456 research outputs found

    Computer Aided Multi-Data Fusion Dismount Modeling

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    Recent research efforts strive to address the growing need for dismount surveillance, dismount tracking and characterization. Current work in this area utilizes hyperspectral and multispectral imaging systems to exploit spectral properties in order to detect areas of exposed skin and clothing characteristics. Because of the large bandwidth and high resolution, hyperspectral imaging systems pose great ability to characterize and detect dismounts. A multi-data dismount modeling system where the development and manipulation of dismount models is a necessity. This thesis demonstrates a computer aided multi-data fused dismount model, which facilitates studies of dismount detection, characterization and identification. The system is created by fusing: pixel mapping, signature attachment, and pixel mixing algorithms. The developed multi-data dismount model produces simulated hyperspectral images that closely represent an image collected by a hyperspectral imager. The dismount model can be modified to fit the researcher\u27s needs. The multi-data model structure allows the employment of a database of signatures acquired from several sources. The model is flexible enough to allow further exploitation, enhancement and manipulation. The multi-data dismount model developed in this effort fulfills the need for a dismount modeling tool in a hyperspectral imaging environment

    Engineering 3D architected metamaterials for enhanced mechanical properties and functionalities.

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    Compared with conventional materials, architected metamaterials have shown unprecedented mechanical properties and functionalities applications. Featured with controlled introduction of porosity and different composition, architected metamaterials have demonstrated unprecedent properties not found in natural materials. Such design strategies enable researchers to tailor materials and structures with multifunctionalies and satisfy conflicting design requirements, such as high stiffness and toughness; high strength with vibration mitigation properties, etc. Furthermore, with the booming advancement of 3D printing technologies, architected materials with precisely defined complex topologies can be fabricated effortlessly, which in turn promotes the research significantly. The research objectives of this dissertation are to achieve the enhanced mechanical properties and multifunctionalities of architected metamaterials by integrative design, computational modeling, 3D printing, and mechanical testing. Phononic crystal materials are capable of prohibiting the propagation of mechanical waves in certain frequency ranges. This certain frequency ranges are represented by phononic band gaps. Formally, band gaps are formed through two main mechanisms, Bragg scattering and local resonance. Band gaps induced by Bragg scattering are dependent on periodicity and the symmetry of the lattice. However, phononic crystals with Bragg-type band gaps are limited in their application because they do not attenuate vibration at lower frequencies without requiring large geometries. It is not practical to build huge models to achieve low frequency vibration mitigation. Alternatively, band gaps formed by local resonance are due to the excitation of resonant frequencies, and these band gaps are independent of periodicity. Therefore, lower frequency band gaps have been explored mostly through the production of phononic metamaterials that exploit locally resonant masses to absorb vibrational energy. However, despite research advances, the application of phononic metamaterials is sill largely hindered by their limited operation frequency ranges. Designing lightweight phononic metamaterials with low-frequency vibration mitigation capability is still a challenging topic. On the other hand, conventional phononic crystals usually exhibit very poor mechanical properties, such as low stiffness, strength, and energy absorption. This could largely limit their practical applications. Ideally, multifunctional materials and structures with both vibration mitigation property and high mechanical performance are demanded. In this work, we propose architected polymer foam material to overcome the challenges. Beside altering the topological architecture of metamaterials, tailoring the composition of materials is another approach to enhance the mechanical properties and realize multifunctionalities. Natural materials have adopted this strategy for long period of time. Biological structural materials such as nacre, glass sea sponges feature unusual mechanical properties due to the synergistic interplay between hard and soft material phases. These exceptional mechanical performance are highly demanded in engineering applications. As such, intensive efforts have been devoted to developing lightweight structural composites to meet the requirements. Despite the significant advances in research, the design and fabrication of low-cost structural materials with lightweight and superior mechanical performance still represent a challenge. Taking inspiration from cork material, we propose a new type of multilayered cellular composite (MCC) structure composed of hard brittle and soft flexible phases to tackle this challenge. On the other hand, piezoelectric materials with high sensitivity but low energy absorption have largely limited their applications, especially during harsh environment where external load could significantly damage the materials. Enlightened by the multiphase composite concept, we apply this design motif to develop a new interpenetrating-phased piezoelectric materials by combining PZT material as skeleton and PDMS material as matrix. By using a facial camphene-templated freeze-casting method, the co-continuous composites are fabricated with good quality. Through experiment and simulation studies, the proposed composite demonstrates multifunction with exceptional energy absorption and high sensitivity. Based on the above experimental studies, we further propose to use topology optimization framework to obtain the composites with the best performance of multifunctionalities. Specifically, we will use the solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) approach to optimize the piezoelectric materials with multi-objectives of 1) energy absorption and 2) electric-mechanical conversion property. The materials for the optimization design will be elastic PZT as skeleton and elatic material PDMS as matrix. To enable the gradient search of objective function efficiently, we will use adjoint method to derive the shape sensitivity analysis

    Optical Speed Measurement and Applications

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    Mechanical behavior of PA12 lattice structures produced by SLS

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de PolímerosTaking into account the rapid technological evolution and the growing demand, for the industrial sector to meet the most diverse needs of the market, Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology appears as a transformative approach to industrial production that enables the creation of lighter, stronger parts and systems. The versatility of this type of technology allows a reduction in production time and energy consumption, as well as, reducing material waste in the production of a product. It is in this last point that the technologies of AM stand out when comparing to the technologies of conventional manufacture. In AM technologies, it is possible to carry out the deposition of material in a controlled manner, where it is really necessary and, at the same time, ensure the necessary mechanical properties to meet the product requirements. Due to its versatility and rapid technological advances, it has become possible to implement typological optimization in AM. In this context, this study aims to investigate the mechanical behavior of lattice structures to support further investigations based on Topology Optimization (TO). The study of the mechanical behavior of these structures allows an intelligent distribution of these structures along a given structure in order to absorb the amount of energy needed for the impact, presenting competitive manufacturing times and costs. In the course of this research, the manufacturing technique to be used will focus on the Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) process, more specifically in the EOS P396 equipment with the polymeric material polyamide 12 (PA12), that will shape the desired lattice structures, which are constituted by different topologies and volume fractions. The purpose of this development is focused on obtaining the experimental mechanical properties of certain types of cellular structures in order to compare them with the properties obtained from the simulations. Thus, strut-based (BCC) and Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces (Schwarz-P and Neovius) lattice structures were defined based on different independent variables, such as, cell size, strut diameter/ surface thickness and shell thickness. The defined structures were evaluated by compression and impact mechanical tests. It was found that beside geometrical design, the relative densities of the unit cells could also significantly influence the impact energy absorption performance.Tendo em conta a rápida evolução tecnológica e a crescente procura do sector industrial para satisfazer as mais diversas necessidades do mercado, as tecnologias de Fabrico Aditivo (FA) aparece como uma abordagem transformadora da produção industrial que permite a criação de peças e sistemas mais leves e fortes. A versatilidade deste tipo de tecnologia permite uma redução do tempo de produção e do consumo de energia, bem como a eliminação do desperdício de material na produção de um produto. É neste último ponto que as tecnologias de FA se destacam no que diz respeito às tecnologias de fabrico convencional. Nas tecnologias FA, é possível realizar a deposição de material de forma controlada, onde é realmente necessário, e ao mesmo tempo, garantir as propriedades mecânicas necessárias para satisfazer os requisitos do produto. Neste contexto, este estudo destina-se a investigar o comportamento mecânico de lattice structures para apoiar investigações posteriores que têm por base a Otimização Topológica (OT). O estudo do comportamento mecânico destas estruturas permite uma distribuição inteligente destas mesmas ao longo de uma determinada estrutura de forma a absorverem a quantidade de energia necessária ao impacto, apresentando tempos e custos de fabrico competitivos. No decurso desta investigação, a técnica de fabrico a ser utilizada centrou-se no processo de Powder Bed Fusion (PBF), mais especificamente no equipamento EOS P396 com o material polimérico poliamida 12 (PA12), que dará forma às lattice structures, constituídas por diferentes células unitárias e frações de volume. O objetivo deste desenvolvimento focou-se na obtenção das propriedades mecânicas experimentais das estruturas celulares de maneira a compará-las com as propriedades obtidas a partir das simulações. Assim, as lattice structures baseadas em strut-based (BCC) e Triply Periodic Minimal Surface (TPMS) (Schwarz-P e Neovius) foram definidas com base em diferentes variáveis independentes, tais como, tamanho da célula unitária, diâmetro da viga/ espessura da superfície e espessura da casca. As estruturas definidas foram avaliadas mecanicamente através de testes de compressão e impacto. Verificou-se assim que, para além do desenho geométrico, as densidades relativas das células unitárias também podiam influenciar significativamente o desempenho de absorção de energia de impacto

    Fluorescent particle tracers for surface hydrology

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    Surface water processes control downstream runoff phenomena, waste and pollutant diffusion, erosion mechanics, and sediment transport. However, current observational methodologies do not allow for the identification and kinematic characterization of the physical processes contributing to catchment dynamics. Traditional methodologies are not capable to cope with extreme in-situ conditions, including practical logistic challenges as well as inherent flow complexity. In addition, available observational techniques are non-exhaustive for describing multiscale hydrological processes. This research addresses the need for novel observations of the hydrological community by developing pioneer flow characterization approaches that rely on the mutual integration of traditional tracing techniques and state-of-the-art image-based sensing procedures. These novel methodologies enable the in-situ direct observation of surface water processes through remote and unsupervised procedures, thus paving the way to the development of distributed networks of sensing platforms for catchment-scale environmental sensing. More specifically, the proposed flow characterization methodology is a low-cost measurement system that can be applied to a variety of real-world settings spanning from few centimeters rills in natural catchments to riverine ecosystems. The technique is based on the use of in-house synthesized environmentally-friendly fluorescent particle tracers through digital cameras for direct flow measurement and travel time estimations. Automated image analysis-based procedures are developed for real-time flow characterization based on image manipulation, template-based correlation, particle image velocimetry, and dimensionality reduction methodologies. The feasibility of the approach is assessed through laboratory-designed experiments, where the accuracy of the methodology is investigated with respect to well-established flow visualization techniques. Further, the transition of the proposed flow characterization approach to natural settings is studied through paradigmatic observations of natural stream flows in small scale channel and riverine settings and overland flows in hillslope environments. The integration of the proposed flow sensing system in a stand-alone, remote, and mobile platform is explored through the design, development, and testing of a miniature aerial vehicle for environmental monitoring through video acquisition and processing

    Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing III

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    This open access book gathers contributions presented at the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2020), held as a web conference on June 2–4, 2020. It reports on cutting-edge topics in product design and manufacturing, such as industrial methods for integrated product and process design; innovative design; and computer-aided design. Further topics covered include virtual simulation and reverse engineering; additive manufacturing; product manufacturing; engineering methods in medicine and education; representation techniques; and nautical, aeronautics and aerospace design and modeling. The book is organized into four main parts, reflecting the focus and primary themes of the conference. The contributions presented here not only provide researchers, engineers and experts in a range of industrial engineering subfields with extensive information to support their daily work; they are also intended to stimulate new research directions, advanced applications of the methods discussed and future interdisciplinary collaborations

    X-Ray imaging applied to the characterization of polymer foam's cellular structure and its evolution

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    Las espumas poliméricas son materiales celulares que poseen una fase sólida continua y otra gaseosa bien discontinua (celda cerrada) o continua (celda abierta). Habitualmente estas estructuras se describen mediante parámetros macroscópicos como la densidad relativa y otros microscópicos como el tamaño de celda o la densidad de celdas. Además, estos materiales poseen características peculiares como anisotropía, orientación de los poros y tortuosidad que les proporcionan propiedades físicas singulares. Convencionalmente el estudio de las espumas poliméricas se realiza mediante el análisis de la estructura celular final obtenida. Ello se debe principalmente a que es complicado detener el proceso de expansión una vez se ha iniciado. Debido a esto los estadios intermedios durante los procesos de espumado no son accesibles, es decir, no se obtiene información acerca de los mecanismos que generan la estructura final. Estos mecanismos físico-químicos fundamentales que gobiernan la generación y evolución de la estructura celular durante el espumado son la nucleación y el crecimiento. Por el contrario, existen otros mecanismos que son responsables de la degeneración de la estructura celular son el drenaje, la coalescencia y el coarsening. Los inconvenientes que existen para abordar el estudio de estos mecanismos durante el proceso de espumado, junto con las peculiaridades de estos sistemas hacen que las técnicas de imagen mediante rayos X sean una herramienta extraordinaria para el estudio in-situ de la evolución de la estructura celular y los mecanismos de espumado. Además, de manera complementaria, la imagen mediante rayos X permite la obtención de tomogramas para el estudio de la estructura celular en el estado final. Incluso es posible llegar más lejos gracias a los últimos desarrollos en tomografía rápida. Esta técnica es capaz de estudiar en 3D la evolución de la estructura celular en el tiempo. Uno de los requisitos esenciales para el estudio de las espumas poliméricas mediante la imagen con rayos X y que condiciona su aplicabilidad es la correcta selección de los componentes y el diseño del equipo de imagen. Esto se debe principalmente a características intrínsecas a las espumas poliméricas: baja absorción de los rayos X, espesores reducidos, estructura de celdas en el rango micrométrico, rápida evolución durante su fabricación y otras peculiaridades morfológicas de su estructura.Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Cristalografía y Minerealogí

    Comportamento mecânico de espumas de ligas de alumínio modeladas com recurso a micro-tomografia computorizada de raios-X

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    In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in cellular materials for structural applications, especially cellular metals (e.g., metal foams made of aluminium and its alloys). These closed-cell and open-cell foams usually have complex cellular structures resulting from the foaming process and their mechanical properties are governed by their cellular structures and by the properties of the base material. However, their mechanical characterization is difficult and most of the times can result in the destruction of the foam specimen. In this study, X-ray microcomputed tomography (µCT) was used together with finite element modelling to develop numerical models to estimate the elastic moduli and evaluate the effects of processing of the information obtained with the µCT scans in the final results. Such a technique complements experimental testing and brings great versatility. In order to accomplish this task, different thresholding techniques (segmentation) were applied to the 2D slices, which are the result of µCT scans, with special focus on a manual global technique with the mass as a quality indicator. Then, some reconstruction algorithms (e.g. Marching Cubes 33) were used to create 3D tessellated models in the STL format, which were oversampled (excessive number of faces) and with errors. Therefore, a simplification/clean-up procedure was applied to solve those issues, being analysed in terms of mass maintenance, shape maintenance with the Hausdorff algorithm and face quality, i.e., face aspect ratio. Two different procedures were evaluated, with and without small structural imperfections, so that the impact of the procedures could be analysed as well as the effect of the presence of small defects. The results obtained were evaluated and compared to several analytical and theoretical models, models based on representative unit-cells and experimental results in terms of the relation between the relative density and the relative Young’s modulus. Results demonstrated that the developed procedures were very good at minimizing changes in mass and shape of the geometries while providing good face quality, i.e., face aspect ratio. The models were also shown to be able to predict the properties of metallic foams in accordance with the findings of other researchers. In addition, the process of obtaining the models and the presence of small structural imperfections were shown to have a great impact on the final results.Nos últimos anos, tem-se verificado um aumento do interesse na área dos materiais celulares, mais especificamente metais celulares, para aplicações estruturais (por exemplo, espumas metálicas de alumínios e as suas ligas). Estas espumas de célula aberta e fechada têm, normalmente, uma estrutura celular complexa resultante do processo de espumação e as suas propriedades mecânicas dependem das suas estruturas celulares e das propriedades do material base. No entanto, a caracterização mecânicas destes materiais é difícil e resulta, regularmente, na destruição dos specimens de espuma. Neste estudo, Micro-Tomografia Computorizada de Raios-X (µCT) foi aplicada juntamente com modelação por elementos finitos para desenvolver modelos numéricos que conseguem estimar os módulos de elasticidade e avaliar os efeitos do processamento da informação obtida pelos scans de µCT nos resultados finais. Esta técnica complementa os procedimentos experimentais e traz uma grande versatilidade. Para se completar a tarefa proposta, diferentes métodos de segmentação foram aplicados às fatias 2D, que são resultantes dos scans de µCT, com especial atenção num método de segmentação manual global que utiliza a massa como indicador de qualidade. Depois disso, alguns algoritmos de reconstrução, por exemplo, Marching Cubes 33, foram aplicados para criar modelos 3D de faces triangulares no formato STL que demonstram sobreamostragem (excessiva quantidade de faces) e alguns erros. Por essa razão, um procedimento de simplificação/limpeza foi aplicado para resolver estes problemas, sendo analisados em termos de preservação de massa, preservação de forma com o algoritmo de Hausdorff e qualidade das faces, ou seja, razão de proporção. Dois procedimentos diferentes foram avaliados, um com e outro sem pequenos defeitos estruturais para que se consiga analisar não só o impacto do processamento dos modelos assim como o efeito da presença de pequenos defeitos. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com vários modelos analíticos e teóricos, modelos baseados em células unitárias representativas e resultados experimentais com base na relação entre a densidade relativa e o modulo de Young relativo. Os resultados demonstraram que os procedimentos desenvolvidos são bons a preservar a massa e forma das geometrias deixando as faces com boa qualidade. Verificou-se também que os modelos foram capazes de prever as propriedades das espumas metálicas em concordância com o trabalho de outros investigadores. Adicionalmente, mostrou-se que o processo de obtenção dos modelos e a presença de pequenas imperfeiçoes estruturais tem um impacto relevante nos resultados finais.Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânic

    Tensile strength of pine and ash woods – experimental and numerical study

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    The mechanical properties define the behaviour of the timber under external loads, resulting directly from the timber anisotropic and heterogeneity characteristics. Depending upon the type of applied load the failure can be tensile, shear or torsion. When load enter the plastic regime, the stress-strain relationship passes through a maximum called the tensile strength. The tensile strength of wood being constant above the fibre saturation point, it increases with decreasing moisture content below the fibre saturation. This can be related to where the water is absorbed in the microstructure. Their study is of great interest allowing the rational use of different wood species for structural and building purposes

    3D mapping of nanoscale physical properties of VCSEL devices

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    There is clear lack of methods that allows studies of the nanoscale structure of the VCSEL devices1 that are mainly focused on the roughness of the DBR, or using FIB cross-sectioning and TEM analysis of failed devices to observe the mechanism of the degradation. Here we present a recently developed advanced approach that combines Ar-ion nano-cross-sectioning with material sensitive SPM2 to reveal the internal structure of the VCSEL across the whole stack of top and bottom DBR including active area. We report for the first time the direct observation of local mechanical properties, electric potential and conductance through the 3D VCSEL stack. In order to achieve this, we use beam exit cross-section polishing that creates an oblique section with sub-nm surface roughness through the whole VCSEL structure that is fully suitable for the subsequent cross-sectional SPM (xSPM) studies. We used three different SPM measurement modes – nanomechanical local elastic moduli mapping via Ultrasonic Force Microscopy (UFM) 3, surface potential mapping via Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) and mapping of injected current (local conductivity) via Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy (SSRM). xSPM allowed to observe the resulting geometry of the whole device, including active cavity multiple quantum wells (MQW), to obtain profiles of differential doping of the DBR stack, profile of electric potential in the active cavity, and spatial variation of current injection in the individual QW in MQW area. Moreover, by applying forward bias to the VCSEL to initiate laser emission, we were able to observe distribution of the potential in the working regime, paving the way to understanding the 3D current flow in the complete device. Finally, we use finite element modelling (FEM) that confirm the experimental results that of the measurements of the local doping profiles and charge distribution in the active area of the VCSEL around the oxide current confinement aperture. While we show that the new xSPM methodology allowed advanced in-situ studies of VCSELs, it establishes a highly efficient characterisation platform for much broader area of compound semiconductor materials and devices. REFERENCES. 1. D. T. Mathes, R. Hull, K. Choquette, K. Geib, A. Allerman, J. Guenter, B. Hawkins and B. Hawthorne, in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers Vii, edited by C. Lei and S. P. Kilcoyne (2003), Vol. 4994, pp. 67-82. 2. A. J. Robson, I. Grishin, R. J. Young, A. M. Sanchez, O. V. Kolosov and M. Hayne, Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 5 (8), 3241-3245 (2013). 3. J. L. Bosse, P. D. Tovee, B. D. Huey and O. V. Kolosov, Journal of Applied Physics 115 (14), 144304 (2014)