418 research outputs found

    Architectural survey, realized with integrated methodology, of the complex of Walser houses in Alagna Valsesia, Italy

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    [EN] The subject of this paper is the architectural survey, realized with integrated methodology, of three Wal-ser houses, located in Ronco Superiore, within the Alagna Valsesia (Vercelli, Italy) municipality. The task of surveying the complex was assigned to us by the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Land-scape for the provinces of Biella, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and Vercelli in cooperation with the Regional Secretariat of Piemonte. The aim of the work was that of providing graphic and metric refer-ences for the houses, which are a typical example of the rural architecture at the foot of Monte Rosa, to be made available for subsequent interventions of restoration and enhancement. The Superintendence took over the safekeeping of the site from the Public Property in 1998 and, since then, has promoted a process of recovery of the buildings, winning the Europa Nostra Award in 2014. Granting access to visi-tors has given a larger audience the possibility of knowing the history, the constructive peculiarities and the works of conservation carried out in this area. Specifically, the complex of Walser houses is the most ancient settlement in Alagna, built between the end of XVI century and the beginning of XVII century. Walser houses have a stone basement and wooden roof and walls. The latter are built with the Blockbau technique, i.e. a superimposition of trunks and beams, juxtaposed to shape walls; interlocking connec-tions ensure the rigidity of the structure. First, we have acquired the morphometric characteristics of the buildings; then, we have elaborated them graphically, by employing a georeferenced, 3D laser scanner. Photogrammetric data have, instead, been acquired using digital cameras and drones.Di Paola, A.; Vecchio, S.; Frosini, G.; Verona, B.; Garuglieri, S. (2022). Architectural survey, realized with integrated methodology, of the complex of Walser houses in Alagna Valsesia, Italy. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 95-102. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.151299510

    geomatics for structural assessment and surface diagnostic of ch

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    Abstract The capacity to rapidly acquire large quantities of spatial data, to geo-reference information on them, to obtain detailed models that allow more and more accurate analyses and simulations, place Geoinformatics at the center of attention in many research areas. Among these, the use of these techniques for the study of existing structures is particularly interesting. Assessing the current stability of a building, monitoring the evolution over time of a failure, preventing the potential causes of damage, simulating the behavior of a building under seismic actions, are just some of the ways in which the geometric properties of a structure, acquired with the most up-to-date automated surveying systems, are used to help validate structural integrity analyse

    Three-dimensional scanning as a means of archiving sculptures

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    Thesis (M. Tech. Design technology) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2011This dissertation outlines a procedural scanning process using the portable ZCorporation ZScanner® 700 and provides an overview of the developments surrounding 3D scanning technologies; specifically their application for archiving Cultural Heritage sites and projects. The procedural scanning process is structured around the identification of 3D data recording variables applicable to the digital archiving of an art museum’s collection of sculptures. The outlining of a procedural 3D scanning environment supports the developing technology of 3D digital archiving in view of artefact preservation and interactive digital accessibility. Presented in this paper are several case studies that record 3D scanning variables such as texture, scale, surface detail, light and data conversion applicable to varied sculptural surfaces and form. Emphasis is placed on the procedural documentation and the anomalies associated with the physical object, equipment used, and the scanning environment. In support of the above, the Cultural Heritage projects that are analyzed prove that 3D portable scanning could provide digital longevity and access to previously inaccessible arenas for a diverse range of digital data archiving infrastructures. The development of 3D data acquisition via scanning, CAD modelling and 2D to 3D data file conversion technologies as well as the aesthetic effect and standards of digital archiving in terms of the artwork – viewer relationship and international practices or criterions of 3D digitizing are analysed. These projects indicate the significant use of optical 3D scanning techniques and their employ on renowned historical artefacts thus emphasizing their importance, safety and effectiveness. The aim with this research is to establish that the innovation and future implications of 3D scanning could be instrumental to future technological advancement in an interdisciplinary capacity to further data capture and processing in various Cultural Heritage diagnostic applications

    Guidelines for the Management of Cultural Heritage Using 3D Models for the Insertion of Heterogeneous Data

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    [ES] La Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural (GPC) es una operación muy compleja cuyo objetivo es preservar la integridad física de los Bienes Culturales y, al mismo tiempo, difundir los valores históricos y permitir el disfrute del Patrimonio. Debido a las múltiples fases que componen la GPC (documentación, intervención, conservación preventiva, uso), el gestor se ve sometido a un gran esfuerzo de coordinación de las interacciones creadas por figuras profesionales muy diferentes, tanto por formación como por necesidades específicas en el ámbito de la gestión. En los últimos años, la aplicación de las tecnologías digitales al Patrimonio Cultural se ha convertido en una parte indispensable de la GPC. Las metodologías más utilizadas para la adquisición de datos, como el escaneo láser terrestre y la fotogrametría digital, también se han convertido en una práctica habitual en las actividades profesionales. Sin embargo, el uso de modelos 3D para la gestión se limita hasta ahora a algunas investigaciones académicas, que a menudo no tienen continuidad tras la finalización del proyecto. Además, hasta la fecha existen pocas normas supranacionales que guíen a las instituciones en el proceso de creación y uso de modelos 3D para la GPC. Por tanto, la falta de herramientas para controlar la calidad de los datos y productos digitales adquiridos afecta negativamente a la interacción entre el sector de la investigación académica, el sector de la gestión y el mundo profesional. La investigación propone el uso de los modelos 3D como una herramienta válida de apoyo en todas las fases de la gestión, ya sea utilizando los datos tridimensionales como base del archivo digital, o explotando todos los productos obtenidos a partir de los datos básicos para las múltiples acciones de cada fase. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la tesis doctoral es desarrollar directrices para la producción de modelos 3D con el fin de gestionar, introducir y preservar eficazmente los datos. Estas directrices investigan todos los aspectos del proceso que va desde la adquisición de datos, pasando por su catalogación y archivo, hasta su tratamiento y la creación de un sistema de información simplificado para su gestión. Cada directriz guía al usuario a través de una fase específica del tratamiento y el uso de los datos digitales, y proporciona indicaciones adaptadas al nivel de conocimientos respecto a las tecnologías y metodologías digitales. De este modo, el gestor puede utilizar los modelos 3D para su gestión y controlar su calidad y sus estándares mínimos. Se ha optado por un enfoque interdisciplinar e internacional con el fin de elaborar directrices que se adapten al mayor número posible de Bienes Culturales, desarrollando la tesis en el marco de un acuerdo de cotutela entre la Universidad de Bolonia y la Universitat Politècnica de València. Con el fin de obtener unas pautas universales, las metodologías analizadas en el estudio del estado del arte se aplicaron a una serie de casos de estudio. Los principales son los monumentos paleocristianos de Rávena (Italia), pertenecientes a la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, y un panteón neogótico situado en Castellón de la Plana (España). Las experiencias realizadas sobre la GPC en los dos países han contribuido a la elaboración de directrices y normas universales que mejoren las interacciones entre el mundo académico, los gestores y el sector profesional. La investigación, al poner de manifiesto los problemas inherentes a la GPC, ha permitido identificar las principales cuestiones abiertas que se deben explorar en futuras líneas de investigación, como la aplicación de estándares a un gran número de Bienes Culturales para conducir a la puesta a punto de los mismos estándares; la búsqueda de sistemas para la clasificación automática de los datos brutos; el tratamiento de los datos recogidos para la creación de relaciones, estrategias y métodos de clasificación, integración y optimización de datos heterogéneos.[CA] La Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural (GPC) és una operació molt complexa l'objectiu de la qual és preservar la integritat física del els Béns Culturals i, al mateix temps, difondre els valors històrics i permetre el gaudi del Patrimoni. A causa de les múltiples fases que componen la GPC (documentació, intervenció, conservació preventiva, ús) , el gestor es veu sotmés a un gran esforç de coordinació de les interaccions creades per figures professionals molt diferents, tant per formació com per necessitats específiques en l'àmbit de la gestió. En els últims anys, l'aplicació de les tecnologies digitals al Patrimoni Cultural s'ha convertit en una part indispensable de la GPC, des de les fases de documentació fins a les d'intervenció. Les metodologies més utilitzades per a l'adquisició de dades, com l'escaneig làser terrestre i la fotogrametria digital, també s'han convertit en una pràctica habitual en les activitats professionals. No obstant això, l'ús de models 3D per a la gestió es limita fins ara a algunes investigacions i aplicacions acadèmiques, que sovint no tenen continuïtat després de la finalització del projecte. A més, fins a la data hi ha poques normes supranacionals que guien a les institucions en el procés de creació i ús de models 3D. Per tant, la falta de ferramentes per a controlar la qualitat de les dades i productes digitals adquirits afecta negativament la interacció entre el sector de la investigació acadèmica, el sector de la gestió i el món professional. La investigació proposa l'ús dels models 3D com una ferramenta vàlida de suport en totes les fases de la gestió, ja siga utilitzant les dades tridimensionals com a base de l'arxiu digital, o explotant tots els productes obtinguts a partir de les dades bàsiques per a les múltiples accions de cada fase. Per tant, l'objectiu de la tesi doctoral és desenrotllar directrius per a la producció de models 3D a fi de gestionar, introduir i preservar eficaçment les dades. Estes directrius investiguen tots els aspectes del procés que va des de l'adquisició de dades, passant per la seua catalogació i arxiu, fins al seu tractament i la creació d'un sistema d'informació simplificat per a la seua gestió. Cada directriu particular guia l'usuari a través d'una fase específica del tractament i l'ús de les dades digitals, i proporciona indicacions adaptades al nivell de coneixements respecte a les tecnologies i metodologies digitals. D'esta manera, el gestor pot utilitzar els models 3D per a la seua gestió i controlar la seua qualitat i els seus estàndards mínims. S'ha optat per un enfocament interdisciplinari i internacional a fi d'elaborar directrius que s'adapten al nombre més gran possible de tipus de Béns Culturals Cultural, desenrotllat la tesi en el marc d'un acord de cotutela entre la Universitat de Bolonya i la Universitat Politècnica de València. A fi d'obtindre unes pautes universals, les metodologies analitzades en l'estudi de l'estat de l'art es van aplicar a una sèrie de casos d'estudi. Els principals són els monuments paleocristians de Ravenna (Itàlia), pertanyents a la Llista del Patrimoni Mundial de la UNESCO, i una capella neogòtica situada a Castelló de la Plana (Espanya). Les experiències realitzades sobre la GPC en els dos països han contribuït a l'elaboració de directrius i normes universals que milloren les interaccions entre el món acadèmic, els gestors i el sector professional. La investigació, al posar de manifest els problemes inherents a la GPC, permet identificar les principals qüestions obertes que s'han d'explorar en futures línies d'investigació, com l'aplicació d'estàndards a un gran nombre de Béns Culturals per a conduir a la posada al punt dels mateixos estàndards; la busca de sistemes per a la classificació automàtica de les dades brutes; el tractament de les dades arreplegats per a la creació de relacions, estratègies i mètodes de classificació, integració i optimització de dades heterogènies.[EN] The Management of Cultural Heritage (MCH) is a very complex operation aimed at protecting the physical integrity of Cultural Heritage assets, while promoting their historical value and development of tourism industry. Composed by distinct phases (documentation, intervention, monitoring and use), MCH implies a great effort for the project manager to coordinate the interactions among very different professional figures. In recent years, the use of digital technologies has become an essential part of the MCH delicate process, from early documentation to late intervention phases. The most commonly used methodologies for digital data acquisition, such as terrestrial laser scanning and digital photogrammetry, have become common practice in a broad range of professional activities. On the contrary, the use of 3D models for MCH is still limited to few academic research to date, often lacking continuity and wide application after the end of specific projects. Furthermore, very few supra-national standard guidelines regulating their use are available to date. As a consequence, the operator who decides to use a 3D model as a basis for management is faced with the scarcity and fragmentation of standards and guidelines. Moreover, the lack of standard on quality of acquired data and digital products negatively influences the interaction between the academic research sector, the managers and the professional world. The focus is on the use of 3D models as a valid support tool in the MCH process, highlighting their advantages in all the distinct phases of the management. As an example, 3D data can constitute themselves the basis for the digital database, gathering all available information concerning a Cultural Heritage site, exploitable for restoration works or for scientific dissemination. In particular, the aim of this PhD research is to develop guidelines to produce 3D models for MCH, with the purpose to efficiently entry, store and manage digital data. The here provided guidelines investigate every aspect of the process leading from data acquisition to cataloguing and archiving, processing and creation of a simplified information system. Each recommendation guides the user through the management of digital data, by adapting to his/her level of knowledge with respect to digital technologies and methodologies. In this way, the manager can efficiently use 3D models in MCH projects. In order to elaborate guidelines that could be suitable for as many typologies of Cultural Heritage as possible an international approach was chosen, developing the thesis in joint supervision under the University of Bologna and the Universitat Politècnica de València. We decided to apply state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies to a variety of case studies. The main ones are the early Christian monuments of Ravenna (Italy) belonging to the UNESCO World Heritage List, and a small neogothic chapel located in Castellón de la Plana (Spain). The fruitful collaboration between two different countries allowed an invaluable exchange of MCH expertise and, more broadly, contributed to the elaboration of standardized and universally applicable MCH guidelines that will allow a better interaction between managers, the academic research world and the professional one. The investigation, by highlighting the problems inherent to the MCH, made it possible to identify the main open issues that need to be explored in future lines of research, such as the application of standards to a large number of cultural assets in an iterative, continuous and automatic way, in order to perfecting the standards; the search for automatic classification of raw data; the processing of collected data for the creation of relations, strategies and methods for the classification, integration and optimisation of heterogeneous data.Bertacchi, G. (2022). Guidelines for the Management of Cultural Heritage Using 3D Models for the Insertion of Heterogeneous Data [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182419TESI


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    In the case study of Guanghua Pavilion [光化楼] located in Jiayuguan [嘉峪关] City, Gansu province in China, the 3D laser scanning technology and leveling technology are used to analyze overall tilt, columns tilt and uneven settlement of the pavilion. It is found that Guanghua Pavilion [光化楼] tilted to the southeast; most of the columns from the first floor to the third floor tilted to the northeast and east directions, and all the tilted distance of the columns is within 100 mm.; a certain amount of uneven settlement happened on Guanghua Pavilion [光化楼], in which the east side sinks more obviously. In the process of analyzing the influencing factors of deformation, numerical wind tunnel simulation and Midas Gen modeling methods are used. It is concluded that the external wind load is the main cause of Jiayuguan [嘉峪关] pavilions’ deformation

    Digital Techniques for Documenting and Preserving Cultural Heritage

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    In this unique collection the authors present a wide range of interdisciplinary methods to study, document, and conserve material cultural heritage. The methods used serve as exemplars of best practice with a wide variety of cultural heritage objects having been recorded, examined, and visualised. The objects range in date, scale, materials, and state of preservation and so pose different research questions and challenges for digitization, conservation, and ontological representation of knowledge. Heritage science and specialist digital technologies are presented in a way approachable to non-scientists, while a separate technical section provides details of methods and techniques, alongside examples of notable applications of spatial and spectral documentation of material cultural heritage, with selected literature and identification of future research. This book is an outcome of interdisciplinary research and debates conducted by the participants of the COST Action TD1201, Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage, 2012–16 and is an Open Access publication available under a CC BY-NC-ND licence.https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/mip_arc_cdh/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Building Cultural Heritage Resilience through Remote Sensing: An Integrated Approach Using Multi-Temporal Site Monitoring, Datafication, and Web-GL Visualization

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    In the American West, wildfires and earthquakes are increasingly threatening the archaeological, historical, and tribal resources that define the collective identity and connection with the past for millions of Americans. The loss of said resources diminishes societal understanding of the role cultural heritage plays in shaping our present and future. This paper examines the viability of employing stationary and SLAM-based terrestrial laser scanning, close-range photogrammetry, automated surface change detection, GIS, and WebGL visualization techniques to enhance the preservation of cultural resources in California. Our datafication approach combines multi-temporal remote sensing monitoring of historic features with legacy data and collaborative visualization to document and evaluate how environmental threats affect built heritage. We tested our methodology in response to recent environmental threats from wildfire and earthquakes at Bodie, an iconic Gold Rush-era boom town located on the California and Nevada border. Our multi-scale results show that the proposed approach effectively integrates highly accurate 3D snapshots of Bodie’s historic buildings before/after disturbance, or post-restoration, with surface change detection and online collaborative visualization of 3D geospatial data to monitor and preserve important cultural resources at the site. This study concludes that the proposed workflow enhances the monitoring of at-risk California’s cultural heritage and makes a call to action to employ remote sensing as a pathway to advanced planning. View Full-Tex

    Digital sculpting for historical representation: Neville tomb case study

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    Despite digital 3D polygon modelling applications providing a common and powerful tool-set for archaeological, architectural and historical visualisation over recent years, digital deformation sculpting tools are little used at present within the area of historical visualisation. More commonly applied within the video games and TV/motion picture industries, the intention of this research is to combine such tools and methodologies with existing scanned data and historical knowledge to remediate and re-imagine lost sculptural form. The aim would be to support both academic and public understanding of such missing artefacts. In addition, the research may promote alternative methods of prototyping within traditional stone carving industries and further provide an opportunity to critically evaluate approaches to deliberately mediated sculptural surrogates and their location within historical representation. The intended research will focus on an examination and partial re-construction of the Neville tomb at Durham Cathedral. An example of cultural vandalism, the tomb has been damaged at key moments throughout several hundred years of social and religious upheaval. It will provide the researcher with an opportunity to re-create and interpret some of the lost sculptural forms carved upon it. In addition, it affords the opportunity to further explore the use of polychrome on medieval stone carving