1,406 research outputs found

    Resiliency in numerical algorithm design for extreme scale simulations

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    This work is based on the seminar titled ‘Resiliency in Numerical Algorithm Design for Extreme Scale Simulations’ held March 1–6, 2020, at Schloss Dagstuhl, that was attended by all the authors. Advanced supercomputing is characterized by very high computation speeds at the cost of involving an enormous amount of resources and costs. A typical large-scale computation running for 48 h on a system consuming 20 MW, as predicted for exascale systems, would consume a million kWh, corresponding to about 100k Euro in energy cost for executing 1023 floating-point operations. It is clearly unacceptable to lose the whole computation if any of the several million parallel processes fails during the execution. Moreover, if a single operation suffers from a bit-flip error, should the whole computation be declared invalid? What about the notion of reproducibility itself: should this core paradigm of science be revised and refined for results that are obtained by large-scale simulation? Naive versions of conventional resilience techniques will not scale to the exascale regime: with a main memory footprint of tens of Petabytes, synchronously writing checkpoint data all the way to background storage at frequent intervals will create intolerable overheads in runtime and energy consumption. Forecasts show that the mean time between failures could be lower than the time to recover from such a checkpoint, so that large calculations at scale might not make any progress if robust alternatives are not investigated. More advanced resilience techniques must be devised. The key may lie in exploiting both advanced system features as well as specific application knowledge. Research will face two essential questions: (1) what are the reliability requirements for a particular computation and (2) how do we best design the algorithms and software to meet these requirements? While the analysis of use cases can help understand the particular reliability requirements, the construction of remedies is currently wide open. One avenue would be to refine and improve on system- or application-level checkpointing and rollback strategies in the case an error is detected. Developers might use fault notification interfaces and flexible runtime systems to respond to node failures in an application-dependent fashion. Novel numerical algorithms or more stochastic computational approaches may be required to meet accuracy requirements in the face of undetectable soft errors. These ideas constituted an essential topic of the seminar. The goal of this Dagstuhl Seminar was to bring together a diverse group of scientists with expertise in exascale computing to discuss novel ways to make applications resilient against detected and undetected faults. In particular, participants explored the role that algorithms and applications play in the holistic approach needed to tackle this challenge. This article gathers a broad range of perspectives on the role of algorithms, applications and systems in achieving resilience for extreme scale simulations. The ultimate goal is to spark novel ideas and encourage the development of concrete solutions for achieving such resilience holistically.Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 36 autors/es: Emmanuel Agullo, Mirco Altenbernd, Hartwig Anzt, Leonardo Bautista-Gomez, Tommaso Benacchio, Luca Bonaventura, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Sanjay Chatterjee, Florina M. Ciorba, Nathan DeBardeleben, Daniel Drzisga, Sebastian Eibl, Christian Engelmann, Wilfried N. Gansterer, Luc Giraud, Dominik G ̈oddeke, Marco Heisig, Fabienne Jezequel, Nils Kohl, Xiaoye Sherry Li, Romain Lion, Miriam Mehl, Paul Mycek, Michael Obersteiner, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortiz, Francesco Rizzi, Ulrich Rude, Martin Schulz, Fred Fung, Robert Speck, Linda Stals, Keita Teranishi, Samuel Thibault, Dominik Thonnes, Andreas Wagner and Barbara Wohlmuth"Postprint (author's final draft

    Scalable and Reliable Sparse Data Computation on Emergent High Performance Computing Systems

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    Heterogeneous systems with both CPUs and GPUs have become important system architectures in emergent High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Heterogeneous systems must address both performance-scalability and power-scalability in the presence of failures. Aggressive power reduction pushes hardware to its operating limit and increases the failure rate. Resilience allows programs to progress when subjected to faults and is an integral component of large-scale systems, but incurs significant time and energy overhead. The future exascale systems are expected to have higher power consumption with higher fault rates. Sparse data computation is the fundamental kernel in many scientific applications. It is suitable for the studies of scalability and resilience on heterogeneous systems due to its computational characteristics. To deliver the promised performance within the given power budget, heterogeneous computing mandates a deep understanding of the interplay between scalability and resilience. Managing scalability and resilience is challenging in heterogeneous systems, due to the heterogeneous compute capability, power consumption, and varying failure rates between CPUs and GPUs. Scalability and resilience have been traditionally studied in isolation, and optimizing one typically detrimentally impacts the other. While prior works have been proved successful in optimizing scalability and resilience on CPU-based homogeneous systems, simply extending current approaches to heterogeneous systems results in suboptimal performance-scalability and/or power-scalability. To address the above multiple research challenges, we propose novel resilience and energy-efficiency technologies to optimize scalability and resilience for sparse data computation on heterogeneous systems with CPUs and GPUs. First, we present generalized analytical and experimental methods to analyze and quantify the time and energy costs of various recovery schemes, and develop and prototype performance optimization and power management strategies to improve scalability for sparse linear solvers. Our results quantitatively reveal that each resilience scheme has its own advantages depending on the fault rate, system size, and power budget, and the forward recovery can further benefit from our performance and power optimizations for large-scale computing. Second, we design a novel resilience technique that relaxes the requirement of synchronization and identicalness for processes, and allows them to run in heterogeneous resources with power reduction. Our results show a significant reduction in energy for unmodified programs in various fault situations compared to exact replication techniques. Third, we propose a novel distributed sparse tensor decomposition that utilizes an asynchronous RDMA-based approach with OpenSHMEM to improve scalability on large-scale systems and prove that our method works well in heterogeneous systems. Our results show our irregularity-aware workload partition and balanced-asynchronous algorithms are scalable and outperform the state-of-the-art distributed implementations. We demonstrate that understanding different bottlenecks for various types of tensors plays critical roles in improving scalability

    An extensive study on iterative solver resilience : characterization, detection and prediction

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    Soft errors caused by transient bit flips have the potential to significantly impactan applicalion's behavior. This has motivated the design of an array of techniques to detect, isolate, and correct soft errors using microarchitectural, architectural, compilation­based, or application-level techniques to minimize their impact on the executing application. The first step toward the design of good error detection/correction techniques involves an understanding of an application's vulnerability to soft errors. This work focuses on silent data e orruption's effects on iterative solvers and efforts to mitigate those effects. In this thesis, we first present the first comprehensive characterizalion of !he impact of soft errors on !he convergen ce characteris tics of six iterative methods using application-level fault injection. We analyze the impact of soft errors In terms of the type of error (single-vs multi-bit), the distribution and location of bits affected, the data structure and statement impacted, and varialion with time. We create a public access database with more than 1.5 million fault injection results. We then analyze the performance of soft error detection mechanisms and present the comparalive results. Molivated by our observations, we evaluate a machine-learning based detector that takes as features that are the runtime features observed by the individual detectors to arrive al their conclusions. Our evalualion demonstrates improved results over individual detectors. We then propase amachine learning based method to predict a program's error behavior to make fault injection studies more efficient. We demonstrate this method on asse ssing the performance of soft error detectors. We show that our method maintains 84% accuracy on average with up to 53% less cost. We also show, once a model is trained further fault injection tests would cost 10% of the expected full fault injection runs.“Soft errors” causados por cambios de estado transitorios en bits, tienen el potencial de impactar significativamente el comportamiento de una aplicación. Esto, ha motivado el diseño de una variedad de técnicas para detectar, aislar y corregir soft errors aplicadas a micro-arquitecturas, arquitecturas, tiempo de compilación y a nivel de aplicación para minimizar su impacto en la ejecución de una aplicación. El primer paso para diseñar una buna técnica de detección/corrección de errores, implica el conocimiento de las vulnerabilidades de la aplicación ante posibles soft errors. Este trabajo se centra en los efectos de la corrupción silenciosa de datos en soluciones iterativas, así como en los esfuerzos para mitigar esos efectos. En esta tesis, primeramente, presentamos la primera caracterización extensiva del impacto de soft errors sobre las características convergentes de seis métodos iterativos usando inyección de fallos a nivel de aplicación. Analizamos el impacto de los soft errors en términos del tipo de error (único vs múltiples-bits), de la distribución y posición de los bits afectados, las estructuras de datos, instrucciones afectadas y de las variaciones en el tiempo. Creamos una base de datos pública con más de 1.5 millones de resultados de inyección de fallos. Después, analizamos el desempeño de mecanismos de detección de soft errors actuales y presentamos los resultados de su comparación. Motivados por las observaciones de los resultados presentados, evaluamos un detector de soft errors basado en técnicas de machine learning que toma como entrada las características observadas en el tiempo de ejecución individual de los detectores anteriores al llegar a su conclusión. La evaluación de los resultados obtenidos muestra una mejora por sobre los detectores individualmente. Basados en estos resultados propusimos un método basado en machine learning para predecir el comportamiento de los errores en un programa con el fin de hacer el estudio de inyección de errores mas eficiente. Presentamos este método para evaluar el rendimiento de los detectores de soft errors. Demostramos que nuestro método mantiene una precisión del 84% en promedio con hasta un 53% de mejora en el tiempo de ejecución. También mostramos que una vez que un modelo ha sido entrenado, las pruebas de inyección de errores siguientes costarían 10% del tiempo esperado de ejecución.Postprint (published version

    Towards Ad Hoc Recovery for Soft Errors

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    The coming exascale era is a great opportunity for high performance computing (HPC) applications. However, high failure rates on these systems will hazard the successful completion of their execution. Bit-flip errors in dynamic random access memory (DRAM) account for a noticeable share of the failures in supercomputers. Hardware mechanisms, such as error correcting code (ECC), can detect and correct single-bit errors and can detect some multi-bit errors while others can go undiscovered. Unfortunately, detected multi-bit errors will most of the time force the termination of the application and lead to a global restart. Thus, other strategies at the software level are needed to tolerate these type of faults more efficiently and to avoid a global restart. In this work, we extend the FTI checkpointing library to facilitate the implementation of custom recovery strategies for MPI applications, minimizing the overhead introduced when coping with soft errors. The new functionalities are evaluated by implementing local forward recovery on three HPC benchmarks with different reliability requirements. Our results demonstrate a reduction on the recovery times by up to 14%.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 708566 (DURO). This research is also supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and FEDER funds of the EU (Projects TIN2016-75845-P and the predoctoral grant of Nuria Losada ref. BES-2014-068066), and by the Galician Government (Xunta de Galicia) under the Consolidation Program of Competitive Research (ref. ED431C 2017/04).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fault tolerance of MPI applications in exascale systems: The ULFM solution

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    [Abstract] The growth in the number of computational resources used by high-performance computing (HPC) systems leads to an increase in failure rates. Fault-tolerant techniques will become essential for long-running applications executing in future exascale systems, not only to ensure the completion of their execution in these systems but also to improve their energy consumption. Although the Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the most popular programming model for distributed-memory HPC systems, as of now, it does not provide any fault-tolerant construct for users to handle failures. Thus, the recovery procedure is postponed until the application is aborted and re-spawned. The proposal of the User Level Failure Mitigation (ULFM) interface in the MPI forum provides new opportunities in this field, enabling the implementation of resilient MPI applications, system runtimes, and programming language constructs able to detect and react to failures without aborting their execution. This paper presents a global overview of the resilience interfaces provided by the ULFM specification, covers archetypal usage patterns and building blocks, and surveys the wide variety of application-driven solutions that have exploited them in recent years. The large and varied number of approaches in the literature proves that ULFM provides the necessary flexibility to implement efficient fault-tolerant MPI applications. All the proposed solutions are based on application-driven recovery mechanisms, which allows reducing the overhead and obtaining the required level of efficiency needed in the future exascale platforms.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER; TIN2016-75845-PXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/04National Science Foundation of the United States; NSF-SI2 #1664142Exascale Computing Project; 17-SC-20-SCHoneywell International, Inc.; DE-NA000352

    Resilience for Asynchronous Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems

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    Large scale simulations are used in a variety of application areas in science and engineering to help forward the progress of innovation. Many spend the vast majority of their computational time attempting to solve large systems of linear equations; typically arising from discretizations of partial differential equations that are used to mathematically model various phenomena. The algorithms used to solve these problems are typically iterative in nature, and making efficient use of computational time on High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters involves constantly improving these iterative algorithms. Future HPC platforms are expected to encounter three main problem areas: scalability of code, reliability of hardware, and energy efficiency of the platform. The HPC resources that are expected to run the large programs are planned to consist of billions of processing units that come from more traditional multicore processors as well as a variety of different hardware accelerators. This growth in parallelism leads to the presence of all three problems. Previously, work on algorithm development has focused primarily on creating fault tolerance mechanisms for traditional iterative solvers. Recent work has begun to revisit using asynchronous methods for solving large scale applications, and this dissertation presents research into fault tolerance for fine-grained methods that are asynchronous in nature. Classical convergence results for asynchronous methods are revisited and modified to account for the possible occurrence of a fault, and a variety of techniques for recovery from the effects of a fault are proposed. Examples of how these techniques can be used are shown for various algorithms, including an analysis of a fine-grained algorithm for computing incomplete factorizations. Lastly, numerous modeling and simulation tools for the further construction of iterative algorithms for HPC applications are developed, including numerical models for simulating faults and a simulation framework that can be used to extrapolate the performance of algorithms towards future HPC systems

    Reliability for exascale computing : system modelling and error mitigation for task-parallel HPC applications

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    As high performance computing (HPC) systems continue to grow, their fault rate increases. Applications running on these systems have to deal with rates on the order of hours or days. Furthermore, some studies for future Exascale systems predict the rates to be on the order of minutes. As a result, efficient fault tolerance solutions are needed to be able to tolerate frequent failures. A fault tolerance solution for future HPC and Exascale systems must be low-cost, efficient and highly scalable. It should have low overhead in fault-free execution and provide fast restart because long-running applications are expected to experience many faults during the execution. Meanwhile task-based dataflow parallel programming models (PM) are becoming a popular paradigm in HPC applications at large scale. For instance, we see the adaptation of task-based dataflow parallelism in OpenMP 4.0, OmpSs PM, Argobots and Intel Threading Building Blocks. In this thesis we propose fault-tolerance solutions for task-parallel dataflow HPC applications. Specifically, first we design and implement a checkpoint/restart and message-logging framework to recover from errors. We then develop performance models to investigate the benefits of our task-level frameworks when integrated with system-wide checkpointing. Moreover, we design and implement selective task replication mechanisms to detect and recover from silent data corruptions in task-parallel dataflow HPC applications. Finally, we introduce a runtime-based coding scheme to detect and recover from memory errors in these applications. Considering the span of all of our schemes, we see that they provide a fairly high failure coverage where both computation and memory is protected against errors.A medida que los Sistemas de Cómputo de Alto rendimiento (HPC por sus siglas en inglés) siguen creciendo, también las tasas de fallos aumentan. Las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en estos sistemas tienen una tasa de fallos que pueden estar en el orden de horas o días. Además, algunos estudios predicen que los fallos estarán en el orden de minutos en los Sistemas Exascale. Por lo tanto, son necesarias soluciones eficientes para la tolerancia a fallos que puedan tolerar fallos frecuentes. Las soluciones para tolerancia a fallos en los Sistemas futuros de HPC y Exascale tienen que ser de bajo costo, eficientes y altamente escalable. El sobrecosto en la ejecución sin fallos debe ser bajo y también se debe proporcionar reinicio rápido, ya que se espera que las aplicaciones de larga duración experimenten muchos fallos durante la ejecución. Por otra parte, los modelos de programación paralelas basados en tareas ordenadas de acuerdo a sus dependencias de datos, se están convirtiendo en un paradigma popular en aplicaciones HPC a gran escala. Por ejemplo, los siguientes modelos de programación paralela incluyen este tipo de modelo de programación OpenMP 4.0, OmpSs, Argobots e Intel Threading Building Blocks. En esta tesis proponemos soluciones de tolerancia a fallos para aplicaciones de HPC programadas en un modelo de programación paralelo basado tareas. Específicamente, en primer lugar, diseñamos e implementamos mecanismos “checkpoint/restart” y “message-logging” para recuperarse de los errores. Para investigar los beneficios de nuestras herramientas a nivel de tarea cuando se integra con los “system-wide checkpointing” se han desarrollado modelos de rendimiento. Por otra parte, diseñamos e implementamos mecanismos de replicación selectiva de tareas que permiten detectar y recuperarse de daños de datos silenciosos en aplicaciones programadas siguiendo el modelo de programación paralela basadas en tareas. Por último, se introduce un esquema de codificación que funciona en tiempo de ejecución para detectar y recuperarse de los errores de la memoria en estas aplicaciones. Todos los esquemas propuestos, en conjunto, proporcionan una cobertura bastante alta a los fallos tanto si estos se producen el cálculo o en la memoria.Postprint (published version

    From detection to optimization: impact of soft errors on high-performance computing applications

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    As high-performance computing (HPC) continues to progress, constraints on HPC system design forces the handling of errors to higher levels in the software stack. Of the types of errors facing HPC, soft errors that silently corrupt system or application state are among the most severe. The behavior of HPC applications in the presence of soft errors is critical to gain insight for effective utilization of HPC systems. The need to understand this behavior can be used in developing algorithm-based error detection guided by application characteristics from fault injection and error propagation studies. Furthermore, the realization that applications are tolerant to small errors allows optimizations such as lossy compression on high-cost data transfers. Lossy compression adds small user controllable amounts of error when compressing data, to reduce data size before expensive data transfers saving time. This dissertation investigates and improves the resiliency of HPC applications to soft errors, and explores lossy compression as a new form of optimization for expensive, time-consuming data transfers