541 research outputs found

    Review of Modeling and Simulation Technologies Application to Wind Turbines Drive Train

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    In this paper, a review of past and recent developments in the wind turbine drive train is being studied. The objective is to review some of the basic approaches of drive train configuration in wind turbines and to identify drive train models including the modeling and simulation results of these models. In recent years, considerable effort has been devoted to modeling, design, and control of wind turbine including drive train .The number of publications on computational strategies (multibody dynamics) are widely used for design and simulation of wind turbines components has been steadily increasing. Lists and reviews many contributes of design and simulation method are given in survey papers [1], [2]

    A finite element analysis of tidal deformation of the entire earth with a discontinuous outer layer

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    Tidal deformation of the Earth is normally calculated using the analytical solution with some simplified assumptions, such as the Earth is a perfect sphere of continuous media. This paper proposes an alternative way, in which the Earth crust is discontinuous along its boundaries, to calculate the tidal deformation using a finite element method. An in-house finite element code is firstly introduced in brief and then extended here to calculate the tidal deformation. The tidal deformation of the Earth due to the Moon was calculated for an geophysical earth model with the discontinuous outer layer and compared with the continuous case. The preliminary results indicate that the discontinuity could have different effects on the tidal deformation in the local zone around the fault, but almost no effects on both the locations far from the fault and the global deformation amplitude of the Earth. The localized deformation amplitude seems to depend much on the relative orientation between the fault strike direction and the loading direction (i.e. the location of the Moon) and the physical property of the fault

    High Fidelity Model of Ball Screws to Support Model-based Health Monitoring

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    Wind turbine drivetrains:State-of-the-art technologies and future development trends

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    This paper presents the state-of-the-art technologies and development trends of wind turbine drivetrains – the system that converts kinetic energy of the wind to electrical energy – in different stages of their life cycle: design, manufacturing, installation, operation, lifetime extension, decommissioning and recycling. Offshore development and digitalization are also a focal point in this study. Drivetrain in this context includes the whole power conversion system: main bearing, shafts, gearbox, generator and power converter. The main aim of this article is to review the drivetrain technology development as well as to identify future challenges and research gaps. The main challenges in drivetrain research identified in this paper include drivetrain dynamic responses in large or floating turbines, aerodynamic and farm control effects, use of rare-earth material in generators, improving reliability through prognostics, and use of advances in digitalization. These challenges illustrate the multidisciplinary aspect of wind turbine drivetrains, which emphasizes the need for more interdisciplinary research and collaboration

    A methodology to improve simulation of multibody systems using estimation techniques

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    This paper presents a methodology for state estimation and accuracy improvement of computer simulations of computer aided engineering (CAE) models based on prediction and correction state estimation techniques and sensing. The aim is to simulate the dynamic behaviour of a real system, which can be sensed, and obtain values of states that are not measurable due to economic or technical limitations. This methodology can be applied to both optimization of design processes and on-line control of complex systems. State estimation techniques are currently used only on mathematical models, where the relationships among system variables are expressed by means of mathematical language, making state observer implementation possible but leading to limitations in system modelling and knowledge. Favoured over mathematical models, multibody CAE models (created by means of computer-aided engineering software) have become the essential tool for complex system development, simulation, analysis, optimization and control, such as multibody systems; one of their main advantages is the ease and flexibility in creating and modifying them, allowing the faithful modelling of complex systems

    Advances in Vibration Analysis Research

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    Vibrations are extremely important in all areas of human activities, for all sciences, technologies and industrial applications. Sometimes these Vibrations are useful but other times they are undesirable. In any case, understanding and analysis of vibrations are crucial. This book reports on the state of the art research and development findings on this very broad matter through 22 original and innovative research studies exhibiting various investigation directions. The present book is a result of contributions of experts from international scientific community working in different aspects of vibration analysis. The text is addressed not only to researchers, but also to professional engineers, students and other experts in a variety of disciplines, both academic and industrial seeking to gain a better understanding of what has been done in the field recently, and what kind of open problems are in this area

    Computational dynamics and virtual dragline simulation for extended rope service life

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    The dragline machinery is one of the largest equipment for stripping overburden materials in surface mining operations. Its effectiveness requires rigorous kinematic and dynamic analyses. Current dragline research studies are limited in computational dynamic modeling because they eliminate important structural components from the front-end assembly. Thus, the derived kinematic, dynamic and stress intensity models fail to capture the true response of the dragline under full operating cycle conditions. This research study advances a new and robust computational dynamic model of the dragline front-end assembly using Kane\u27s method. The model is a 3-DOF dynamic model that describes the spatial kinematics and dynamics of the dragline front-end assembly during digging and swinging. A virtual simulator, for a Marion 7800 dragline, is built and used for analyzing the mass and inertia properties of the front-end components. The models accurately predict the kinematics, dynamics and stress intensity profiles of the front-end assembly. The results showed that the maximum drag force is 1.375 MN, which is within the maximum allowable load of the machine. The maximum cutting resistance of 412.31 KN occurs 5 seconds into digging and the maximum hoist torque of 917. 87 KN occurs 10 seconds into swinging. Stress analyses are carried out on wire ropes using ANSYS Workbench under static and dynamic loading. The FEA results showed that significant stresses develop in the contact areas between the wires, with a maximum von Mises stress equivalent to 7800 MPa. This research study is a pioneering effort toward developing a comprehensive multibody dynamic model of the dragline machinery. The main novelty is incorporating the boom point-sheave, drag-chain and sliding effect of the bucket, excluded from previous research studies, to obtain computationally dynamic efficient models for load predictions --Abstract, page iii

    Multiscale simulation of injection-induced fracture slip and wing-crack propagation in poroelastic media

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    In fractured poroelastic media under high differential stress, the shearing of fractures and faults and the corresponding propagation of wing cracks can be induced by fluid injection. Focusing on low-pressure stimulation with fluid pressures below the minimum principal stress but above the threshold required to overcome the fracture's frictional resistance to slip, this paper presents a mathematical model and a numerical solution approach for coupling fluid flow with fracture shearing and propagation. Numerical challenges are related to the strong coupling between hydraulic and mechanical processes, the material discontinuity the fractures represent in the medium, the wide range of spatial scales involved, and the strong effect that fracture deformation and propagation have on the physical processes. The solution approach is based on a multiscale strategy. In the macroscale model, flow in and poroelastic deformation of the matrix are coupled with the flow in the fractures and fracture contact mechanics, allowing fractures to frictionally slide. Fracture propagation is handled at the microscale, where the maximum tangential stress criterion triggers the propagation of fractures, and Paris' law governs the fracture growth processes. Simulations show how the shearing of a fracture due to fluid injection is linked to fracture propagation, including cases with hydraulically and mechanically interacting fractures

    Methodology for the integration of a high-speed train in Maintenance 4.0

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    The fourth industrial revolution is changing the way industries face their problems, including maintenance. The railway industry is moving to adopt this new industry model. The new trains are designed, manufactured, and maintained following an Industry 4.0 methodology, but most of the current trains in operation were not designed with this technological philosophy, so they must be adapted to it. In this paper, a new methodology for adapting a high-speed train to Industry 4.0 is proposed. That way, a train manufactured before this new paradigm can seize the advantages of Maintenance 4.0. This methodology is based on four stages (physical system, digital twin, information and communication technology infrastructure, and diagnosis) that comprise the required processes to digitalize a railway vehicle and that share information between them. The characteristics that the data acquisition and communication systems must fulfil are described, as well as the original signal processing techniques developed for analysing vibration signals. These techniques allow processing experimental data both in real time and deferred, according to actual maintenance requirements. The methodology is applied to determine the operating condition of a high-speed bogie by combining the signal processing of actual vibration measurements taken during the normal train operation and the data obtained from simulations of the digital twin. The combination of both (experimental data and simulations) allows establishing characteristic indicators that correspond to the normal running of the train and indicators that would correspond to anomalies in the behaviour of the train.The research work described in this paper was supported by the Spanish Government through the MM-IA4.0 PID2020-116984RB-C21 and RMS4.0 PID2020-116984RB-C22 projects