19 research outputs found

    An Extension of Principal Component Analysis

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    Manifold Learning for Natural Image Sets, Doctoral Dissertation August 2006

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    The field of manifold learning provides powerful tools for parameterizing high-dimensional data points with a small number of parameters when this data lies on or near some manifold. Images can be thought of as points in some high-dimensional image space where each coordinate represents the intensity value of a single pixel. These manifold learning techniques have been successfully applied to simple image sets, such as handwriting data and a statue in a tightly controlled environment. However, they fail in the case of natural image sets, even those that only vary due to a single degree of freedom, such as a person walking or a heart beating. Parameterizing data sets such as these will allow for additional constraints on traditional computer vision problems such as segmentation and tracking. This dissertation explores the reasons why classical manifold learning algorithms fail on natural image sets and proposes new algorithms for parameterizing this type of data

    Optical flow estimation via steered-L1 norm

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    Global variational methods for estimating optical flow are among the best performing methods due to the subpixel accuracy and the ‘fill-in’ effect they provide. The fill-in effect allows optical flow displacements to be estimated even in low and untextured areas of the image. The estimation of such displacements are induced by the smoothness term. The L1 norm provides a robust regularisation term for the optical flow energy function with a very good performance for edge-preserving. However this norm suffers from several issues, among these is the isotropic nature of this norm which reduces the fill-in effect and eventually the accuracy of estimation in areas near motion boundaries. In this paper we propose an enhancement to the L1 norm that improves the fill-in effect for this smoothness term. In order to do this we analyse the structure tensor matrix and use its eigenvectors to steer the smoothness term into components that are ‘orthogonal to’ and ‘aligned with’ image structures. This is done in primal-dual formulation. Results show a reduced end-point error and improved accuracy compared to the conventional L1 norm

    Optical flow estimation via steered-L1 norm

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    Global variational methods for estimating optical flow are among the best performing methods due to the subpixel accuracy and the ‘fill-in’ effect they provide. The fill-in effect allows optical flow displacements to be estimated even in low and untextured areas of the image. The estimation of such displacements are induced by the smoothness term. The L1 norm provides a robust regularisation term for the optical flow energy function with a very good performance for edge-preserving. However this norm suffers from several issues, among these is the isotropic nature of this norm which reduces the fill-in effect and eventually the accuracy of estimation in areas near motion boundaries. In this paper we propose an enhancement to the L1 norm that improves the fill-in effect for this smoothness term. In order to do this we analyse the structure tensor matrix and use its eigenvectors to steer the smoothness term into components that are ‘orthogonal to’ and ‘aligned with’ image structures. This is done in primal-dual formulation. Results show a reduced end-point error and improved accuracy compared to the conventional L1 norm

    State of the Art in Face Recognition

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    Notwithstanding the tremendous effort to solve the face recognition problem, it is not possible yet to design a face recognition system with a potential close to human performance. New computer vision and pattern recognition approaches need to be investigated. Even new knowledge and perspectives from different fields like, psychology and neuroscience must be incorporated into the current field of face recognition to design a robust face recognition system. Indeed, many more efforts are required to end up with a human like face recognition system. This book tries to make an effort to reduce the gap between the previous face recognition research state and the future state

    Riemannian Multi-Manifold Modeling

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    This paper advocates a novel framework for segmenting a dataset in a Riemannian manifold MM into clusters lying around low-dimensional submanifolds of MM. Important examples of MM, for which the proposed clustering algorithm is computationally efficient, are the sphere, the set of positive definite matrices, and the Grassmannian. The clustering problem with these examples of MM is already useful for numerous application domains such as action identification in video sequences, dynamic texture clustering, brain fiber segmentation in medical imaging, and clustering of deformed images. The proposed clustering algorithm constructs a data-affinity matrix by thoroughly exploiting the intrinsic geometry and then applies spectral clustering. The intrinsic local geometry is encoded by local sparse coding and more importantly by directional information of local tangent spaces and geodesics. Theoretical guarantees are established for a simplified variant of the algorithm even when the clusters intersect. To avoid complication, these guarantees assume that the underlying submanifolds are geodesic. Extensive validation on synthetic and real data demonstrates the resiliency of the proposed method against deviations from the theoretical model as well as its superior performance over state-of-the-art techniques

    A tensor-based selection hyper-heuristic for cross-domain heuristic search

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    Hyper-heuristics have emerged as automated high level search methodologies that manage a set of low level heuristics for solving computationally hard problems. A generic selection hyper-heuristic combines heuristic selection and move acceptance methods under an iterative single point-based search framework. At each step, the solution in hand is modified after applying a selected heuristic and a decision is made whether the new solution is accepted or not. In this study, we represent the trail of a hyper-heuristic as a third order tensor. Factorization of such a tensor reveals the latent relationships between the low level heuristics and the hyper-heuristic itself. The proposed learning approach partitions the set of low level heuristics into two subsets where heuristics in each subset are associated with a separate move acceptance method. Then a multi-stage hyper-heuristic is formed and while solving a given problem instance, heuristics are allowed to operate only in conjunction with the associated acceptance method at each stage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time tensor analysis of the space of heuristics is used as a data science approach to improve the performance of a hyper-heuristic in the prescribed manner. The empirical results across six different problem domains from a benchmark indeed indicate the success of the proposed approach