498 research outputs found

    Perancangan Prototype Deteksi Kelengkapan Atribut Siswa Berbasis Computer Vision

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    Abstrak: Salah satu bidang penelitian yang masih berkembang sampai saat ini adalah kecerdasan buatan (Artificial Intelligence). computer vision adalah salah satu dari Pengembangan cabang ilmu AI,. Dalam computer vision terdapat permasalahan yaitu object detection dan image classification. Deep learning yang digunakan untuk pengenalan dan klasifikasi objek adalah Convolutional Neural Network karena banyak digunakan pada penelitian terdahulu dan menghasilkan hasil yang signifikan dalam pengenalan citra. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengenalan objek atribut sekolah SMA 5 Tangerang menggunakan framework Tensorflow dengan dataset sebanyak 700 gambar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan metode CNN didapatkan tingkat akurasi hingga 100% untuk melakukan deteksi atribut sekolah siswa SMA 5 Tangerang pada sebuah frame gambar dan video

    Object Detection in 20 Years: A Survey

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    Object detection, as of one the most fundamental and challenging problems in computer vision, has received great attention in recent years. Its development in the past two decades can be regarded as an epitome of computer vision history. If we think of today's object detection as a technical aesthetics under the power of deep learning, then turning back the clock 20 years we would witness the wisdom of cold weapon era. This paper extensively reviews 400+ papers of object detection in the light of its technical evolution, spanning over a quarter-century's time (from the 1990s to 2019). A number of topics have been covered in this paper, including the milestone detectors in history, detection datasets, metrics, fundamental building blocks of the detection system, speed up techniques, and the recent state of the art detection methods. This paper also reviews some important detection applications, such as pedestrian detection, face detection, text detection, etc, and makes an in-deep analysis of their challenges as well as technical improvements in recent years.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE TPAMI for possible publicatio

    Robust Modular Feature-Based Terrain-Aided Visual Navigation and Mapping

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    The visual feature-based Terrain-Aided Navigation (TAN) system presented in this thesis addresses the problem of constraining inertial drift introduced into the location estimate of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in GPS-denied environment. The presented TAN system utilises salient visual features representing semantic or human-interpretable objects (roads, forest and water boundaries) from onboard aerial imagery and associates them to a database of reference features created a-priori, through application of the same feature detection algorithms to satellite imagery. Correlation of the detected features with the reference features via a series of the robust data association steps allows a localisation solution to be achieved with a finite absolute bound precision defined by the certainty of the reference dataset. The feature-based Visual Navigation System (VNS) presented in this thesis was originally developed for a navigation application using simulated multi-year satellite image datasets. The extension of the system application into the mapping domain, in turn, has been based on the real (not simulated) flight data and imagery. In the mapping study the full potential of the system, being a versatile tool for enhancing the accuracy of the information derived from the aerial imagery has been demonstrated. Not only have the visual features, such as road networks, shorelines and water bodies, been used to obtain a position ’fix’, they have also been used in reverse for accurate mapping of vehicles detected on the roads into an inertial space with improved precision. Combined correction of the geo-coding errors and improved aircraft localisation formed a robust solution to the defense mapping application. A system of the proposed design will provide a complete independent navigation solution to an autonomous UAV and additionally give it object tracking capability

    Learning cognitive maps: Finding useful structure in an uncertain world

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    In this chapter we will describe the central mechanisms that influence how people learn about large-scale space. We will focus particularly on how these mechanisms enable people to effectively cope with both the uncertainty inherent in a constantly changing world and also with the high information content of natural environments. The major lessons are that humans get by with a less is more approach to building structure, and that they are able to quickly adapt to environmental changes thanks to a range of general purpose mechanisms. By looking at abstract principles, instead of concrete implementation details, it is shown that the study of human learning can provide valuable lessons for robotics. Finally, these issues are discussed in the context of an implementation on a mobile robot. © 2007 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Text Detection and Recognition in the Wild

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    Text detection and recognition (TDR) in highly structured environments with a clean background and consistent fonts (e.g., office documents, postal addresses and bank cheque) is a well understood problem (i.e., OCR), however this is not the case for unstructured environments. The main objective for scene text detection is to locate text within images captured in the wild. For scene text recognition, the techniques map each detected or cropped word image into string. Nowadays, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) deep learning architectures dominate most of the recent state-of-the-art (SOTA) scene TDR methods. Most of the reported respective accuracies of current SOTA TDR methods are in the range of 80% to 90% on benchmark datasets with regular and clear text instances. However, those detecting and/or recognizing results drastically deteriorate 10% and 30% - in terms of F-measure detection and word recognition accuracy performances with irregular or occluded text images. Transformers and their variations are new deep learning architectures that mitigate the above-mentioned issues for CNN and RNN-based pipelines.Unlike Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), transformers are models that learn how to encode and decode data by looking not only backward but also forward in order to extract relevant information from a whole sequence. This thesis utilizes the transformer architecture to address the irregular (multi-oriented and arbitrarily shaped) and occluded text challenges in the wild images. Our main contributions are as follows: (1) We first targeted solving the irregular TDR in two separate architectures as follows: In Chapter 4, unlike the SOTA text detection frameworks that have complex pipelines and use many hand-designed components and post-processing stages, we design a conceptually more straightforward and trainable end-to-end architecture of transformer-based detector for multi-oriented scene text detection, which can directly predict the set of detections (i.e., text and box regions) of the input image. A central contribution to our work is introducing a loss function tailored to the rotated text detection problem that leverages a rotated version of a generalized intersection over union score to capture the rotated text instances adequately. In Chapter 5, we extend our previous architecture to arbitrary shaped scene text detection. We design a new text detection technique that aims to better infer n-vertices of a polygon or the degree of a Bezier curve to represent irregular-text instances. We also propose a loss function that combines a generalized-split-intersection-over union loss defined over the piece-wise polygons. In Chapter 6, we show that our transformer-based architecture without rectifying the input curved text instances is more suitable than SOTA RNN-based frameworks equipped with rectification modules for irregular text recognition in the wild images. Our main contribution to this chapter is leveraging a 2D Learnable Sinusoidal frequencies Positional Encoding (2LSPE) with a modified feed-forward neural network to better encode the 2D spatial dependencies of characters in the irregular text instances. (2) Since TDR tasks encounter the same challenging problems (e.g., irregular text, illumination variations, low-resolution text, etc.), we present a new transformer model that can detect and recognize individual characters of text instances in an end-to-end manner. Reading individual characters later makes a robust occlusion and arbitrarily shaped text spotting model without needing polygon annotation or multiple stages of detection and recognition modules used in SOTA text spotting architectures. In Chapter 7, unlike SOTA methods that combine two different pipelines of detection and recognition modules for a complete text reading, we utilize our text detection framework by leveraging a recent transformer-based technique, namely Deformable Patch-based Transformer (DPT), as a feature extracting backbone, to robustly read the class and box coordinates of irregular characters in the wild images. (3) Finally, we address the occlusion problem by using a multi-task end-to-end scene text spotting framework. In Chapter 8, we leverage a recent transformer-based framework in deep learning, namely Masked Auto Encoder (MAE), as a backbone for scene text recognition and end-to-end scene text spotting pipelines to overcome the partial occlusion limitation. We design a new multitask End-to-End transformer network that directly outputs characters, word instances, and their bounding box representations, saving the computational overhead as it eliminates multiple processing steps. The unified proposed framework can also detect and recognize arbitrarily shaped text instances without using polygon annotations

    Automatic vehicle detection and tracking in aerial video

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    This thesis is concerned with the challenging tasks of automatic and real-time vehicle detection and tracking from aerial video. The aim of this thesis is to build an automatic system that can accurately localise any vehicles that appear in aerial video frames and track the target vehicles with trackers. Vehicle detection and tracking have many applications and this has been an active area of research during recent years; however, it is still a challenge to deal with certain realistic environments. This thesis develops vehicle detection and tracking algorithms which enhance the robustness of detection and tracking beyond the existing approaches. The basis of the vehicle detection system proposed in this thesis has different object categorisation approaches, with colour and texture features in both point and area template forms. The thesis also proposes a novel Self-Learning Tracking and Detection approach, which is an extension to the existing Tracking Learning Detection (TLD) algorithm. There are a number of challenges in vehicle detection and tracking. The most difficult challenge of detection is distinguishing and clustering the target vehicle from the background objects and noises. Under certain conditions, the images captured from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are also blurred; for example, turbulence may make the vehicle shake during flight. This thesis tackles these challenges by applying integrated multiple feature descriptors for real-time processing. In this thesis, three vehicle detection approaches are proposed: the HSV-GLCM feature approach, the ISM-SIFT feature approach and the FAST-HoG approach. The general vehicle detection approaches used have highly flexible implicit shape representations. They are based on training samples in both positive and negative sets and use updated classifiers to distinguish the targets. It has been found that the detection results attained by using HSV-GLCM texture features can be affected by blurring problems; the proposed detection algorithms can further segment the edges of the vehicles from the background. Using the point descriptor feature can solve the blurring problem, however, the large amount of information contained in point descriptors can lead to processing times that are too long for real-time applications. So the FAST-HoG approach combining the point feature and the shape feature is proposed. This new approach is able to speed up the process that attains the real-time performance. Finally, a detection approach using HoG with the FAST feature is also proposed. The HoG approach is widely used in object recognition, as it has a strong ability to represent the shape vector of the object. However, the original HoG feature is sensitive to the orientation of the target; this method improves the algorithm by inserting the direction vectors of the targets. For the tracking process, a novel tracking approach was proposed, an extension of the TLD algorithm, in order to track multiple targets. The extended approach upgrades the original system, which can only track a single target, which must be selected before the detection and tracking process. The greatest challenge to vehicle tracking is long-term tracking. The target object can change its appearance during the process and illumination and scale changes can also occur. The original TLD feature assumed that tracking can make errors during the tracking process, and the accumulation of these errors could cause tracking failure, so the original TLD proposed using a learning approach in between the tracking and the detection by adding a pair of inspectors (positive and negative) to constantly estimate errors. This thesis extends the TLD approach with a new detection method in order to achieve multiple-target tracking. A Forward and Backward Tracking approach has been proposed to eliminate tracking errors and other problems such as occlusion. The main purpose of the proposed tracking system is to learn the features of the targets during tracking and re-train the detection classifier for further processes. This thesis puts particular emphasis on vehicle detection and tracking in different extreme scenarios such as crowed highway vehicle detection, blurred images and changes in the appearance of the targets. Compared with currently existing detection and tracking approaches, the proposed approaches demonstrate a robust increase in accuracy in each scenario

    Large-Scale Textured 3D Scene Reconstruction

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    Die Erstellung dreidimensionaler Umgebungsmodelle ist eine fundamentale Aufgabe im Bereich des maschinellen Sehens. Rekonstruktionen sind für eine Reihe von Anwendungen von Nutzen, wie bei der Vermessung, dem Erhalt von Kulturgütern oder der Erstellung virtueller Welten in der Unterhaltungsindustrie. Im Bereich des automatischen Fahrens helfen sie bei der Bewältigung einer Vielzahl an Herausforderungen. Dazu gehören Lokalisierung, das Annotieren großer Datensätze oder die vollautomatische Erstellung von Simulationsszenarien. Die Herausforderung bei der 3D Rekonstruktion ist die gemeinsame Schätzung von Sensorposen und einem Umgebunsmodell. Redundante und potenziell fehlerbehaftete Messungen verschiedener Sensoren müssen in eine gemeinsame Repräsentation der Welt integriert werden, um ein metrisch und photometrisch korrektes Modell zu erhalten. Gleichzeitig muss die Methode effizient Ressourcen nutzen, um Laufzeiten zu erreichen, welche die praktische Nutzung ermöglichen. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir ein Verfahren zur Rekonstruktion vor, das fähig ist, photorealistische 3D Rekonstruktionen großer Areale zu erstellen, die sich über mehrere Kilometer erstrecken. Entfernungsmessungen aus Laserscannern und Stereokamerasystemen werden zusammen mit Hilfe eines volumetrischen Rekonstruktionsverfahrens fusioniert. Ringschlüsse werden erkannt und als zusätzliche Bedingungen eingebracht, um eine global konsistente Karte zu erhalten. Das resultierende Gitternetz wird aus Kamerabildern texturiert, wobei die einzelnen Beobachtungen mit ihrer Güte gewichtet werden. Für eine nahtlose Erscheinung werden die unbekannten Belichtungszeiten und Parameter des optischen Systems mitgeschätzt und die Bilder entsprechend korrigiert. Wir evaluieren unsere Methode auf synthetischen Daten, realen Sensordaten unseres Versuchsfahrzeugs und öffentlich verfügbaren Datensätzen. Wir zeigen qualitative Ergebnisse großer innerstädtischer Bereiche, sowie quantitative Auswertungen der Fahrzeugtrajektorie und der Rekonstruktionsqualität. Zuletzt präsentieren wir mehrere Anwendungen und zeigen somit den Nutzen unserer Methode für Anwendungen im Bereich des automatischen Fahrens

    The structure and function of diagrams in environmental design : a computational inquiry

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 1989.Vita.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 252-261).by Stephen McTee Ervin.Ph.D

    Efficient Pedestrian Detection in Urban Traffic Scenes

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    Pedestrians are important participants in urban traffic environments, and thus act as an interesting category of objects for autonomous cars. Automatic pedestrian detection is an essential task for protecting pedestrians from collision. In this thesis, we investigate and develop novel approaches by interpreting spatial and temporal characteristics of pedestrians, in three different aspects: shape, cognition and motion. The special up-right human body shape, especially the geometry of the head and shoulder area, is the most discriminative characteristic for pedestrians from other object categories. Inspired by the success of Haar-like features for detecting human faces, which also exhibit a uniform shape structure, we propose to design particular Haar-like features for pedestrians. Tailored to a pre-defined statistical pedestrian shape model, Haar-like templates with multiple modalities are designed to describe local difference of the shape structure. Cognition theories aim to explain how human visual systems process input visual signals in an accurate and fast way. By emulating the center-surround mechanism in human visual systems, we design multi-channel, multi-direction and multi-scale contrast features, and boost them to respond to the appearance of pedestrians. In this way, our detector is considered as a top-down saliency system. In the last part of this thesis, we exploit the temporal characteristics for moving pedestrians and then employ motion information for feature design, as well as for regions of interest (ROIs) selection. Motion segmentation on optical flow fields enables us to select those blobs most probably containing moving pedestrians; a combination of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and motion self difference features further enables robust detection. We test our three approaches on image and video data captured in urban traffic scenes, which are rather challenging due to dynamic and complex backgrounds. The achieved results demonstrate that our approaches reach and surpass state-of-the-art performance, and can also be employed for other applications, such as indoor robotics or public surveillance. In this thesis, we investigate and develop novel approaches by interpreting spatial and temporal characteristics of pedestrians, in three different aspects: shape, cognition and motion. The special up-right human body shape, especially the geometry of the head and shoulder area, is the most discriminative characteristic for pedestrians from other object categories. Inspired by the success of Haar-like features for detecting human faces, which also exhibit a uniform shape structure, we propose to design particular Haar-like features for pedestrians. Tailored to a pre-defined statistical pedestrian shape model, Haar-like templates with multiple modalities are designed to describe local difference of the shape structure. Cognition theories aim to explain how human visual systems process input visual signals in an accurate and fast way. By emulating the center-surround mechanism in human visual systems, we design multi-channel, multi-direction and multi-scale contrast features, and boost them to respond to the appearance of pedestrians. In this way, our detector is considered as a top-down saliency system. In the last part of this thesis, we exploit the temporal characteristics for moving pedestrians and then employ motion information for feature design, as well as for regions of interest (ROIs) selection. Motion segmentation on optical flow fields enables us to select those blobs most probably containing moving pedestrians; a combination of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and motion self difference features further enables robust detection. We test our three approaches on image and video data captured in urban traffic scenes, which are rather challenging due to dynamic and complex backgrounds. The achieved results demonstrate that our approaches reach and surpass state-of-the-art performance, and can also be employed for other applications, such as indoor robotics or public surveillance