using a single camera. The relative blur between the images was used to determine the in-focus axial points of each pixel and hence depth. The depth estimation algorithm researched by Watanabe and Nayar was employed to recover the depth estimates, but the broadband filters, referred as the Rational filters were designed using a new procedure: the Two Step Polynomial Approach. The filters designed by the new model were largely insensitive to object texture and were shown to model the blur more precisely than the previous method. Experiments with real planar images demonstrated a maximum RMS depth error of 1.18% for the proposed filters, compared to 1.54% for the previous design. The researched software program required five 2D convolutions to be processed in parallel and these convolutions were effectively implemented on a FPGA using a two channel, five stage pipelined architecture, however the precision of the filter coefficients and the variables had to be limited within the processor. The number of multipliers required for each convolution was reduced from 49 to 10 (79.5% reduction) using a Triangular design procedure. Experimental results suggested that the pipelined processor provided depth estimates comparable in accuracy to the full precision Matlab‟s output, and generated depth maps of size 400 x 400 pixels in 13.06msec, that is faster than the video rate. The defocused images (near and far-focused) were optically registered for magnification using Telecentric optics. A frequency domain approach based on phase correlation was employed to measure the radial shifts due to magnification and also to optimally position the external aperture. The telecentric optics ensured pixel to pixel registration between the defocused images was correct and provided more accurate depth estimates

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition

    A robust framework for medical image segmentation through adaptable class-specific representation

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    Medical image segmentation is an increasingly important component in virtual pathology, diagnostic imaging and computer-assisted surgery. Better hardware for image acquisition and a variety of advanced visualisation methods have paved the way for the development of computer based tools for medical image analysis and interpretation. The routine use of medical imaging scans of multiple modalities has been growing over the last decades and data sets such as the Visible Human Project have introduced a new modality in the form of colour cryo section data. These developments have given rise to an increasing need for better automatic and semiautomatic segmentation methods. The work presented in this thesis concerns the development of a new framework for robust semi-automatic segmentation of medical imaging data of multiple modalities. Following the specification of a set of conceptual and technical requirements, the framework known as ACSR (Adaptable Class-Specific Representation) is developed in the first case for 2D colour cryo section segmentation. This is achieved through the development of a novel algorithm for adaptable class-specific sampling of point neighbourhoods, known as the PGA (Path Growing Algorithm), combined with Learning Vector Quantization. The framework is extended to accommodate 3D volume segmentation of cryo section data and subsequently segmentation of single and multi-channel greyscale MRl data. For the latter the issues of inhomogeneity and noise are specifically addressed. Evaluation is based on comparison with previously published results on standard simulated and real data sets, using visual presentation, ground truth comparison and human observer experiments. ACSR provides the user with a simple and intuitive visual initialisation process followed by a fully automatic segmentation. Results on both cryo section and MRI data compare favourably to existing methods, demonstrating robustness both to common artefacts and multiple user initialisations. Further developments into specific clinical applications are discussed in the future work section

    Training cellular automata for image processing

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    Abstract — Experiments were carried out to investigate the possibility of training cellular automata (CA) to perform several image processing tasks. Even if only binary images are considered the space of all possible rule sets is still very large, and so the training process is the main bottleneck of such an approach. In this paper the sequential floating forward search method for feature selection was used to select good rule sets for a range of tasks, namely: noise filtering (also applied to gray scale images using threshold decomposition), thinning, and convex hulls. Various objective functions for driving the search were considered. Several modifications to the standard CA formulation were made (the B-rule and 2-cycle CAs) which were found in some cases to improve performance. I

    Accurate depth from defocus estimation with video-rate implementation

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    The science of measuring depth from images at video rate using „defocus‟ has been investigated. The method required two differently focussed images acquired from a single view point using a single camera. The relative blur between the images was used to determine the in-focus axial points of each pixel and hence depth. The depth estimation algorithm researched by Watanabe and Nayar was employed to recover the depth estimates, but the broadband filters, referred as the Rational filters were designed using a new procedure: the Two Step Polynomial Approach. The filters designed by the new model were largely insensitive to object texture and were shown to model the blur more precisely than the previous method. Experiments with real planar images demonstrated a maximum RMS depth error of 1.18% for the proposed filters, compared to 1.54% for the previous design. The researched software program required five 2D convolutions to be processed in parallel and these convolutions were effectively implemented on a FPGA using a two channel, five stage pipelined architecture, however the precision of the filter coefficients and the variables had to be limited within the processor. The number of multipliers required for each convolution was reduced from 49 to 10 (79.5% reduction) using a Triangular design procedure. Experimental results suggested that the pipelined processor provided depth estimates comparable in accuracy to the full precision Matlab‟s output, and generated depth maps of size 400 x 400 pixels in 13.06msec, that is faster than the video rate. The defocused images (near and far-focused) were optically registered for magnification using Telecentric optics. A frequency domain approach based on phase correlation was employed to measure the radial shifts due to magnification and also to optimally position the external aperture. The telecentric optics ensured pixel to pixel registration between the defocused images was correct and provided more accurate depth estimates.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceUniversity of Warwick (UoW)GBUnited Kingdo