33 research outputs found

    Generalised dualities and maximal finite antichains in the homomorphism order of relational structures

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    The motivation for this paper is threefold. First, we study the connectivity properties of the homomorphism order of directed graphs, and more generally for relational structures. As opposed to the homomorphism order of undirected graphs (which has no non-trivial finite maximal antichains), the order of directed graphs has finite maximal antichains of any size. In this paper, we characterise explicitly all maximal antichains in the homomorphism order of directed graphs. Quite surprisingly, these maximal antichains correspond to generalised dualities. The notion of generalised duality is defined here in full generality as an extension of the notion of finitary duality, investigated in [J. Nešetřil, C. Tardif, Duality theorems for finite structures (characterising gaps and good characterisations), J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 80 (1) (2000) 80–97]. Building upon the results of the cited paper, we fully characterise the generalised dualities. It appears that these dualities are determined by forbidding homomorphisms from a finite set of forests (rather than trees). Finally, in the spirit of [A. Atserias, On digraph coloring problems and treewidth duality, in: Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS’06, IEEE Computer Society, 2006; B. Larose, C. Loten, C. Tardif, A characterisation of first-order constraint satisfaction problems, in: Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS’06, IEEE Computer Society, 2006; V. Dalmau, A. Krokhin, B. Larose, First-order definable retraction problems for posets and reflexive graphs, in: Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS’04, IEEE Computer Society, 2004 [5]] we shall characterise “generalised” constraint satisfaction problems (defined also here) that are first-order definable. These are again just generalised dualities corresponding to finite maximal antichains in the homomorphism order

    Dualities and dual pairs in Heyting algebras

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    We extract the abstract core of finite homomorphism dualities using the techniques of Heyting algebras and (combinatorial) categories.Comment: 17 pages; v2: minor correction

    Homomorphisms and Structural Properties of Relational Systems

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    Two main topics are considered: The characterisation of finite homomorphism dualities for relational structures, and the splitting property of maximal antichains in the homomorphism order.Comment: PhD Thesis, 77 pages, 14 figure

    Dualities and Dual Pairs in Heyting Algebras

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    We extract the abstract core of finite homomorphism dualities using the techniques of Heyting algebras and (combinatorial) categorie

    Splitting finite antichains in the homomorphism order

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    A structural condition is given for finite maximal antichains in the homomorphism order of relational structures to have the splitting property. It turns out that non-splitting antichains appear only at the bottom of the order. Moreover, we examine looseness and finite antichain extension property for some subclasses of the homomorphism poset. Finally, we take a look at cut-points in this order

    Graph Relations and Constrained Homomorphism Partial Orders

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    We consider constrained variants of graph homomorphisms such as embeddings, monomorphisms, full homomorphisms, surjective homomorpshims, and locally constrained homomorphisms. We also introduce a new variation on this theme which derives from relations between graphs and is related to multihomomorphisms. This gives a generalization of surjective homomorphisms and naturally leads to notions of R-retractions, R-cores, and R-cocores of graphs. Both R-cores and R-cocores of graphs are unique up to isomorphism and can be computed in polynomial time. The theory of the graph homomorphism order is well developed, and from it we consider analogous notions defined for orders induced by constrained homomorphisms. We identify corresponding cores, prove or disprove universality, characterize gaps and dualities. We give a new and significantly easier proof of the universality of the homomorphism order by showing that even the class of oriented cycles is universal. We provide a systematic approach to simplify the proofs of several earlier results in this area. We explore in greater detail locally injective homomorphisms on connected graphs, characterize gaps and show universality. We also prove that for every d3d\geq 3 the homomorphism order on the class of line graphs of graphs with maximum degree dd is universal

    Right-Adjoints for Datalog Programs

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    A Datalog program can be viewed as a syntactic specification of a mapping from database instances over some schema to database instances over another schema. We establish a large class of Datalog programs for which this mapping admits a (generalized) right-adjoint. We employ these results to obtain new insights into the existence of, and methods for constructing, homomorphism dualities within restricted classes of instances. From this, we derive new results regarding the existence of uniquely characterizing data examples for database queries in the presence of integrity constraints.</p

    Hypertree-depth and minors in hypergraphs

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    AbstractWe introduce two new notions for hypergraphs, hypertree-depth and minors in hypergraphs. We characterise hypergraphs of bounded hypertree-depth by the ultramonotone robber and marshals game, by vertex-hyperrankings and by centred hypercolourings.Furthermore, we show that minors in hypergraphs are ‘well-behaved’ with respect to hypertree-depth and other hypergraph invariants, such as generalised hypertree-depth and generalised hyperpath-width.We work in the framework of hypergraph pairs (G,H), consisting of a graph G and a hypergraph H that share the same vertex set. This general framework allows us to obtain hypergraph minors, graph minors and induced graph minors as special cases