5,727 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Logic in Clinical Practice Decision Support Systems

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    Computerized clinical guidelines can provide significant benefits to health outcomes and costs, however, their effective implementation presents significant problems. Vagueness and ambiguity inherent in natural (textual) clinical guidelines is not readily amenable to formulating automated alerts or advice. Fuzzy logic allows us to formalize the treatment of vagueness in a decision support architecture. This paper discusses sources of fuzziness in clinical practice guidelines. We consider how fuzzy logic can be applied and give a set of heuristics for the clinical guideline knowledge engineer for addressing uncertainty in practice guidelines. We describe the specific applicability of fuzzy logic to the decision support behavior of Care Plan On-Line, an intranet-based chronic care planning system for General Practitioners

    On fuzzy reasoning schemes

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    In this work we provide a short survey of the most frequently used fuzzy reasoning schemes. The paper is organized as follows: in the first section we introduce the basic notations and definitions needed for fuzzy inference systems; in the second section we explain how the GMP works under Mamdani, Larsen and G¨odel implications, furthermore we discuss the properties of compositional rule of inference with several fuzzy implications; and in the third section we describe Tsukamoto’s, Sugeno’s and the simplified fuzzy inference mechanisms in multi-input-single-output fuzzy systems

    Explainer: An interactive Agent for Explaining the Diagnosis of Cardiac Arrhythmia Generated by IK-DCBRC

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    Interactions between medical applications and users involve a high level of trust, since many complex, automated applications are integrated and involve critical domains in which public health is paramount. Although uncertainty decreases the accuracy and trust of such medical applications under these circumstances, explanation-aware computing becomes crucial in improving the efficiency of these applications. This paper describes an intelligent agent that interacts with users to provide meaningful explanations of previous diagnoses supported by IK-DCBRC. The agent ensures intelligent interactions with users via a rule-based system that generates appropriate explanations according to the selected level of abstraction and the detected cardiac arrhythmia. The paper also describes a particular medical application, that is, cardiac arrhythmia with automatic diagnoses supported by the case-based reasoning classifier, IK-DCBRC

    Integration of the Wang & Mendel algorithm into the application of Fuzzy expert systems to intelligent clinical decision support systems

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    The use of intelligent systems in clinical diagnostics has evolved, integrating statistical learning and knowledge-based representation models. Two recent works propose the identification of risk factors for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The first uses statistical learning to identify indicators associated with different levels of the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). The second paper combines statistical and symbolic inference approaches to obtain risk indicators (Statistical Risk and Symbolic Risk) for a given AHI level. Based on this, in this paper we propose a new intelligent system that considers different AHI levels and generates risk pairs for each level. A learning-based model generates Statistical Risks based on objective patient data, while a cascade of fuzzy expert systems determines a Symbolic Risk using symptom data from patient interviews. The aggregation of risk pairs at each level involves a fuzzy expert system with automatically generated fuzzy rules using the Wang-Mendel algorithm. This aggregation produces an Apnea Risk indicator for each AHI level, allowing discrimination between OSA and non-OSA cases, along with appropriate recommendations. This approach improves variability, usefulness, and interpretability, increasing the reliability of the system. Initial tests on data from 4400 patients yielded AUC values of 0.74–0.88, demonstrating the potential benefits of the proposed intelligent system architecture.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2020/03

    Development of Machine Learning Techniques for Diabetic Retinopathy Risk Estimation

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    La retinopatia diabètica (DR) és una malaltia crònica. És una de les principals complicacions de diabetis i una causa essencial de pèrdua de visió entre les persones que pateixen diabetis. Els pacients diabètics han de ser analitzats periòdicament per tal de detectar signes de desenvolupament de la retinopatia en una fase inicial. El cribratge precoç i freqüent disminueix el risc de pèrdua de visió i minimitza la càrrega als centres assistencials. El nombre dels pacients diabètics està en augment i creixements ràpids, de manera que el fa difícil que consumeix recursos per realitzar un cribatge anual a tots ells. L’objectiu principal d’aquest doctorat. la tesi consisteix en construir un sistema de suport de decisions clíniques (CDSS) basat en dades de registre de salut electrònic (EHR). S'utilitzarà aquest CDSS per estimar el risc de desenvolupar RD. En aquesta tesi doctoral s'estudien mètodes d'aprenentatge automàtic per constuir un CDSS basat en regles lingüístiques difuses. El coneixement expressat en aquest tipus de regles facilita que el metge sàpiga quines combindacions de les condicions són les poden provocar el risc de desenvolupar RD. En aquest treball, proposo un mètode per reduir la incertesa en la classificació dels pacients que utilitzen arbres de decisió difusos (FDT). A continuació es combinen diferents arbres, usant la tècnica de Fuzzy Random Forest per millorar la qualitat de la predicció. A continuació es proposen diverses tècniques d'agregació que millorin la fusió dels resultats que ens dóna cadascun dels arbres FDT. Per millorar la decisió final dels nostres models, proposo tres mesures difuses que s'utilitzen amb integrals de Choquet i Sugeno. La definició d’aquestes mesures difuses es basa en els valors de confiança de les regles. En particular, una d'elles és una mesura difusa que es troba en la qual l'estructura jeràrquica de la FDT és explotada per trobar els valors de la mesura difusa. El resultat final de la recerca feta ha donat lloc a un programari que es pot instal·lar en centres d’assistència primària i hospitals, i pot ser usat pels metges de capçalera per fer l'avaluació preventiva i el cribatge de la Retinopatia Diabètica.La retinopatía diabética (RD) es una enfermedad crónica. Es una de las principales complicaciones de diabetes y una causa esencial de pérdida de visión entre las personas que padecen diabetes. Los pacientes diabéticos deben ser examinados periódicamente para detectar signos de diabetes. desarrollo de retinopatía en una etapa temprana. La detección temprana y frecuente disminuye el riesgo de pérdida de visión y minimiza la carga en los centros de salud. El número de pacientes diabéticos es enorme y está aumentando rápidamente, lo que lo hace difícil y Consume recursos para realizar una evaluación anual para todos ellos. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es construir un sistema de apoyo a la decisión clínica (CDSS) basado en datos de registros de salud electrónicos (EHR). Este CDSS será utilizado para estimar el riesgo de desarrollar RD. En este tesis doctoral se estudian métodos de aprendizaje automático para construir un CDSS basado en reglas lingüísticas difusas. El conocimiento expresado en este tipo de reglas facilita que el médico pueda saber que combinaciones de las condiciones son las que pueden provocar el riesgo de desarrollar RD. En este trabajo propongo un método para reducir la incertidumbre en la clasificación de los pacientes que usan árboles de decisión difusos (FDT). A continuación se combinan diferentes árboles usando la técnica de Fuzzy Random Forest para mejorar la calidad de la predicción. Se proponen también varias políticas para fusionar los resultados de que nos da cada uno de los árboles (FDT). Para mejorar la decisión final propongo tres medidas difusas que se usan con las integrales Choquet y Sugeno. La definición de estas medidas difusas se basa en los valores de confianza de las reglas. En particular, uno de ellos es una medida difusa descomponible en la que se usa la estructura jerárquica del FDT para encontrar los valores de la medida difusa. Como resultado final de la investigación se ha construido un software que puede instalarse en centros de atención médica y hospitales, i que puede ser usado por los médicos de cabecera para hacer la evaluación preventiva y el cribado de la Retinopatía Diabética.Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a chronic illness. It is one of the main complications of diabetes, and an essential cause of vision loss among people suffering from diabetes. Diabetic patients must be periodically screened in order to detect signs of diabetic retinopathy development in an early stage. Early and frequent screening decreases the risk of vision loss and minimizes the load on the health care centres. The number of the diabetic patients is huge and rapidly increasing so that makes it hard and resource-consuming to perform a yearly screening to all of them. The main goal of this Ph.D. thesis is to build a clinical decision support system (CDSS) based on electronic health record (EHR) data. This CDSS will be utilised to estimate the risk of developing RD. In this Ph.D. thesis, I focus on developing novel interpretable machine learning systems. Fuzzy based systems with linguistic terms are going to be proposed. The output of such systems makes the physician know what combinations of the features that can cause the risk of developing DR. In this work, I propose a method to reduce the uncertainty in classifying diabetic patients using fuzzy decision trees. A Fuzzy Random forest (FRF) approach is proposed as well to estimate the risk for developing DR. Several policies are going to be proposed to merge the classification results achieved by different Fuzzy Decision Trees (FDT) models to improve the quality of the final decision of our models, I propose three fuzzy measures that are used with Choquet and Sugeno integrals. The definition of these fuzzy measures is based on the confidence values of the rules. In particular, one of them is a decomposable fuzzy measure in which the hierarchical structure of the FDT is exploited to find the values of the fuzzy measure. Out of this Ph.D. work, we have built a CDSS software that may be installed in the health care centres and hospitals in order to evaluate and detect Diabetic Retinopathy at early stages

    Medical diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases using an interval-valued fuzzy rule-based classification system

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    Objective: To develop a classifier that tackles the problem of determining the risk of a patient of suffering from a cardiovascular disease within the next ten years. The system has to provide both a diagnosis and an interpretable model explaining the decision. In this way, doctors are able to analyse the usefulness of the information given by the system. Methods: Linguistic fuzzy rule-based classification systems are used, since they provide a good classification rate and a highly interpretable model. More specifically, a new methodology to combine fuzzy rule-based classification systems with interval-valued fuzzy sets is proposed, which is composed of three steps: 1) the modelling of the linguistic labels of the classifier using interval-valued fuzzy sets; 2) the use of the Kα operator in the inference process and 3) the application of a genetic tuning to find the best ignorance degree that each interval-valued fuzzy set represents as well as the best value for the parameter α of the Kα operator in each rule. Results: The suitability of the new proposal to deal with this medical diagnosis classification problem is shown by comparing its performance with respect to the one provided by two classical fuzzy classifiers and a previous interval-valued fuzzy rule-based classification system. The performance of the new method is statistically better than the ones obtained with the methods considered in the comparison. The new proposal enhances both the total number of correctly diagnosed patients, around 3% with respect the classical fuzzy classifiers and around 1% versus the previous interval-valued fuzzy classifier, and the classifier ability to correctly differentiate patients of the different risk categories. Conclusion: The proposed methodology is a suitable tool to face the medical diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, since it obtains a good classification rate and it also provides an interpretable model that can be easily understood by the doctors.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under project TIN2010-15055 and the Research Services of the Universidad Pública de Navarra

    Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with Type 2 Fuzzy Sets

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    Linking objective and subjective modeling in engineering design through arc-elastic dominance

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    Engineering design in mechanics is a complex activity taking into account both objective modeling processes derived from physical analysis and designers’ subjective reasoning. This paper introduces arc-elastic dominance as a suitable concept for ranking design solutions according to a combination of objective and subjective models. Objective models lead to the aggregation of information derived from physics, economics or eco-environmental analysis into a performance indicator. Subjective models result in a confidence indicator for the solutions’ feasibility. Arc-elastic dominant design solutions achieve an optimal compromise between gain in performance and degradation in confidence. Due to the definition of arc-elasticity, this compromise value is expressive and easy for designers to interpret despite the difference in the nature of the objective and subjective models. From the investigation of arc-elasticity mathematical properties, a filtering algorithm of Pareto-efficient solutions is proposed and illustrated through a design knowledge modeling framework. This framework notably takes into account Harrington’s desirability functions and Derringer’s aggregation method. It is carried out through the re-design of a geothermal air conditioning system

    Case-based reasoning combined with statistics for diagnostics and prognosis

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    Many approaches used for diagnostics today are based on a precise model. This excludes diagnostics of many complex types of machinery that cannot be modelled and simulated easily or without great effort. Our aim is to show that by including human experience it is possible to diagnose complex machinery when there is no or limited models or simulations available. This also enables diagnostics in a dynamic application where conditions change and new cases are often added. In fact every new solved case increases the diagnostic power of the system. We present a number of successful projects where we have used feature extraction together with case-based reasoning to diagnose faults in industrial robots, welding, cutting machinery and we also present our latest project for diagnosing transmissions by combining Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) with statistics. We view the fault diagnosis process as three consecutive steps. In the first step, sensor fault signals from machines and/or input from human operators are collected. Then, the second step consists of extracting relevant fault features. In the final diagnosis/prognosis step, status and faults are identified and classified. We view prognosis as a special case of diagnosis where the prognosis module predicts a stream of future features

    Design of an intelligent decision support system applied to the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), characterized by recurrent episodes of partial or total obstruction of the upper airway during sleep, is currently one of the respiratory pathologies with the highest incidence worldwide. This situation has led to an increase in the demand for medical appointments and specific diagnostic studies, resulting in long waiting lists, with all the health consequences that this entails for the affected patients. In this context, this paper proposes the design and development of a novel intelligent decision support system applied to the diagnosis of OSA, aiming to identify patients suspected of suffering from the pathology. For this purpose, two sets of heterogeneous information are considered. The first one includes objective data related to the patient’s health profile, with information usually available in electronic health records (anthropometric information, habits, diagnosed conditions and prescribed treatments). The second type includes subjective data related to the specific OSA symptomatology reported by the patient in a specific interview. For the processing of this information, a machine-learning classification algorithm and a set of fuzzy expert systems arranged in cascade are used, obtaining, as a result, two indicators related to the risk of suffering from the disease. Subsequently, by interpreting both risk indicators, it will be possible to determine the severity of the patients’ condition and to generate alerts. For the initial tests, a software artifact was built using a dataset with 4400 patients from the Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital (Vigo, Galicia, Spain). The preliminary results obtained are promising and demonstrate the potential usefulness of this type of tool in the diagnosis of OSA.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2020/03