33 research outputs found

    Graph Logics with Rational Relations

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    Abstract. We investigate some basic questions about the interaction of regular and rational relations on words. The primary motivation comes from the study of logics for querying graph topology, which have recently found numerous applications. Such logics use conditions on paths expressed by regular languages and relations, but they often need to be extended by rational relations such as subword or subsequence. Evaluating formulae in such extended graph logics boils down to checking nonemptiness of the intersection of rational relations with regular or recognizable relations (or, more generally, to the generalized intersection problem, asking whether some projections of a regular relation have a nonempty intersection with a given rational relation). We prove that for several basic and commonly used rational relations, the intersection problem with regular relations is either undecidable (e.g., for subword or suffix, and some generalizations), or decidable with non-primitive-recursive complexity (e.g., for subsequence and its generalizations). These results are used to rule out many classes of graph logics that freely combine regular and rational relations, as well as to provide the simplest problem related to verifying lossy channel systems that has non-primitive-recursive complexity. We then prove a dichotomy result for logics combining regular conditions on individual paths and rational relations on paths, by showing that the syntactic form of formulae classifies them into either efficiently checkable or undecidable cases. We also give examples of rational relations for which such logics are decidable even without syntactic restrictions

    Graph Logics with Rational Relations and the Generalized Intersection Problem

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    Abstract—We investigate some basic questions about the interaction of regular and rational relations on words. The primary motivation comes from the study of logics for querying graph topology, which have recently found numerous applications. Such logics use conditions on paths expressed by regular languages and relations, but they often need to be extended by rational relations such as subword (factor) or subsequence. Evaluating formulae in such extended graph logics boils down to checking nonemptiness of the intersection of rational relations with regular or recognizable relations (or, more generally, to the generalized intersection problem, asking whether some projections of a regular relation have a nonempty intersection with a given rational relation). We prove that for several basic and commonly used rational relations, the intersection problem with regular relations is either undecidable (e.g., for subword or suffix, and some generalizations), or decidable with non-multiply-recursive complexity (e.g., for subsequence and its generalizations). These results are used to rule out many classes of graph logics that freely combine regular and rational relations, as well as to provide the simplest problem related to verifying lossy channel systems that has non-multiplyrecursive complexity. We then prove a dichotomy result for logics combining regular conditions on individual paths and rational relations on paths, by showing that the syntactic form of formulae classifies them into either efficiently checkable or undecidable cases. We also give examples of rational relations for which such logics are decidable even without syntactic restrictions. I

    Solving Stochastic B\"uchi Games on Infinite Arenas with a Finite Attractor

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    We consider games played on an infinite probabilistic arena where the first player aims at satisfying generalized B\"uchi objectives almost surely, i.e., with probability one. We provide a fixpoint characterization of the winning sets and associated winning strategies in the case where the arena satisfies the finite-attractor property. From this we directly deduce the decidability of these games on probabilistic lossy channel systems.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2013, arXiv:1306.241

    On the Structure and Complexity of Rational Sets of Regular Languages

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    In a recent thread of papers, we have introduced FQL, a precise specification language for test coverage, and developed the test case generation engine FShell for ANSI C. In essence, an FQL test specification amounts to a set of regular languages, each of which has to be matched by at least one test execution. To describe such sets of regular languages, the FQL semantics uses an automata-theoretic concept known as rational sets of regular languages (RSRLs). RSRLs are automata whose alphabet consists of regular expressions. Thus, the language accepted by the automaton is a set of regular expressions. In this paper, we study RSRLs from a theoretic point of view. More specifically, we analyze RSRL closure properties under common set theoretic operations, and the complexity of membership checking, i.e., whether a regular language is an element of a RSRL. For all questions we investigate both the general case and the case of finite sets of regular languages. Although a few properties are left as open problems, the paper provides a systematic semantic foundation for the test specification language FQL

    Automata Techniques for Epistemic Protocol Synthesis

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    International audienceIn this work we aim at applying automata techniques to problems studied in Dynamic Epistemic Logic, such as epistemic planning. To do so, we first remark that repeatedly executing ad infinitum a propositional event model from an initial epistemic model yields a relational structure that can be finitely represented with automata. This correspondence, together with recent results on uniform strategies, allows us to give an alternative decidability proof of the epistemic planning problem for propositional events, with as by-products accurate upper-bounds on its time complexity, and the possibility to synthesize a finite word automaton that describes the set of all solution plans. In fact, using automata techniques enables us to solve a much more general problem, that we introduce and call epistemic protocol synthesis

    Closure properties of synchronized relations

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    International audienceA standard approach to define k-ary word relations over a finite alphabet A is through k-tape finite state automata that recognize regular languages L over {1,. .. , k} × A, where (i, a) is interpreted as reading letter a from tape i. Accordingly, a word w ∈ L denotes the tuple (u1,...,uk) ∈ (A*)^k in which ui is the projection of w onto i-labelled letters. While this formalism defines the well-studied class of rational relations, enforcing restrictions on the reading regime from the tapes, which we call synchronization, yields various sub-classes of relations. Such synchronization restrictions are imposed through regular properties on the projection of the language L onto {1,..., k}. In this way, for each regular language C ⊆ {1,..., k}*, one obtains a class Rel(C) of relations. Synchronous, Recognizable, and Length-preserving rational relations are all examples of classes that can be defined in this way. We study basic properties of these classes of relations, in terms of closure under intersection, complement, concatenation, Kleene star and projection. We characterize the classes with each closure property. For the binary case (k = 2) this yields effective procedures

    On Boolean closed full trios and rational Kripke frames

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    A Boolean closed full trio is a class of languages that is closed under the Boolean operations (union, intersection, and complementation) and rational transductions. It is well-known that the regular languages constitute such a Boolean closed full trio. It is shown here that every such language class that contains any non-regular language already includes the whole arithmetical hierarchy (and even the one relative to this language). A consequence of this result is that aside from the regular languages, no full trio generated by one language is closed under complementation. Our construction also shows that there is a fixed rational Kripke frame such that assigning an arbitrary non-regular language to some variable allows the definition of any language from the arithmetical hierarchy in the corresponding Kripke structure using multimodal logic

    Complexity Hierarchies Beyond Elementary

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    We introduce a hierarchy of fast-growing complexity classes and show its suitability for completeness statements of many non elementary problems. This hierarchy allows the classification of many decision problems with a non-elementary complexity, which occur naturally in logic, combinatorics, formal languages, verification, etc., with complexities ranging from simple towers of exponentials to Ackermannian and beyond.Comment: Version 3 is the published version in TOCT 8(1:3), 2016. I will keep updating the catalogue of problems from Section 6 in future revision