10 research outputs found

    Emociones en el uso de la tecnología: un análisis de las investigaciones sobre teléfonos móviles

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    Hoy en día asistimos a una revalorización de la dimensión afectiva de la persona en la vida social. Este proceso se advierte a su vez en el ámbito académico, donde las emociones se han convertido en objeto de estudio de numerosas ramas del conocimiento. También la disciplina de la Comunicación participa de este interés científico por las emociones, en concreto en relación con la tecnología digital. En este trabajo de corte teórico se examina el campo de investigación en el que convergen las emociones y la tecnología digital; tomando como caso de estudio el uso de los teléfonos móviles. Un análisis de la literatura científica evidencia que la tecnología no sólo despierta afectos en sus usuarios y sirve de canal para la expresión de las emociones, sino que también influye en el modo en que dichas emociones se modulan y despliegan, así como en la configuración de la identidad personal

    A virtualização das comunicações interpessoais

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    Este artículo analiza la virtualización de las interacciones personales. La hipótesis de trabajo es que dicha virtualización es un uso social mediado por las transformaciones en curso de las relaciones sociales. Los datos analizados provienen de una encuesta representativa aplicada a 2800 usuarios de internet en España. Se identifican las diferentes tipologías de internautas que comunican virtualmente con otras personas y se aplican análisis estructurales y discriminativos. Se comprueba que los efectos de esas diferencias en el desarrollo de las comunicaciones virtuales, se refuerzan, o se contraponen, o se anulan, toda vez que operan como un sistema mediador. Se describen los componentes de dicho sistema y sus interdependencias. Y se contribuye a aclarar el funcionamiento de la brecha digital.This paper analyzes the virtualization of personal interactions. The working hypothesis is that this virtualization is a social use mediated by the ongoing transformations of social relationships. The analyzed data comes from a representative survey of 2800 Internet users in Spain. Different typologies of internet users who virtually communicate with other people have been identified applying structural and discriminative analysis. It is found that the effects of the difference in the development of the virtual relationship are mutually reinforcing, or contrasting, or annulling, given that they operate as a mediator system. The components of the mentioned system and their interdependences are also described. The paper helps to clarify the functioning of the digital divide.Este artigo analisa a virtualização das interações pessoais. A hipótese de trabalho é que dessa virtualização é um uso social mediado pelas transformações em curso das relações sociais. Os dados analisados provêm de uma pesquisa representativa aplicado a 2800 usuários de internet na Espanha. Os diferentes tipos de usuários de Internet que se comunicam virtualmente com outras pessoas são identificados e são aplicadas análises estruturais e discriminatórias. Verifica-se que os efeitos dessas diferenças no desenvolvimento de comunicações virtuais são reforçadas, ou são opostas ou canceladas, uma vez que operam como um sistema de mediação. Os componentes do referido sistema e suas interdependências são descritos. E ajuda a esclarecer o funcionamento da divisão digital.Grupo de Investigación UCM (940324) “Identidades Sociales y Comunicación”Fac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)pu

    Conflicting Norms - How Norms of Disconnection and Availability Correlate With Digital Media Use Across Generations

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    Digital disconnection has emerged as a response to constant connectivity and the perceived harms to well-being that technology overuse may cause in a digital society. Despite the apparent conflict with expectations of constant availability, there has been limited research on the role of social norms in individuals’ regulation of their digital media use. The present study applied a nuanced conceptualization of social norms—by differentiating referent groups (i.e., family, friends, and everyday contacts) as well as injunctive and descriptive norms—and examined the associations of disconnection and availability norms with disconnection behavior across two generations of digital media users. Drawing on an online survey based on a stratified population sample ( N = 1163), we found perceptions of injunctive disconnection norms to differ across generations, with younger digital media users perceiving digital disconnection but also availability to be more important to their social environment. This conflict of contradictory norms was also reflected in an interactional effect on own disconnection behavior in this group, where positive correlations between disconnections norms and behavior were countered by availability norms. Overall, our findings demonstrate the social complexity of the individual decision to (dis)connect and, on the societal level, that social norms of disconnection are in transition with disconnection behavior becoming and being perceived as more and more important

    Virtualization of interpersonal communications

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    This paper analyzes the virtualization of personal interactions. The working hypothesis is that this virtualization is a social use mediated by the ongoing transformations of social relationships. The analyzed data comes from a representative survey of 2800 Internet users in Spain. Different typologies of internet users who virtually communicate with other people have been identified applying structural and discriminative analysis. It is found that the effects of the difference in the development of the virtual relationship are mutually reinforcing, or contrasting, or annulling, given that they operate as a mediator system. The components of the mentioned system and their interdependences are also described. The paper helps to clarify the functioning of the digital divide

    On the need to unplug: some facts and proposals

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    If there is one point that stands out in our information society it is that we are in the midst of a technological invasion and that we, and particularly young people, feel the need to be permanently connected. These and other traits are what give shape to the era of hyperconnectivity (Reig y Vílchez, 2013). Regarding this reality, there are those who see a certain technological fatigue amongst users, and so, from certain perspectives, there is a feeling that we need to rethink the technological approach, to reconsider the effects that technology has on our lives. The suggestion is digital unplugging, a proposal which can be included in a broader movement, the Slow Movement, which champions a more unhurried lifestyle (Honoré, 2004). This does not mean eliminating online life completely, but rather establishing regular periods of digital time-out in order to develop face-to-face communication; they suggest cultivating leisure periods which, to a certain extent, would dispense with digital technology and would reconstruct the borders between the time for work and the time for rest (Wajcman et al., 2009). In this work we make an in-depth study of the academic and informative literature which deals with this issue and we refer to varied research, both technical and empirical. From an education perspective we point out how, at present, media education and the promotion of digital competence is a priority in the systems of education and of the main international bodies (Kubey, 2003; Martens 2010). It is absolutely fundamental that people learn these new languages, acquire the capacity to critically differentiate and evaluate the enormous amount of media and sources of information which is available, and use this safely. But perhaps one important component of digital competence should be learning how to disconnect, in order to make connections in another way.Si algo caracteriza la sociedad de la información en la que vivimos es la invasión tecnológica y la necesidad de conectividad permanente, especialmente entre los jóvenes. Estos y otros rasgos configuran la era de la hiperconectividad (Reig y Vílchez, 2013). Ante esta realidad hay quien advierte entre los usuarios cierta fatiga tecnológica, por lo que, desde diversos ámbitos, se empieza a considerar la necesidad de repensar la aproximación tecnológica, de recapacitar sobre los efectos que la tecnológica tiene en nuestras vidas. Su apuesta es la desconexión digital, propuesta que puede enmarcarse dentro de una corriente más amplia, el movimiento slow, que aboga por un estilo de vida más pausado (Honoré, 2004). No se trata de eliminar por completo la vida online, sino de instaurar períodos regulares de desconexión digital para cultivar la comunicación cara a cara; abogando por el desarrollo de un ocio que, en parte, prescinda de las tecnologías digitales y por una recuperación de las fronteras entre el tiempo laboral y el de descanso (Wajcman et al., 2009). En este trabajo ahondamos en la literatura académica y divulgativa que aborda esta cuestión y nos referimos a diversas investigaciones, tanto teóricas como empíricas. Desde un punto de vista educativo señalamos como, en la actualidad, la educación mediática y el impulso de la competencia digital es una prioridad de los sistemas educativos y de los principales organismos internacionales (Kubey, 2003; Martens 2010). Es fundamental que los ciudadanos aprendan los nuevos lenguajes, adquieran la capacidad de discernir y de valorar críticamente la gran cantidad de medios e información disponible y realicen un uso seguro de ellos. Quizá convenga considerar, como un componente sustancial de la competencia digital, el aprender a desconectar, para conectar de otro modo

    Sobre la necesidad de desconectar: algunos datos y propuestas

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    If there is one point that stands out in our information society it is that we are in the midst of a technological invasion and that we, and particularly young people, feel the need to be permanently connected. These and other traits are what give shape to the era of hyperconnectivity (Reig y Vílchez, 2013). Regarding this reality, there are those who see a certain technological fatigue amongst users, and so, from certain perspectives, there is a feeling that we need to rethink the technological approach, to reconsider the effects that technology has on our lives. The suggestion is digital unplugging, a proposal which can be included in a broader movement, the Slow Movement, which champions a more unhurried lifestyle (Honoré, 2004). This does not mean eliminating online life completely, but rather establishing regular periods of digital time-out in order to develop face-to-face communication; they suggest cultivating leisure periods which, to a certain extent, would dispense with digital technology and would reconstruct the borders between the time for work and the time for rest (Wajcman et al., 2009). In this work we make an in-depth study of the academic and informative literature which deals with this issue and we refer to varied research, both technical and empirical. From an education perspective we point out how, at present, media education and the promotion of digital competence is a priority in the systems of education and of the main international bodies (Kubey, 2003; Martens 2010). It is absolutely fundamental that people learn these new languages, acquire the capacity to critically differentiate and evaluate the enormous amount of media and sources of information which is available, and use this safely. But perhaps one important component of digital competence should be learning how to disconnect, in order to make connections in another way.Si algo caracteriza la sociedad de la información en la que vivimos es la invasión tecnológica y la necesidad de conectividad permanente, especialmente entre los jóvenes. Estos y otros rasgos configuran la era de la hiperconectividad (Reig y Vílchez, 2013). Ante esta realidad hay quien advierte entre los usuarios cierta fatiga tecnológica, por lo que, desde diversos ámbitos, se empieza a considerar la necesidad de repensar la aproximación tecnología, de recapacitar sobre los efectos que la tecnológica tiene en nuestras vidas. Su apuesta es la desconexión digital, propuesta que puede enmarcarse dentro de una corriente más amplia, el movimiento slow, que aboga por un estilo de vida más pausado (Honoré, 2004). No se trata de eliminar por completo la vida online, sino de instaurar períodos regulares de desconexión digital para cultivar la comunicación cara a cara; abogando por el desarrollo de un ocio que, en parte, prescinda de las tecnologías digitales y por una recuperación de las fronteras entre el tiempo laboral y el de descanso (Wajcman et al., 2009). En este trabajo ahondamos en la literatura académica y divulgativa que aborda esta cuestión y nos referimos a diversas investigaciones, tanto teóricas como empíricas. Desde un punto de vista educativo señalamos cómo, en la actualidad, la educación mediática y el impulso de la competencia digital es una prioridad de los sistemas educativos y de los principales organismos internacionales (Kubey, 2003; Martens 2010). Es fundamental que los ciudadanos aprendan los nuevos lenguajes, adquieran la capacidad de discernir y de valorar críticamente la gran cantidad de medios e información disponible y realicen un uso seguro de ellos. Quizá convenga considerar, como un componente sustancial de la competencia digital, el aprender a desconectar, para conectar de otro modo

    Emotions and Digital Technologies: Mapping the Field of Research in Media Studies

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    Emotions have become increasingly important in our time, in all realms of social reality. This active presence of the affective dimension of the person is revealed in its common presence as the subject of research in many fields of knowledge. This is reflected in Media and Communications studies, and specifically in relation to the use of digital technology, where a keen academic interest in emotions can be observed. This paper maps the field of study where emotions and digital technology converge. An overview is presented of research conducted in two main areas: On the one hand, emotions linked to the use of technology (especially mobile phones) and, secondly, the Internet as a space in which emotions are activated and expressed. I conclude that technology not only arouses emotions in users and serves as a channel for the expression of affection, but also influences the way in which this affection is modulated, played out and displayed. This configuration, I argue, has consequences for the construction of identity of a perso

    Virtual communication among couples

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    Este artículo analiza las comunicaciones virtuales en las parejas. Se ha aplicado una encuesta representativa online a 2800 internautas. Se emplean metodologías de análisis cuantitativas, discriminativas y de segmentación para identificar las características de quienes virtualizan las interacciones con sus parejas y de cómo las valoran. Los resultados muestran que dicha virtualización está condicionada, no sólo por las variables de edad y sexo de los encuestados, sino por su ocupación, educación, hábitat, estado civil, y hábitos de uso de internet. Y que este conjunto de factores operan de forma interdependiente. Hallazgo que permite entender mejor el funcionamiento de la llamada “brecha digital”.This paper analyzes virtual communications in couples. A representative online survey has been applied to 2800 Internet users. Quantitative, discriminative and segmentation analysis methodologies are used to identify the characteristics of those who virtualize interactions with their partners and how they value them. The results show that such virtualization is conditioned, not only by the variables of age and sex of the respondents, but by their occupation, education, habitat, marital status, and internet usage habits. All these factors operate interdependently. This finding tallows us to better understand the operation of the so-called “digital divide”.Proyecto I+D+i del Grupo de investigación “Identidades sociales y comunicación” de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, (UCM). Proyecto financiado por el Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Referencia CSO2015-63983-P Duración: 4 años 2016 –2019

    Antecedents of Employees\u27 Behavioral Intentions Regarding Information Technology Consumerization

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    The majority of organizations worldwide have adopted IT consumerization. However, only a small percentage of them explicitly manage the dual use of personal devices and applications for work purposes. This correlational study used the extended unified technology acceptance and use technology model (UTAUT2) to examine whether employees\u27 perceptions of habit, effort expectancy, performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, social influence, and price value can predict IT consumerization behavioral intentions (BI). A pre-existing UTAUT2 survey instrument was used to collect data from employees (N = 112) of small- and medium-sized organizations across different industries in Ontario, Canada. The regression analysis confirmed a positive statistically significant relationship between study variables and BI. Overall, the model significantly predicted BI, F (7, 100) = 76.097, p \u3c .001, R2 = .842. Performance expectancy (β = .356, p \u3c .001), habit (β = .269, p \u3c .001), and social influence (β = .258, p \u3c .001) were significant predictors of BI at the .001 level whereas effort expectancy (β = .187, p \u3c .01), facilitating conditions (β = .114, p \u3c .01), hedonic motivation (β = .107, p \u3c .01), and price value (β =.105, p \u3c .01), were significant predictors at the .005 level. Using study results, chief information officers may be able to develop improved strategies to facilitate IT consumerization. Implications for positive social change include more flexibility and convenience for employees in managing their work and social lives