348 research outputs found

    FLAMINGO – Fulfilling enhanced location accuracy in the mass-market through initial GalileO services

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    This paper discusses FLAMINGO, an initiative that will provide a high accuracy positioning service to be used by mass market applications. The status and future for the initiative are discussed, the required accuracies and other location parameters are described, and the target applications are identified. Finally, the currently achieved accuracies from today’s Smartphones are assessed and presented. FLAMINGO (Fulfilling enhanced Location Accuracy in the Mass-market through Initial GalileO services), part funded through the European GNSS Agency, is a collaborative venture comprising NSL (as lead organization), Telespazio France, University of Nottingham, Rokubun, Thales Alenia Space France, VVA, BQ, ECLEXYS and Blue Dot Solutions. The initiative is developing the infrastructure, solutions and services to enable the use of accurate and precise GNSS within the mass-market, thereby operating predominantly in an urban environment. Whilst mass-market receivers are yet to achieve accuracies below one metre for standard positioning, the introduction of Android raw GNSS measurements and the Broadcom dual frequency chipset (BCM47755), has presented the devices such an opportunity. FLAMINGO will enable and demonstrate the future of high accuracy positioning and navigation information on mass-market devices such as smartphones and Internet of Things (IoT) devices by producing a service delivering accuracies of 50cm (at 95%) and better, employing multi-constellation, PPP and RTK mechanisms, power consumption optimisation techniques. Whereas the Galileo High Accuracy Service targets 10cm precision within professional markets, FLAMINGO targets 30-50cm precision in the mass-market consumer markets. By targeting accuracies of a few decimetres, a range of improved and new applications in diverse market sectors are introduced. These sectors include, but are not limited to, mapping and GIS, autonomous vehicles, AR environments, mobile-location based gaming and people tracking. To obtain such high accuracies with mass market devices, FLAMINGO must overcome several challenges which are technical, operational and environmental. This includes the hardware capabilities of most mass-market devices, where components such as antennas and processors are prioritised for other purposes. We demonstrate that, despite these challenges, FLAMINGO has the potential to meet the accuracy required. Tests with the current Smartphones that provide access to multi-constellation raw measurements (the dual frequency Xiaomi Mi 8 and single frequency Samsung S8 and Huawei P10) demonstrate significant improvements to the PVT solution when processing using both RTK and PPP techniques

    Aplikasi Peta Properti Kota Berbasis Mobile Gis Yang Terintegrasi Pada Google Map Pada Smartphone Android

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    Bidang properti sektor Perumahan merupakan salah satu bidang bisnis dan kebutuhan bertujuan untuk memenuhi salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, integrasi teknologi mobile, GIS, dan GPS telah memungkinkan dikembangkan aplikasi mobile GIS yang interaktif. Dalam penelitian ini aplikasi peta properti berbasis Mobile GIS yang terintegrasi pada google Map pada Smartphone Android diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen akan properti di sektor Perumahan dengan berbagai kemudahan dan kecepatan pengguna dalam mencari dan mengidentifikasi properti yang diinginkan. Dengan bantuan Global Positioning System (GPS) yang berfungsi sebagai penunjuk lokasi, Location Based Service (LBS) yang menyediakan informasi berdasar letak geografis perangkat mobile, serta adanya fasilitas Google Map yang telah built in dalam handphone Android, maka aplikasi ini akan semakin mudah untuk digunakan. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan FrameworkAndroidSDK, Java dan PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman yang dikembangkan dengan software Eclipse, MySQL sebagai basis data,dan Google Map API. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi mobile pada handphone Android yang menyajikan informasi informasi terkait properti dijual di beberapa lokasi di Semarang yang disertai dengan peta dan arah kemudi. Informasi disajikan dalam beberapa kategori, yaitu kategori harga, luas tanah, dan luas bangunan

    Mobile telecommunication networks and mobile commerce : towards its applications in chinese market

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    La télécommunication mobile connecte les personnes de n'importe où à tout moment. La transmission de la voix et des données à travers les réseaux de télécommunication mobile permet d'envoyer des informations et de diriger des transactions d'une manière nouvelle. Cela crée un nouveau domaine d'affaires qui s'appelle du commerce mobile, une affaire étendue basée sur l'Internet avec de nombreux des caractéristiques uniques ajoutés. Comme un soutien fondamental du plate-forme, les réseaux de la télécommunication mobile joue un rôle essentiel dans le commerce mobile. Leurs caractéristiques techniques et le déploiement déterminent l'essence pour le commerce mobile. Dans cette mémoire, nous étudions et présentons les caractéristiques techniques des technologies communications mobiles du réseau 1G à 3G et au-delà. Nous étudions également les technologies WLAN et WAP qui sont courantes dans le commerce mobile en Chine et dans le monde. Le commerce mobile est en train de se développer, le nombre d'utilisateurs de téléphones mobiles sont de plus en plus en Chine et dans ce monde. Les utilisateurs mobiles énormes en Chine ainsi que la maturité des technologies 3G affichent un fort potentiel pour offrir et d'adopter plus les nouveaux services mobiles. Après réviser l'évolution du commerce mobile et l'histoire du succès i-mode au Japon, nous nous concentrons sur le mobile du marché chinois de manière à découvrir son marché, l'infrastructure du réseau mobile, et le modèle d'affaires. Fondé sur la base de notre enquête sur le commerce mobile chinois, nous présentons, selon notre jugement, les services mobiles et des applications que sont convenables pour la Chine. Parmi eux, nous pensons qu'il y a la tendance sur les services basés sur la localisation et services orientées de l'architectures. Cette tendance peut attirer plus d'attention à offrir de nouveaux services. En plus, elle peut offrir des services d'intégration et de personnalisation qui viennent de fournisseurs de services mobiles et des utilisateurs finaux. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Gestion intégrée et écosystémique, Principe de précaution, Communication entre acteurs, Risques sur l'environnement et la santé

    Emergency response, the built environment and GPS signal quality: simulation and analysis of urban canyons in Quebec City

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    L’objectif général de cette recherche est de synthétiser les informations disponibles sur le développement d’un système d’urgence 9-1-1 pour les téléphones cellulaires dans le contexte nord américain. L’objectif spécifique du projet est de proposer une méthodologie qui détermine les conditions moyennes d’obstruction causée par les bâtiments qui nuisent à la qualité de la réception de signal GPS. Un modèle statistique de la qualité de signal GPS basé sur une campagne de mesures de réception des signaux GPS dans les arrondissements à caractère urbain dans la Ville de Québec (Canada) est employé pour simuler l’effet d’obstruction. Ces mesures ont montré une variabilité spatiale de la qualité de signal selon les conditions locales d’obstruction des édifices sur la voûte céleste. Une augmentation du pourcentage de ciel obstrué (effet de masque) a entraîné une augmentation de la probabilité de perte de signal GPS. Des cartes continues de la probabilité de perte de signal GPS ont été créés pour des feuillets de la Base de données topographiques de Québec au 1 : 20 000 en employant la technique d’interpolation spatiale par la méthode de la distance inverse pondérée (DIP).The general objective of this investigation is to extract the most pertinent information currently available on developing an emergency 9-1-1 system for cellular phones in the North American context. The specific objective of this project is to propose a methodology for determining the average obstruction by buildings which affect GPS satellite signal quality. A statistical model of GPS signal quality based on a field measurement campaign in the urban districts of Quebec City (Canada) was used to simulate this phenomenon. The measurements demonstrated a spatial variation in signal quality according to the building obstruction over the local sky. An increase in the percent of obstructed sky led to an increase in the probability of losing GPS signal lock. Continuous maps of GPS signal loss probability were created for sheets of the Quebec topographic database at the 1:20,000 scale using the Inverse Distance Weighting technique of spatial interpolation (IDW)

    Developing Android Mobile Map Application with standard navigation tools for pedestrians

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    Advanced features of modern mobile devices have made it possible to develop and use maps and map based applications for navigation purposes. Since most mobile map applications nowadays are developed for motor vehicles, there is a demand for portable pedestrian navigation applications. In this thesis the Android mobile map application with standard navigation tools for pedestrian navigation was developed, as a platform for facilitating the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator of the HaptiMap project. The pivotal aim of the Lund Challenge demonstrator is to make the sights of Lund city more accessible. The mobile phone application is being designed as a touristic, historical location based game which will also assist tourists to navigate themselves in the city. To enable exploration of historical and current sites of Lund the demonstrator should contain basic components of exploring and way finding. Prior to the development the OpenStreetMap (OSM) road network data and Swedish National Road Database (NVDB) were introduced. The main advantage of using the OSM data over the NVDB dataset is the completeness of the OSM data in terms of pedestrian paths. The datasets were imported to PostgreSQL spatially extended PostGIS database, where different routing algorithms provided by pgRouting were used for routing calculations. As the Lund Challenge demonstrator is intended not only for general users but also for visually impaired users, the problem of user navigation in the parks and open areas were also discussed and the feasibility study was performed. The limitation of the developed application was the problem of the user navigation in the parks and open areas. It is therefore necessary to upgrade the road database with possible path in the open areas and parks in order to implement this application.Advanced features of modern devices have made it possible to develop and use maps and map-based applications for navigation purposes. Since most mobile map applications are currently developed for motor vehicles, there is a demand for portable pedestrian navigation applications. In this thesis, a mobile map application was developed with standard navigation tools for pedestrians, which can be used with mobile phones running Android Operating System. The application will be used as a platform for facilitating the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator. Lund Challenge location based demonstrator is designed to make historical and actual maps of Lund more accessible and is a part of the HaptiMap project. This project aims to create maps and develop location-based services for all users, including elderly and visually impaired. The goal of the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator (also known as The Lund Time Machine) is to minimize the efforts of pedestrians, especially tourists, with finding interesting sites around the city. Initially, it is being designed as a historical location based game which will assist tourists to navigate themselves around the city. In order to further explore historical and current sites, the Lund Challenge should be enhanced with the basic features of exploration and navigation included in this thesis. The road network data was chosen from two available sources: 1) data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) project which provides free geographic data, and 2) The Swedish National Road Database (NVDB) authorized by the Swedish government, which includes all Swedish road network and selected cycle paths. For this thesis, analysis was performed on the datasets using different shortest path algorithms for routing calculations. A primary advantage of using OSM over NVDB is the completeness of data relating to pedestrian paths. As a result, the determination was made that the OSM option was more appropriate for the purpose of this thesis. Since the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator is intended for both general and visually impaired users, the problem of user navigation in parks and open areas was also discussed and a feasibility study was performed. This study revealed a limitation in the application with user navigation in parks and open areas. To resolve this, it is necessary to upgrade the road network with all possible pedestrian paths for parks and open areas

    Towards the deployment and adoption of Location-based services for optimal mobile communication operations in Africa

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    Africa is the world’s second largest and second most populous continent with about one billion people. Mobile phones are a major source of communication and means of taking information and technology to rural and remote areas of the continent. With low-cost and readily available mobile phones, underprivileged, low-income earners and rural dwellers can also participate in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution. Services are introduced by mobile operators and vendors to enhance and optimize this mobile evolution. One of such service is location-based services (LBS); LBS make available personalized services based on the geographical location of the subscriber’s phone. LBS will be of great technological advantage in Africa optimizing operators’ networks and bringing location information and services closer to the people. This paper offers some suggestions on effective deployment and adoption of LBS in Africa based on case studies from developed and developing countries

    Understanding land administration systems

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    This is a preprint of a paper from 14th PCGIAP Meeting (International Seminar on Land Administration Trends & Issues in Asia & The Pacific Region), 19-20 August 2008. http://www.csdila.unimelb.edu.au/projects/PCGIAPLASeminar/index.html.19-20 August 200

    Mobile Geographical Information System: Using Personal Digital Assistant to Monitor Vehicle Navigation

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    Geographic analysis has been around longer than maps; probably back thousands of years when early humans planned hunting and movement. Perhaps the first GIS were scratches in the dirt or sand. Traditionally, highly skilled cartographers spent many hours drawing maps, and map users labored over the analytical tasks. Modern GIS arrived when computers became powerful, easier to operate, more affordable, and generally available to many users. Technology has created many changes, including geography, data, and methods of analysis. Modern GIS is a new paradigm, even more so when Modern GIS goes mobile. The rapid growth in mobile telecommunications and internet business is living proof of a radical change in today's information society and infrastructure. The current phase in this development is the continued increase in total mobility with wideband services. This paper explores GIS in the mobile environment using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components. It sees the research on GIS, focusing on GIS in mobile environment. It presents the ideaof applying GIS concept in vehicle tracking, where mobile GIS will couple up with GPS as a vehicle movement monitoring tool. The Reuse-Oriented Development Model is used as guidance for the project progress. The methodology is suitable as it stresses on component reuse. It encourages timely completion of the project. A simulation of vehicle tracking and navigating concept would be presented as the findings of the research. The simulation presents the idea of real-time tracking of a moving vehicle using data output from the GPS.