201,916 research outputs found

    Lander Trajectory Reconstruction computer program

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    The Lander Trajectory Reconstruction (LTR) computer program is a tool for analysis of the planetary entry trajectory and atmosphere reconstruction process for a lander or probe. The program can be divided into two parts: (1) the data generator and (2) the reconstructor. The data generator provides the real environment in which the lander or probe is presumed to find itself. The reconstructor reconstructs the entry trajectory and atmosphere using sensor data generated by the data generator and a Kalman-Schmidt consider filter. A wide variety of vehicle and environmental parameters may be either solved-for or considered in the filter process

    Pseudo-noise test set for communication system evaluation

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    A test set for communications systems is described which includes a pseudo noise sequence generator providing a test signal that is fed to a pair of signal channels. The first channel includes a spectrum shaping filter and a conditioning amplifier. The second channel includes a variable delay circuit, a spectrum shaping filter matched to the first filter, and an amplifier. The output of the first channel was applied to the system under test. The output of the system and the output of the second channel are compared to determine the degree of distortion suffered by the test signal due to the communications system

    Ultra Wide Band Signal Generator

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    Disclosed is an ultra wide band signal generator. The ultra wide band signal generator generates a signal of a required frequency using a harmonic signal having a frequency range of a ultra wide band (UWB). The ultra wide band signal generator includes an active inductor for generating harmonic signals having power strengths substantially equal to each other within a non-linear operation range, the tunable active inductor capable of tuning a value thereof, an oscillator for amplifying and outputting the harmonic signals generated from the active inductor by frequency-transiting the harmonic signals into high frequency bands, and a filter for selectively outputting one of the harmonic signals output from the oscillator.Samsung Electronics Co., LtdGeorgia Tech Research Corporatio

    Programmable parametric filter with noise generator and data acquisition

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    Audio filtering systems are used in commercial applications involving equalizers. However, some of the topologies used can be modified to be used in audio signal treatment applications. Parametric filter topologies allow the user to modify independently the central frequency of the filter, the bandwidth and the gain. Using a microprocessor and programmable components will allow the user to modify the parameters of the filter and to acquire the filtered signal so it can be processed in other stages. To improve the functionality of the system, a server will be implemented to process the data sent by the user, will be sent afterwards to the microcontroller. Finally, the results obtained will be thrown back to the user.Postprint (published version

    Method of measuring the thickness of radioactive thin films

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    Thickness monitor consists of proportional X-ray counter coupled to pulse counting system, copper filter over face of counter, rotatable collimator containing radioactive source, and rotatable shutter. Monitor can be used as integral part of neutron generator. It has been used to measure titanium tritide film thicknesses from 0.1 to 30 micrometers

    Perawatan Mesin Diesel Generator Pada Kapal KN.SAR SADEWA 231

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    A generator or alternator is a copper coil or coil consisting of a stator (static coil) and a rotor (rotating coil). The main function of the generator on board is to supply the electrical power needs on board. One of the disturbances that occur in generators is often the heat of the generator (overheating) and also the absence of electric voltage on the generator. The purpose of this study is to optimize maintenance on the generator maintenance system on KN ships. SAR SADEWA 231. This research is qualitative descriptive research. This research was on the engine of the KN SAR Sadewa 231 ship belonging to the Semarang Search and Rescue (SAR) Search and Rescue Office. The results showed that the generator on the main engine of the KN Ship. SAR SADEWA 231 uses an Alternating current (AC) generator power generation system. The implementation of maintenance of the generator system on the ship is good. The generator system parts that are treated include the stater dynamo, alternator, fuel filter, air filter, cooler, nozzle, bosh pump, turbocharge, muffler, and main board switch.Generator atau alternator merupakan kumparan atau gulungan tembaga yang terdiri dari stator (kumparan statis) dan rotor (berputar kumparan). Fungsi utama generator diatas kapal adalah untuk menyuplai kebutuhan daya listrik di kapal. Salah satu gangguan yang yang terjadi pada generator adalah sering panasnya generator (overheating) dan juga tidak keluarnya tegangan listrik pada generator. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan optimasi perawatan tentang sistem perawatan generator pada kapal KN. SAR SADEWA 231. Penelitian  ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini berada di engine Kapal KN SAR Sadewa 231 milik Kantor Pencarian dan Pertolongan Search and Rescue (SAR) Semarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa generator pada mesin utama Kapal KN. SAR SADEWA 231 menggunakan sistem pembangkit listrik generator berjenis alternating current (AC). Pelaksanaan perawatan sistem generator di kapal sudah baik. Bagian sistem generator yang dirawat meliputi dinamo stater, alternator, fuel filter, filter udara, cooler, nozzle, bosh pump, turbocharge, muffler, switch main board

    Robust Fault Detection of Switched Linear Systems with State Delays

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    This correspondence deals with the problem of robust fault detection for discrete-time switched systems with state delays under an arbitrary switching signal. The fault detection filter is used as the residual generator, in which the filter parameters are dependent on the system mode. Attention is focused on designing the robust fault detection filter such that, for unknown inputs, control inputs, and model uncertainties, the estimation error between the residuals and faults is minimized. The problem of robust fault detection is converted into an H infin-filtering problem. By a switched Lyapunov functional approach, a sufficient condition for the solvability of this problem is established in terms of linear matrix inequalities. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Manajemen Perawatan Mesin Genset Gedung Plaza Mandiri Menggunakan Metode Realibility Centered Maintenance dan Maintenance Value Stream Map

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    To find out the right action for the maintenance of the generator engine components at the Plaza Mandiri Building, to reduce activities that do not add value to the maintenance process on the generator engine, and to find out and analyze the significance of the influence of the RCM (Realibility Centered Maintenance) and MVSM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) methods. The Maintenance Value Stream Map method) on the maintenance management of the Plaza Mandiri Building generator engine. The research method used is the RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) and MVSM (Maintenance Value Stream Map Method). The data used are primary data and secondary data sourced from PT. Exim Bank Building. There are activities that do not add value to the maintenance process on the generator engine. Non-value added activities that do not add value to the maintenance process on the generator engine are oil filter replacement 95 minutes, oil filter cleaning 62 minutes, fan belting replacement 89 minutes, air filter replacement 98 minutes, air filter cleaning 72 minutes, diesel filter replacement 93 Minutes, diesel filter cleaning 67 Minutes, radiator air filter replacement 85 Minutes, radiator air filter cleaning 59 Minutes, dynamo starter replacement 97 Minutes, generator battery replacement 83 Minutes, fuse replacement 83 Minutes, oil tank cleaning 107 Minutes. RCM and MVSM can solve problems in the maintenance management of the generator set at the Plaza Mandiri Building by producing a generator engine maintenance schedule which is divided into two, namely, a component check schedule and a component replacement schedule.Untuk mengetahui tindakan yang tepat pada perawatan komponen-komponen mesin genset di Gedung Plaza Mandiri, untuk mengurangi kegiatan yang tidak memberikan nilai tambah terhadap proses perawatan pada mesin genset, dan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa signifikansi pengaruh metode RCM (Realibility Centered Maintenance,) Dan MVSM (Metode Maintenance Value Stream Map) terhadap manajemen perawatan mesin genset Gedung Plaza Mandiri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode RCM (Realibility Centered Maintenance,) Dan MVSM (Metode Maintenance Value Stream Map). Data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder yang bersumber dari PT. Gedung Bank Exim. Terdapat kegiatan yang tidak memberikan nilai tambah terhadap proses perawatan pada mesin genset. Kegiatan non value added yang tidak memberikan nilai tambah terhadap proses perawatan pada mesin genset yaitu, penggantian filter oli 95 Menit, pembersihan filter oli 62 Menit, penggantian belting kipas 89 Menit, penggantian filter udara 98 Menit, pembersihan filter udara 72 Menit, penggantian filter solar 93 Menit, pembersihan filter solar 67 Menit, penggantian saringan hawa radiator 85 Menit, pembersihan saringan hawa radiator 59 Menit, penggantian dinamo starter 97 Menit, penggantian battery genset 83 Menit, penggantian skring 83 Menit, pembersihan tangki minyak 107 Menit. RCM dan MVSM dapat memecahkan masalah pada manajemen perawatan mesin genset Gedung Plaza Mandiri dengan menghasilkan penjadwalan perawatan mesin genset dimana terbagi dua yaitu, jadwal pengecekan komponen dan jadwal penggantian komponen

    Third Harmonic Filter Design in Mitigating High Current At the Generator Neutral

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    Harmonic is commonly known power quality problem which caused by non-linear load. Nevertheless, harmonic was also found at the synchronous generator instead of at the load. The effect of the triplen harmonic to the generator neutral is high current which lead to high temperature of the component at the generator neutral. Recent researches had identified the major component of the triplen harmonic is third harmonic which initiated by the synchronous generator itself. There are numerous techniques to reduce the effect of harmonic in power system network. By installing harmonic filter is one of the techniques to mitigate the harmonic current. A study about installing harmonic filter at the generator neutral had been introduced to counter this arising issue. The objectives of this study are to study the various harmonic filters used in mitigating the third harmonic current and to design harmonic filter that can reduced the third harmonic current at generator neutral and validate the modelling with experimental value