177,933 research outputs found

    Crowdfunding as a financing strategy and a marketing campaign

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    Crowdfunding is probably the fastest growing new way to raise funds, and it’s popularity among creative projects is no surprise. Since funding independent art productions has always been hard, a new financing strategy was welcome to the branch. However, users soon realized it’s even broader potential; crowdfunding does not only raise money, but also builds a community around the project. The objective of this thesis is to compile a campaign plan for crowdfunding the production of an animated series called Deadpan, but also to research the opportunities and threats of crowdfunding as a financing strategy. By comparing campaigns, crowdfunding platforms and earlier research I have concluded strategies for marketing the campaign and reaching donors, for running the campaign and for choosing the right platform for the project. The thesis is structured around the themes above, and I have also limited my research to reward-based crowdfunding of audiovisual projects, and chose to compare only two platforms; Kickstarter and Indiegogo. The conclusion of the research and information in the thesis is presented as a campaigner’s checklist, which is narrowed to five important stages of crowdfunding; planning, preparing, testing, execution and completing the campaign. Crowdfunding can be an effective way of funding projects, but it is also surprisingly laborious, and many campaigns fail because of overestimating their resources. On the basis of the checklist it should be possible to plan and execute a crowdfunding campaign, or contrarily, discover shortages in the project or the campaign plan.Crowdfunding är ett snabbt växande nytt finansieringssätt, och det är inte förvånande att den är väldigt populär bland kreativa projekt. På grund av att de sällan är vinstdrivande, har fristående konstprojekt alltid varit svåra att finansiera, och nya medel är välkomna till branschen. Användare har ändå snabbt insett att crowdfunding inte bara handlar om finansiering, utan om gemenskap och att bygga ett kollektiv. Syftet med detta arbete är att sammanfatta en kampanjplan för den animerade serien Deadpan, men också att undersöka möjligheter och hot i crowdfunding som ett finansieringsalternativ. Genom att jämföra kampanjer, plattformer och tidigare forskning har jag sammanfattat strategier för planeringen och genomförandet av kampanjen och dess marknadsföring. Arbetet är strukturerat kring temorna plattformen, bidragarna och kampanjen, och jag har också begränsat undersökningen till belöningsbaserad crowdfunding av audiovisuella projekt. Av crowdfunding plattformerna kommer jag att jämföra bara två; Kickstarter och Indiegogo. Informationen i arbetet är upplagt som en slags checklista, som innehåller fem viktiga skeden i kampanjens gång: planerandet, förberedandet, testandet, verkställandet och slutförandet av kampanjen. Crowdfunding kan vara ett effektivt sätt att finansiera fristående projekt, men det är också förvånansvärt tidskrävande, vilket leder till att många kampanjer misslyckas. Med hjälp av checklistan kan man antingen planera en lyckad kampanj eller upptäcka möjliga brister i projektet.Joukkorahoitus on luultavasti nopeimmin kasvava uusi rahoitustapa, eikä sen suosio luovalla alalla ole yllättävä. Uusi rahoitusmalli oli tervetullut markkinoille, koska itsenäisen taidehankkeen rahoittaminen on aina ollut hankalaa. Käyttäjät huomasivat kuitenkin nopeasti myös muita mahdollisuuksia mallissa; joukkorahoituksen ainoa käyttömahdollisuus ei ole rahoitus, vaan sillä myös yhteisöllistetään hankkeesta kiinnostuneet. Tämän työn tarkoitus on laatia kampanjasuunnitelma Deadpan -animaatiosarjan tuotannon joukkorahoittamiseen, mutta myös tutkia joukkorahoituksen käyttämisen muita mahdollisuuksia ja uhkia. Vertaamalla kampanjoita, joukkorahoitusalustoja sekä aiempia tutkimuksia olen löytänyt toimivia ratkaisuja kampanjan toteuttamisessa ja markkinoinnissa, oikean alustan valitsemisessa sekä lahjoittajien tavoittamisessa. Työ on rakennettu näiden teemojen ympärille, mutta taustaselvitys on rajattu audiovisuaalisten vastikkeellisten rahoituskampanjoiden ympärille. Joukkorahoitusalustoista vertaan myös vain kahta, Kickstarteria ja Indiegogota. Työn yhteenvetona esitän eräänlaisen kampanjoinnin muistilistan, johon on sisällytetty viisi joukkorahoituksessa tärkeää työvaihetta; suunnitelma, valmistautuminen, testaaminen, toteutus sekä suorittaminen. Joukkorahoitus voi olla toimiva rahoitusmalli, mutta se voi olla myös yllättävän työläs, mikä johtaa monen hankkeen epäonnistumiseen. Muistilistan avulla voi joko mahdollistaa joukkorahoituskampanjan toteutuksen tai paljastaa hankkeen mahdolliset puutteet

    The Influence of Marketing Strategy on Aslah Personal Financing-I

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    This study focuses the influence of marketing strategy on personal financing among the teachers with offered by Bank Rakyat. According to this study, there were lots of interests about the Aslah Personal Financing-I from the customers especially teachers regarding as a government servant because before it, Aslah Personal Financing-I as known Aslah Personal Financing-I (Ministry of Education) and Mudarris Personal Loan. The objective of this study is to determine the influence of marketing strategy on Aslah Personal Financing-I. In this study, the researcher has focused on the marketing mix in determining the marketing activities for an organization. The marketing strategy consists that was recognized and suggested by Kotler and Amstrong are 4Ps’, which are namely product, price, promotion and place. But, in this study, the researcher was used 3Ps’ that were suitable with the topic which are product, price, and promotion.So, from this study the researcher wants to identify whether these 3Ps’ of marketing strategy have a relationship with the teachers are influence to apply Aslah Personal Financing-I. In this study, there are 211 respondents selected among the teachers who are teaching at seven secondary schools in town of Kuantan that represented 468 of the total population. The sampling technique used by the researcher is non-probability sampling which is quota sampling. The researcher used in order to gather the data by using sets of questionnaires that were distributed to the teachers. Meanwhile, in this study, the researcher will use primary data that is through questionnaire and personal interview. There are several methods used in order to analyze this data such as frequency distribution, reliability analysis, cross tabulation, correlation coefficient and Chi-Square test. In this study also, the researcher will make a decision regarding the study through hypothesis testing where the entire independent variables are accepted and influence the dependent variable. Overall study result also found the teachers are more influence to apply Aslah Personal Financing-I are because of marketing strategy factor which is products, price and promotion has been implemented by Bank Rakyat more attractive and effective. Then come out with a conclusion about this study and some of recommendations from the researcher regarding to this study

    The influence of religiosity, profit loss and sharing and corporate image toward consumer intentions of Muamalat bank financing

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    Purpose: This study aims to look at the influence of religiosity, profit and loss sharing and corporate image on consumer intentions of Muamalat bank financing in Madiun Design/methodology/approach: this study used a quantitative approach with a sample of 220 Muslim respondents in Madiun. And data analysis used smart PLS. Findings: The results of the analysis found that religiosity has a significant positive effect on consumer intentions, profit and loss sharing has a significant negative effect on customer intentions and corporate image does not affect consumers' intention of Muamalat bank financing in Madiun Practical implications: From the results will be as a marketing strategy to increase customers financing Muamalat banks, and find out the factors - factors that influence consumer intentions by looking at community religiosity and giving a low perception of profit and loss sharing of Muamalat bank financing in Madiun. Originality/value: The factor of religiosity can increase the consumer's intention of Muamalat bank financing in Madiun and the perception of profit and loss sharing can reduce the consumer's intention of Muamalat bank financing in Madiun.peer-reviewe

    Strategi Pemasaran Syari'ah pada Bmt Al-amanah dalam Meningkatkan Modal dan Penyaluran Pembiayaan

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    This research is a field research conducted at the Al-Amanah BMT in Jambi City. Data collection techniques in this study use methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the marketing strategy carried out by BMT Al-Amanah in increasing capital and financing distribution, the constraints faced and efforts to overcome these obstacles. This study produces three conclusions, namely: (1) the marketing strategy carried out by BMT Al-Amanah Jambi City in increasing capital and financing distribution is by determining the market segmentation of products and services, conducting marketing activities in accordance with the target market, as well as positioning and mixing concepts. marketing; (2) the constraints faced include the lack of human resources who are competent in their fields, the source of funds as limited capital, and the existence of tight competition with other financial institutions. (3) efforts made to overcome obstacles are by improving the quality of human resources, continuing to strive to be able to increase the number of customers, and increase capital and financing distribution through promotion and introducing the BMT financial system to the wider community

    Marketing Strategy of Murabahah Microfinance Products in Achieving Targets at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) KCP Nganjuk Yos Sudarso

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    Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) is a financial institution with sharia principles. In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, Islamic banking has increased rapidly, as evidenced by the increasing number of actors in Islamic banking activities in Indonesia. With the increasing number of actors in sharia banking activities making competition fiercer among sharia banks, BSI, which was formed as a result of the merger of several sharia business units (UUS), was created to be able to compete and win the competition between sharia banks. BSI must be able to increase public trust and interest in switching from conventional banks to Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). With increasing public trust and interest, the achievement of the specified targets will increase. Targets can be achieved if the implementation of the marketing strategy runs optimally. This study aims to determine the marketing strategy of murabaha micro financing products in achieving targets at BSI KCP Nganjuk Yos Sudarso, and to determine the constraints in implementing the marketing strategy. This research method is descriptive qualitative with a field research approach. There are two data sources in this study, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources using observation, interview, and documentation data collection techniques. All of these data were analyzed using data analysis models in the form of the Miles and Huberman models, namely Data Reduction (Reduction), Data Presentation (Display), and Conclusions (Verivication). The results of this study are the marketing strategies used by BSI KCP Nganjuk Yos Sudarso, namely the marketing mix strategy 7P Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, Physical Evidence (Physical Evidence). And the obstacles that occur in implementing the marketing strategy for murabahah micro financing products are the large number of competitors, the parking space is not wide enough, the lack of BSI Smart agents, the lack of incessant socialization of murabahah micro financing products to the public, the lack of human resources (HR) who are qualified in sector, therefore it is necessary to optimize the implementation of marketing strategies, in order to increase the number of sales, especially sales of murabahah micro financing products at BSI KCP Nganjuk Yos Sudarso

    The Impact of Operational Efficiency and Offensive Marketing Strategy on Banking Profits Using the Dupont Model

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    Purpose: aims of the study is to measure the operational efficiency of banks and the profit indicators represented by the ratio of return on assets and return on equity, and correlation relationship between the research sample bank's use of an offensive marketing strategy and its impact on increasing profits   Theoretical framework: formulate an offensive marketing strategy and to show its impact on increasing profits for the National Bank of Iraq.   Design/methodology/approach: The sample study are private commercial banks operating within the Iraqi banking environment. Finance and for a financial series (5) years, where the DuPont mathematical model was applied to the bank’s data and results were analyzed to formulate an offensive marketing strategy with the aim of increasing profits, then supported it with a questionnaire containing questions prepared for this purpose and directed to the employees of the National Bank of Iraq (managers, department heads, employees)   Findings: the results indicate there is a clear decrease in the asset benefit of the bank, which is a weak indicator of investment, due to the bank’s focus on guaranteed investment formulas, and the bank does not use the research sample for leverage (equity financing) if it needs to expand the financing of the granted loans,   Research, Practical & Social implications: the results can help the banking in Iraq to build an offensive marketing strategy with the aim of increasing profits, which allows the possibility of investing in them by marketing expansion throughout Iraq.   Originality/value: Formulating an offensive marketing strategy as an independent variable and its statistical impact on increasing profits

    Economic Pricing Mechanisms for Islamic Financial Instruments: Ijarah Model

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    The Islamic Economic and banking industry have been trying for the last two decades to extend its outreach to expand its operation business and services in a comparable footing to conventional banking. This paper discusses one of the important hurdles in the growth of Islamic banking which is the use of KIBOR as benchmark for pricing the Islamic banking products. Muskun home financing product of BankIslami Pakistan Limited is used in this paper to elaborate the pricing and benchmarking of product, spread between the conventional interest rate and Islamic profit rate as well as the alternative product pricing mechanism to be used by Islamic banks for this product. Details of Muskun home financing product are discussed in this paper in addition to the marketing strategy, market approach, economic product development, and all other relevant processes.Islamic Economics, KIBOR, Benchmarking, Pricing, Riba based system, Confidence

    Alternative Pricing Mechanisms for Islamic Financial Instruments: Economic Perspective

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    The Islamic banking industry has been trying for the last two decades to extend its outreach to expand its operation business and services in a comparable zone to conventional banking. This paper discusses one of the important hurdles in the growth of Islamic banking which is the use of KIBOR as benchmark for pricing the Islamic banking products. Muskun home financing product of BankIslami Pakistan Limited is used in this paper to elaborate the pricing and benchmarking of product, spread between the conventional interest rate and Islamic profit rate as well as the alternative product pricing mechanism to be used by Islamic banks for this product. Details of Muskun home financing product are discussed in this paper in addition to the marketing strategy, market approach, product development, and all other relevant processes.Islamic Economics, KIBOR, Benchmarking, Pricing, Riba based system, Confidence


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    The basic problem regarding this product marketing strategy is that the number of interest of customers at Bank Panin Dubai Syariah is not stable and even more often experiences a decrease in the number or interest of customers every month because the target customers of each marketing bank are not the same as their customers' income. There the big question arises, namely why there can be instability in the number of customers between marketing and the length of the marketing or promotion process which is usually done monthly. To overcome the problems that occur, there must be a change or evaluation of a marketing strategy that is applied when marketing the product, which is where the researcher analyzes using the Marketing Mix strategy. This study aims to determine and test whether there is an effect of marketing strategy for multi-service financing products (hajj bailouts) onincreasing customer interest in Panin Dubai Syariah Bank KCU Bandung. The research approach used is using a quantitative approach. The population in this study are customers of Bank Panin Dubai Syariah KCU Bandung who are still actively usingmulti-service financing products (hajj bailouts) from 2019-2021. The sample in this study was 39 respondents. Data collection in this study used a questionnaire that was distributed offline or directly to customers. The analytical techniques used in thisresearch are a data quality test, descriptive statistical analysis test, classical assumption test, simple linear regression analysis test and hypothesis testing with IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 software tools. The results of the tests that have been carried out show that: first, the marketing strategy variable has a partial positive effect on increasing customer interest with a significance value of 0.003 0.05 and the count value of 3.137 is greater than the ttable value of 2.026, thus 3.137 2.026. And the second is based on the results of the simultaneous test, the variable x has a significant effect on the variable y as evidenced by the obtained with a significance level of 0.003 0.05 and with a Fcount value of 9.839 and Ftable of 4.11 which means 9.839 4.11. the last independent variableaffects the dependent variable by 21.0% and the remaining 79% is influenced by other variables not examined


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    Micro financing product of bank BRI Syariah, is one of financing product which be operated compatible of sharia principle thats intend to increase the volume of financing especially in micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs).The district of Tulungagung as one of region which became the center of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), that is the target market for the banking business to channel of financing. The prospects and chance are pretty big in the business segment of SMEs especially in Tulungagung, it is necessary a right marketing strategy in order to sell a micro financing product. It is this which became the basic the need for research about marketing strategy of micro financing product bank BRI Syariah Tulungagung in micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The destination of this research are identification of marketing strategy was done by the company and identification of internal and eksternal environment factor wich influence the company to make a development business strategy which can applied by the company. The research was done by the survey basicly in analysis descriptive methode, that is describe  the problem suitable as it is and be based the fact which is just getting underway (ex post facto).  The data analysis that used is qualitative analysis methode that reduce the problem which exist with the sentence which aims to explain the problem was happened, so eventually will be found a distinct conclusion with use SWOT analysis. The result of researh indicated that marketing strategy of micro financing produtc bank BRI Syariah Tulungagung in micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is aim to strategy factor (S-O) which have the highest score 2,01. This strategy can be accepted from SWOT analysis with use internal strength for exploit the opportunity which exis