10 research outputs found

    Landmark Based Navigation in Next Generation Vehicles

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    Most existing Global Positioning System (GPS)-based vehicle navigation systems (also termed route guidance systems) utilize distance within their turn-by-turn navigation directions. For example, a system might give a voice instruction such as \turn left in 0.2 mile". However, human drivers usually use landmarks to help their navigation. Some previous research has shown that there are performance-related benefits in using landmarks instead of distance for navigation. The goal of this thesis work is to develop a landmark-based navigation system in next generation cars using computer vision techniques. We also provide an interactive platform based on hand gestures to intuitively interact with the landmark-based navigation system

    Advanced Map Matching Technologies and Techniques for Pedestrian/Wheelchair Navigation

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    Due to the constantly increasing technical advantages of mobile devices (such as smartphones), pedestrian/wheelchair navigation recently has achieved a high level of interest as one of smartphones’ potential mobile applications. While vehicle navigation systems have already reached a certain level of maturity, pedestrian/wheelchair navigation services are still in their infancy. By comparing vehicle navigation systems, a set of map matching requirements and challenges unique in pedestrian/wheelchair navigation is identified. To provide navigation assistance to pedestrians and wheelchair users, there is a need for the design and development of new map matching techniques. The main goal of this research is to investigate and develop advanced map matching technologies and techniques particular for pedestrian/wheelchair navigation services. As the first step in map matching, an adaptive candidate segment selection algorithm is developed to efficiently find candidate segments. Furthermore, to narrow down the search for the correct segment, advanced mathematical models are applied. GPS-based chain-code map matching, Hidden Markov Model (HMM) map matching, and fuzzy-logic map matching algorithms are developed to estimate real-time location of users in pedestrian/wheelchair navigation systems/services. Nevertheless, GPS signal is not always available in areas with high-rise buildings and even when there is a signal, the accuracy may not be high enough for localization of pedestrians and wheelchair users on sidewalks. To overcome these shortcomings of GPS, multi-sensor integrated map matching algorithms are investigated and developed in this research. These algorithms include a movement pattern recognition algorithm, using accelerometer and compass data, and a vision-based positioning algorithm to fill in signal gaps in GPS positioning. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the developed algorithms using real field test data (GPS coordinates and other sensors data). The experimental results show that the developed algorithms and the integrated sensors, i.e., a monocular visual odometry, a GPS, an accelerometer, and a compass, can provide high-quality and uninterrupted localization services in pedestrian/wheelchair navigation systems/services. The map matching techniques developed in this work can be applied to various pedestrian/wheelchair navigation applications, such as tracking senior citizens and children, or tourist service systems, and can be further utilized in building walking robots and automatic wheelchair navigation systems

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    Geometry-driven feature detection

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    Matching images taken from different viewpoints is a fundamental step for many computer vision applications including 3D reconstruction, scene recognition, virtual reality, robot localization, etc. The typical approaches detect feature keypoints based on local properties to achieve robustness to viewpoint changes, and establish correspondences between keypoints to recover the 3D geometry or determine the similarity between images. The complexity of perspective distortion challenges the detection of viewpoint invariant features; the lack of 3D geometric information about local features makes their matching inefficient. In this thesis, I explore feature detection based on 3D geometric information for improved projective invariance. The main novel research contributions of this thesis are as follows. First, I give a projective invariant feature detection method that exploits 3D structures recovered from simple stereo matching. By leveraging the rich geometric information of the detected features, I present an efficient 3D matching algorithm to handle large viewpoint changes. Second, I propose a compact high-level feature detector that robustly extracts repetitive structures in urban scenes, which allows efficient wide-baseline matching. I further introduce a novel single-view reconstruction approach to recover the 3D dense geometry of the repetition-based features

    Analysis and development of self localization and autonomous driving systems for the industrial and automotive environment.

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    The goal of the present thesis is dual. First the self localization problem is investigated in the industrial environment and a working prototype, consisting in an AGV able to perform self localization and autonomous driving under certain conditions, has been developed. Then the self localization problem is considered as a part of wider and currently very active research problem: the Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), considered in the automotive environment.L'obiettivo della presente Tesi è duplice. Inizialmente il problema della self localization viene analizzato nel contesto industriale e un prototipo funzionante è stato realizzato, consistente in un AGV in grado di auto localizzarsi in certe condizioni. In seguito il problema della self localization è stato considerato come parte di un problema più ampio e ad oggi particolarmente: il Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), nel contesto automobilistico

    Advancements in multi-view processing for reconstruction, registration and visualization.

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    The ever-increasing diffusion of digital cameras and the advancements in computer vision, image processing and storage capabilities have lead, in the latest years, to the wide diffusion of digital image collections. A set of digital images is usually referred as a multi-view images set when the pictures cover different views of the same physical object or location. In multi-view datasets, correlations between images are exploited in many different ways to increase our capability to gather enhanced understanding and information on a scene. For example, a collection can be enhanced leveraging on the camera position and orientation, or with information about the 3D structure of the scene. The range of applications of multi-view data is really wide, encompassing diverse fields such as image-based reconstruction, image-based localization, navigation of virtual environments, collective photographic retouching, computational photography, object recognition, etc. For all these reasons, the development of new algorithms to effectively create, process, and visualize this type of data is an active research trend. The thesis will present four different advancements related to different aspects of the multi-view data processing: - Image-based 3D reconstruction: we present a pre-processing algorithm, that is a special color-to-gray conversion. This was developed with the aim to improve the accuracy of image-based reconstruction algorithms. In particular, we show how different dense stereo matching results can be enhanced by application of a domain separation approach that pre-computes a single optimized numerical value for each image location. - Image-based appearance reconstruction: we present a multi-view processing algorithm, this can enhance the quality of the color transfer from multi-view images to a geo-referenced 3D model of a location of interest. The proposed approach computes virtual shadows and allows to automatically segment shadowed regions from the input images preventing to use those pixels in subsequent texture synthesis. - 2D to 3D registration: we present an unsupervised localization and registration system. This system can recognize a site that has been framed in a multi-view data and calibrate it on a pre-existing 3D representation. The system has a very high accuracy and it can validate the result in a completely unsupervised manner. The system accuracy is enough to seamlessly view input images correctly super-imposed on the 3D location of interest. - Visualization: we present PhotoCloud, a real-time client-server system for interactive exploration of high resolution 3D models and up to several thousand photographs aligned over this 3D data. PhotoCloud supports any 3D models that can be rendered in a depth-coherent way and arbitrary multi-view image collections. Moreover, it tolerates 2D-to-2D and 2D-to-3D misalignments, and it provides scalable visualization of generic integrated 2D and 3D datasets by exploiting data duality. A set of effective 3D navigation controls, tightly integrated with innovative thumbnail bars, enhances the user navigation. These advancements have been developed in tourism and cultural heritage application contexts, but they are not limited to these

    Recherche d'images par le contenu, analyse multirésolution et modèles de régression logistique

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    Cette thèse, présente l'ensemble de nos contributions relatives à la recherche d'images par le contenu à l'aide de l'analyse multirésolution ainsi qu'à la classification linéaire et nonlinéaire. Dans la première partie, nous proposons une méthode simple et rapide de recherche d'images par le contenu. Pour représenter les images couleurs, nous introduisons de nouveaux descripteurs de caractéristiques qui sont des histogrammes pondérés par le gradient multispectral. Afin de mesurer le degré de similarité entre deux images d'une façon rapide et efficace, nous utilisons une pseudo-métrique pondérée qui utilise la décomposition en ondelettes et la compression des histogrammes extraits des images. Les poids de la pseudo-métrique sont ajustés à l'aide du modèle classique de régression logistique afin d'améliorer sa capacité à discriminer et la précision de la recherche. Dans la deuxième partie, nous proposons un nouveau modèle bayésien de régression logistique fondé sur une méthode variationnelle. Une comparaison de ce nouveau modèle au modèle classique de régression logistique est effectuée dans le cadre de la recherche d'images. Nous illustrons par la suite que le modèle bayésien permet par rapport au modèle classique une amélioration notoire de la capacité à discriminer de la pseudo-métrique et de la précision de recherche. Dans la troisième partie, nous détaillons la dérivation du nouveau modèle bayésien de régression logistique fondé sur une méthode variationnelle et nous comparons ce modèle au modèle classique de régression logistique ainsi qu'à d'autres classificateurs linéaires présents dans la littérature. Nous comparons par la suite, notre méthode de recherche, utilisant le modèle bayésien de régression logistique, à d'autres méthodes de recherches déjà publiées. Dans la quatrième partie, nous introduisons la sélection des caractéristiques pour améliorer notre méthode de recherche utilisant le modèle introduit ci-dessus. En effet, la sélection des caractéristiques permet de donner automatiquement plus d'importance aux caractéristiques qui discriminent le plus et moins d'importance aux caractéristiques qui discriminent le moins. Finalement, dans la cinquième partie, nous proposons un nouveau modèle bayésien d'analyse discriminante logistique construit à l'aide de noyaux permettant ainsi une classification nonlinéaire flexible

    Annual Report

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    Report of the Secretary of War, being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the third session of the Forty-second Congress, 1872

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    Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Grant. 2 Dec. HED 1, 42-3, v1-4. 7713p. [1552-1562] Indian policy; Indian Territory; annual report of the Sec. of War (Serials 1558-1559);annual report of the Sec. of Interior (Serials 1560-1561); annual report of the Gen. Land Office (Serial 1560); annual report of the CIA (Serial 1560), including the government\u27s Indian policy, suppressing hostile Indians, Indians and the railroads, legislation and reports of Supts., agents. schools, and farms; etc

    Report of the Secretary of the Interior; being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the Forty-second Congress : Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1871

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    Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Grant. 4 Dec. HED 1, 42-2, v1-4, 4857p. [1502-1507]On the new Indian policy of turning over control of reservations to Christian sects; on formation of one Indian Territory or State: annual report of the Sec. of War (Serials 1503-1504); annual report of the Sec. of Interior (Serials 1505-1506); annual report of the Gen. Land Office (Serial 1505); annual report of the CIA (Serial 1505), including a report on the new Indian policy, hostilities of the Indians of the Southwest, report of the Board of Indian Com\u27rs, mission to the Kickapoos in Mexico, conditions at the Sioux agencies, and reports of Supts. , agents, schools, and farms; etc