6 research outputs found

    A methodology for project portfolio selection under criteria prioritisation, uncertainty and projects interdependency – combination of fuzzy QFD and DEA

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Resources of an organisation (people, time, money, equipment, etc) are never endless. As such, a constant and continuous challenge for decision makers is to decide which projects should be given priority in terms of receiving critical resources in a way that the organisation's productivity and profitability is best guaranteed. Previous literature has already developed a plenitude of project portfolio selection methodologies ranging from simple scoring to complex mathematical models. However, most of them too often fail to propose one integrated and seamless method that can simultaneously take into account three important elements: (1) prioritisation of selection criteria over each other, (2) uncertainty in decision-making, and (3) projects interdependencies. This paper aims to fill this gap by proposing an integrated method that can simultaneously address all these three aspects. The proposed method combines Quality Function Development (QFD), fuzzy logic, and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to accounts for prioritisation, uncertainty and interdependency. We then apply this method in a numerical example from a real world case to illustrate the applicability and efficacy of the proposed methodology

    A New Integrated FQFD Approach for Improving Quality and Reliability of Solar Drying Systems

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    Saffron is the most expensive spice and is significantly valuable in non-oil export. Drying process of saffron is considered as a critical control point with major effects on quality and safety parameters. A suitable drying method covering standards and market requirements while it is costlty benefitial and saves energy is desirable. Solar drying could be introduced as an appropriate procedure in rural and collecting sites of saffron since major micorobial and chemical factors of saffron can be preserved and achieved by using a renewable energy source. So, a precise system taking advantage of management, engineering and food technology sciences could be developed. Since there was no published record of integrated methods of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment (FQFD) applied to solar energy drying systems, in this paper, Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment as a quality management tool by emphasizing technical and customer requirements has been implemented in order to improve quality parameters, optimizing technological expenses and market expansion strategy. Subsequently, Analytical Hierarchy Process based on survey from customers and logical pair-wise comparison are employed to decrease costs and increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of economic indicators. Using the integrated approach of AHP and FQFD in solar drying systems in saffron industry will result in cost benefit, quality improvement, the customer satisfaction enhancement, and the increase in saffron exports

    Using Simulation and Six-Sigma Tools in Improving Process Flow in Outpatient Clinics

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    It is apparent that outpatient clinics are becoming complex and need to be optimized and improved on a daily basis. In this project, we used several methods including discrete event simulation, quality function deployment (QFD), and failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) to optimize and improve these clinics. We conducted this study at a major suburban outpatient clinic to propose main recommendations which most likely apply to a vast majority of such clinics. Firstly, the simulation-based modeling that we ran assisted us in recognizing optimum staff number which would result in decreasing waiting times that patients usually spend and making the process flow at the facility smoother. Secondly, QFD approach for analyzing outpatient clinic requirement is also proposed and realized through a case study. It is realized that the proposed approach can adjust service quality toward customer requirements effectively. Lastly, the health care failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) that we implemented as a novel method to discover conditions and active failures and to prioritize these based on the potential severity of risks associated with them

    Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Issues in Social Marketing

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    Social marketing has been contributing historically for a better application of public policy, health and safety, environment, education and human rights. Specifically, four major areas that social marketing efforts have focused over the years are health promotion,injurprevention,environmental protection, and community mobilization. Social marketing, at an industrial organization, emphasizes exchange of ideas between the target audience (i.e. the employees) and the marketer (i.e. the employer). This exchange requires that the employees be persuaded to give up the unsafe behaviors that they are accustomed to, to gain an enhanced level of safety with a greater likelihood of preventing injuries in the workplace. In an organizational context, the internal users are treated as customers and marketing inside the organization is an essential part of delivering value to the organization, and ultimately to the end customer. Therefore, effective management strategies are sought to develop the concept of internal marketing with a view to satisfy the employees and in turn, motivate them to do good work and produce a better product or service. The success of any business enterprise largely depends on its manpower with regard to their professional skill level, positive attitude, job satisfaction, and involvement in quality improvement activities. The important aspect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the concern for safety and sound health of the workforce, so that employees feel secured and motivated. The concern becomes manifold when the workforce is exposed to menial tasks and occupational risk situations. To make a safe and conducive environment, an organization must build a solid foundation with a clear vision of the future and specific means by which it will achieve the safety mission of the organization. Safety, health and environment systems needs a continual and systematically managed efforts in order to achieve sustainable growth. Presently, many industries are focusing attention on occupational health and safety (OHS) that may help to achieve competitive advantage. This research is concerned with the study of OHS issues in the context of injury prevention social marketing. A detailed study on workplace environment and safety climate makes the implementation of various social marketing principles easier. This may also be useful for the purpose of policy formulation on improving OHS in Indian industries. Three industrial sectors such as construction (Type 1), refractory (Type 2) and steel (Type 3) are considered in this study. These industries are generally viewed as hazardous due to usage of heavy equipment, unsafe and primitive tools, injurious materials and dust produced during operation. The study covers such organizations where size in manpower and investment varies, both organized and unorganized workforce exists, both public and private enterprises exist, and the level of sophistication of tools, methods, and work environment in terms of safety is poor. A study on risk perceptions and understanding of OHS has been conducted in three industrial sectors. Thirty four items are included in the questionnaire through review of related literature and discussion with a focus group. The items are framed to suit the local work practices and culture covering various aspects of OHS. Two hundred eighty eight (or 288) useful responses were tested to examine the validity and reliability of the scale to ensure a quantitative and statistically provenidentification of the responses. The test for quantitative variables was conducted by factor analysis on responses using the principal component method followed by varimax rotation to ensure that the variables are important and suitable for the model using SPSS 16.0. Finally, identified factors were again analyzed using discriminant analysis to highlight statistical difference among practices existing in three sectors. The pattern of influence of input parameters on outputs such as injury level and material damage is difficult to establish, possibly due to existence of some nonlinear relationship among them. Therefore, an artificial neural network (ANN) is adopted to carry out sensitivity analysis and important deficient items have been identified. A comparative evaluation on deficient items among three major types of Indian industries has been made. Quality function deployment (QFD) has been used to develop the system design requirements considering the deficient safety items as voice of customers. The interrelation among the system design requirements is represented in a digraph using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) approach. A predictive methodology for forecasting various types of injuries has been proposed using fuzzy inference system. As fuzzy inference system can be used with little mathematical knowledge and needs only expert knowledge, it can be easily implemented in the field to predict injury types. Further, fuzzy inference system can deal effectively in imprecise and uncertain situations. In order to transfer best practices among various organizations, a benchmarking study has been carried out using data envelopment analysis (DEA). The study finally provides some useful guidelines for the managers for improving safety performance in selected Indian industrial settings

    Strategic Logistics Outsourcing:Integrated Models for Evaluating and Selecting Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) Upstream/Downstream Supply Chain Comparison

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    This research aims to maximize the logistics outsourcing benefits through developing new hybrid models for evaluating and selecting Logistics Service Providers (LSPs). The growing demand for logistics outsourcing and the increase in the number and type of LSPs highlight the increasing importance of the LSP evaluation and selection process. Firms use various approaches to evaluate and select their LSP partners. Most of these approaches seem to have overlooked the strategic side of the logistics outsourcing process. Additionally, the uncertainty issue of data, the complexity of the decision and the large number of criteria involved increase the attractiveness of the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) approaches. A comparative literature review was used in order to identify crucial factors and methods that are used in logistics literature in fragmented ways and therefore, to establish and design a conceptual framework and models for logistics outsourcing. First, a long list of evaluation criteria was developed. Three main dimensions were identified: logistics performance, logistics resources and logistics services. Then a conceptual framework was developed using the three main dimensions with their related factors. Based on the comparative literature review outcomes, a number of integrated models have been developed and used to achieve this aim with emphasis given to FDEMATEL, FTOPSIS and FQFD techniques. Whereas the FDEMATEL technique contributed to construct influence relationships between factors under each dimension, develop impact-relationship maps and identify dependent and independent success factors (ISFs), the FTOPSIS technique used the weighted success factors to evaluate, rank and select the best LSP in three case studies. Twenty-one ISFs have been identified to be used in the final approach. These ISFs consist of eight LKPIs, seven logistics services and six logistics resources and capabilities. All of the factors were used to evaluate and select the best LSP alternative and ISFs were used to conduct the evaluation process. Different sensitivity analysis tests are used to confirm models’ robustness. Based on the outcomes of both cases, decision makers can use independent factors alone to evaluate and select the best LSP, which simplified the logistics outsourcing process in our study. The FQFD technique was used to link the LSUs strategic objectives with logistics requirements and the ISFs to develop a new strategic logistics outsourcing approach. Finally, two case studies representing the supply chain upstream and downstream are used to demonstrate the new hybrid approach effectiveness. The comparison of both cases’ findings highlighted their differences in terms of strategic objectives, logistics requirements and ISFs