30 research outputs found

    Solving Examination Timetabling Problem using Partial Exam Assignment with Great Deluge Algorithm

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    Constructing a quality solution for the examination timetable problem is a difficult task. This paper presents a partial exam assignment approach with great deluge algorithm as the improvement mechanism in order to generate good quality timetable. In this approach, exams are ordered based on graph heuristics and only selected exams (partial exams) are scheduled first and then improved using great deluge algorithm. The entire process continues until all of the exams have been scheduled. We implement the proposed technique on the Toronto benchmark datasets. Experimental results indicate that in all problem instances, this proposed method outperforms traditional great deluge algorithm and when comparing with the state-of-the-art approaches, our approach produces competitive solution for all instances, with some cases outperform other reported result

    Evolutionary Ruin And Stochastic Recreate: A Case Study On The Exam Timetabling Problem

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    This paper presents a new class of intelligent systems, called Evolutionary Ruin and Stochastic Recreate, that can learn and adapt to the changing enviroment. It improves the original Ruin and Recreate principle’s performance by incorporating an Evolutionary Ruin step which implements evolution within a single solution. In the proposed approach, a cycle of Solution Decomposition, Evolutionary Ruin and Stochastic Recreate continues until stopping conditions are reached. The Solution Decomposition step first uses some domain knowledge to break a solution down into its components and assign a score to each. The Evolutionary Ruin step then applies two operators (namely Selection and Mutation) to destroy a certain fraction of the entire solution. After the above steps, an input solution becomes partial and thus the resulting partial solution needs to be repaired. The repair is carried out by using the Stochastic Recreate step to reintroduce the removed items in a specific way (somewhat stochastic in order to have a better chance to jump out of the local optima), and then ask the underlying improvement heuristic whether this move will be accepted. These three steps are executed in sequence until a specific stopping condition is reached. Therefore, optimisation is achieved by solution disruption, iterative improvement and a stochastic constructive repair process performed within. Encouraging experimental results on exam timetabling problems are reported

    Search with evolutionary ruin and stochastic rebuild: a theoretic framework and a case study on exam timetabling

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    This paper presents a state transition based formal framework for a new search method, called Evolutionary Ruin and Stochastic Recreate, which tries to learn and adapt to the changing environments during the search process. It improves the performance of the original Ruin and Recreate principle by embedding an additional phase of Evolutionary Ruin to mimic the survival-of-the-fittest mechanism within single solutions. This method executes a cycle of Solution Decomposition, Evolutionary Ruin, Stochastic Recreate and Solution Acceptance until a certain stopping condition is met. The Solution Decomposition phase first uses some problem-specific knowledge to decompose a complete solution into its components and assigns a score to each component. The Evolutionary Ruin phase then employs two evolutionary operators (namely Selection and Mutation) to destroy a certain fraction of the solution, and the next Stochastic Recreate phase repairs the “broken” solution. Last, the Solution Acceptance phase selects a specific strategy to determine the probability of accepting the newly generated solution. Hence, optimisation is achieved by an iterative process of component evaluation, solution disruption and stochastic constructive repair. From the state transitions point of view, this paper presents a probabilistic model and implements a Markov chain analysis on some theoretical properties of the approach. Unlike the theoretical work on genetic algorithm and simulated annealing which are based on state transitions within the space of complete assignments, our model is based on state transitions within the space of partial assignments. The exam timetabling problems are used to test the performance in solving real-world hard problems

    Linear Combinations of Heuristics for Examination Timetabling

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    Although they are simple techniques from the early days of timetabling research, graph colouring heuristics are still attracting significant research interest in the timetabling research community. These heuristics involve simple ordering strategies to first select and colour those vertices that are most likely to cause trouble if deferred until later. Most of this work used a single heuristic to measure the difficulty of a vertex. Relatively less attention has been paid to select an appropriate colour for the selected vertex. Some recent work has demonstrated the superiority of combining a number of different heuristics for vertex and colour selection. In this paper, we explore this direction and introduce a new strategy of using linear combinations of heuristics for weighted graphs which model the timetabling problems under consideration. The weights of the heuristic combinations define specific roles that each simple heuristic contributes to the process of ordering vertices. We include specific explanations for the design of our strategy and present the experimental results on a set of benchmark real world examination timetabling problem instances. New best results for several instances have been obtained using this method when compared with other constructive methods applied to this benchmark dataset

    Hybridizations within a graph based hyper-heuristic framework for university timetabling problems

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    A significant body of recent literature has explored various research directions in hyper-heuristics (which can be thought as heuristics to choose heuristics). In this paper, we extend our previous work to construct a unified graph-based hyper-heuristic (GHH) framework, under which a number of local search-based algorithms (as the high level heuristics) are studied to search upon sequences of low-level graph colouring heuristics. To gain an in-depth understanding on this new framework, we address some fundamental issues concerning neighbourhood structures and characteristics of the two search spaces (namely, the search spaces of the heuristics and the actual solutions). Furthermore, we investigate efficient hybridizations in GHH with local search methods and address issues concerning the exploration of the high-level search and the exploitation ability of the local search. These, to our knowledge, represent entirely novel directions in hyper-heuristics. The efficient hybrid GHH obtained competitive results compared with the best published results for both benchmark course and exam timetabling problems, demonstrating its efficiency and generality across different problem domains. Possible extensions upon this simple, yet general, GHH framework are also discussed

    Analysing Similarity in Exam Timetabling

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    In this paper we carry out an investigation of some of the major features of exam timetabling problems with a view to developing a similarity measure. This similarity measure will be used within a case-based reasoning (CBR) system to match a new problem with one from a case-based of previously solved problems. The case base will also store the heuristic for meta-heuristic techniques applied most successfully to each problem stored. The technique(s) stored with the matched case will be retrieved and applied to the new case. The CBR assumption in our system is that similar problems can be solved equally well by the same technique

    A constructive approach to examination timetabling based on adaptive decomposition and ordering

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    In this study, we investigate an adaptive decomposition and ordering strategy that automatically divides examinations into difficult and easy sets for constructing an examination timetable. The examinations in the difficult set are considered to be hard to place and hence are listed before the ones in the easy set in the construction process. Moreover, the examinations within each set are ordered using different strategies based on graph colouring heuristics. Initially, the examinations are placed into the easy set. During the construction process, examinations that cannot be scheduled are identified as the ones causing infeasibility and are moved forward in the difficult set to ensure earlier assignment in subsequent attempts. On the other hand, the examinations that can be scheduled remain in the easy set. Within the easy set, a new subset called the boundary set is introduced to accommodate shuffling strategies to change the given ordering of examinations. The proposed approach, which incorporates different ordering and shuffling strategies, is explored on the Carter benchmark problems. The empirical results show that the performance of our algorithm is broadly comparable to existing constructive approaches