194 research outputs found

    Timing driven genetic placement

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    IN this paper we present a timing driven placer for standard cell IC design. The placement algorithm follows the genetic paradigm, with the objective of minimizing both area and path slacks. At early generations, the search is biased toward solutions with superior timing characteristics. As the algorithm starts converging towards generations with acceptable delay properties, the objective is dynamically adjusted toward optimizing area and routability. Experiments with benchmark test demonstrate delay performance improvement by up to 20%. It is also shown that sizeable reduction in runtime is obtained when population size is allowed to decrease in a controlled manner whenever the search his a plateau. This reduction in runtime is achieved without any noticeable loss in solution quality

    A survey of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Prince of Wales Island, Alaska : combining morphological and DNA barcode identification techniques

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    Surveys during the summer of 2004 and August 2009 on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, USA resulted in collection of 1064 adult spiders representing 84 species. Barcoding of spiders collected in 2009 resulted in DNA barcode data for 212 specimens representing 63 species. DNA barcode data were then used to facilitate the identification of otherwise unidentifiable juvenile and female specimens as well as to investigate phylogenetically four lineages with large branch lengths between specimens. Using morphological and DNA barcode identifications provided a more complete list of identified specimens than was possible using morphological data alone

    Borrowed alleles and convergence in serpentine adaptation

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank members of the L.Y. and K.B. laboratories for helpful discussions. This work was supported through the European Research Council Grant StG CA629F04E (to L.Y.); a Harvard University Milton Fund Award (to K.B.); Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award 1 F32 GM096699 from the NIH (to L.Y.); National Science Foundation Grant IOS-1146465 (to K.B.); NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences Grant 2R01GM078536 (to D.E.S.); and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Grant BB/L000113/1 (to D.E.S.)Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Distribution and Diversity of Archaeal and Bacterial Ammonia Oxidizers in Salt Marsh Sediments

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    Diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing Betaproteobacteria (β-AOB) and archaea (AOA) were investigated in a New England salt marsh at sites dominated by short or tall Spartina alterniflora (SAS and SAT sites, respectively) or Spartina patens (SP site). AOA amoA gene richness was higher than β-AOB amoA richness at SAT and SP, but AOA and β-AOB richness were similar at SAS. β-AOB amoA clone libraries were composed exclusively of Nitrosospira-like amoA genes. AOA amoA genes at SAT and SP were equally distributed between the water column/sediment and soil/sediment clades, while AOA amoA sequences at SAS were primarily affiliated with the water column/sediment clade. At all three site types, AOA were always more abundant than β-AOB based on quantitative PCR of amoA genes. At some sites, we detected 109 AOA amoA gene copies g of sediment−1. Ratios of AOA to β-AOB varied over 2 orders of magnitude among sites and sampling dates. Nevertheless, abundances of AOA and β-AOB amoA genes were highly correlated. Abundance of 16S rRNA genes affiliated with Nitrosopumilus maritimus, Crenarchaeota group I.1b, and pSL12 were positively correlated with AOA amoA abundance, but ratios of amoA to 16S rRNA genes varied among sites. We also observed a significant effect of pH on AOA abundance and a significant salinity effect on both AOA and β-ΑΟΒ abundance. Our results expand the distribution of AOA to salt marshes, and the high numbers of AOA at some sites suggest that salt marsh sediments serve as an important habitat for AOA

    Mitochondrial metagenomics: letting the genes out of the bottle

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    ‘Mitochondrial metagenomics’ (MMG) is a methodology for shotgun sequencing of total DNA from specimen mixtures and subsequent bioinformatic extraction of mitochondrial sequences. The approach can be applied to phylogenetic analysis of taxonomically selected taxa, as an economical alternative to mitogenome sequencing from individual species, or to environmental samples of mixed specimens, such as from mass trapping of invertebrates. The routine generation of mitochondrial genome sequences has great potential both for systematics and community phylogenetics. Mapping of reads from low-coverage shotgun sequencing of environmental samples also makes it possible to obtain data on spatial and temporal turnover in whole-community phylogenetic and species composition, even in complex ecosystems where species-level taxonomy and biodiversity patterns are poorly known. In addition, read mapping can produce information on species biomass, and potentially allows quantification of within-species genetic variation. The success of MMG relies on the formation of numerous mitochondrial genome contigs, achievable with standard genome assemblers, but various challenges for the efficiency of assembly remain, particularly in the face of variable relative species abundance and intra-specific genetic variation. Nevertheless, several studies have demonstrated the power of mitogenomes from MMG for accurate phylogenetic placement, evolutionary analysis of species traits, biodiversity discovery and the establishment of species distribution patterns; it offers a promising avenue for unifying the ecological and evolutionary understanding of species diversity

    A reservoir of 'historical' antibiotic resistance genes in remote pristine Antarctic soils

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    Background: Soil bacteria naturally produce antibiotics as a competitive mechanism, with a concomitant evolution, and exchange by horizontal gene transfer, of a range of antibiotic resistance mechanisms. Surveys of bacterial resistance elements in edaphic systems have originated primarily from human-impacted environments, with relatively little information from remote and pristine environments, where the resistome may comprise the ancestral gene diversity. Methods: We used shotgun metagenomics to assess antibiotic resistance gene (ARG) distribution in 17 pristine and remote Antarctic surface soils within the undisturbed Mackay Glacier region. We also interrogated the phylogenetic placement of ARGs compared to environmental ARG sequences and tested for the presence of horizontal gene transfer elements flanking ARGs. Results: In total, 177 naturally occurring ARGs were identified, most of which encoded single or multi-drug efflux pumps. Resistance mechanisms for the inactivation of aminoglycosides, chloramphenicol and beta-lactam antibiotics were also common. Gram-negative bacteria harboured most ARGs (71%), with fewer genes from Gram-positive Actinobacteria and Bacilli (Firmicutes) (9%), reflecting the taxonomic composition of the soils. Strikingly, the abundance of ARGs per sample had a strong, negative correlation with species richness (r=-0.49, P < 0.05). This result, coupled with a lack of mobile genetic elements flanking ARGs, suggests that these genes are ancient acquisitions of horizontal transfer events. Conclusions: ARGs in these remote and uncontaminated soils most likely represent functional efficient historical genes that have since been vertically inherited over generations. The historical ARGs in these pristine environments carry a strong phylogenetic signal and form a monophyletic group relative to ARGs from other similar environments

    Exploring nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses in Tara Oceans microbial metagenomes

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    Nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDVs) constitute a group of eukaryotic viruses that can have crucial ecological roles in the sea by accelerating the turnover of their unicellular hosts or by causing diseases in animals. To better characterize the diversity, abundance and biogeography of marine NCLDVs, we analyzed 17 metagenomes derived from microbial samples (0.2–1.6 μm size range) collected during the Tara Oceans Expedition. The sample set includes ecosystems under-represented in previous studies, such as the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) and Indian Ocean lagoons. By combining computationally derived relative abundance and direct prokaryote cell counts, the abundance of NCLDVs was found to be in the order of 104–105 genomes ml−1 for the samples from the photic zone and 102–103 genomes ml−1 for the OMZ. The Megaviridae and Phycodnaviridae dominated the NCLDV populations in the metagenomes, although most of the reads classified in these families showed large divergence from known viral genomes. Our taxon co-occurrence analysis revealed a potential association between viruses of the Megaviridae family and eukaryotes related to oomycetes. In support of this predicted association, we identified six cases of lateral gene transfer between Megaviridae and oomycetes. Our results suggest that marine NCLDVs probably outnumber eukaryotic organisms in the photic layer (per given water mass) and that metagenomic sequence analyses promise to shed new light on the biodiversity of marine viruses and their interactions with potential hosts

    Signature sequences in diverse proteins provide evidence for the late divergence of the Order Aquificales

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    The Aquificales species are presently believed to be the earliest branching lineage within Bacteria. However, the branching order of this group in different phylogenetic trees is highly variable and not resolved. In the present work, the phylogenetic placement of Aquificales was examined by means of a cladistic approach based on the shared presence or absence of definite signature sequences (consisting of conserved inserts or deletions) in many highly conserved and important proteins, e.g. RNA polymerase β(RpoB), RNA polymerase β´(RpoC), alanyl-tRNA synthetase (AlaRS), CTP synthase, inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase), Hsp70 and Hsp60. For this purpose, fragments of the above genes that contained the signature regions were cloned from different Aquificales, species (Calderobacterium hydrogenophilum, Hydrogenobacter marinus, and Thermocrinis ruber) and the sequence data were compared with those available from all other species. The presence in Aquificales species of distinctive inserts in Hsp70 and Hsp60 that are not found in any Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, or Thermotoga-Clostridium species excluded them from these groups of Bacteria. The shared presence of prominent indels in the RpoB (>100 amino acids), RpoC (>100 amino acids) and AlaRS (4 amino acids) proteins, which are only found in the various Aquificales species, the Chlamydiae, the CFBG (Cytophaga- Flavobacteria-Bacteroides-green sulfur bacteria) group, and Proteobacteria, strongly suggests their placement within these groups of Bacteria. A specific relationship between Proteobacteria and Aquificales is suggested by the presence in inorganic pyrophosphatase of a 2-amino-acid insert that is uniquely found in these phyla. However, the Aquificales species lacked a number of other protein signatures (e.g. indels in CTP synthase and Hsp70) that are characteristic of Proteobacteria, indicating that they constitute a distinct phylum related to Proteobacteria. These results provide strong and consistent evidence that the Aquificales diverged after the branching of Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Thermotoga, Deinococcus-Thermus, green nonsulfur bacteria, Cyanobacteria, Spirochetes, Chlamydiae, and CFBG group, but before the emergence of the Proteobacteria. [Int Microbiol 2004; 7(1):41–52