1,590 research outputs found

    Building Confidential and Efficient Query Services in the Cloud with RASP Data Perturbation

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    With the wide deployment of public cloud computing infrastructures, using clouds to host data query services has become an appealing solution for the advantages on scalability and cost-saving. However, some data might be sensitive that the data owner does not want to move to the cloud unless the data confidentiality and query privacy are guaranteed. On the other hand, a secured query service should still provide efficient query processing and significantly reduce the in-house workload to fully realize the benefits of cloud computing. We propose the RASP data perturbation method to provide secure and efficient range query and kNN query services for protected data in the cloud. The RASP data perturbation method combines order preserving encryption, dimensionality expansion, random noise injection, and random projection, to provide strong resilience to attacks on the perturbed data and queries. It also preserves multidimensional ranges, which allows existing indexing techniques to be applied to speedup range query processing. The kNN-R algorithm is designed to work with the RASP range query algorithm to process the kNN queries. We have carefully analyzed the attacks on data and queries under a precisely defined threat model and realistic security assumptions. Extensive experiments have been conducted to show the advantages of this approach on efficiency and security.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in IEEE TKDE, accepted in December 201

    Privacy-Aware Processing of Biometric Templates by Means of Secure Two-Party Computation

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    The use of biometric data for person identification and access control is gaining more and more popularity. Handling biometric data, however, requires particular care, since biometric data is indissolubly tied to the identity of the owner hence raising important security and privacy issues. This chapter focuses on the latter, presenting an innovative approach that, by relying on tools borrowed from Secure Two Party Computation (STPC) theory, permits to process the biometric data in encrypted form, thus eliminating any risk that private biometric information is leaked during an identification process. The basic concepts behind STPC are reviewed together with the basic cryptographic primitives needed to achieve privacy-aware processing of biometric data in a STPC context. The two main approaches proposed so far, namely homomorphic encryption and garbled circuits, are discussed and the way such techniques can be used to develop a full biometric matching protocol described. Some general guidelines to be used in the design of a privacy-aware biometric system are given, so as to allow the reader to choose the most appropriate tools depending on the application at hand

    Preserving Trustworthiness and Confidentiality for Online Multimedia

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    Technology advancements in areas of mobile computing, social networks, and cloud computing have rapidly changed the way we communicate and interact. The wide adoption of media-oriented mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets enables people to capture information in various media formats, and offers them a rich platform for media consumption. The proliferation of online services and social networks makes it possible to store personal multimedia collection online and share them with family and friends anytime anywhere. Considering the increasing impact of digital multimedia and the trend of cloud computing, this dissertation explores the problem of how to evaluate trustworthiness and preserve confidentiality of online multimedia data. The dissertation consists of two parts. The first part examines the problem of evaluating trustworthiness of multimedia data distributed online. Given the digital nature of multimedia data, editing and tampering of the multimedia content becomes very easy. Therefore, it is important to analyze and reveal the processing history of a multimedia document in order to evaluate its trustworthiness. We propose a new forensic technique called ``Forensic Hash", which draws synergy between two related research areas of image hashing and non-reference multimedia forensics. A forensic hash is a compact signature capturing important information from the original multimedia document to assist forensic analysis and reveal processing history of a multimedia document under question. Our proposed technique is shown to have the advantage of being compact and offering efficient and accurate analysis to forensic questions that cannot be easily answered by convention forensic techniques. The answers that we obtain from the forensic hash provide valuable information on the trustworthiness of online multimedia data. The second part of this dissertation addresses the confidentiality issue of multimedia data stored with online services. The emerging cloud computing paradigm makes it attractive to store private multimedia data online for easy access and sharing. However, the potential of cloud services cannot be fully reached unless the issue of how to preserve confidentiality of sensitive data stored in the cloud is addressed. In this dissertation, we explore techniques that enable confidentiality-preserving search of encrypted multimedia, which can play a critical role in secure online multimedia services. Techniques from image processing, information retrieval, and cryptography are jointly and strategically applied to allow efficient rank-ordered search over encrypted multimedia database and at the same time preserve data confidentiality against malicious intruders and service providers. We demonstrate high efficiency and accuracy of the proposed techniques and provide a quantitative comparative study with conventional techniques based on heavy-weight cryptography primitives

    Contributions to Lattice–based Cryptography

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    Post–quantum cryptography (PQC) is a new and fast–growing part of Cryptography. It focuses on developing cryptographic algorithms and protocols that resist quantum adversaries (i.e., the adversaries who have access to quantum computers). To construct a new PQC primitive, a designer must use a mathematical problem intractable for the quantum adversary. Many intractability assumptions are being used in PQC. There seems to be a consensus in the research community that the most promising are intractable/hard problems in lattices. However, lattice–based cryptography still needs more research to make it more efficient and practical. The thesis contributes toward achieving either the novelty or the practicality of lattice– based cryptographic systems

    Location privacy without mutual trust: The spatial Bloom filter

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    Location-aware applications are one of the biggest innovations brought by the smartphone era, and are effectively changing our everyday lives. But we are only starting to grasp the privacy risks associated with constant tracking of our whereabouts. In order to continue using location-based services in the future without compromising our privacy and security, we need new, privacy-friendly applications and protocols. In this paper, we propose a new compact data structure based on Bloom filters, designed to store location information. The spatial Bloom filter (SBF), as we call it, is designed with privacy in mind, and we prove it by presenting two private positioning protocols based on the new primitive. The protocols keep the user's exact position private, but allow the provider of the service to learn when the user is close to specific points of interest, or inside predefined areas. At the same time, the points and areas of interest remain oblivious to the user. The two proposed protocols are aimed at different scenarios: a two-party setting, in which communication happens directly between the user and the service provider, and a three-party setting, in which the service provider outsources to a third party the communication with the user. A detailed evaluation of the efficiency and security of our solution shows that privacy can be achieved with minimal computational and communication overhead. The potential of spatial Bloom filters in terms of generality, security and compactness makes them ready for deployment, and may open the way for privacy preserving location-aware applications
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