139,651 research outputs found

    Exploring coordinated software and hardware support for hardware resource allocation

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    Multithreaded processors are now common in the industry as they offer high performance at a low cost. Traditionally, in such processors, the assignation of hardware resources between the multiple threads is done implicitly, by the hardware policies. However, a new class of multithreaded hardware allows the explicit allocation of resources to be controlled or biased by the software. Currently, there is little or no coordination between the allocation of resources done by the hardware and the prioritization of tasks done by the software.This thesis targets to narrow the gap between the software and the hardware, with respect to the hardware resource allocation, by proposing a new explicit resource allocation hardware mechanism and novel schedulers that use the currently available hardware resource allocation mechanisms.It approaches the problem in two different types of computing systems: on the high performance computing domain, we characterize the first processor to present a mechanism that allows the software to bias the allocation hardware resources, the IBM POWER5. In addition, we propose the use of hardware resource allocation as a way to balance high performance computing applications. Finally, we propose two new scheduling mechanisms that are able to transparently and successfully balance applications in real systems using the hardware resource allocation. On the soft real-time domain, we propose a hardware extension to the existing explicit resource allocation hardware and, in addition, two software schedulers that use the explicit allocation hardware to improve the schedulability of tasks in a soft real-time system.In this thesis, we demonstrate that system performance improves by making the software aware of the mechanisms to control the amount of resources given to each running thread. In particular, for the high performance computing domain, we show that it is possible to decrease the execution time of MPI applications biasing the hardware resource assignation between threads. In addition, we show that it is possible to decrease the number of missed deadlines when scheduling tasks in a soft real-time SMT system.Postprint (published version

    Exploring coordinated software and hardware support for hardware resource allocation

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    Multithreaded processors are now common in the industry as they offer high performance at a low cost. Traditionally, in such processors, the assignation of hardware resources between the multiple threads is done implicitly, by the hardware policies. However, a new class of multithreaded hardware allows the explicit allocation of resources to be controlled or biased by the software. Currently, there is little or no coordination between the allocation of resources done by the hardware and the prioritization of tasks done by the software.This thesis targets to narrow the gap between the software and the hardware, with respect to the hardware resource allocation, by proposing a new explicit resource allocation hardware mechanism and novel schedulers that use the currently available hardware resource allocation mechanisms.It approaches the problem in two different types of computing systems: on the high performance computing domain, we characterize the first processor to present a mechanism that allows the software to bias the allocation hardware resources, the IBM POWER5. In addition, we propose the use of hardware resource allocation as a way to balance high performance computing applications. Finally, we propose two new scheduling mechanisms that are able to transparently and successfully balance applications in real systems using the hardware resource allocation. On the soft real-time domain, we propose a hardware extension to the existing explicit resource allocation hardware and, in addition, two software schedulers that use the explicit allocation hardware to improve the schedulability of tasks in a soft real-time system.In this thesis, we demonstrate that system performance improves by making the software aware of the mechanisms to control the amount of resources given to each running thread. In particular, for the high performance computing domain, we show that it is possible to decrease the execution time of MPI applications biasing the hardware resource assignation between threads. In addition, we show that it is possible to decrease the number of missed deadlines when scheduling tasks in a soft real-time SMT system

    Application of Soft Computing Techniques to Multiphase Flow Measurement: A Review

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    After extensive research and development over the past three decades, a range of techniques have been proposed and developed for online continuous measurement of multiphase flow. In recent years, with the rapid development of computer hardware and machine learning, soft computing techniques have been applied in many engineering disciplines, including indirect measurement of multiphase flow. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the soft computing techniques for multiphase flow metering with a particular focus on the measurement of individual phase flowrates and phase fractions. The paper describes the sensors used and the working principle, modelling and example applications of various soft computing techniques in addition to their merits and limitations. Trends and future developments of soft computing techniques in the field of multiphase flow measurement are also discussed

    Verifying Quantitative Reliability of Programs That Execute on Unreliable Hardware

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    Emerging high-performance architectures are anticipated to contain unreliable components that may exhibit soft errors, which silently corrupt the results of computations. Full detection and recovery from soft errors is challenging, expensive, and, for some applications, unnecessary. For example, approximate computing applications (such as multimedia processing, machine learning, and big data analytics) can often naturally tolerate soft errors. In this paper we present Rely, a programming language that enables developers to reason about the quantitative reliability of an application -- namely, the probability that it produces the correct result when executed on unreliable hardware. Rely allows developers to specify the reliability requirements for each value that a function produces. We present a static quantitative reliability analysis that verifies quantitative requirements on the reliability of an application, enabling a developer to perform sound and verified reliability engineering. The analysis takes a Rely program with a reliability specification and a hardware specification, that characterizes the reliability of the underlying hardware components, and verifies that the program satisfies its reliability specification when executed on the underlying unreliable hardware platform. We demonstrate the application of quantitative reliability analysis on six computations implemented in Rely.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (Grants CCF-0905244, CCF-1036241, CCF-1138967, CCF-1138967, and IIS-0835652), the United States Department of Energy (Grant DE-SC0008923), and DARPA (Grants FA8650-11-C-7192, FA8750-12-2-0110)

    Realization and training of an inverter-based printed neuromorphic computing system

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    Emerging applications in soft robotics, wearables, smart consumer products or IoT-devices benefit from soft materials, flexible substrates in conjunction with electronic functionality. Due to high production costs and conformity restrictions, rigid silicon technologies do not meet application requirements in these new domains. However, whenever signal processing becomes too comprehensive, silicon technology must be used for the high-performance computing unit. At the same time, designing everything in flexible or printed electronics using conventional digital logic is not feasible yet due to the limitations of printed technologies in terms of performance, power and integration density. We propose to rather use the strengths of neuromorphic computing architectures consisting in their homogeneous topologies, few building blocks and analog signal processing to be mapped to an inkjet-printed hardware architecture. It has remained a challenge to demonstrate non-linear elements besides weighted aggregation. We demonstrate in this work printed hardware building blocks such as inverter-based comprehensive weight representation and resistive crossbars as well as printed transistor-based activation functions. In addition, we present a learning algorithm developed to train the proposed printed NCS architecture based on specific requirements and constraints of the technology
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