42 research outputs found

    BPMN – A Logical Model and Property Analysis

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    Business Process Modeling Notation has become a powerful and widely accepted visual language for modeling business processes. Despite its expressive power and high usability, a weak point of BPMN is the lack of formal semantics and difficulties with assuring correctness of the overall process. In this paper an attempt is made towards investigation and development of foundations for a logical, declarative model for BPMN. Such model should enable formal analysis of desired properties referring to correct operation of Business Processes modeled with use of BPMN

    UniFlexView : a unified framework for consistent construction of BPMN and BPEL process views

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    Process view technologies allow organizations to create different granularity levels of abstraction of their business processes, therefore enabling a more effective business process management, analysis, interoperation, and privacy controls. Existing research proposed view construction and abstraction techniques for block-based (ie, BPEL) and graph-based (ie, BPMN) process models. However, the existing techniques treat each type of the two types of models separately. Especially, this brings in challenges for achieving a consistent process view for a BPEL model that derives from a BPMN model. In this paper, we propose a unified framework, namely UniFlexView, for supporting automatic and consistent process view construction. With our framework, process modelers can use our proposed View Definition Language to specify their view construction requirements disregarding the types of process models. Our UniFlexView's system prototype has been developed as a proof of concept and demonstration of the usability and feasibility of our framework. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    An Adaptive Mediation Framework for Workflow Management in the Internet of Things

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    Tärkavad värkvõrksüsteemid koosnevad arvukast hulgast heterogeensetest füüsilistest seadmetest, mis ühenduvad Internetiga. Need seadmed suudavad pidevalt ümbritseva keskkonnaga suhelda ja osana lõppkasutaja rakendusestest edendada valdkondi nagu tark kodu, e-tervis, logistika jne. Selleks, et integreerida füüsilisi seadmeid värkvõrgu haldussüssteemidega, on töövoo haldussüsteemid kerkinud esile sobiva lahendusena. Ent töövoo haldussüsteemide rakendamine värkvõrku toob kaasa reaalajas teenuste komponeerimise väljakutseid nagu pidev teenusavastus ja -käivitus. Lisaks kerkib küsimus, kuidas piiratud resurssidega värkvõrgu seadmeid töövoo haldussüsteemidega integreerida ning kuidas töövooge värkvõrgu seadmetel käivitada. Tööülesanded (nagu pidev seadmeavastus) võivad värkvõrgus osalevatele piiratud arvutusjõudluse ja akukestvusega seadmetele nagu nutitelefonid koormavaks osutuda. Siinkohal on võimalikuks lahenduseks töö delegeerimine pilve. Käesolev magistritöö esitleb kontekstipõhist raamistikku tööülesannete vahendamiseks värkvõrgurakendustes. Antud raamistikus modelleeritakse ning käitatakse tööülesandeid kasutades töövoogusid. Raamistiku prototüübiga läbi viidud uurimus näitas, et raamistik on võimeline tuvastama, millal seadme avastusülesannete pilve delegeerimine on kuluefektiivsem. Vahel aga pole töövoo käitamistarkvara paigaldamine värkvõrgu seadmetele soovitav, arvestades energiasäästlikkust ning käituskiirust. Käesolev töö võrdles kaht tüüpi töövookäitust: a) töövoo mudeli käitamine käitusmootoriga ning b) töövoo mudelist tõlgitud programmikoodi käitamine. Lähtudes katsetest päris seadmetega, võrreldi nimetatud kahte meetodit silmas pidades süsteemiressursside- ning energiakasutust.Emerging Internet of Things (IoT) systems consist of great numbers of heterogeneous physical entities that are interconnected via the Internet. These devices can continuously interact with the surrounding environment and be used for user applications that benefit human life in domains such as assisted living, e-health, transportation etc. In order to integrate the frontend physical things with IoT management systems, Workflow Management Systems (WfMS) have gained attention as a viable option. However, applying WfMS in IoT faces real-time service composition challenges such as continuous service discovery and invocation. Another question is how to integrate resource-contained IoT devices with the WfMS and execute workflows on the IoT devices. Tasks such as continuous device discovery can be taxing for IoT-involved devices with limited processing power and battery life such as smartphones. In order to overcome this, some tasks can be delegated to a utility Cloud instance. This thesis proposes a context-based framework for task mediation in Internet of Things applications. In the framework, tasks are modelled and executed as workflows. A case study carried out with a prototype of the framework showed that the proposed framework is able to decide when it is more cost-efficient to delegate discovery tasks to the cloud. However, sometimes embedding a workflow engine in an IoT device is not beneficial considering agility and energy conservation. This thesis compared two types of workflow execution: a) execution of workflow models using an embedded workflow engine and b) execution of program code translations based on the workflow models. Based on experiments with real devices, the two methods were compared in terms of system resource and energy usage

    Intelligent business processes composition based on multi-agent systems

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    This paper proposes a novel model for automatic construction of business processes called IPCASCI (Intelligent business Processes Composition based on multi-Agent systems, Semantics and Cloud Integration). The software development industry requires agile construction of new products able to adapt to the emerging needs of a changing market. In this context, we present a method of software component reuse as a model (or methodology), which facilitates the semi-automatic reuse of web services on a cloud computing environment, leading to business process composition. The proposal is based on web service technology, including: (i) Automatic discovery of web services; (ii) Semantics description of web services; (iii) Automatic composition of existing web services to generate new ones; (iv) Automatic invocation of web services. As a result of this proposal, we have presented its implementation (as a tool) on a real case study. The evaluation of the case study and its results are proof of the reliability of IPCASCI

    Business process management system untuk sistem informasi penginapan pada syariah rooms hospitality

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    INDONESIA: Proses bisnis merupakan hal yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan dunia bisnis. Proses bisnis dapat menjadi sebuah pedoman dalam menjalankan sebuah bisnis agar sesuai dengan visi dan misi perusahaan. Salah satu masalah yang sering terjadi adalah pengelolaan data yang masih manual yang menyebabkan tingkat duplikasi data cukup tinggi dan ketidakrapian dalam pengelolaan tempat dokumen perusahaan yang menyebabkan penumpukan kertas-kertas dokumen perusahaan. Pada akhirnya perusahaan dituntut untuk menggunakan sistem informasi guna mengelola data tersebut dengan baik. Namun, permasalahan muncul diantaranya adalah sistem informasi yang belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dimana terdapat lebih dari satu sistem informasi yang digunakan. Biaya dalam membuat sistem informasi tersebut juga terhitung mahal serta dalam pengembangan fitur- fiturnya yang menyesuaikan perubahan proses bisnis yang dijalankan. Dalam hal ini dibutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi yang dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan- permasalahan tersebut. Sehingga biaya bukan lagi menjadi masalah, pengembangan fitur menjadi lebih mudah dan dapat disesuaikan dengan proses bisnis yang berjalan. Pada penelitian ini dibangunlah sebuah sistem yang dapat menyesuaikan proses bisnis yang dijalankan sebuah perusahaan yang disebut Sistem BPM. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan proses bisnis dalam penggunaan sistem tersebut sehingga sistem bersifat flexible dan reusable. Flexible dalam hal ini adalah sistem dapat dijalankan sesuai dengan proses bisnis yang diinputkan. Sedangkan reusable dalam hal ini adalah web service yang disediakan oleh sistem dapat digunakan pada proses bisnis lain. Adapun studi kasus pada penelitian ini melibatkan Syariahrooms Hospitality dan penelitian ini berhasil membangun sistem BPM yang bersifat flexible dan reusable. ENGLISH: Business processes are an inseparable part of the business world. Business processes can be a guideline in running a business to match the company's vision and mission. One of the most common problems is manual data management which causes a high level of data duplication and untidiness in the management of the company's document space which causes the accumulation of company documents. In the end, companies are required to use information systems to manage the data properly. However, problems that arise include the information system that is not in accordance with the needs of the company where there is more than one information system used. The cost in making the information system is also quite expensive and in developing its features that adapt to changes in the business processes that are carried out. In this case we need an information system that can solve these problems. So that cost is no longer a problem, feature development becomes easier and can be adapted to current business processes. In this research, a system is built that can adjust the business processes run by a company called the BPM System. This research uses a business process approach in using the system so that the system is flexible and reusable. Flexible in this case is the system can be run according to the inputted business processes. While reusable in this case is a web service provided by the system that can be used in other business processes. The case study in this study involved Syariahrooms Hospitality and this research succeeded in building a flexible and reusable BPM system. ARABIC: العمليات التجارية هي جزء لا يتجزأ من عالم الأعمال. يمكن أن تكون العمليات التجارية بمثابة دليل إرشادي في إدارة الأعمال لتتناسب مع رؤية الشركة ورسالتها. إحدى المشكلات التي تحدث غال ًبا هي الإدارة اليدوية للبيانات التي تتسبب في ارتفاع مستوى تكرار البيانات وعدم التنظيم في إدارة مساحة مستندات الشركة .مما يؤدي إلى تراكم مستندات الشركة. في النهاية ، يتعين على الشركات استخدام أنظمة المعلومات لإدارة البيانات بشكل صحيح. ومع ذلك ، تنشأ مشاكل بما في ذلك نظام المعلومات الذي لا يتوافق مع احتياجات الشركة حيث يوجد أكثر من نظام معلومات واحد مستخدم. تعد تكلفة إنشاء نظام المعلومات أي ًضا باهظة الثمن وكذلك في تطوير ميزاته التي تتكيف مع التغييرات في العمليات التجارية التي يتم تنفيذها. في هذه الحالة نحتاج إلى نظام معلومات يمكنه حل هذه المشكلات. بحيث لم تعد هذه التكلفة مشكلة ، يصبح تطوير الميزات أسهل ويمكن تكييفه مع العمليات التجارية الحالية. في هذا البحث ، تم بناء نظام يمكنه تعديل العمليات التجارية التي تديرها شركة تسمى BPM System. يستخدم هذا البحث نهج العمليات التجارية في استخدام النظام بحيث يكون النظام مرنًا وقابل لإعادة الاستخدام. المرونة في هذه الحالة هي أن النظام يمكن تشغيله وفقًا لعمليات الأعمال ال ُمدخلة. بينما يمكن إعادة استخدامها في هذه الحالة ، يمكن استخدام خدمة الويب التي يوفرها النظام في عمليات الأعمال الأخرى. تضمنت دراسة الحالة في هذه الدراسة Syariahrooms Hospitality ونجح هذا البحث في بناء نظام BPM مرن وقابل لإعادة الاستخدام

    La relación entre Inteligencia de Negocio e Inteligencia Competitiva: un análisis retrospectivo y bibliométrico de la literatura de 1959 a 2017

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    Nowadays, organizations are immersed in complex and variable but, above all, intense scenarios, in terms of production, demand and consumption of information. This, consequently, has led organizations to incorporate intelligence approaches into their strategy improving their competitiveness in an agile and flexible way through the definition, collection, analysis, exploitation and dissemination of information. Nevertheless, the complexity of scenarios and the diversity of the organizations themselves make it hard to have a unique intelligence model. This paper analyzes the documents hosted in Scopus from 1959 to 2017 about Business Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence -the most widespread intelligence approaches-, to identify the most representative thematic areas, their relationship, composition and evolution, with the aim of supporting researches and professionals on research, development with an hollistic intelligence approach. To this end, the performance of the main bibliometric indicators was evaluated and scientific maps of both intelligence approaches were produced.Actualmente, las organizaciones se encuentran inmersas en escenarios complejos y variables, pero sobre todo intensos en la producción, demanda y consumo de datos, información y conocimiento. Esto les ha llevado a desarrollar e incorporar modelos de inteligencia que mejoren su competitividad a través de la definición, recopilación, análisis, utilización y diseminación de información. No obstante, la complejidad de los escenarios y la diversidad de las organizaciones hace que no exista un modelo único de inteligencia, siendo la Inteligencia de Negocio e Inteligencia Competitiva los más difundidos y utilizados. En este sentido, este trabajo analiza los documentos disponibles en Scopus desde 1959 hasta 2017 sobre estos modelos, identificando las áreas temáticas más representativas, relaciones y evolución, estableciendo las bases para la integración de estos modelos bajo un mismo marco organizacional. Para ello, se ha evaluado su productividad y elaborado sus mapas científicos a través del uso de técnicas y herramientas bibliométricas

    Conceptual-to-workflow model transformation guidelines

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