11 research outputs found

    Homogeneidad en los indicadores del sector de automoción

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    [ESP] Las empresas se encuentran en la actualidad ante la inminente necesidad de mantener en sus entidades sistemas de mejora continua que les permitan ser eficientes y competitivas en un entorno cada vez más global. Para poder mantener dichos sistemas de mejora surge la necesidad de medir, ya que aquello que no se mide, y por tanto no se cuantifica, no se puede mejorar. Aunque esta necesidad es propia de todas las industrias actuales, destaca en las empresas del sector de automoción, que cuentan con una larga trayectoria en la implantación de programas de lean production. La implantación de estos programas ha introducido en esta industria una serie de procesos de mejora que en ocasiones no se consiguen mantener en el tiempo por falta de indicadores medibles y fiables que muestren los resultados obtenidos. Asimismo, además de disponer de indicadores, estos deberían ser homogéneos entre las empresas para que puedan ser comparadas entre ellas. Las empresas multinacionales disponen de un cuadro de indicadores de producción válido, fiable y homogéneo que permite comparar a las empresas del sector entre ellas. Las pequeñas y medias empresas tienen, por tanto, una mayor necesidad de disponer de un cuadro de indicadores que les permita mejorar sus sistemas de operaciones. En cuanto a la definición de los indicadores, no solamente es necesaria una elección de los indicadores relevantes sino definir una interpretación de cada uno de ellos y de los datos necesarios para su cálculo. Por ejemplo, existen maneras diferentes de calcular el tiempo de producción disponible, piezas retrabajadas, tiempo operativo, la definición de parada planificada y, hasta en ocasiones, de qué es considerado un operario.El presente trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto “Arquitectura de las practicas de alto rendimiento de gestión de operaciones y gestión de recursos humanos: definición de los constructos, modelo factorial y establecimiento del path dependence” (PAID-06-09-2850) de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia y gracias a la ayuda DPI2010-18243 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España dentro del programa de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no orientada, con el título "Coordinación de operaciones en redes de suministro/demanda ajustadas, resilientes a la incertidumbre: modelos y algoritmos para la gestión de la incertidumbre y la complejidad" Esta investigación ha sido financiada mediante una beca doctoral VALi+d concedida por la Generalitat Valenciana de España a Julien Maheut (Ref. ACIF/2010). También ha recibido soporte del Programa de Apoyo a la I+D+i de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (PAID 01-10

    Area of linkage between lean construction and sustainability in indian construction industry

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    Purpose-The purpose of the research paper to study the area of linkage between lean construction (LC) and sustainability in Indian construction industry and rank the identified attributes on the basis of the responses given to their severity to construction projects in India. Design/methodology/approach-The research was conducted by a structured questionnaire that was sent to 180 professional working in Indian construction industry. This questionnaire requested the respondents to give a score to the 26 attributes identified that are 15 lean construction tools for enabling sustainability and 11 attributes as area of linkage between lean construction and sustainability in Indian construction industry through literature review. They were asked to rate the attributes on a Likert scale rating of 1 to 5. The data collect than analysed using relative importance index and reliability analysis. Findings-The research study identifies the top five Significant lean tools for enabling sustainability are: first run studies, six sigma, kanaban, last planner system and visualization tool having relative importance index (Rii) of 0.80, 0.781, 0.779, 0.77 and 0.75 respectively. Most significant area of linkage between sustainability and lean construction are: resource management, waste reduction, energy minimization, elimination of non-value added activities and health and safety improvement as the outcome benefits of linking lean construction and sustainability in Indian construction industry having a relative importance index of 0.83, 0.779, 0.776, 0.77 and 0.76 respectively. Research limitations-The research focused on the responses received through the questionnaire and the number of respondents is 180 with a response rate of 41%. A further more detailed research is required to know the broad effect of lean tools on sustainability in Indian construction industry. © IAEME Publication

    Parametric Optimization for the Maximization of Hydrogen Production by Enterobacter Cloacae

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    The decrease of fossil fuel energy induces the development of sustaining renewable energy. One of the potential energy to be further developed is hydrogen energy. Most of the hydrogen resources currently come from fossil fuel energy. Besides, some biological processes also can produce hydrogen such as dark fermentation which is being focused on in this project. Enterobacter cloacae are used as the bacteria to be fermented in the nutrient broth. Since this process has yet to achieve economic sustainability, this project focuses on the maximization of the production of hydrogen gas by optimizing the parameters influencing the hydrogen production. The decision variables (process parameters) are the initial glucose concentration, Inoculum age and also the initial pH of the nutrient broth. By using data from the previous research, the parameters are optimized by using three numerical methods, simulated annealing, pattern search and Genetic algorithm. A comparison between these three algorithms used is done to compare the optimization results and discuss their advantages and disadvantages

    Regionalized implementation strategy of smart automation within assembly systems in China

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    Produzierende Unternehmen in aufstrebenden Nationen wie China, sind bestrebt, die Produktivität der Produktion durch eine Verbesserung der Lean Produktion mit disruptiven Technologien zu erreichen. Smart Automation ist dabei eine vielversprechende Lösung, allerdings können Unternehmen aufgrund von mangelnden Ressourcen oft nicht alle Smart Automation Technologien gleichzeitig implementieren. Ebenso beeinflusst eine Vielzahl an Einflussfaktoren, wie z.B. Standortfaktoren. Dementsprechend herausfordernd ist die Auswahl und Priorisierung von Smart Automation Technologien in Form von Einführungsstrategien für produzierende Unternehmen. Der Stand der Forschung untersucht nur unzureichend die Analyse der Interdependenzen zwischen Standortfaktoren, Smart Automation Technologien und Key Performance Indikatoren (KPIs). Darüber hinaus mangelt es an einer Methode zur Ableitung der Einführungsstrategie von Smart Automation Technologien unter Berücksichtigung dieser Interdependenzen. Entsprechend trägt diese Arbeit dazu bei, eine regionalisierte Einführungsstrategie von Smart Automation Technologien in Montagesystemen zu ermöglichen. Zunächst werden die Standortfaktoren, Smart Automation Technologien und KPIs identifiziert. In einem zweiten Schritt werden, mit Hilfe von qualitativen und quantitativen Analysen, die Interdependenzen bestimmt. Anschließend werden diese Interdependenzen auf ein Montagesystem mittels hybrider Modellierung und Simulation übertragen. Im vierten Schritt wird eine regionalisierte Einführungsstrategie durch eine Optimierung und eine Monte-Carlo-Simulation abgeleitet. Die Methodik wurde im Rahmen des deutsch-chinesischen Forschungsprojekts I4TP entwickelt, das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) unterstützt wird. Die Validierung wurde erfolgreich mit einem produzierenden Unternehmen in Beijing durchgeführt. Die entwickelte Methodik stellt einen neuartigen Ansatz zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der Entwicklung einer regionalisierten Einführungsstrategie für Smart Automation Technologien in Montagesystemen dar. Dadurch sind produzierende Unter-nehmen in der Lage, individuelle Einführungsstrategien für disruptive Technologien auf Basis wissenschaftlicher und rationaler Analysen effektiv abzuleiten

    Análisis y propuesta de mejora en el proceso de lavado y teñido de prendas de vestir aplicando herramientas Lean Manufacturing e investigación de operaciones

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    El presente estudio se desarrolló en una Pyme del sector textil, dedicada exclusivamente a los procesos de acabado de prendas de vestir. Actualmente tanto las Pymes como Mypes representan el mayor porcentaje de organizaciones en el Perú; asimismo, el sector textil es uno de los potenciales rubros en posicionarse con mayor valor agregado en el mercado nacional e internacional; sin embargo, en los últimos años debido a la competitividad del mercado extranjero, ha ido perdiendo posicionamiento en América Latina. La investigación tiene como objetivo optimizar los procesos de producción y los recursos en la línea de lavado y teñido mediante la elaboración de un análisis y diagnóstico de la situación actual y desarrollo de oportunidades de mejora. Los conceptos y herramientas que se utilizaron para lograr estos objetivos son las 5S’s, Kaizen, Poke Yoke e investigación de operaciones, y un enfoque con la metodología lean manufacturing. Para el desarrollo del trabajo, se realizaron visitas de jornada completa por un periodo de 2 meses, asimismo se realizaron entrevistas con los responsables de las diversas áreas para levantar la información e identificar los procesos críticos. Con la información estructurada, se identificaron los desperdicios de los procesos productivos y su impacto económico, los de mayor alcance son: inventarios en procesamiento y reprocesos, los cuales fueron tratados con las herramientas detalladas anteriormente. Como resultado se realizaron propuestas de mejora que permiten la minimización de prendas reprocesadas, prendas falladas y tiempos muertos, asimismo incrementar la satisfacción del colaborador y del cliente, aumentar la calidad del servicio y reducir el riesgo de accidentes. Finalmente, se realizó la evaluación económica de cada propuesta con la finalidad de determinar los beneficios en ahorro que tendrá la organización, como resultado se obtuvo un VAN de S/. 82,536.44 y una tasa de retorno (TIR) de 38.98%.Tesi

    Development of Lean Maturity Model for Operational Level Planning

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    The purpose of this thesis is to develop a visual, data-driven operational lean maturity model (LMM). The model intends to assess the level of lean maturity and the lean effectiveness in different axes of production cells (PCs). Lean is a transformation journey, in which, change management and organizational culture are critical elements of successful implementation. Diverse maturity and assessment models have been developed to evaluate and lead the organizational transformation toward leanness. The main goal of lean is to create more value for the customers by removing wastes. Despite the important role of PCs in creating value, the transformation principles in the operational level have not been considered as deserved. Moreover, the research on lean assessments has used either inputs (tools and processes) or outputs (performance) to evaluate leanness. However, to evaluate the effectiveness of lean practices, both groups of indicators should be measured separately but analyzed together. Considering the mentioned gaps, the findings of a thorough literature review on lean principles, tools, metrics and assessment models were synthesized to develop LMM for PCs through four stages: defining maturity levels; defining lean axes; suggesting main control items and performance measures; and suggesting enablers. A case study is carried out for gathering data of analysis and explanatory study of results. The qualitative and quantitative data on lean capability and performance results of two PCs was collected through direct observation and audit. To quantify the qualitative indicators of leanness, a scoring system is used based on the major and minor non-conformance items. Minimum of fuzzy membership value is selected to calculate the overall performance of each lean axis. Then, the results of leanness are compared with the performance of PCs to find the gaps between requirements of leanness and results of their practices, and to fill that gap by focusing on the areas of strength and those needing improvement. Results of the case study show that the developed model can be successfully used to measure both leanness and lean effectiveness through assessment of lean-performance. The model can be applied by practitioners as a framework to design and develop a company-specific LMM

    Projeto de parâmetros robustos para modelagem e otimização de sistemas kanban: uma abordagem baseada em experimentos simulados

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    Inventory control impacts the flow of the production process, customer service and cost. To improve this management, many companies use the concept of kanban, which has the purpose of programming and controlling production visually. However, few studies in the literature make use of a systematic method for its optimization, and it is also possible to observe in industrial environments, the use of Toyota's traditional formula, considering the demand levelly. Therefore, this work was developed with the objective of proposing an approach to optimize kanban systems using the Robust Parameters Design, through simulated experiments. This strategy is based on the calculation of the safety stock to determine the experimental planning, seeking to achieve the desired service level. Then, the simulation is executed with the experimental planning data in the simulated model, considering the daily random variation of demand over 30 days, with the quantity of kanban not delivered and the number of kanban in stock recorded at the end. From these data mathematical models that take into account the mean and variance are constructed, so that the robust optimization for the dimensioning of the supermarket can be obtained through the Mean Square Error (MSE). To prove the applicability of the proposed method, the procedure was tested in two different cases in the literature, Tubino (2007) and Hurrion (1997). For the modeling of the optimization functions, the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used, being mathematically programmed using the MSE. The weighted approach (MSEP) was also applied as an additional technique to achieve better results in relation to robust optimization. Therefore, the proposed approach was developed and applied satisfactorily in both cases in the literature, leading to optimal results in relation to the objectives of robust optimization. It was also possible to make a comparison between the proposed approach and the results achieved with the optimizer of the Arena® simulation software, OptQuest®, thus demonstrating that the method proposed in this work obtained better results with regard to robustness.Agência 1O controle de estoque impacta no fluxo do processo produtivo, no atendimento ao cliente e no custo. Para melhorar esta gestão, muitas empresas utilizam o conceito do kanban, que tem a finalidade de programar e controlar a produção visualmente. Todavia, poucos estudos da literatura fazem uso de um método sistemático para sua otimização, sendo também possível observar em ambientes industriais, o uso da fórmula tradicional da Toyota, considerando a demanda de forma nivelada. Logo, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de propor uma abordagem para otimização de sistemas kanban com o uso do Projeto de Parâmetros Robustos, por meio de experimentos simulados. Tal estratégia tem como princípio o cálculo do estoque de segurança para determinar o planejamento experimental, buscando atingir o nível de serviço desejado. Em seguida, ocorre a execução da simulação com os dados do planejamento experimental no modelo simulado, considerando a variação aleatória diária de demanda ao longo de 30 dias, sendo registrado ao final a quantidade de kanban não entregue e o número de kanban em estoque. A partir desses dados, modelos matemáticos que levam em consideração a média e a variância são construídos, de maneira que a otimização robusta para o dimensionamento do supermercado possa ser obtida por meio do Erro Quadrático Médio (EQM). Para comprovar a aplicabilidade do método proposto, o procedimento foi testado em dois diferentes casos da literatura. Para a modelagem das funções de otimização utilizou-se a Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta, sendo estas matematicamente programadas empregando o EQM. A abordagem ponderada (EQMP) também foi aplicada como uma técnica adicional para se atingir melhores resultados em relação à otimização robusta. Assim sendo, a abordagem proposta foi desenvolvida e aplicada satisfatoriamente nos dois casos da literatura, levando a resultados ótimos em relação aos objetivos da otimização robusta. Também foi possível fazer uma comparação entre a abordagem proposta e os resultados atingidos com o otimizador do software de simulação Arena®, o OptQuest®, demonstrando assim que o método proposto neste trabalho obteve melhores resultados no que diz respeito à robustez

    Implementation of the lean approach in sustainable construction: a conceptual framework

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    There has been a growing awareness of the adoption of lean principles within UK construction organisations. The UK Government has recognised the importance of the construction industry in achieving the overall goals of sustainable development. Therefore, the Government has put several policies and strategies in place for achieving more sustainable construction. Assessment and performance improvement have been advocated by many researchers, and there is a substantial interest in performance measurement by construction organisations. Assessing the implementation efforts and benefits of lean approach in sustainable construction has become more critical to organisations in pursuit of continuous improvement. The inadequacy of many frameworks and tools developed to address this advancement in the area of lean and sustainability provided the motivation for this research. Therefore, the aim of this research was to develop a conceptual framework for assessing the implementation efforts and benefits of the lean approach in sustainable construction within contracting organisations. The objectives of this study were to explore the process of implementation of the lean approach throughout all the levels of construction organisations, investigate the linkages between lean and sustainable construction, review the concept of lean and its application to sustainable construction, analyse the barriers and success factors, and to identify the benefits of lean in sustainable construction. An exploratory method of investigation and study involving both quantitative and qualitative methodology was utilised in this research. An in-depth literature review and questionnaire survey was conducted among UK-based construction professionals on issues relating to sustainability and lean in order to identify the barriers, success factors and linkages between sustainability and the lean concept. The data collected were analysed with SPSS 19.0 version software using the percentile method, factor analysis, Kruskal Wallis test, Cronbach's Alpha reliability test and the Severity Index Analysis. A case study was also used with content analysis, in order to allow for a better understanding of the implementation process and drivers of lean at the organisational level. The success factors in implementing lean and sustainability were subjected to factor analysis. A factor analysis of the data yielded two (2) critical success factors, which were labelled as management and resource factors and organisational culture factor. All the identified benefits of implementing lean construction were classified into economic, social, and environmental benefits. Also, the drivers of implementing lean were discussed and classified into internal and external drivers. The research further revealed that reduction in waste is the most important benefit of synchronising lean and sustainability. The most significant barrier is resistance to change. The adoption of lean techniques will impact significantly on the realisation of sustainable construction as there are linkages between lean and sustainability. The developed framework of lean implementation process at the strategic level is made up of three sections, namely: policy and strategy deployment, assessments criteria, and the application and the implementation phase (with their respective sub sections). The framework highlighted the need to understand the implementation issues within a contracting construction organisation as well as the drivers of implementing lean. This study has theoretical, practical and methodological significance for successful lean implementation in contracting construction organisations in the UK

    Aplicação de metodologias Lean em aeronáutica

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    A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como principal tema a aplicação e o impacto da aplicação da metodologia lean no seio da empresa de manutenção aeronáutica Transportes Aéreos Portugueses Manutenção e Engenharia (TAP ME), Lisboa. A área responsável pela realização de projectos-piloto no âmbito do lean é a área de Melhoria Contínua pertencente ao departamento de Transformação Organizacional cujo coordenador é o Eng.º Nuno Soares. A dissertação iniciou-se com um estudo sobre a metodologia lean através de uma revisão bibliográfica, revisão, essa, que consistiu na realização de um contexto histórico do lean seguido do estudo das técnicas e ferramentas utilizadas. Finalizada a revisão bibliográfica foi efectuada uma apresentação da TAP ME e do departamento de Transformação Organizacional, sendo dado mais enfoque à área de Melhoria Contínua, onde foram abordas metodologias trabalho e a sua evolução dentro da TAP ME. Por fim, foi acompanhado um projecto-piloto relacionado com o que se designa de Ground Support Equipment (GSE). Este acompanhamento teve como principal objectivo analisar os resultados da aplicação da metodologia Lean nos GSE. No entanto, pela grandeza do projecto-piloto em causa este não se encontra finalizado à data de conclusão da dissertação. Nesta altura encontra-se realizado um inventário real e completo dos GSE presentes na TAP ME. Para além do inventário foi criada uma lista de necessidades por hangar, check e frota. Por fim, foi criada uma matriz “Necessidades Versus Existências” que correlaciona existências e aplicabilidades com as necessidades nos cenários (mais críticos e comuns), com as devidas combinações de equipamentos por hangar, frota e check.This dissertation has as its main theme the application and impact of the implementation of the Lean Techniques at an MRO, that is, at TAP ME, Lisbon. The department responsible for carrying out projects in the area of Lean Techniques is the Continuous Improvement in the Organizational Transformation Department. The dissertation began with a research on the methodology of the Lean techniques through a literature review, which consisted of a historical contextualization, followed by the study of the techniques and tools used. Once the literature review was completed, a presentation of TAP ME and of the Organizational Transformation Department was carried out, focusing specifically in the area of Continuous Improvement, addressing their work methodologies and developments within TAP ME. Finally, a project related to Ground Support Equipment (GSE) was also observed. This monitoring activity was aimed at analyzing the results of applying Lean Techniques on the management of GSE. However, due to the magnitude of the pilot project, this monitoring was not completed at the time of completion of the dissertation. However a high level of expectation applies to the expected results. Following the application of Lean Techniques, presently there is a complete inventory of the existent GSEs used by TAP ME, information that did not exist until now. In addition to this inventory, a list of needs applicable to each type of maintenance check and to various fleets was also created. Finally, the “Needs Vs Stocks” matrix was created, which correlates stocks and its applicability with the needs in certain scenarios (the most common and critical), with appropriate combinations of equipment per hangar, fleet and aircraft maintenance check

    Proposta de uso integrado entre o Mapeamento do Fluxo de Valor e a Simulação a Eventos Discretos em uma fábrica de laticínios.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em analisar a integração entre as técnicas Mapeamento do Fluxo de Valor (MFV) e Simulação a Eventos Discretos (SED), elaborar uma proposta de integração entre as duas técnicas e aplicar essa proposta em um caso real. A aplicação da proposta de integração ocorreu em uma fábrica de laticínios marcado pela presença de eventos discretos, contínuos e em batelada. A partir do MFV do estado atual foi possível identificar e registrar os desperdícios do processo de fabricação de queijos. Um modelo computacional do estado atual foi desenvolvido para monitorar esses desperdícios e tornar os critérios de avaliação como lead time e tempo de agregação de valor (TAV), inicialmente determinístico, em valores estocásticos. Em seguida, um MFV do estado futuro foi desenvolvido com base nos conceitos do lean, propondo melhorias para o processo produtivo. Essas melhorias foram implementadas a partir da modificação do modelo computacional do estado atual, gerando um modelo computacional para o estado futuro. Ao final do modelo de simulação, experimentos foram gerados através da técnica DOE (design of experiments) e simulados, gerando assim um cenário futuro ideal. As melhorias observadas no processo de laticínios foram: diminuição do lead time, do TAV e aumento da flexibilidade na produção dos diversos itens. A análise e aplicação da proposta de integração gerou um guia estruturado que auxiliará a prática integrada entre o MFV e a SED