10 research outputs found

    Assessment the Gully Erosion Risk in Quyjoq watershed

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    Prediction of occurrence of gully erosion through the use of models and output them to the hazard mapping of gully erosion, most appropriate strategy for land management planning in watersheds prevent the occurrence of erosion. in this research, the zoning of gully erosion in the Quyjoq watershed Golestan province of Multilayer Perception neural network structure and the use of variables the selected suitable factors are: slope, aspect, elevation, land unit, land use, distance to river, lithology, distance to road.  SPSS modeler software and MLP method were used to perform the neural network. The method of using layers in MLP method was 1-8-9. It includes 9 input layers, 8 hidden layers and 1 output or target layer. Results of the study show that 20, 30, 24, 16 and 10 percent of the region form the areas with very high, high, medium, low and very low risk of erosion. This finding is primarily related to streams, roads and geology. The produced gully erosion susceptibility maps can be helpful to make decisions for soil and water planning and management and finally sustainable development in the Quyjoq watershed

    Assessing Water Erosion Processes in Degraded Area Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery

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    The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques can contribute to increase the accessibility, accuracy, and resolution of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) used for soil erosion monitoring. This study aimed to evaluate the use of four DEMs obtained over a year to monitor erosion processes in an erosion-degraded area, with occurrence of rill and gully erosions, and its correlation with accumulated rainfall during the studied period. The DEMs of Geomorphic Change Detection (GCD) of horizontal and vertical resolutions of 0.10 and 0.06 m were obtained. It was possible to detect events of erosion and deposition volumes of the order of 2 m3, with a volumetric error of ~50 %, in rills and gullies in the initial stage denominated R and GS-I, respectively. Events of the order of 100 m3, with a volumetric error around 14 % were found for advanced gullies, a segment denominated GS-II. In the three studied erosion situations, the deposition volume increased with the accumulated rainfall. The segments R and GS-I presented an inverse relationship between erosion volume and accumulated rainfall during the studied period. This behaviour can be explained by the dynamics of the deposition and erosion volumes during the erosion process. In the GS-II segment, erosion and deposition volumes were proportional and a direct relation with the cumulative rainfall over the studied period and a low percentage of volumetric error were found


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    The gullies provoke environmental, social and financial damages. The application of corrective and preventive measures needs gullies mapping and monitoring. In this scope, this study proposes a methodology for gullies delimitation using object-oriented image analysis. For such, there were used high spatial resolution imagery and ALS data applied for two study areas, one in Uberlandia-Minas Gerais (Brazil) and another one in Queensland (Australia). The objects were generated by multiresolution segmentation. The most important attributes on the delimitation of the gullies were selected using decision tree induction algorithms, being them: spectral, altimetric and texture. Classifications by decision trees and hierarchical were carried out. The use of decision tree allowed the selection of attributes and the establishment of preliminary decision rules. However, since this procedure did not use fuzzy logic, mixtures between classes could not be evidenced in the rule base. Moreover, the classification was performed by a factor of scale only, which did not allow the identification of all the constituent features of the gully. In hierarchical classification, the procedure is performed on different scales, allowing the use of fuzzy logic to describe different degrees of membership in each class, which makes it a very attractive method for cases such as this study, where there is mixing of classes. The classification obtained with hierarchical classification it was more reliable with the field truth, by allowing the use of different scales, uncertainty insert and integration of knowledge, compared to the automatic classification by decision tree

    Studying the influence of livestock pressure on gully erosion in rangelands of SW Spain by means of the UAV+SfM workflow

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    Gully erosion in agrosilvopastoral systems of SW Spain represents a common degradation process, but has been hardly analysed. The suitability of using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Structure from Motion photogrammetry (SfM) workflow to map small valley-bottom gullies in these landscapes was tested. The results showed centimetre-level accuracy. Observed strengths and limitations of the UAV+SfM workflow in the study areas are discussed. The resulting cartography allowed mapping soil erosion forms at outstanding spatial scales. All study areas showed evidences of degradation

    Gully Erosion Mapping and Monitoring at Multiple Scales Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data of the Sancha River Catchment, Northeast China

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    This research is focused on gully erosion mapping and monitoring at multiple spatial scales using multi-source remote sensing data of the Sancha River catchment in Northeast China, where gullies extend over a vast area. A high resolution satellite image (Pleiades 1A, 0.7 m) was used to obtain the spatial distribution of the gullies of the overall basin. Image visual interpretation with field verification was employed to map the geometric gully features and evaluate gully erosion as well as the topographic differentiation characteristics. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) remote sensing data and the 3D photo-reconstruction method were employed for detailed gully mapping at a site scale. The results showed that: (1) the sub-meter image showed a strong ability in the recognition of various gully types and obtained satisfactory results, and the topographic factors of elevation, slope and slope aspects exerted significant influence on the gully spatial distribution at the catchment scale; and (2) at a more detailed site scale, UAV imagery combined with 3D photo-reconstruction provided a Digital Surface Model (DSM) and ortho-image at the centimeter level as well as a detailed 3D model. The resulting products revealed the area of agricultural utilization and its shaping by human agricultural activities and water erosion in detail, and also provided the gully volume. The present study indicates that using multi-source remote sensing data, including satellite and UAV imagery simultaneously, results in an effective assessment of gully erosion over multiple spatial scales. The combined approach should be continued to regularly monitor gully erosion to understand the erosion process and its relationship with the environment from a comprehensive perspective

    Handbook of plant and soil analysis for agricultural systems

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    [SPA] Este libro recopila diferentes protocolos para el análisis de plantas y suelos para sistemas agrícolas. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un conjunto completo de indicadores para evaluar la productividad de los cultivos, la calidad de los cultivos, la calidad del suelo y la fertilidad del suelo con procedimientos y métodos viables y sólidos. La evaluación de la sostenibilidad de los agroecosistemas requiere la selección de indicadores adecuados y su medida. El presente manual ha compilado diferentes indicadores para evaluar el crecimiento de los cultivos, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades, el rendimiento de la granja, la calidad de los cultivos y las características nutricionales, los análisis físicos del suelo, los análisis químicos del suelo y los análisis biológicos del suelo. El libro está organizado en tres partes: i) análisis de plantas y cultivos, ii) análisis físico-químicos del suelo y iii) análisis biológicos del suelo. En total, proporcionamos 90 procedimientos para el análisis de plantas y suelos, incluida la importancia y las aplicaciones, el principio del método descrito, los reactivos necesarios, los materiales y equipos, la descripción detallada del procedimiento, los cálculos necesarios y algunas observaciones específicas.[ENG] This books compiles different protocols for analysis of plant and soil for agricultural systems. We aim to provide a complete set of indicators to assess crop productivity, crop quality, soil quality and soil fertility with feasible and robust procedures and methods. The assessment of the sustainability of agroecosystems needs the selection of suitable indicators and their measure. The present handbook has compiled different indicators to assess crop growth, incidence of pests and diseases, farm yield, crop quality and nutritional characteristics, soil physical analyses, soil chemical analyses and soil biological analyses. The book is organized in three parts: i) plant and crop analyses, ii) soil physicochemical analyses and iii) soil biological analyses. In total we provide 90 procedures for plant and soil analysis, including the importance and applications, the principle of the method described, the reagents needed, the materials and equipment, the detailed description of the procedure, the calculations required and some specific remarks.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 72800