4,891 research outputs found


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    The Frequent Subgraph search plays a vital role to study structured graph with different level of implications. Our conventional setup initially focuses with subgraph and its vertex-edge connectivity. This paper perform a detailed study of classified subgraph of different sub structure towards variant vertex clusters in the field of graph mining which can be carried out with the comparison search prediction strategies. We will implement our frequent sub graph identification techniques with the implementation of Mathematical Computation based edge cluster domains related to its frequency of occurrence. We will also perform survey analysis strategies for the successful implementation of our proposed research technique in several sampling domains with a maximum level of improvements. In near future we will implement the Identification of Frequent Sub structure graph mining techniques for predicting the Graph sub structure behaviors

    Performance Evaluation of Frequent Subgraph Discovery Techniques

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    Due to rapid development of the Internet technology and new scientific advances, the number of applications that model the data as graphs increases, because graphs have highly expressive power to model a complicated structure. Graph mining is a well-explored area of research which is gaining popularity in the data mining community. A graph is a general model to represent data and has been used in many domains such as cheminformatics, web information management system, computer network, and bioinformatics, to name a few. In graph mining the frequent subgraph discovery is a challenging task. Frequent subgraph mining is concerned with discovery of those subgraphs from graph dataset which have frequent or multiple instances within the given graph dataset. In the literature a large number of frequent subgraph mining algorithms have been proposed; these included FSG, AGM, gSpan, CloseGraph, SPIN, Gaston, and Mofa. The objective of this research work is to perform quantitative comparison of the above listed techniques. The performances of these techniques have been evaluated through a number of experiments based on three different state-of-the-art graph datasets. This novel work will provide base for anyone who is working to design a new frequent subgraph discovery technique

    FS^3: A Sampling based method for top-k Frequent Subgraph Mining

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    Mining labeled subgraph is a popular research task in data mining because of its potential application in many different scientific domains. All the existing methods for this task explicitly or implicitly solve the subgraph isomorphism task which is computationally expensive, so they suffer from the lack of scalability problem when the graphs in the input database are large. In this work, we propose FS^3, which is a sampling based method. It mines a small collection of subgraphs that are most frequent in the probabilistic sense. FS^3 performs a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling over the space of a fixed-size subgraphs such that the potentially frequent subgraphs are sampled more often. Besides, FS^3 is equipped with an innovative queue manager. It stores the sampled subgraph in a finite queue over the course of mining in such a manner that the top-k positions in the queue contain the most frequent subgraphs. Our experiments on database of large graphs show that FS^3 is efficient, and it obtains subgraphs that are the most frequent amongst the subgraphs of a given size

    Mining Representative Unsubstituted Graph Patterns Using Prior Similarity Matrix

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    One of the most powerful techniques to study protein structures is to look for recurrent fragments (also called substructures or spatial motifs), then use them as patterns to characterize the proteins under study. An emergent trend consists in parsing proteins three-dimensional (3D) structures into graphs of amino acids. Hence, the search of recurrent spatial motifs is formulated as a process of frequent subgraph discovery where each subgraph represents a spatial motif. In this scope, several efficient approaches for frequent subgraph discovery have been proposed in the literature. However, the set of discovered frequent subgraphs is too large to be efficiently analyzed and explored in any further process. In this paper, we propose a novel pattern selection approach that shrinks the large number of discovered frequent subgraphs by selecting the representative ones. Existing pattern selection approaches do not exploit the domain knowledge. Yet, in our approach we incorporate the evolutionary information of amino acids defined in the substitution matrices in order to select the representative subgraphs. We show the effectiveness of our approach on a number of real datasets. The results issued from our experiments show that our approach is able to considerably decrease the number of motifs while enhancing their interestingness

    Inductive queries for a drug designing robot scientist

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    It is increasingly clear that machine learning algorithms need to be integrated in an iterative scientific discovery loop, in which data is queried repeatedly by means of inductive queries and where the computer provides guidance to the experiments that are being performed. In this chapter, we summarise several key challenges in achieving this integration of machine learning and data mining algorithms in methods for the discovery of Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSARs). We introduce the concept of a robot scientist, in which all steps of the discovery process are automated; we discuss the representation of molecular data such that knowledge discovery tools can analyse it, and we discuss the adaptation of machine learning and data mining algorithms to guide QSAR experiments

    Mining Frequent Neighborhood Patterns in Large Labeled Graphs

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    Over the years, frequent subgraphs have been an important sort of targeted patterns in the pattern mining literatures, where most works deal with databases holding a number of graph transactions, e.g., chemical structures of compounds. These methods rely heavily on the downward-closure property (DCP) of the support measure to ensure an efficient pruning of the candidate patterns. When switching to the emerging scenario of single-graph databases such as Google Knowledge Graph and Facebook social graph, the traditional support measure turns out to be trivial (either 0 or 1). However, to the best of our knowledge, all attempts to redefine a single-graph support resulted in measures that either lose DCP, or are no longer semantically intuitive. This paper targets mining patterns in the single-graph setting. We resolve the "DCP-intuitiveness" dilemma by shifting the mining target from frequent subgraphs to frequent neighborhoods. A neighborhood is a specific topological pattern where a vertex is embedded, and the pattern is frequent if it is shared by a large portion (above a given threshold) of vertices. We show that the new patterns not only maintain DCP, but also have equally significant semantics as subgraph patterns. Experiments on real-life datasets display the feasibility of our algorithms on relatively large graphs, as well as the capability of mining interesting knowledge that is not discovered in prior works.Comment: 9 page

    Frequent Subgraph Mining in Outerplanar Graphs

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    In recent years there has been an increased interest in frequent pattern discovery in large databases of graph structured objects. While the frequent connected subgraph mining problem for tree datasets can be solved in incremental polynomial time, it becomes intractable for arbitrary graph databases. Existing approaches have therefore resorted to various heuristic strategies and restrictions of the search space, but have not identified a practically relevant tractable graph class beyond trees. In this paper, we define the class of so called tenuous outerplanar graphs, a strict generalization of trees, develop a frequent subgraph mining algorithm for tenuous outerplanar graphs that works in incremental polynomial time, and evaluate the algorithm empirically on the NCI molecular graph dataset
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