62 research outputs found

    HPC memory systems: Implications of system simulation and checkpointing

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    The memory system is a significant contributor for most of the current challenges in computer architecture: application performance bottlenecks and operational costs in large data-centers as HPC supercomputers. With the advent of emerging memory technologies, the exploration for novel designs on the memory hierarchy for HPC systems is an open invitation for computer architecture researchers to improve and optimize current designs and deployments. System simulation is the preferred approach to perform architectural explorations due to the low cost to prototype hardware systems, acceptable performance estimates, and accurate energy consumption predictions. Despite the broad presence and extensive usage of system simulators, their validation is not standardized; either because the main purpose of the simulator is not meant to mimic real hardware, or because the design assumptions are too narrow on a particular computer architecture topic. This thesis provides the first steps for a systematic methodology to validate system simulators when compared to real systems. We unveil real-machine´s micro-architectural parameters through a set of specially crafted micro-benchmarks. The unveiled parameters are used to upgrade the simulation infrastructure in order to obtain higher accuracy in the simulation domain. To evaluate the accuracy on the simulation domain, we propose the retirement factor, an extension to a well-known application´s performance methodology. Our proposal provides a new metric to measure the impact simulator´s parameter-tuning when looking for the most accurate configuration. We further present the delay queue, a modification to the memory controller that imposes a configurable delay for all memory transactions that reach the main memory devices; evaluated using the retirement factor, the delay queue allows us to identify the sources of deviations between the simulator infrastructure and the real system. Memory accesses directly affect application performance, both in the real-world machine as well as in the simulation accuracy. From single-read access to a unique memory location up to simultaneous read/write operations to a single or multiple memory locations, HPC applications memory usage differs from workload to workload. A property that allows to glimpse on the application´s memory usage is the workload´s memory footprint. In this work, we found a link between HPC workload´s memory footprint and simulation performance. Actual trends on HPC data-center memory deployments and current HPC application’s memory footprint led us to envision an opportunity for emerging memory technologies to include them as part of the reliability support on HPC systems. Emerging memory technologies such as 3D-stacked DRAM are getting deployed in current HPC systems but in limited quantities in comparison with standard DRAM storage making them suitable to use for low memory footprint HPC applications. We exploit and evaluate this characteristic enabling a Checkpoint-Restart library to support a heterogeneous memory system deployed with an emerging memory technology. Our implementation imposes negligible overhead while offering a simple interface to allocate, manage, and migrate data sets between heterogeneous memory systems. Moreover, we showed that the usage of an emerging memory technology it is not a direct solution to performance bottlenecks; correct data placement and crafted code implementation are critical when comes to obtain the best computing performance. Overall, this thesis provides a technique for validating main memory system simulators when integrated in a simulation infrastructure and compared to real systems. In addition, we explored a link between the workload´s memory footprint and simulation performance on current HPC workloads. Finally, we enabled low memory footprint HPC applications with resilience support while transparently profiting from the usage of emerging memory deployments.El sistema de memoria es el mayor contribuidor de los desafíos actuales en el campo de la arquitectura de ordenadores como lo son los cuellos de botella en el rendimiento de las aplicaciones, así como los costos operativos en los grandes centros de datos. Con la llegada de tecnologías emergentes de memoria, existe una invitación para que los investigadores mejoren y optimicen las implementaciones actuales con novedosos diseños en la jerarquía de memoria. La simulación de los ordenadores es el enfoque preferido para realizar exploraciones de arquitectura debido al bajo costo que representan frente a la realización de prototipos físicos, arrojando estimaciones de rendimiento aceptables con predicciones precisas. A pesar del amplio uso de simuladores de ordenadores, su validación no está estandarizada ya sea porque el propósito principal del simulador no es imitar al sistema real o porque las suposiciones de diseño son demasiado específicas. Esta tesis proporciona los primeros pasos hacia una metodología sistemática para validar simuladores de ordenadores cuando son comparados con sistemas reales. Primero se descubren los parámetros de microarquitectura en la máquina real a través de un conjunto de micro-pruebas diseñadas para actualizar la infraestructura de simulación con el fin de mejorar la precisión en el dominio de la simulación. Para evaluar la precisión de la simulación, proponemos "el factor de retiro", una extensión a una conocida herramienta para medir el rendimiento de las aplicaciones, pero enfocada al impacto del ajuste de parámetros en el simulador. Además, presentamos "la cola de retardo", una modificación virtual al controlador de memoria que agrega un retraso configurable a todas las transacciones de memoria que alcanzan la memoria principal. Usando el factor de retiro, la cola de retraso nos permite identificar el origen de las desviaciones entre la infraestructura del simulador y el sistema real. Todos los accesos de memoria afectan directamente el rendimiento de la aplicación. Desde el acceso de lectura a una única localidad memoria hasta operaciones simultáneas de lectura/escritura a una o varias localidades de memoria, una propiedad que permite reflejar el uso de memoria de la aplicación es su "huella de memoria". En esta tesis encontramos un vínculo entre la huella de memoria de las aplicaciones de alto desempeño y su rendimiento en simulación. Las tecnologías de memoria emergentes se están implementando en sistemas de alto desempeño en cantidades limitadas en comparación con la memoria principal haciéndolas adecuadas para su uso en aplicaciones con baja huella de memoria. En este trabajo, habilitamos y evaluamos el uso de un sistema de memoria heterogéneo basado en un sistema emergente de memoria. Nuestra implementación agrega una carga despreciable al mismo tiempo que ofrece una interfaz simple para ubicar, administrar y migrar datos entre sistemas de memoria heterogéneos. Además, demostramos que el uso de una tecnología de memoria emergente no es una solución directa a los cuellos de botella en el desempeño. La implementación es fundamental a la hora de obtener el mejor rendimiento ya sea ubicando correctamente los datos, o bien diseñando código especializado. En general, esta tesis proporciona una técnica para validar los simuladores respecto al sistema de memoria principal cuando se integra en una infraestructura de simulación y se compara con sistemas reales. Además, exploramos un vínculo entre la huella de memoria de la carga de trabajo y el rendimiento de la simulación en cargas de trabajo de aplicaciones de alto desempeño. Finalmente, habilitamos aplicaciones de alto desempeño con soporte de resiliencia mientras que se benefician de manera transparente con el uso de un sistema de memoria emergente.Postprint (published version

    Methods for Robust and Energy-Efficient Microprocessor Architectures

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    Σήμερα, η εξέλιξη της τεχνολογίας επιτρέπει τη βελτίωση τριών βασικών στοιχείων της σχεδίασης των επεξεργαστών: αυξημένες επιδόσεις, χαμηλότερη κατανάλωση ισχύος και χαμηλότερο κόστος παραγωγής του τσιπ, ενώ οι σχεδιαστές επεξεργαστών έχουν επικεντρωθεί στην παραγωγή επεξεργαστών με περισσότερες λειτουργίες σε χαμηλότερο κόστος. Οι σημερινοί επεξεργαστές είναι πολύ ταχύτεροι και διαθέτουν εξελιγμένες λειτουργικές μονάδες συγκριτικά με τους προκατόχους τους, ωστόσο, καταναλώνουν αρκετά μεγάλη ενέργεια. Τα ποσά ηλεκτρικής ισχύος που καταναλώνονται, και η επακόλουθη έκλυση θερμότητας, αυξάνονται παρά τη μείωση του μεγέθους των τρανζίστορ. Αναπτύσσοντας όλο και πιο εξελιγμένους μηχανισμούς και λειτουργικές μονάδες για την αύξηση της απόδοσης και βελτίωση της ενέργειας, σε συνδυασμό με τη μείωση του μεγέθους των τρανζίστορ, οι επεξεργαστές έχουν γίνει εξαιρετικά πολύπλοκα συστήματα, καθιστώντας τη διαδικασία της επικύρωσής τους σημαντική πρόκληση για τη βιομηχανία ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων. Συνεπώς, οι κατασκευαστές επεξεργαστών αφιερώνουν επιπλέον χρόνο, προϋπολογισμό και χώρο στο τσιπ για να διασφαλίσουν ότι οι επεξεργαστές θα λειτουργούν σωστά κατά τη διάθεσή τους στη αγορά. Για τους λόγους αυτούς, η εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζει νέες μεθόδους για την επιτάχυνση και τη βελτίωση της φάσης της επικύρωσης, καθώς και για τη βελτίωση της ενεργειακής απόδοσης των σύγχρονων επεξεργαστών. Στο πρώτο μέρος της διατριβής προτείνονται δύο διαφορετικές μέθοδοι για την επικύρωση του επεξεργαστή, οι οποίες συμβάλλουν στην επιτάχυνση αυτής της διαδικασίας και στην αποκάλυψη σπάνιων σφαλμάτων στους μηχανισμούς μετάφρασης διευθύνσεων των σύγχρονων επεξεργαστών. Και οι δύο μέθοδοι καθιστούν ευκολότερη την ανίχνευση και τη διάγνωση σφαλμάτων, και επιταχύνουν την ανίχνευση του σφάλματος κατά τη φάση της επικύρωσης. Στο δεύτερο μέρος της διατριβής παρουσιάζεται μια λεπτομερής μελέτη χαρακτηρισμού των περιθωρίων τάσης σε επίπεδο συστήματος σε δύο σύγχρονους ARMv8 επεξεργαστές. Η μελέτη του χαρακτηρισμού προσδιορίζει τα αυξημένα περιθώρια τάσης που έχουν προκαθοριστεί κατά τη διάρκεια κατασκευής του κάθε μεμονωμένου πυρήνα του επεξεργαστή και αναλύει τυχόν απρόβλεπτες συμπεριφορές που μπορεί να προκύψουν σε συνθήκες μειωμένης τάσης. Για την μελέτη και καταγραφή της συμπεριφοράς του συστήματος υπό συνθήκες μειωμένης τάσης, παρουσιάζεται επίσης σε αυτή τη διατριβή μια απλή και ενοποιημένη συνάρτηση: η συνάρτηση πυκνότητας-σοβαρότητας. Στη συνέχεια, παρουσιάζεται αναλυτικά η ανάπτυξη ειδικά σχεδιασμένων προγραμμάτων (micro-viruses) τα οποία υποβάλουν της θεμελιώδεις δομές του επεξεργαστή σε μεγάλο φορτίο εργασίας. Αυτά τα προγράμματα στοχεύουν στην γρήγορη αναγνώριση των ασφαλών περιθωρίων τάσης. Τέλος, πραγματοποιείται ο χαρακτηρισμός των περιθωρίων τάσης σε εκτελέσεις πολλαπλών πυρήνων, καθώς επίσης και σε διαφορετικές συχνότητες, και προτείνεται ένα πρόγραμμα το οποίο εκμεταλλεύεται όλες τις διαφορετικές πτυχές του προβλήματος της κατανάλωσης ενέργειας και παρέχει μεγάλη εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας διατηρώντας παράλληλα υψηλά επίπεδα απόδοσης. Αυτή η μελέτη έχει ως στόχο τον εντοπισμό και την ανάλυση της σχέσης μεταξύ ενέργειας και απόδοσης σε διαφορετικούς συνδυασμούς τάσης και συχνότητας, καθώς και σε διαφορετικό αριθμό νημάτων/διεργασιών που εκτελούνται στο σύστημα, αλλά και κατανομής των προγραμμάτων στους διαθέσιμους πυρήνες.Technology scaling has enabled improvements in the three major design optimization objectives: increased performance, lower power consumption, and lower die cost, while system design has focused on bringing more functionality into products at lower cost. While today's microprocessors, are much faster and much more versatile than their predecessors, they also consume much power. As operating frequency and integration density increase, the total chip power dissipation increases. This is evident from the fact that due to the demand for increased functionality on a single chip, more and more transistors are being packed on a single die and hence, the switching frequency increases in every technology generation. However, by developing aggressive and sophisticated mechanisms to boost performance and to enhance the energy efficiency in conjunction with the decrease of the size of transistors, microprocessors have become extremely complex systems, making the microprocessor verification and manufacturing testing a major challenge for the semiconductor industry. Manufacturers, therefore, choose to spend extra effort, time, budget and chip area to ensure that the delivered products are operating correctly. To meet high-dependability requirements, manufacturers apply a sequence of verification tasks throughout the entire life-cycle of the microprocessor to ensure the correct functionality of the microprocessor chips from the various types of errors that may occur after the products are released to the market. To this end, this work presents novel methods for ensuring the correctness of the microprocessor during the post-silicon validation phase and for improving the energy efficiency requirements of modern microprocessors. These methods can be applied during the prototyping phase of the microprocessors or after their release to the market. More specifically, in the first part of the thesis, we present and describe two different ISA-independent software-based post-silicon validation methods, which contribute to formalization and modeling as well as the acceleration of the post-silicon validation process and expose difficult-to-find bugs in the address translation mechanisms (ATM) of modern microprocessors. Both methods improve the detection and diagnosis of a hardware design bug in the ATM structures and significantly accelerate the bug detection during the post-silicon validation phase. In the second part of the thesis we present a detailed system-level voltage scaling characterization study for two state-of-the-art ARMv8-based multicore CPUs. We present an extensive characterization study which identifies the pessimistic voltage guardbands (the increased voltage margins set by the manufacturer) of each individual microprocessor core and analyze any abnormal behavior that may occur in off-nominal voltage conditions. Towards the formalization of the any abnormal behavior we also present a simple consolidated function; the Severity function, which aggregates the effects of reduced voltage operation. We then introduce the development of dedicated programs (diagnostic micro-viruses) that aim to accelerate the time-consuming voltage margins characterization studies by stressing the fundamental hardware components. Finally, we present a comprehensive exploration of how two server-grade systems behave in different frequency and core allocation configurations beyond nominal voltage operation in multicore executions. This analysis aims (1) to identify the best performance per watt operation points, (2) to reveal how and why the different core allocation options affect the energy consumption, and (3) to enhance the default Linux scheduler to take task allocation decisions for balanced performance and energy efficiency

    Quantitative Characterization of the Software Layer of a HW/SW Co-Designed Processor

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    HW/SW co-designed processors currently have a renewed interest due to their capability to boost performance without running into the power and complexity walls. By employing a software layer that performs dynamic binary translation and applies aggressive optimizations through exploiting the runtime application behavior, these hybrid architectures provide better performance/watt. However, a poorly designed software layer can result in significant translation/optimization overheads that may offset its benefits. This work presents a detailed characterization of the software layer of a HW/SW co-designed processor using a variety of benchmark suites. We observe that the performance of the software layer is very sensitive to the characteristics of the emulated application with a variance of more than 50%. We also show that the interaction between the software layer and the emulated application, while sharing the microarchitectural resources, can have 0-20% impact on performance. Finally, we identify some key elements which should be further investigated to reduce the observed variations in performance. The paper provides critical insights to improve the software layer design.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Mechanistic analytical modeling of superscalar in-order processor performance

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    Superscalar in-order processors form an interesting alternative to out-of-order processors because of their energy efficiency and lower design complexity. However, despite the reduced design complexity, it is nontrivial to get performance estimates or insight in the application--microarchitecture interaction without running slow, detailed cycle-level simulations, because performance highly depends on the order of instructions within the application’s dynamic instruction stream, as in-order processors stall on interinstruction dependences and functional unit contention. To limit the number of detailed cycle-level simulations needed during design space exploration, we propose a mechanistic analytical performance model that is built from understanding the internal mechanisms of the processor. The mechanistic performance model for superscalar in-order processors is shown to be accurate with an average performance prediction error of 3.2% compared to detailed cycle-accurate simulation using gem5. We also validate the model against hardware, using the ARM Cortex-A8 processor and show that it is accurate within 10% on average. We further demonstrate the usefulness of the model through three case studies: (1) design space exploration, identifying the optimum number of functional units for achieving a given performance target; (2) program--machine interactions, providing insight into microarchitecture bottlenecks; and (3) compiler--architecture interactions, visualizing the impact of compiler optimizations on performance

    Exploring Superpage Promotion Policies for Efficient Address Translation

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    Address translation performance for modern applications depends heavily upon the number of translation entries cached in the hardware TLB (translation look-aside buffer). Therefore, the efficiency of address translation relies directly on the TLB hit rate. The number of TLB entries continues to fall further behind the growth of memory consumption for modern applications. Superpages, which are pages with larger sizes, can increase the efficiency of the TLB by enabling each translation entry to cover a larger memory region. Without requiring more TLB entries, using superpages can increase the TLB hit rate and benefit address translation. However, using superpages can bring overhead. The TLB uses a single dirty bit to mark a page as dirty during address translation before modifying the page, so the granularity of the dirty bit corresponds to the coverage of the translation entry. As a result, the OS (operating system) will pay extra I/O effort when it allocates or writes an underutilized superpage back to disk. Such extra overhead can easily surpass the address translation benefits of superpages. This thesis discusses the performance trade-offs of superpages by exploring the design space of superpage promotion policies in the OS. A data collection infrastructure is built based on QEMU with kernel instrumentation on FreeBSD to collaboratively collect both memory accesses and kernel events. Then, the TLB behavior of Intel Skylake x86 family processors is simulated. The simulation has been validated to be faithful and consistent with the real-world performance. Last, this thesis evaluates and compares both TLB performance benefits and I/O overheads among the superpage promotion policies to discuss the trade-offs in the design space

    High level queuing architecture model for high-end processors

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    We have developed a new kind of simulator based in queue models and statistical methods. It allows a fast and accurate simulation. It is really useful to perform a really fast design space exploration. We have validated the model against a real chip, Intel Ivy Bridge Processo